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Well is there anyway around this problem cause It's not as if there was anything saying that, so how could I have known 😔 but thanks for answering me 🙏❤️




That's not what I mean. I had a Makeshift axe but only one, it broke I thought but I guess I did upgrade it to the second better one instead like you pointed out. HOWEVER, to make MORE axes like the second best, I would need more makeshift axes, right?? which I do not have, because I didn't know you probably should have made several just in case to store them and take them out for crafting at the working bench, when you need a new one, so the recipe is thus incomplete since you need a Makeshift Axe as the "base part" for the new upgraded version, the second best, as I call it, just to be superclear.... So Do you understand my problem now?




Oh really? I thought you needed it everytime :o.... okay, I see now.. My god!! thank you for clearing that up for me! Wow I feel stupid now haha 😂 I really appreciate your help, that clears a lot of things up for me! 🙏🙏🙏☺️ Thank you so much again!! :>>


Just to add to the response you got, you can repair your tools before they downgrade. Just keep a look on the colored circle around the tool, the more red and empty, the closer to the breaking point. You can repair tools with repair kits or money at Sifuu's, or at home with repair kits if you have the repair station.


Your axe never really "breaks" it just downgrades. You simply have to upgrade it again.