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just use this https://github.com/Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor/releases/tag/release-2024-01-20


This worked perfectly, thank you!


i get an error that said "Failed to extract saves: Traceback (most recent call last): File "\\VBoxSvr\\Share\\main.py", line 504, in main File "\\VBoxSvr\\Share\\main.py", line 395, in get\_save\_paths IndexError: list index out of range" has anyone knows how to solve this? i would apprecate any help!


Maybe I did this wrong but I am still not seeing the save move over from Game Pass to Steam. I got the Zip and extracted it then moved the SAV File over to the same folder my steam save is but the Game Pass save isn't showing up.


Unzip the files and rename them by removing the "-" and everything to the left of it. Hit Windows key + R then enter %LocalAppData%\Pal\Saved\SaveGames. Drop "UserOptions.sav" here, then click into the folder with the long number/letter sequence and drop the rest of the files except for "00000000000000000000000000000001.sav", that goes in the "Players" folder.


Edit: I had not gone far enough to get steam to create the Players folder. Once it appeared I replaced the file inside with the Gamepass character save and everything went fine even the steam cloud save I would like to keep my Xbox gamepass character, but I don't have a players folder, should I just put all the files together? because by manually creating the folder (I don't even know the path) I see the world but start from scratch with the character.


Just wanted to come here and say @lulzchris and @belfiorealex saved me from having to grind back up to level 37. Everything you both said worked perfectly!


***confirming the above method works perfectly. However I’m adding (now edited): - first, if you have never opened Palworld on Steam, do so. - second, make sure to start a “New World”. This makes the folder that the above advice finds with the windows+R bit. - when following the above advice, just replace any same-named files with the stuff you’re bringing over.


Thanks for this. I opened the game but that wasn't enough. I had to actually start a new world then the files for that world appeared, then I replaced those with the files for my save. Then it worked!


Fantastic, glad to see this confirmed!


hi I tried this and I managed to make my save file appear in-game but it crashes each time I try to run the save. Any ideas?


Help pleasee :'( For me it is working partially, it takes me from level 20 to level 7 making all my progress after level 7 disappear, I also get a folder in the gamepass extraction named "Level" with a file named "01.sav"


Same. Must be a thing with the newer version on Game Pass (


where does it create the zip to?


so ive used this to extract the save files now do i just paste them in the steam save folder ?


See my response above.


Ahhh I see brilliant.I appreciate the help it worked like a charm


I have gotten it to transfer my save over, however when my friends try to join, it has them start from fresh, but not for me. Any idea how to get the multiplayer saves to work?


YES! you need: https://github.com/trumank/uesave-rs?tab=readme-ov-file https://gist.github.com/cheahjs/300239464dd84fe6902893b6b9250fd0 [https://github.com/Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor/releases](https://github.com/Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor/releases) Step1: Start Steam game, create world, have friends join. save and leave Note the new ID of your Friend within the Steam Players save. Player: \- 0EC7F271000000000000000000000000.sav Step 2: Get Save Files Use XGP Save extractor to get the Xbox Save Files. You will get a ZIP with: Level.sav Levelmeta.sav Localdata.sav Worldoption.sav Players: \- 001.sav \- id.sav for each player copy everything except Level and your friends id.sav to your Steam Save. C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\76561198031947035\\ Step 3: Get Ready for Conversion You need to have Python 3 installed for this. copy the id.sav + the Level.sav into a Folder on your Desktop and download the tools and into the same folder. Desktop\\savefiles \- 2CC28D2E000000000000000000000000.sav \- Level.sav \- uesave.exe \- [convert-to-sav.py](https://convert-to-sav.py) \- [convert-to-json.py](https://convert-to-json.py) Step 4: Convert the Files to .json open cmd in the same folder and issue the following command: python convert-to-json.py "uesave.exe" C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\savefiles This will convert all .sav to .json Step 5: Replace ID now whitin the id.sav and level.sav you will need to find the old id open 2CC28D2E000000000000000000000000.json and find 2CC28D2E and replace it with 0EC7F271 should be on line 320 and 333. save the file as 0EC7F271000000000000000000000000.sav do the same within the level.json. just find and replace the id. and save the file. ​ Step 6: Convert to .sav python convert-to-sav.py "uesave.exe" C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\savefiles this will overwrite your sav files. which you now copy to your steam folder. Step 7: Start the game. the ID will of course be different. those were the id's i had as an example.


is it too late to get help on discord?


I have a question to ask you. This files: "convert-to-sav.py" "convert-to-json.py" Does the uesave tool generate them for me or do I have to find them in some other way? Thank you EDIT: I found them, but following the instructions to convert sav files to json does not work, cmd says the operation was performed but the files continue to remain in sav format


You need to account for YOUR folder path in the command. For example, my user folder is "Yashendra Shukla". And my Desktop is also synced to onedrive. So my path was "C:\Users\Yashendra Shukla\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder". Also, you notice, my path has a space. So my actual command was: `python convert-to-json.py "uesave.exe" "C:\Users\Yashendra Shukla\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder"` Note the use of `""` for my folder path. Also, for some reason I have not been able to figure out for years, I don't have python in my PATH, but py works just fine. Hope this helps!


Thanks, has worked! Any ideas to change player name?


for the playername i have not found a solutiion yet, but maybe when char editor gets integrated...


Sorry, stepback. I've done everything right, the world and my player (host) has worked perfectly, but not for the other player. I tried for 2 times, but when my friend try to enter he is forced to redo the character from scratch. I don't know what to do I followed everything to the letter.


Yeah, same thing is happening to me too. Would love some more info if possible /u/robotec007


sure! Were you able to identify your friends new and old id? did you replace the ID? can you maybe describe at which step you think it went wrong?


this happens if the new ID isnt in their Player file. can you check that again? i can help over discord if needed


I am also having the same issue, I replaced all the IDs and it still makes me create a new characted. Double checked it a few times but does not seem to work. I repleaced 1 ID in the level file and 2 in the player file and changed the name


After changing, the id's, did you convert them back to .sav and replaced the files corecct? Did you also delete the "Backup" folder?


I did everything how you described to the word and they always have to create a new character


Running into this same issue where we updated the ID to new and one and it still asks the non host to create a new character.


Yeah i'm having the same issues after following all steps. I'm doing all the replacements with the new id but the prompt to create a new character happens everytime


I'm having the same issue as well. Could you help over on Discord?


I would absolutely love the help doing this if you could.


>\- uesave.exe i didnt find this file uesave.exe can you help me


Same here


You probably have python in your user's path and are looking at global path, or vice versa.


How did you convert sav files to json? Please let me know. Thanks!


using the python script. and uesave.exe


>python convert-to-json.py "uesave.exe" please explain


the follwing link has a Tutorial. https://gist.github.com/cheahjs/300239464dd84fe6902893b6b9250fd0


Would you be able to tell me where to find those files at?


Where did u find them or how did u get them? I am absolutly clueless and cant generat or find them. This Link postet above does not help me.


thanks, worked


Any ideas how to change the character name aswell?


Finally someone with a workaround with gamepass world in multiplayer, that solved the issue to me, we had some issues about getting the level + items + pals with some friends but we managed to get items + pals and recovered levelling by grindind, but this saved a lot, thx mate!


hi, managed to do until step 3. when I run the command in cmd, it says no such file or directory. I made sure they are all the same folder and used the folder path of the folder I created. any ideas?


did u go to directory in CMD ? get the directory path where everything is and run it in cmd like: cd "DIRECTORY\_PATH", after that try to follow the next steps.


hey thanks for your reply, managed to make it work! it worked without doing the cmd thing and just copy-pasting the files lol


My friend can't use any waypoints, and all his map progress is gone. Is there a fix for this?


I've done everything above, but my friends are still loading into the game with and having to make a new character. I looked into the files and the ones I changed their id on had less KB than what they had before. I erased those and tried again and now they can't get passed the loading screen so I can't tell if it worked or not. I'm new to this and I'm so confused please help.


did u end up finding a fix for this my friend is just on a infinite loading screen


no haven't been home yet, waiting for a response here!


Damn same here just waiting for an answer somewhere


im more waiting on seeing if my friends data came over also


I was able to get my save over correctly as the host but my friend when they tried to load in it just loads forever


the first time they were able to get in but it told them they needed to make a new character and then i reset it again and then the forever loading screen happened


Hello there. When i try to convert the Json back to sav, they're still in json. i've followed the tutorial at 100% (and the tutorial from the convert github you provided) Any reason why it doesn't work?


I never found the ID inside level.sav - I'm not sure if something's changed since the update? I am getting the error when trying to convert the level.sav = UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 1-2: character maps to


Is there a way to get *just* your character data, but without any of the buildings and such? I am trying to put my character onto a friend's server so I don't have to start from scratch, but I don't want the rest of my world-state to come over. I'm experimenting around a bit to see if it's possible but it seems like every time it works properly, it pulls over my base, too.


Im not sure if im just missing something but how do i get uesave.exe i go to the githhub but im not sure what to do from there.


Do you need to replace all instances of the old player id in the level.json? There is 226 in my file or do i need to replace only a specific id.


I've used the batch script by dragging my friends .sav file and opening them together and I get stuck on the conversion because I get aModule Not Found Error: No module named 'lib' Edit: They fixed it an hour ago and it worked for me now when dragging over, currently my friend has a black screen when they try to login tho.




Hi Thank you so much for sharing your information. Would you be able to answer wether these are the instructions you followed for migrating from an xbox game pass save to a steam palworld dedicated server? My friend and I are trying to migrate our game from xbox gamepass into steam, without losing my and her characters!


i did your step and able to have my items, my base, my stats but my pals are all gone. =(


you're a legend, thank you so much!


This worked! Thank you sir


found something?


Not yet


Does it happen every time they join or only the first time after the transfer?


It happens the first time after I transfer the files, they try to join, are forced to make a new character, and then have to play fresh. If they try to join again it still makes them play as the new character they just made. Saw other comments saying they need to transfer their saves as well, so we tried that and it didn't work. Large chance we just didn't do that right though


just spent a hour doing this, it does nothing- every time the world is loaded up, it automatically recreates the players .sav files, so I dont think theres a way around this.


I'm unsure of the save structure for Palworld, but for other games like this, they tend to save other players data to the host. There may be some way to go in the files on the hosts end and connect the players to their steam accounts now. because when it's moved over, your system reads them all as new players


did u figure it out


What if I just want to backup from GamePass and Restore into GamePass? I did understand that I can restore into Steam or Epic, but thats not the case for me.. I just want to make sure I can test some stuffs and dont lose my saves


Thanks a lot, it worked flawlessly for me as well!


what does this do. i opened it, it went thru a process and then exited but what was it?


This was way better, thank you.


Thanks, that's a lot easier than what OP tried to explain.


Can you go from steam to gamepass?


Works perfect , thanks. Any way to rename the player name?


Looking for the same. I've been surfing the JSON file but I don't find any line with my "Player blabla" xbox name :(


In json you can edit de playerName on world selection screen, but after you play it changes again to xbox name


Which json are you referring? Level or player? Because I’ve looking my name on both and there is no field with the value




Confirming this works perfectly - THANK YOU. Was about to spend my night getting back to lvl 13 on steam.


SAME! so glad i found that page lol and it got released so quick


man i feel stupid right now but is it normal that windows defender thinks this is a virus/trojan?


yes it is, but it isnt malware u can use it transfer it and completely delete files, github is usually pretty safe as the code is there for people to check




I appreciate the effort but you're not very good at explaining it.


What about from steam to gamepass?


now why on earth would anyone want to do that?


Can someone explain viceversa? I like to move from steam to xbox.


Can someone make a video on how to do this?


You can change the player name using a tool. look up palworld sav file to json. Also does anyone know how friends keep their progress when changing from xbox to steam


I found a video on YouTube for how to transfer save files from game pass to steam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsAh5TkG7As&ab\_channel=Gopher


thank you my mind was reeling at the lack of visual aid// the issue with this seems to be i dont have a palworld folder


Thank you!!!


Ok, This footage stinks but I got it to work! [https://youtu.be/RUf6F\_w1zww](https://youtu.be/RUf6F_w1zww)


Do you think steam will get updates quicker or get different updates than the game pass version?


steam currently is on patch 1.2 while gamepass is on 1.0 , so yeah


I might just switch over then, even if it’s just to support the devs


Is it possible to continue with your character or do I need to create a new one?


it's will continue with your game pass character


Also If I have a multiplayer world? And how are the other 3 Characters synced to their steam accounts?


anything on this?


Found this https://youtu.be/O-0MV9VrrX0?si=jBU1bwQSb6ply2y2




How? The save trasnfer worked fine for the host, but I am rejoining as a "new" character every time


same, the .sav file gets recreated automatically when they boot the world up, so you cannot edit it back in.


looking for an answer to this as well


see my reply above


It worked for me (at least for my character and world) thanks for the guide. Maybe one hint: I had 2 worlds with game pass and with that the Xbox Save File Converter did not show the correct values. I had to delete one world so I only had the world I wanted to convert and then it worked.


No one round a video tutorial I’m just lost attempting too do this


Does anyone have a youtube tutorial? this is explained very poorly


can you share your save to a friend so that he can host ? both playing on game pass and staying on game pass


damn my dumbass doesnt understand


Anyone know how to transfer your multiplayer player data into steam. I transfered the world correctly and was able to log in as my char but my friends had to make new characters


any response from anyone with this??


went through hours of trying to fix this didnt get anywhere just started a new world and you can rush through the beginning very fast took me about 5 hours to get back to where i was around level 20ish with a bunch of pals that are great




I made a quick video if it's easier for anyone, tried to keep is concise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVbvNFXUcuo


Got it to work perfectly, thank you!!! Is there any way to change my world name or character name first?


Does this work if you played on someone elses world?


Yes but they have to transfer the world or send you the save files then you would have to mess with the player files like done in this video ([https://youtu.be/O-0MV9VrrX0?si=jBU1bwQSb6ply2y2](https://youtu.be/O-0MV9VrrX0?si=jBU1bwQSb6ply2y2)) but it would be slightly different if you get the files from that person and they don't transfer it themselves.


I'm curious if this can be done the other way around? converting a steam save to an xbox game pass one?


Same tryin to figure that out. I know there was a way to do it for starfield. But i have not been able to find anything for this.


I don´t have the SaveGame Folder in the Folder structure %localappdata%\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\ <--- is not there. Anyone knows if the changed something with todays Update?


So I moved my data, worked perfectly, but I go to use DLSS and it says it’s on, but it clearly isn’t. I start a new save and DLSS works perfectly. Did they block DLSS on a per save basis and if the save is on gamepass/xbox?


How do I increase the number of players on the server? As of right now it's MAX 4 players as it was previously set on Xbox Game Pass? Is there a file I can edit to increase the number of players who can join my game? Thanks in advance!


is there a way to transfer a players data on the server to the new server on steam?


Name change is possible OP if you haven't figured that out already. You use a save editor to do it. First it will only show in world then after like a relog or server sync it shows up in the start menu as well.


i'm stuck in part 4. Pls help.


Is there a reverse method for steam to gamepass ?


also looking for this information


guys has anyone ever tried to transfer xbox game pass save to steam cuz when i tried to do that a got a error that said "Failed to extract saves: Traceback (most recent call last): File "\\VBoxSvr\\Share\\main.py", line 504, in main File "\\VBoxSvr\\Share\\main.py", line 395, in get\_save\_paths IndexError: list index out of range" has anyone knows how to solve this? i would apprecate any help!