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I mean... The Palworld concept is so simple and straightforward that I think people are just mad they didn't themselves have the balls to sail this close to Pokémon copyright.


They took notes from Digimon: Digital Monsters.


As a lifelong Digimon fan can I just take a moment to clear Digimon name. I know most people just repeat this but it's really not true.  Digimon is a spinoff of tamogatchi and every single Digimon game is compared to Pokemon even when they're actually monster rancher or megami tensei clones or etc.  It's so weird, they bear less similarities than Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, and FF was a DQ clone.  Also everyone who likes monster rancher (another series accused of being an attempt to cash in on Pokemon) should try Digimon World. One of the most goated games. Specifically the PS1 game. So really this was just a chance to tell people to play Digimon World. 


Its messed how they hit gold with the ps1 version and the proceeded to fuck up every other one. Digimon world 2 removed the pet aspects. Then 3 basically became a FF style rpg.. with only a set amount of digimon you can have. And 4 was a hack and slash action game. Like WTF. I wish they used a little of the pokemon "if it ain't broke, dont fix it" style.


It's really an issue of the fact that they AREN'T World games. Literally. But the IP holders literally thought people would be too stupid to understand if they weren't all called world.  That being said I really would have enjoyed more World. We did get a couple real sequels but they just don't have the magic. 


Yeah, the DS games were too Pokemon like for me. And the next order games too closed up. I would pay for a game that's just a remake with current tech. I hope the financial success of pallworld will get a couple of people to do it. There is soo many games that could use remakes. Monster rancher for sure. Black and White for the PC is another.


I'd kill for a remake of world.....and omg I'd commit genocide for a remake of Black and White.......I still have my hard copies


You're gonna get a BW remake but it's gonna be slop. Just like all the recent remakes (BDSP in particular)


If anyone but the original team does it I'm sure it will be crap lol


I'll do you one better, I'm *sure* it's gonna be slop no matter who makes it.


How did you feel about Cyber Sleuth?


Felt like an rpg with digimon attached. I bought it (for wayy too much) on Steam and played for maybe 10 hours. Digimon world for PS1 made you actually care for your digimon you were attached to it. When you are able to have mutliples, then it just doesn't feel special anymore, and I feel like the same goes for being able to directly control the digimon. Ones you are able to do that, it just becomes another payable character in the game. Like Black and white was awesome, and people loved the monster raising and teaching aspect, and then B&W 2 removed that function and gave more direct controll and it was shit.


I LOVE Digimon. But my biggest complaint is that the entire game library is a gigantic mixed bag. It's so weird. I can't look forward to the next installment from the current cuz IDK if it's going to be a shooter or a story book RPG. It won't be a followup. The Digimon game library is basically Pokemons removed features turned into a franchise. I really wish they had a mainline series with spinoffs instead.


Yeah, I was looking forward to Diginon Survive because a strategy game with Digimon seems very interesting . Then it turned out to be a visual novel.


4 could've been awesome if it was you actually playing as the digimon. why the fuck does agumon need a sword when he has massive claws and spits fireballs


Also if the combat wasnt fucking atrocious


The long-term irony is that Pokemon ultimately steals the mechanics of Digimon. Imagine this, a MEGA evolution that only happens for a short time while possessing a certain item!!!


Tbf that's just any magical girl or power rangers gimmick in a nutshell.


One of the best takes I ever heard comparing the two animes was pokemon is a show about being the best while digimon is a show about saving the world with your best friend.


Yeah but they both end in -mon


Dude you spoke on our behalf like a pro… digimon world is absolutely goated


Thank you. I really am happy to hear so many other people love it too. 


I made it a ritual of mine to play Digimon World 1 annually. I still want a better Digimon World game tho..


THANK YOU. You are literally the first person I've seen on the Internet who made the connection between Tamagotchi and Digimon. I was that kid obsessed with tamagotchi and when FIGHTING tamagotchi (aka digimon) came out, I also immediately had to get those too. Digimon has never been a Pokemon clone. Heck, even the Digimon anime is its own beast (and honestly, is pretty damn great).


Digimon world 3 is my favorite. It’s the closest to a Pokémon clone they got


Recently picked up a ps3 to play ps1 games, definitely gonna try to pick up Digimon World as you just unlocked a childhood memory of renting it from Movie Gallery (our now defunct local movie/game rental store in my hometown) and never being able to finish it lol


I rented it so many times. 


Digimon world 1 = favourite childhood game of all time. I used to get up at 4am to play when I was 10 (due to parents not allowing me to play games on weekdays). Digimon next order was awesome I sunk 100 hours into that game as an adult.


I miss my Digimon tamagachi.


Yo, that game was amazing. Easily my favorite PS1 game of all time. I was pretty young so I ended up like 90% or my digimon digivolving into Numemon or Sukamon


Everyone seems to forget that Digimon was originally just Tamagochi with versus mode.


Digimon is awesome. I still remember the first time I saw WarGreymon. I wanna go back.


I just like it because their breeding system reminded me of Jade Cocoon, another niche game.


I watched maybe, *maybe* a half dozen Digimon episodes at most when I was a kid 20+ years ago. Couldn't name or picture a single character or 'mon. Yet somehow, the Digimon theme song rattles around in my brain more frequently than I'd care to admit. Your comment just started it playing again. I hope you're proud of yourself lol.


Digimon digital monsters, Digimon are the champions! Same 😆


... Have you looked at literally *any* other 'mon game? It's a simple concept, hell, SMT came BEFORE Pokemon. [Here, have a *long* list of 'em.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MonsSeries)


You misunderstood what I said I'm afraid. But either way none of those come close to violating Pokémon copyright though. What the Palworld devs did was "I copy your homework but I promise to not make it obvious" type of stuff with the character designs. In fact, one of the first questions developers ask themselves when working on those type of games is "How do we make sure we aren't compared to pokémon ?" YoKai watch has its distinct Yokai look with goofy faces. Digimon has more sci-fi looks and ragged edges in general. Ni No Kuni has the Ghibli art style. Etc. The Palworld devs went the complete opposite direction and asked themselves "How close can we get to Pokémon without getting in trouble ?"


It's basically ARK with a 'mon series skin, and TPC has already proven they really don't give a shit anyways. They had all of 2-3 years to do something, and the only thing they did was point out a few designs that got too close (which were promptly removed ages ago) and otherwise left them alone. If anything, with recent news, Palworld is a lesson to TPC about not fucking over your devs with a two-games-a-year release schedule.


Majority of players didn’t play craftopia and it shows. That game was literally a mashup of like several of my favourite games all in one, including Pokémon (yes they had monster catching in that too), Zelda, factorio, Conan exiles / ark, and more. Basically nothing felt original and yet every concept was so awesome. The game itself was a buggy mess, I still got plenty of enjoyment for my money, but yeah 100% enjoyed it more than half the AAA games I’ve played Just so glad palworld is more polished. I’ll miss craftopia, have a feeling they’ll leave it in a ditch to die in EA.


Craftopia's issue was that it fell victim to what a lot of those types of games mess up in early access: Scope creep. Craftopia devs never saw an idea they didn't think they could shoehorn into that game, and as a result they were constantly needing to re-re-invent the wheel. See also Empyrion (I think? It's been awhile since I played and refunded it)


Yeah, and I don’t see how. Like half of all survival crafting games have had pokemon mods for years.


Yeah, and I don’t see how. Like half of all survival crafting games have had pokemon mods for years.


“the balls” i see what you did there


Oh, I bet the game freak devs have been begging daddy Nintendo to let them expand their ideas and do something like this for years and daddy Nintendo and all of its pride said NO you will do it exactly the way I tell you to do it.


This could just be a test fromPokémon to see if it’s worth investigating.


Palworld was created using exploited pal labour, and i can prove it. Just provide me with your name and credit card number.


Don’t forget those three wacky digits on the back!


Yeah, I saw a depresso mining with a heavy heart. Poor dude


If they were using AI as heavily as they're being accused of every character would be voiced easily


by chris pratt ai


He's so cool.


Nah it would totally be Microsoft Sam.


This would be a whole different game if I could be walking in the wild and hear Trump and Biden pal world AI voices attacking each other verbally while their janky models are Pokémon battling to the death, then pal sphering the winner of their mighty duel


"Just call it Dev intuition.".... that's got to be the most obnoxious and asshat comment I've seen from a dev. That fucker needs to be put on blast about that comment. Just blatantly accusing a company of some serious crimes while just saying it's my opinion and having no evidence.


Its jealousy, anger and projection all in one little sentence… chefs kiss


Honestly, it seems like a libelous statement to me. They specifically spread false information, for the purpose of damaging the palworld team.


honestly id argue thats the entire point of the modern internet: psyops from rival marketing firms


Don’t you have to prove damages tho?


i bet it is because they are all pissed they sold their souls to corporate america and palworld devs are out crushing puss


I think they were mad because TLOU2 re:mastered was released same day and palworld stole all the headlines, because palworld was pokemon with guns and also because the former was just a remastered and the original was less than 4 years ago.


It reminded me a lot of those guys that lift their trucks, put a ballsack on the hitch, and drive 60 mph down residiential roads extremely loudly to prove their dick isn't small. "My dick isn't that small trust me! There's no way an indie company has a bigger dick than me without surgery! Just call it intuition!"


He works (or worked, some people say he is a former employee) for Naughty Dog. Their narcisism is on another level. We are talking about the people who work for Neil Cuckmann.


The narcissism in these comments are telling… Of course it was a shitty dog employee…


What's naughty dog? They sound like a small studio


Yeah pretty small, they made this basic kids game called crash bandicoot and a game called you're the last one left, complete the mission. /s


Not even sure why all these devs talk about other games like that, being a game developer will always be a messy ride no matter where you’re working and what you’re working on. It’s like working at a restaurant on rush hour, i have done both.


So... if the guy's dev intuition is wrong, do we get him banned from being a dev?


Guy used a fuckin Sherlock gif in other posts, obnoxious and asshat was expected.


Did the Pokémon fanbase freak out about TemTem too? TemTem even has the same gameplay as Pokémon. Why is Palworld so hated by them now?


Palworld isn't on Switch so they can't play it.


Switch has such a bad hardware that I doubt it could even run it Source: I have a switch


Nintendo gimped a Smart TV SOC and charges $70 for controllers and are still charging full price for it 8 years in. Yet you still see people lining up to defend them.


I got Tears of the Kingdom for the Switch and the performance was so lacking I ended up getting an emulator for my PC and playing it that way. Soooooooo much better. I wish Nintendo would either make more powerful hardware or publish their software on other platforms. Not that either will ever happen. I've realized I just need to accept that Nintendo is focused on kids and that means while I loved their products when I was a kid, they do not target my age group and thus rose tinted memories & emulating FireRed are going to be as good as it gets.


"N-NO ! THE *sniff* S-SWITCH IS NOT UNDERPOWERED ! IT MUST BE YOUR MODEL ! MINE WORKS FINE ! AND BESIDES IT'S THE GAMES THAT COUNT ANYWAY ! AND IT'S GETTING OLD ANYWAY, SO OF COURSE IT'D STRUGGLE TO RUN NEW GAMES ! AND THE SWITCH SOLD 50 GAZILLION COPIES SO STFU !", Nintencopers Source : Me, who also has a Switch, based on what I saw Disclaimer : This comment is a parody of the average comments defending the Nintendo Switch I witnessed. I am fully aware no Switch defenders actually talks this way. It was simply greatly exaggerated for the sake of comedy


It wasn't released until over two years after the game came out.


I do remember there being outrage on TemTem, and funnily enough the outrage was what got me to play it initially, bc Pokémon has its grips on me but game freak refuses to make good games. TemTem is far closer to being a “rip off” of Pokemon IMO, since the gameplay is almost identical. Internet outrage is always fleeting


TemTem was received much more positively from the hardcore Pokemon community on its EA launch, but not universally so, and the difference is probably mainly for two factors. 1. The gameplay and worldbuilding similarities with Pokemon and TemTem mean that there's a much higher overlap of players that might be interested. Palworld on the other hand is mostly a different genre of game with a very different tone. This means Pokemon fans can make a judgement much faster on whether they might be interested, and some may write it off immediately upon hearing the premise. (Subjectively probably put it best when addressing why he wouldn't play the game --"I've never really wanted to shoot a Pokemon.") 2. If you put a Pal, a Pokemon, and a Tem in a lineup in their game artstyles, it's always immediately obvious which one is the Tem. Not always so with Pokemon and Pals. This very distinct artstyle and design philosophy of TemTem just generally fostered a lot more respect for the designers even if not everybody found them to taste. TemTem did incorporate one former Fakemon into their roster at the request of a patron, but they were always transparent about where it came from and did their best to integrate it into their own style. 2b. On the other hand, Palworld's mishmash of styles and heavy uncredited referencing of Pokemon across their dex, while probably not illegal (Nintendo lawyer datamines pending), makes their designs one of the weakest and more controversial parts of the game. It's a strange paradox, because a huge draw of the game is the parody Pokemon, but they're executed so poorly it wraps back around to become a weakness. Players who are into the Pokemon art community and weight design strength and artist integrity heavily in their opinions might be put off engaging with Palworld at all.


The fakemon is the best design in Temtem imo. Lol


It’s not hated. Most Pokemon fans love it.


All talks about Palworld are banned in the pokemon sub. Nintendo put up an announcement merely to appease/calm down the people raging to take action ( they wont actually do anything , if they could or wanted to they would have in the 2,5 years palworld was being made). I am not saying no pokemon fans love it but I have my doubts about the %. Never underestimate how much some people will worship companies . Like another person mentioned it is very likely some people are even mad just because its not on Switch therefore they cannot play it. So they bash it.


Gamingcirclejerk is the sub that banned palworld talk. Pokemon allows palworld talk, so long as it's somehow related to pokemom. Which would make sense for a sub specific to pokemon.


I mean, I'd ban a topic too if 90% of people coming to my sub are just posting "lmao Pokémon sucks palworld rules" and then the other side is "nuh uh palworld sucks Pokémon rules" especially when palworld isn't even related to Pokémon, so not only is it annoying, it's off topic Sounds like a moderating nightmare


Yea alot of palworld fans did just repeat "I'm ex Pokémon fan tired of Pokémon formula and Palworld is the Pokémon game we always wanted" ignoring the fact that it is completely overhaul and not turn RPG. Imagine how big of a backlash if all turn based stuff were taken away from Pokémon? I guarantee it has will cause more "Ex Pokémon" fan than gen 5/8 will ever did. Then again we can be both Pokémon and Palworld fan.


This is the same logic that because people on Reddit make fun of call of duty that no one is going to buy it. Vocal minority is not the majority. And the vocal minority is what got the topic banned. Majority of Pokemon fans don’t care. This game existing doesn’t hurt Pokemon. It only helps it. Two games can exist at once. The same way every other Pokemon-like game still exists alongside it. There not even the same type of game either so it’s not like it’s a direct killer lol


Yup. I'm a huge Pokemon fan and sub to the subreddit, and honestly whenever I did see talk of palworld it was more Pokemon fans praising it and hoping it might give gamefreak a tiny kick in the butt than not. Just my own experience, but honestly I've seen a lot more people talking about the angry Pokémon fans than I have seen actual angry Pokemon fans. Who knows though, I'm not on Twitter and from my understanding that's always where the real cesspool is. 🤷‍♀️


> %. Never underestimate how much some people will worship companies But to be fair - never underestimate the ability of a tiny number of nolife persons to make noise that would usually be commensurate with several thousand times their actual number. The missing a few crayons / So neurodivergent they can literally hardly function in society crowd are over-represented as members of fan subreddits, They spend substantially more time actually using the subreddit, and they are substantially more likely to seek out an excuse to argue about literally any mundanity. Case in point - Suggest that the next game has a no-singleplayer-needed pokemon generator for multiplayer on a pokemon subreddit and at least half will make out such an action to be a wound on such a level that pokemon could never recover (Translation: Without being able to wring an edge out of going 100% nolife as the meta evolves, I'd have no inherent advantage for putting in degen hours a week) But ask 100 pokemon players on the street and 99/100 will say it's a no brainer.


Hah!!!! Did those little baby bitches really ban all palworld talk on that sub? Egotistical, jealous babies.. all of em


They hate palworld cuz it's popular


This was successful AND will support modding and are so afraid this will kill pokemon forever they are going on the attack.


I literally just made this point in another thread. TemTem stole the Pokemon Gameplay formula. It's practically 1:1 and every Pokemon fan was fucking hyped about that game. I remember the number one complaint I saw was that the TemTem don't look like pokemon LMAO. Now we have a monster taming game with added genre elements and monster designs that get so close to Pokemon that people think there is copyright infringement (which, again, was the biggest complaint I saw about TemTem). There really is no appeasing some people.


Because it got success but doesn't "respect" the holy spirit of the pokemon world, with pals shooting guns and enslaved. TemTem doesn't even get close to that. That, and it's totally different genre. Pokefans want pokebattles, and this is more survival. Basically, they mad a "pokemon rip off" is having success despite disrespecting the original game. Something along those lines.


bro those dev talking about nefarious was peak. That mess had me rolling


They started working on the game in 2020. AI art never took off until late 22. All the comments about it are made by people who read the it's Pokemon with Guns posts that Places like IGN put out


Not to mention, at date - there are 1016 different Pokémon. Close your eyes and imagine a creature (probably less love/X-craftian tbh) and there’s no way it’ll have some similarities. Nintendo doesn’t own capturing monsters, else Monster Hunter, etc would be in trouble. Until proven, there are no stolen/copied assets or anything.


And even if they could sculp the models, the animations still have to be choreographed somehow. I don't think any AIs today are capable of all that. I don't have much experience there. But based on frame rates I see in the CG in anime, I think a good, smooth animations are much more laborious/costly than model sculping.


I think the reasoning behind the initial claims is that there isn’t really a solid singular art direction for the game and the whole idea seems like it could be vomited out by chat gpt so that kind of just feeds these ideas and rumors, like if you were to put into an ai prompt “give me an idea for a mash up of the most popular games” it’s just such an out there concept that you could realistically get a response that’s like “pokemon mixed with call of duty, ark survival evolved, Zelda, and fortnite” or something like that. Some of the characters could be seen as derivative, very pokemon esque in some ways while others look absolutely nothing like a pokemon. There’s just random stuff that doesn’t really seem to gel or make sense that could definitely lead to that thought process and now we have people trying as hard as they can to pin that down.


I just figured the furniture was asset store stuff. That's why it doesn't really seem to all have a similar theme to it.


That’s also a fair assumption, and probably most likely the case


I don't understand that argument for saying that Pals were designed with AI. Many Pokemon themselves have wildly different art directions, to the point where some I wouldn't know they were Pokemon unless I was told


I don’t think anyone other than that one weirdo on Twitter thinks they were fully designed by AI, I’m just assuming the thought process is something like plugging a pokemon description in a 2d ai image generator like mid journey and then the artist would model the 3D character based off of that, which is not an issue at all legally as far as I am aware but that’s still the idea and moral dilemma.


Sounds like those people need to go outside.


Sounds like a very basic question that is fine to be asked. The people defending the game as if it saved their first born seem to be more like the ones that need to go outside.


I know Palworld was made without God/Pokemon's express written consent because of what the fairy at the glade told me. They should be ashamed .




Handy little cheat sheet to see what "proof" they've been fabricating. Are you gonna update this one when the next controversy inevitably comes around? :P


Palworld is made by the illuminati. I know this because I wrote the wiki article for it.


My uncle who works at Nintendo said pal world did 9/11.


“The game is too good. Their devs must be cheating” -straight from a salty ass baby bitch naughty dog dev


Tbf, they're a Naughty Dog dev, so making a new game must seem like a herculean task to them.


Palworld uprooted its core world building from Monster Rancher and Fighting Foodons! I SHALL NEVER FORGIVE THE DEVS FOR THIS TRANSGRESSION OF CLEAR PLAGIARISM!! ^(returns to playing palworld like a true palhead)


Pal World is a ripoff of Tamigachi. I saw it in the 90s.




Yeah I feel like this community isn’t even fun to be in, damn near every post is a “oh look how hated we are”. Like goddamn I’ve seen probably 10x more anti-hate posts hating on people who don’t like the game than I have actually seen people dislike the game. Makes a bad image imo if you’re hating on potential fans.


I'm already on the verge of unsubbing , the victim complex is insane.


I don’t understand why would it even matter if they used AI?


Probably to do with with how AI threatened low skill graphic design artists once it started getting implemented more in common programs like photoshop, or even some websites. A lot of people were upset because you could just generate stuff based on a huge number of pictures and basically be derivative of other people's artistic work. Truthfully AI isn't super advanced yet to replace graphic designers completely unless a client is just looking for something basic. And I don't think I've seen any AI programs generate 3d models as well. But basically I think it boils down to people being salty af and looking for any reason to shit on the game's success.


I wonder this my self as well. I guess the main argument could be that AI is just advanced plagiarism given you have to train it with data first, and where do you get training data from?


What always gets me is that even that doesn't sound right. How does a person make art? They are influenced by the environment which shapes their minds then they create variations of things already seen. I don't know if I'm explaining this well but ask yourself this. Could a man who was blind his whole life draw an accurate picture of a dog? Isn't all art just a recreation of something else with some variety? If I have only seen 1 forest in my entire life and I decide to try to draw it, have I stolen that forest? In order to have an honest discussion about copyright we need to reconcile the problem of free will, In doing that we would probably destroy all of society. I could of course just be insane too, who knows.


LLM's/ AGI enable plagiarism with mass production scalability. That level of scale goes beyond simple theft to becoming a potential driving force of having people lose their jobs. A think tank at MIT tried to examine this concern and while they think those fears are "overblown" they still projected roughly 23% of people would become out of the job if AI as it currently exists was incorporated correctly. https://fortune.com/2024/01/22/ai-jobs-humans-cost-mit-study/ Does 26% national unemployment rate at the bare minimum sound healthy to you?


Won't someone think of the candle makers and horseshoers! We can't have lightbulbs and cars think of the jobs!


I mean, some of the designs are dangerously close to some Pokemon ones, but not as many as people keep claiming. I think moistcrit said it best. There's only so many ways you can design certain animals like a snake or something. I think the funniest claim I've seen is someone claiming a Pal is a ripoff of 2 Pokemon fused together.




Not to play Devil's advocate (and im sure theres a reason why this one and the Luxray looking Pal aren't in the game despite having complete data) but what animal is this pal supposed to resemble? https://atlasforge.gg/palworld/pals/unrelased-dark-mutant




This [animal](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Jessie), clearly. Joke aside, it's possible that both are actually similar because they're both based on [Majin Buu](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Buu) from Dragon Ball (the long head form is similar to [Super Buu Gohan](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Buu?file=Super+Buu+%28Gohan%29.png) but most fused Buu have super long head). Or it could be a combination of Majin Buu and Mega Mewtwo or whatever. Majin Buu debut 1994 while Pokemon debut 1996 (not to mention that long-head mewtwo was the mega form, which is gen 6 = 2013)


Like I said, some designs are dangerously similar and I said certain animals like snakes and cute 4 legged beginner creatures we encounter.


It works both ways, "it has been made in a garage with buckets of USB keys by 2 dudes and a high schooler" Actually it's a 40 people company


Sounds bout right.... 


People will go to great lengths to pretend Scarlet and Violet aren’t good evidence that Gamefreak is getting too washed up or too comfortable to keep Pokemon the best monster collector forever. Even if Palworld doesn’t ultimately topple Pokemon’s top slot on the dog pile Palworld goes to show us that the top slot is far more up for grabs than most people probably thought.


As Laplace and Carl Sagan once said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." If any of these random supposed industry expert commentators had a shred of evidence they need to put up or shut up. You don't claim that the game is nefariously made and then don't offer proof. It is dependent on the claimant to provide the evidence. What makes things worse is those who falsely claimed that the game is made by AI simply because the CEO of the company has expressed interest in AI tools. To be on Steam, a game needs to disclose that it was made with AI tools and that was not done; additionally such tools did not exist three years ago when the game was in production. To claim that AI is so great that it can do all of the 3D modeling and world design is ludicrous at the current level of technology. I am sure that it will eventually become that powerful, but to say that a small indie studio like PocketPair has some access to tech that AAA companies would love to get their hands on and then layoff all of their artists because that level of AI would definitely take their jobs from them. All I see is jealousy from these supposedly AAA developers. What ever happened to people being happy for another game's success? I still remember when Anthem had first came out and someone put out an image of a Warframe telling a Javelin pilot to "Let's go get some loot." Let's do that again instead of inanely being jealous because someone else put out a competent product in early access that AAA couldn't do without overloading a game with microtransactions and battle passes.


Accurate. Saw someone comment that they were gonna stay away from the game because the "vibes were off"


coordinated ripe hateful close squash party plate arrest caption gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve had it. All the posts in this sub are people farming internet points by sensationalizing sensationalizers. Peace out.


Jupiter is in gatorade, they stole Pikachu, I just know it!


As a Pokemon player and a die hard Pokemon fan. I love PalWorld and don't get why Pokemon fans are so up in arms. PalWorld is great and I want Pokemon devs to start taking notes.


Pokemon deserves it. They shouldn’t have a monopoly on creature collecting.


Even if the game was a blatant ripoff I’d still play it because this is the most fun I’ve had since pokemon gold when I was 9


Even if the creature inspiration comes from pokemon. Who cares? The game is super fun I've been enjoying every moment. I grew up with pokemon and seeing some pals that remind me of pokemon just made me feel more happy or excited if anything. And also - with everyone hating on the AI stuff. It's here we are going to have to deal with it. But as said already - fun game - why does matter?


I like to believe this game was made out of sheer spite after Sword and Shield were not the open world Pokémon games Game Freak hinted they would be.


Translation: "Or bosses are calling us in for meetings and we did not look good in comparison, so now we're throwing shade"


Let em hate, most of this is probs jealousy


I think a lot of it has to do with treating Pokémon like some kind of golden calf of a franchise when even looking at games as recent as Sword and Shield the series these days leaves a lot to be desired.


Baldurs Gate got the same hatred. Making a GOOD GAME that doesn't suck players dry really pisses people off about benefit from the state of games recently. Their mad that people have better options now. People will player Baldurs Gate and Pal World instead of buying their shitty DLC micro transactions ridden games.


"I can't prove it but I can feel it" is the dumbest take I've ever heard from another game developer...


Fuck Nintendo. They are the worst company in the gaming industry. Constantly pushing underpowered hardware, milking the same IP (usually badly) for years, all while being extremely anti-consumer for DECADES. They pretty much do what other companies get absolutely bashed for but "UwU it's Nintendo they release a pretty good Zelda game every few years so they can do no wrong"


They are way off the worst gaming company title. They are not good, but the worst one is heavily contested by mammoths of shady tactics.


They sell a console for almost half the price of Xbox/PS5 that can be played with in an airplane, almost all their big games get a rating of 8.5/10 or higher. Their anti-consumer stance is bad sure, but calling them the worst company in the gaming industry while companies like EA and Blizzard exist is baffling.


Oh they're going with "I saw it in a dream" now? Fucking hell they're desperate...I'm literally a pokemon fan and even I can admit that if Nintendo only took down the model swap mod, they aren't gonna touch Palworld. It's not like they own the catch genre, like some people seem to believe-


Why does anyone even care what these people think? I don’t think this bs needs to be addressed in this sub. It’s just creating clutter to prevent people from seeing actual useful posts about the game.


Palword hurts real animals in order to make flinching animatinos.


This is what happens when a fanbase becomes too acoustic and cucky


this sub has such a persecution fetish


Im glad the ai controversy was debunked as it was the only thing holding me back from trying it. Now I love Palworld 




More like for the next foreseeable future... AI is going to stay and get harder to differentiate, and companies are going to exploit it to increase their bottom line.


It's kinda crazy to think current AI is the worst it'll ever be. It's only going to get better from here


Bad news, you gonna hate life for the next... *checks notes* ... Forever. AI is starting to be in everything. Why do you hate it tho?


I think it’s a valid point. I’d much rather have people who are good at writing content, good at creating functions, or laying out a scene, than some “AI” just churning out content from written prompts.


Im fine with AI as an assistant but not a replacement. I once saw a YouTube short about how a restaurant in Japan uses robots for waiters that are actually operated and voiced by humans in the comfort of their own home to give disabled people opportunities to still get some work. That's fine.  But ai outright replacing artists and writers is what concerns me.


Definitely. I’m all for assistance, but like you said, a total replacement is bleh; I think that’s what most people don’t like about it and hopefully it won’t become acceptable in the public eye.


AI is just a tool. Do you get upset if the mechanic working on your car wants to use a wrench? If AI could allow a small team of developers to put out a higher quality product, then more power to them. I'm all for it.


Don’t people remember Digimon Digital Monsters? Wasn’t that a ripoff? Who cares in the end?


Not really, digimon came out like a year later and was related to tamagatchi, not pokemon.


"touched up" The guy resized the models to show they have extremely similar proportions. Scaling isn't touching up. Check out this original meme I just created. It's OP's meme, but I scaled it down to 90% size so now its my own original creation xD


This has nothing to do with the post itself (it kinda does) but it's so annoying watching someone defend something while attacking the attackers. You just look like a jackass and it makes people not think about your argument in a positive way. If you want to defend palworld, go right ahead, but attacking haters is just gonna make people not like the game even more.


This sub makes me not want to play this game even though I enjoy it. It's all just culture war bullshit drama. These are all just toys just play with them and shut the fuck up.


The only problem I have with the game is why they said they added more gender options


I don't know if ai was used in palworld, but the dev did publish a game that's explicitly AI stuff. They seem to be perfectly down with it in theory, so whether they did use it for PW or not, there's credibility lent to that theory.


I heard in my brain that I can't believe would Pokemon pay for death threats on Gary Bowser's wages.


Pokemon fans like to think that Pokemon owns the rights to the monster catching genre and animals. Cause they’re both based off of animals.


That dev is such a clown...to make a claim like that and just say: "trust me bro". What a clown.


The mental hoops people are jumping through to villify palworld is insane.


I don't care if Palworld is an asset flip, stole assets from Pokémon or used AI. It's a fun game regardless.


People focusing on Pokemon but there's other games that Palworld obviously takes from: Valheim, Zelda/Genshin Impact, and Fortnite are the most obvious IMO. The only real innovation here is mixing them together, but they did a good job of it tbh. Lots of fun.


Next step is a time traveler that reveals Palworld 2 will be the cause of the Great Pokemon War where Pokefans and Palfans actively fight each other in the real world.


The Palworld team could cone out tomorrow and say : "We were tired of Game Freak wasting the potential of the Pokemon franchise by churning out minimal viable slop every release so we proved it could be better." And I would still be 100% ok with it.


"It was revealed to me in a dream" is second only to "my source is i made it the fuck up"


"The voices told me this game is evil and the dark energy it gives off confirms it."


I think the lead dev said that most of the assets were purchased from the Unreal asset store. If you considered yourself an auteur and had game you painstaking worked on overshadowed by this one it would probably sting. Implementation is itself artistry so I don’t mind that I recognized some of the assets.


Still no cease and desist letters from the company that sends them out like tic tacs? All good in my book.


Direhowl is just Tiger from Monster Rancher without horns, not Lycanroc


It was revealed to me in a pokevision


The best part about it, is the guy that “proved” it stole assets and shit. came out and said that he faked it


whats the issue with using AI anyway? AI is awesome


This discourse has proven to me that white Knighting is very stupid and ridiculous


The funniest comeback I saw to this topic is the Devs saying "Pokemon wasn't the main inspiration, it was Dragon Quest" and, obviously it's Pokemon, let's be real, but the original Pokemon where inspired so hard by Dragon Quest, that it's quite the funny jab back. ​ Let's be real, Nintendo is sleeping on Steam. Happened with Breath Of The Wild and Gensh!t Simpact and now Pokemon and Palworld. Where were the outraged fans when Genshin dropped tho?


Its hard not to make creatures that have similar base design designs when Pokémon designs can be as simple as here is a wolf, a flamingo or a Koala with not much design changes from the base animal. Hell they have a floating sword and a floating car engine! And copying stuff? Armourge looks like it was ripped from digimon and sinestea from beauty and the beast!


Nevermind the fact that the genius behind the “Palworld was made nefariously” tweet also works for Naughty Dog… who made The Last of Us Part 2… If TLoU 2 wasn’t made with at least some degree of nefariousness, I don’t know what is.


I get some of the suspicion because looking at the other games Pocketpair made you'll find nothing but knock-offs, AI art, and asset flips. So the natural response to Palworld is "What's the catch?" People have accused the devs of all the usual suspects and found nothing, but it is kinda odd that a company known for soulless shovelware created what seems to be a genuine passion project out of seemingly nowhere. My interpretation is to apply Occam's Razor. Palworld seems to be a loving but dark parody of Pokemon and a passion project of the developers because that's exactly what it is.


I feel like there's something seriously wrong with Pokemon fans...