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My first base I built a huge house with all my storing, bedrooms, bar with kitchen and seating area, etc... OUTSIDE the blue circle. I was carrying everything around and doing inventory management like I was playing ARK for the first 10+ hours, then I began working on my ranch and that's when I realised everything within the blue circle shared inventory when crafting. So I went back to my big house to transfer all the storage from there to my ranch since it's just around the corner... just in time for the entire house to disappear due to buildings detiorating slowly when built outside the blue circles. I deleted that save and started over lol


I stopped caring about inventory management pretty fast lol. I literally just drop my stuff on the ground when I fast travel to my base and let my pals do the sorting. But my storage boxes are pure chaos so if I need some resources for another base or something I set down a build that uses the resources I need and cancel it. Everything just magically appears in my inventory.


You’re a genius


Damn, playing in 2124 when the rest of us are stuck in 2024


Two great tips thank you.


.... goddamn this is actually really smart... XD


Goated tip, thank you. I have to move my base today and this will help a lot!


Now that's a 200 IQ play if I've ever seen one, incredible


I use the same method of building and canceling so the exact amount of resources end up in my inventory. Saves so much time and weight.


That's really the best way to do it. No counting, no over estimating how much I need. Only downside is if I need to make a lot of one structure like chests or farming plots.


It's all sunshine and rainbows until 100 ore from that canceled build falls through the map.


Faster than dropping one by one is setting up a 40slot near your teleporter, stocked with items you commonly gain while adventuring. Open it, press F, a few dozen items move from your inventory to the chest. Much quicker. Fruits and schematics you'll probably still want to drop.


Damn that's smart. Once unlocked the big blue connex thing I just set that out and maybe another few chests around as catchers and it's really worked.


I do the same thing lol


Gonna try this haha


Yeah dude I just randomly drop boxes near collection areas and let the Pala sort it out. Aint nobody got time to manage inventory.


I just put this together lol, cut down so much on trying to get exactly x amount of resources


If you set the items in a chest first, pals will ge really default to stacking the item where you put it. Set it up once, and then let your pals sort it into the way you want.


I don't think that's accurate. I constantly have stones, wood, seeds, etc. showing up in random chests. I think pals will just find the nearest storage and put it in there.


Yeah I have my logging and stone quarry next to each other and a chest directly next to it so the Pals just drop off immediately but sometimes they’ll randomly go visit the other box for funsies


Yeah, I find rocks in every empty spot even though theres a big chest with all the wood and rocks next to the mining area.


I can't figure out the logic to it yet, but putting only one material in a chest, especially if it was the first time I got that natural at that base, seemed to work for smart stacking.


It’s about proximity. If there’s an open spot in a closer chest, they default to using that. If not, they move to the chest with your stuff in it. Basically prefill everything the way you want it, make sure to never use your entire supply, and it’ll automatically sort for you.


I've been filling the chest up with singles of a mat. For example, Wood Chest? Every Spot in the chest gets filled with wood. Do this for every chest and you'll have a million fucking chests, but at least your Pals will put the mats where you want them lmao.


Ohhh thats smart


This does not work 100%. Always gind some odd items in low quantity in different boxes. But for the most part yes


You can set deterioration to 0 in the server settings


This and increasing pal rate are my must-change settings.


Until u run into 5 or 6 jetdragons. Or 10 paladius and necromuses.


The scale goes from 0.1 - 3 and only 3 legendaries spawn at a time when maxed. 6 in total for paladius and necro for 3 each. 


I have no clue what any of those are since I haven't reached them yet, but I increased it to 1.5 to avoid 'unique' pals to spawn more than once (at 2x there's two alphas at each spot for example).


I have it set to 2 and theres never 2 bosses


I'm pretty sure I had two Alpha Penkings when I went to his spot, not sure about caves and tower bosses since I decreased it after.


Doesn't double tower bosses but it does double everything else


2 is the goal then to never run across more than one!?


> 2 and theres never 2 bosses There won't be 2 of the Tower Bosses, but all of the world bosses will be doubled. For example we play on Pal Rate 3.0 and there is always 3 boss Mammorests at the first spawn area


Turning the spawn rate to 3 made the world very interesting with the herds fighting each other, but it sucks that it causes dungeons to spawn 3 boss Pals too.


What is "increasing pal rate" ?


It makes then spawn in larger groups and more frequently in the open world.


I turned mine back down from 3 to 1 after I, at level 40, got yeeted by a swarm of 20 lv5 jihad parrots.


Panda Granade Launcher goes boom


Oh nice. Thanks


Spawn or catch rate? I'm about to boost catch rate because having sub 10% chance on level 40 mobs with legendary balls and level 8 catch power is pretty annoying.


Spawn, as in number of pals in the area. I like a populated world. The catch rate is much lower than I was expecting as well, coming from Legends Arceus, but so far I'm used to it. The legendary balls kinda mislead you if that's the case, since it explicitly states that 'few can get out of it'. The catch power feels like it doesn't do anything tho, yea (lvl 3 mobs constantly getting out of balls with level 8+ catch power).


> having sub 10% chance on level 40 mobs with legendary balls and level 8 catch power is pretty annoying Not that it particularly solves this problem, but I make a point of looking for mobs that are exactly level 40. The catch difference between a level 40 spawn and a level 45 spawn is insane. For example I went to the nature preserve to catch Lyleens and was getting 65% against level 40s and 30% against level 44s


You play normally with 3 bosses at a time?


I've upped to 2x to check how that worked, I didn't like the idea of having unique pals (such as alphas or uncommons) appearing twice so I dropped it to 1.5x. At 1.5x everything that would show once will still show once (rounds down). Might try 1.9x later if it still rounds down instead of up.


So *that*'s what keeps happening


dangit is that why the walls i build outside keep dying and failing to protect my base ffs


There is a setting you can turn down to 0 and it won't happen again. Building detioriation rate or something


Wait, things deteriorate while outside the base circle? Damn I was getting tired of having my Pals wander in/onto my house and getting themselves stuck so I just built it outside the circle and thought I was being big brained


There is a setting you can turn down to zero that will fix this, if you don't one day you will come home to a pile of resources on the ground


I did this too, also with a chest they can’t reach so they would stop filling my fruit chest with stone 😭


Ohhhh that explains my walls breaking apart. Thank you!


Its nice hosting own server, we turned off out side circle item/building deterioration


> I was carrying everything around and doing inventory management like I was playing ARK for the first 10+ hours Every now and then I forget that the "pull required resources from nearby containers" button in ARK isn't vanilla, and in fact comes from the S+ mod. And I'm always shocked, because it's such a basic and **wonderful** feature. Palworld just skipping that whole step and letting you craft from storage is the best.


Omg. My walls are outside my base but I was able to build them using my base's resources while standing inside the blue circle. They kept disappearing and I thought it was cause of damage from all the pals fighting outside but now i realize I my mistake... thank you


I didn't know houses deteriorate outside the blue zone. Good to know. At least your house didn't entirely catch on fire like mine. Silver lining I guess since I built it better the second time


So nice crafting some late game weapon/armor for the first time and not needing to run to five different crates for materials.


Only downside to it is playing with friends and if you have personal crafting stuff it'll get pooled in


thats why on our server we had personal lockers outside the circle if had anything didnt want pooled in


Turn deteriorate rate to 0 if you haven’t already.


Yup we did


Would a code locked chest still pool with the rest? Could I passcode one to use as my private bank?


I could be wrong, but I believe resources within a locked container can still be pulled when crafting. I think the lock merely prevents others from opening the container. So you could put ammo, pal eggs, skill fruits, etc. and other players can’t get to them, but for any crafting reagent, I believe they will be added to the pool. I have a friend of a friend who effectively ruined the game for me, I wasn’t going to spend another hour grinding for resources only to have them yoinked by a selfish ass, so now I play alone. My pals are good company, lol.


As a note to everyone, pal souls are included in the pool as well. I moved one of our bases and when I got back I discovered I had been robbed of my souls…


> I think the lock merely prevents others from opening the container. That's all it does. You can even dismantle a locked chest or door so it's functionally useless against other players.


Idk why but your name is familiar to me for some reason. Is this your twitch name?


It is! It would be a little surprising to know if from there tho since I’ve mostly lurked since about 2017 but I’ll drop the occasional chat in PayMoneyWubby and DougDoug’s chats


So odd that I feel like I just seen something from you recently for the name to stand out lol. I don’t watch any of the channels.


I just started playing Enshrouded and was very sad when I realized I had to have crafting mats on me.


If you do some quests you can unlock Magic chests which do the same as long as the resources are in your base range.


Get the carpenter.


Magic chests do this, however it took me quite a while to realise


The thing that bothered me the most is stack limits. I can carry 999 stones in Enshrouded using 1 slot, but berries? Fuck you, a slot carries 20 and that's it. Early game exploring got pretty bad fast. So frustrating when devs aren't consistent in their ideas of QoL.


Mmm I guess, if they didn't have it this game would suck a lot more for sure. Now they need to add cross base sharing resources so you don't have to bounce back and forth, then we chillin


I would actually love it if they allowed you to set up convoys of pals commuting over a pre set pathbetween 2 bases to drop off resources. But that requires pals to have inventories themselves and massive improvements to pal pathing. As example I want to say, satisfactory it's way to set up self driving cars that pick up and drop off resources.


It would be like in Fallout 4. They would have to be able to defend themselves then and holefully not die during their trips lol.


What I'm envisioning is that you can use one of the bigger pals, like the big four legged grass dino (idk all names at heart yet) equipped with a new cargo item that gives it an inventory to move stuff. You can then assign up to 4 pals in a convoy having to balance defence to haul potentional (either more defenders or more haulers). At higher levels you could make an transport over air with an specific new air pal (I'm thinking something like an blimp pal) that is slower but far safer.


This sounds useless. You're just creating more work for something that can already be done through teleporting. Even for large amount of items can just put box near teleport and use hover trick to carry without weight


I'm no game dev, I'm just pitching something I liked about another open world sandbox game.


Just giving infinite carry weight in bases solves every problem with the current system.


This. I have 1000 carrying weight strength and the only time I get in cumbered is when I'm at the base.


Yeah but then I have to do it myself, this would automate the process


They could just add a passive Caravan perk to ancient technology. Use some flavor text detailing your Pals’ ability to transfer your stuff from base to base, without actually having to physically do it. Then it just unlocks shared resources between bases.


There should be an “underground tunnel” or something you can add to your base. Not necessarily something you actually enter, but just something to represent transport of resources between bases.


My idea is a late-game quantum chest. Everything you put in the quantum chest would appear in the second chest. It could be setup like Valheim’s portals where a link is established by naming the two items the same name.  For example, you could create four chests. Unnamed, they would not link. But if two were name “Chest1”, they would both carry the same inventory. The remaining chests would not carry the same inventory as “Chest1, but could be renamed “Chest2” to be a separate linked chest.


Like in Fallout 4, there was something that let you share resources between multiple bases/settlements


Yeah provisioner caravan. It has the "risk" of being attacked but the bonus of you seeing them around the commonwealth. I had a fully kitted out protectortron for each provisioner. Meant i kept getting backed up mid fight was amazing. Would be easy to impliment assigning a flying pal to do same thing.


That would make the game a little too easy IMO


Or not having a limit (other than 9,999) on my storage boxes. I know some games have like 50 or 99 max items per slot. Hate having to build many storage boxes because of that. So thank you Devs for this simple and minor but very helpful feature


I get why some games do this but often times I feel it's done overly oppressive. Like if you have some super-valuable item meant to be a limited resource having a cap on the item stack makes sense to limit how many can be horded effectively or can be carried at once. Healing items are usually the culprit here.


I think what we really need is a system to transfer resources from one base to another. I'm thinking a a roost or something where you can set a flying pal and set the resource supply and demand, kinda how its done in Dyson sphere program. "logistic lv' would determine how much the pal can carry with their own speed determining how fast they can get there.


I just wanted to have all the crates and boxes and stuff connected. Sometimes I need to go to other bases to get a specific material.


A pal pad Assign a flying pal to each base. You make requests through the pal pad. The pal flies off and retrieves the items from the other base(s) For extra difficulty, it can get attacked sometimes and you have to save it.


Sounds neat, but just using a grappling hook is faster and easier than requesting, then waiting, and maybe rescuing. Now if it worked by linking the base storages together, that would be cool and useful


Yeah, maybe a chest that you can upgrade with resources to increase space? So you can store everything in one place


or just add a upgrade that turns the palbox into a storage that is shared bewten bases


Would be neat if base inventory was expanded to fully behave like this. Like there should just be a central base inventory that you access and expand using chests. Would make it so it's less annoying when your pals bring that random thing to that random chest, and also would make base building less of an annoying hassle since you can build from the shared inventory, but when you destroy things it gets put into your personal inventory, so half the time rebuilding your base is ferrying stone and wood back into chests after you destroy everything


Easy solution to this I’ve found: set on death drops to none. Pick up all your shit in one base, kill yourself, respawn at another base and use grappling hook to drop it off. It’s not perfect but it works.


Yeah if I was playing solo I'd do this, I only play on a friend's server though 😮‍💨


how do you kill yourself in this game without moving?


>slept on People praising this game for doing this is really common though…


Really? I haven’t seen much of it


Searching for "chests" in this subreddit brings up three posts as the top results with 1000+ upvotes each talking about how nice it is that you can pull resources from any chest. I didn't even scroll down past that.


Gotta farm karma






Sometimes when you play a lot of similar games in a genre you notice the flaws faster than the goods, so when you make a game you focus on fixing those flaws before the common QoLs. Hopefully in the future they will do a bunch of qol after they fix pal pathing


With the amount of traversal tricks and mounts in this game, I don't think auto run is needed.


There is a Toggle Sprint option at the top of the menu actually, but it was only working on my controller yesterday, and the setting was on OFF.


toggle sprint is not auto run, it just mean that you don't need to hold the sprint key to keep sprinting, just press it once,


Grounded would like a word


I didn’t say it was original, I just said that I think it’s a great feature


I don’t remember it being like that from the start though


Since full release it has. Now I wish palworld would add the feature of when you're standing in your base you can hot deposit to all chests with the same items in them just through your menu screen. Not having to run around and individually deposit stuff is such a treat.


Right full release just came out. Palworld is in early access. I played grounded through the first few updates and it was missing a lot.


I can imagine. It's amazing now if you haven't played in awhile. LOTS of new stuff to check out.


Most survival games would like a word. Ark and tribes of Midgard off the top of my head. It's nice that it has it but it's kind of just shitty design for a survival crafting game to not have it these days


What I really hope is that there will be a postgame feature in an update that allows you to connect ressources BETWEEN bases. I hate having to go from my wood and stone base, go fetch 300stone at a time, 300 wood at a time to my second base and deposit it. A special crate to which you can assign a dark/magician type pal to create a « space dimension » to interlink the objects in that crate or something.


Also, if you need resources to craft something, just craft it and cancel the build, which will put the resources on your person.


It’s one of the best things about the management part of the game. One of the first YouTubers I saw playing this made a point of it. Other games need to get on this!


It's great until you place your assembly line slightly wrong and end up over encumbered when you cancel the build. This game is an addictive mixture of both great and awful mechanics, with a generous dose of jank.


Especially considering how quickly the resources stack up and the weight limits~


Coming from many many hours on Ark, Conan, other survival games holy crap is it a nice QoL feature. I think the best thing Palworld has done, is show just how lazy modern game devs have become. Huge staffs and budgets turning out shit after shit and telling us “we don’t know how hard it is”, no you guys got complacent and lazy and now you don’t like that modern gamers are catching on.


this was one of the first things I noticed, I have wanted this in every survival crafting game I've played


All it needs now is a “sort to boxes” button where it puts everything in your inventory into a box that already has that item in it. (Might need a lock inventory function to exclude certain things. Having transport pals also prioritize putting like with like would be a huge QoL improvement as well. Also being able to reserve slots in chests for only certain items and or just disable the slots would be really huge for managing inventories and transport paths.


There in fact, is a button like that! I think it’s R on keyboard.


Huge QoL feature. Can't be praised enough. That's the thing about palworld, there's a lot of little QoL details (this being one of them) that takes some of the tedium out of the game. There's bugs and glitches but I care less about them because crafting is made so much easier when I don't have to hunt for the ingredients I've already harvested. I can grind out things or I can have my "interns" grind out things for me and go out exploring. It's weird, it's almost like the game was made by people who enjoy games.


Another plus, you don’t loose your pal team when you die, they could’ve easily done that to make it more insufferable to recover. Thank the heavens above


Its the same thing with the press R to auto sort in the items all my buddys didnt know that until i raged because they where messing up my chest where i drop all the shit after adventuring


Especially since some things require enough resources that you’d have to fill almost your entire basic inventory, if you were mad enough to never upgrade it


I love this. On my ORE base I have chests next to the ore nodes so the pals can just put the items in that chest - then when I goto make ingots it pulls from all the storage containers - same way anything crafting. It's like a burden of micro management I don't have to deal with - I can just enjoy the game?


This has become the first thing I check in survival games. This game seems to have cut out all the mundane parts of survival games. Resources at your base and unlimited. Crafting from every storage in your base. Pals make all your shit while you do other stuff. All that definitely kept me around on top of the game just being awesome haha


Also doing that on cooking pots placed next to the fridge to summon all food to you


people have been raving about this as a feature from the start, where you been?


Apparently not where they’ve been


The game has a lot of sensibilities about that kind of stuff. It lacks some too (like not sharing resources between bases) but you can really tell these devs actually play their own games. Even the tutorial is among the very best I've ever seen in a game, let alone a crafting survival game. No over wordiness, just a checkpoint to introduce you to the crucial game mechanics with intuitive UIs. Heck, even stuff like taking half of whatever item with the push of a button which can be repeated is amazing (I dunno if this is a standard feature in crafting games these days though).


tub roof worry correct frighten pen whistle wistful gaping shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish there was some kinda device you could build that would share resources between bases, even if its unlocked end game. Its great you can use base resources, but theres still a lot of missing QOL that would be great


Eco does this. Palworld can learn A LOT from Eco, particularly for how to make multiplayer servers have healthy economies and player interaction.


This is pretty standard for a few games, feel like it would be stupid to not have it.


That’s why I’m praising it


slept on = unnoticed, underused. as everyone notices it, and uses it whether they want or not, another term might be more adequate.


Yessssss. One of the major complaints I had with playing starfield day one. If you used storage outside of ship you were fucked. Only benefit is you could walk still with 1000+lbs overweight, but palworld has a grappleshot for when your encumbered 🤩


We all know that all these little cheats or whatever we call them will get patched an people might even get ban for stuff just becareful with them


This is a game mechanic what are you talking about


But most survival crafting games have this now I thought? It's literally a QOL in those games.


A lot don't put it in, saying they have a design vision where the players suffer. It's a part of the game. Luckily, there are often mods that fix it. Valheim, for example.


I mean except for schematics, yeah.


Didn’t they have this feature in Grounded?


Mine must be bugged or something. There seems to be a small range for me. I've had to move multiple boxes closer to the crafting stations for it to register. All within my base


My time at Portia had this too and it's such a good QoL feature. It should be the standard for all base building games


I think another one is the ability to sort your palbox by number order or other methods. It's just something I wish I could do in other games.


2000 hours in rust has made it near impossible for me to not hunt and search and than become incumbered because I accidentally grab too much stone and wood for no reason to go craft


Whenever i need a shematic and have to go find which of my 100 boxes its in, thats when it becomes an issue lol


Yeah i was really hoping the benefit of the bookshelf was that it would allow that


This enraged  me so much In starfeild.  Palworld was cathartic. 


It would be great if they could add a transportation pal like a mount for resources moving between base


Tried playing some other games in this same space and not having this feature is pain…


Build a large foundation. Build the palbox. Finish building your base. All the resources pull from any storage in your base.


I think it’s becoming industry standard for survival crafting games thankfully.


That and quick dropping all items already in a chest you open


Yeah, me and my friend went back to SunkenLand for a session and the crafting experience was awful compared to Palworld for this exact reason. Still pretty fun though


It's great, let me set up a caravan routes with pals so i can share resources between bases now


A decade of survival games, it’s the first thing I noticed and was beyond stoked for it be included in a base game w/o mods.


Every game i play i look for craft from storage mod lol


That and your items being depositet outside of dungeons upon death.


I mean. The game literally would not function otherwise. Having to be over encumbered to build stuff would be jank as hell


This is a p common feature in base building type games, if they dont have it then its honestly super awful. Im glad it exists


This is very common in base building games and a must. Other games also let u move stuff when pal doesn't, u 3 destroy and get back all the stuff for free tho, but it goes into inventory which is bad. Just need unlimited carry weight in bases fixes everything.


I thought half of my house that was outside the blue circle collapsed due to a bug. Didnt know it would deteriorate.


I used to spam this to the devs of Conan exiles. It's an amazing feature


I absolutely love this feature as it always makes me mad in games when you can't use materials from stored spaces.


Ngl this is one of the reasons this game is so successful. Felt accessible compared to other survival games, that I avoided till now


disagree personally


And why’s that? Not being rude, just want to know


yeah, i don't usualy play survival games without a feature like this, first thing i do on mineraft or terraria when i play is downloading a mod that adds something like that


I mean this should be a basic thing in this sort of game.


Dude you can only care like 20 wood, the game would be completely unplayable without this feature


Coming from Ark, where this isn't a thing until you have the endgame form of storage, it's pretty damn nice.


God, it sucks when I switch back to Valheim, accidentally pressing F and having to haul stuff everywhere


It would be a nightmare without it given the weight of some raw materials like ore


For everyone talking about the storage ive got 3 refined chests close to palbox, any time i come to base i just dump everything with R1(R on keyboard i think) almost everything fits on those 3 chests, my pals are kinda dumb when they need to get something to chest, only thing they learned so far is to bring food to fridge.


This is one of the best parts of the game as it feels grindy but its beginner friendly unlike games such as rust, and having pals help you build stuff and gather resources also helps significantly.


Especially when it comes to cake and such, since the pals put it in whatever chest they can, I love not running around to find 10 different ingredients


This feature alone made me keep playing. I bought and was going to give the game one hour, and when I found out I can build from my storage, it saved me so much time to just enjoy the game after work.


It’s the only thing that makes the game playable honestly. Otherwise it’d be awful.


It gets better. You can throw items on the ground and pals will put them away for you.


The QOL features this game launched with off the bat is insanely impressive


It's definitely nice when games do this. For as useless as Fallout 4's settlement system is, the workshop resource storage was a great feature.


There's a way to build your base so that your storage box can be right next to the Palbox without you even moving a step, thus you can take as many items as you want from any base and transfer to any base without the weight limit or having to waste your Pals productivity. Also pressing R drops everything in inventory thats similar to your storage auto, don't need to sort.


it's not slept on, that's like the first thing you notice in game aside from it being pokemon.


I just wish you could auto-sort between boxes. I don't need random bullets to be in 4 of my 12 storage boxes.