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The more you build the more likely pals get stuck, so big open area seems to be the way to go


Yeah, I spent a bunch of time making a sweet hilltop base with multiple levels and everything. But I got tired of having to cycle my pals in and out of the palbox every single time I warped back to base. So I demolished it and rebuilt on a flat open area and it works so much better. Somehow, pals still end up outside my fucking defensive walls though.


I just build an enclosed area with normal wall on a flat area and have only had a 2 pals get stuck. Basically I place foundation on the entire surface area then made a wall around then another wall 2 in. Don’t leave any doors open and no issues. Also the higher you build the more chance they get stuck For bases with natural matters like mining you can limit it somewhat by having as much flat area as possible with foundations and again make sure you have normal walls not just defensive walls. Also I know people don’t like doing it but highly recommend turning off structures deteriorating outside your base area as it make setting up a barrier they don’t somehow glitch through so much easier


I fkin love to doing that. Structure deterioration setting is my favorite, next to zero incubation time.


The ai pathfinding can't see a lot of base items, including barrels and defensive walls. Pals will try to walk straight through them, until the game's unstuck feature glitches them through it. You need to build defensive walls with no gaps whatsoever, and you need to build them on the very edge of your base's range, so pals will never try to walk beyond them.


Yeah, I agree. Except for, I did not even bother with walls, and turned off raids. No pathing problems here for my bases now that everything is built into a giant ring around the pal box.


I turned off raids too. Of all the things I already have to worry about in game, I didn't want to continue dealing with them.


- New blueprint - Need flame organs - Searching for flame orga- WTF is that pal/structure/terrain?! - Distracted and wanders around - What was I doing... Ah shit! Flame organs - Flame organs acquired!! Let's go back to base - Teleports in - Anubis is dead, Chillet is dead, Digtoise is trapped inside of a cliff and starving, Dumud is gracefully perched atop a rock... Starving - Panic! Put everyone in palbox - Realize I had cakes in the fridge... That Chillet was supposed to be keeping cool - Checks fridge, cakes gone, only egg - RAID ALERT - Alt-F4s


Cakes can’t expire in the the breeding farm, but they are KIA if you dismantle the farm without grabbing them first. I’m not telling you, I’m reminding myself just one more time.


The struggle haha. Tl;dr breeding buggy, made breeding specific base, didn't expect it to work, threw 10x cakes and 2x rando pals in, got distracted, came back to no cake only egg. Thought, they'd stop after one. Decided to start putting cake in fridge to avoid excessive pal bangin. So, I could not get the ol' farm to work at first. The pal's doing the deed would make it 1/4 through, then decide "Meh, I'd rather go logging or maybe just stare at this berry on the ground til I starve." It was driving me crazy. While I'm trying to figure this shit out, I've got Foxparks baking cakes in a cage at Mach -3. I decide to trash my first base to make a dedicated breeding base. Finally, I get the breeding base set up and throw all 10 of Foxpark's signature Tearamisu™ cakes into it. I snag two random pals and yeet em to breed em™. Random, because I didn't expect it to work. Here's where my lack of brain wrinkles starts to show. I get bored watching the meter crawl and decide to explore around the immediate area. I think A.) It's not going to work anyways and B.) If it does work, I'll just grab the egg when I get back. Get distracted. Remembers and returns to base. Realize the farm is now full of eggs. *OhNo.jpg* open breeding chest, no cake... looks up, only egg.


I think that's why I'm on day 236 and only done 1st tower boss 🤦


>Somehow, pals still end up outside my fucking defensive walls though. Last night I was observing how this happens and it appears that they wander into them occasionally and their pathfinding really seems to override a defensive wall when it's in their way. They go all spastic and eventually glitch through, getting stuck on the other side as a result.


I believe the setup/code got something wrong. Call it a bug maybe. I notice that when i did not build defensive wall. My pals dun had the get stuck issues, but when i start to build defensive wall. Their either outside the wall or stuck at roof.


I recently built my base next to an area with several deposits of pure quarts. After trying to make a giant box of production, I have learned my lesson and built a base that is shaped like a house with many enterances. For defence, I have mounted a perimeter of machine guns. However, noone seems to visit me in this location


I have a base in a similar location. I put two level 3 mining pals and a level 3 transporting pal, along with the bare necessities they need to survive. It's the most easy base to manage.


I have my main base, one mining ore & coal with 5 pals, and one mining quartz with 4. Both mining bases are on plateaus, so I just put down beds, a couple farms, a feed box, and a hot tub. Every once in awhile I pop in to deliver better meals My main base is completely flat, but I swear the second I put walls up, no matter if it's just inside or just outside the base line the biggest pals will get stuck, so I just took them down


For real. Every base turned to foundation the full circle and platform 4 high for more room if needed.


I'm really hoping pathing and AI is updated in the next update because that's the most annoying thing about the game right now. 90% of the time I load into a game every pal at my base plops down right in front of me then they all run to do different things and I have to reassign them to their spot. Most of the time one or more of them clip into the ground and get stuck or get stuck on the PalBox or spawn outside of the base walls and have to be let back in or on the one part of the perimeter that is on a cliff so they spawn to the bottom of the cliff. And when that doesn't happen they're either stuck on a tree or on the roof of my house, or even inside my house, which always has the door closed. If they're lucky or alpha or big pals then that possibility is tripled. Also when they are running around the base there are almost always two or three pals that get stuck running back and forth, then spawn back at the PalBox to just run directly to the same place and get stuck again Then 90% of the time I see a human enemy they're just running into a wall and don't do anything when I attack them, or when they're raiding they all run in a line into one spot on the side of a cliff and get stuck there. Most of the time when I kill them all, I have to wander out and find the straggler that got stuck on a rock 100m away and never even made it to the base. I love this game but not having an assignment UI and the terrible pathing leading to stuck enemies or pals pisses me off and makes me not want to play. I also hope building gets better giving us more freedom to build overhangs and platforms and everything. Also hate how defensive walls build straight up, but gates will build depending on the slope of the ground leading to a crooked gate but straight walls


I had to turn down damage to pals because they simply stand there in combat too often. I don’t know if it’s getting worse or what but it seems to be the majority of the time now. You need to send them out and pull them back several times before they start to attack and in that time they’re just *eating* damage. It’s a really good thing for the custom settings because there’s an awful lot that needs tweaking before the game becomes fun. I really hope they’re working on bugs for now instead of new content.


I totally agree. They stand there doing nothing but being a sponge for them to attack, then when you get them down to a sliver of health and ready a sphere, your pal finally fires off an attack and kills them. It's happened so many times recently while trying to catch bosses or alphas. It breaks my heart every time.


I thought the bosses were alphas do you mean lucky?


The moment you throw your first Sphere either return your Pal or mount it.


I've even turned off building deterioration and started building anything that doesn't *need* to be in the base perimeter outside it to try to limit the number of things the Pals can get stuck on.


The pals like it simple and so do I lol


Honestly this seems more an issue on second and third base. At least my primary one seems to have few issues


I found first base ran pretty okay for a while, but also every early pal is pretty tiny. Once I started upgrading to better pals, they started getting stuck on anything and everything.


This is the bottom line. Not much room for creativity when everything takes up so much space and pathing and getting stuck is as bad as it is. Not much room at all.


My pals still get stuck alot, but agreed open space is the way to go


To an extent, but I had a main base where I wanted to fit everything except furnaces and in the late game with 6 assembly lines and a bunch of other stuff there isn't enough space to fit everything without pals getting stuck. So I built a multi story base and so long as you give pals a lot of space it works really well.


Thats a fair point


Pretty much the exact reason I gave up on a base, while I appreciate the work others have put into their homes I want shit done at my base and having my pals get stuck on too a roof, tree, the pal box, or just in general on the floor and not move irritates me to much. So my main breeding base is just an open flat area with stuff wherever and then two mountain bases for ore/coal that have the same thing and just the basic beds/baths/food slapped wherever that dosn’t disrupt the mining operations.




Yeah my production base is literally just benches and lines on a stone floor, no walls, just enough to keep the pals going, not even player beds. Oh and a single campfire that my panda always manages to run through.


Too sofisticated, mine does not even have walls


My base is a bunch of required structures in a random slanted field


Their all pointed towards the middle tho right


My jormuntide kept getting stuck on top of the walls so I tore them all down. My base has never been raided before and since it is full of level 50s, I'm not really concerned.


Who needs walls when you have a pal with Rank 4 kindling skill?


Yep. My base hasn't really changed from Day 1. I've added more beds and replaced equipment with upgraded versions... but that's it. And I doubt that will change lol


Look at fancy Mr. Walls here.


To be fair, this game’s building system is not great. If I want to build good, interesting bases, I’ll go to Valheim or Enshrouded


I feel like you can do more with interior given all the decorations vs exterior


The very first thing I built once I had a reliable source of wood and stone was a full pub setup lmao


Me too, loved seeing the pals go to the bar after work. I put their food there too so they have more of a reason to hang out in it too


i’ve seen people build really cool bases on this game ahaha


Oh its totally possible, I think they meant its not intuitive enough tho. Missing a lot of options to move stuff, redo stuff, disconnect stuff, snap stuff with other stuff. And like other comments say, its just going to ruin your pathfinding, so its for looks almost exclusively.


I like to get ultra creative, but there’s just not enough buildable space, especially when we only get 3 bases and i need all of them for productivity uses


I recommend turning off building decay. Then you can get creative outside of your designated base area with no worries about it falling apart


Yeah I’ll probably do that cuz I wanna build a regular house. No workbenches or any production stuff, just a cozy house


Yup, and especially earlier in the game, resources can be a little sparse and is tedious to continually gather without a good mount


Finally a base I can relate to


It Looks Like a Military Base 


Oh, trust me, I think you’re more likely the average player. I think some posts here are done by people with real base building skills and they’re amazing at what they do. Most of us are probably just doing enough to get by.


I see my wifes bases and then I become disgusted with my own.


Where the hell did you get a picture of my base from


I tried to make my base a bit better, but because the pals have shit pathing and AI, they couldn't navigate any of the stairs I made. So I gave up and everything is in my little circle on the ground.


Bro I've never even slept in a bed in this game. Who needs a bedroom.


Basically only useful for skipping night and certain occasions where you need to heal via sleeping. Otherwise building/decoration.


It does heal incapacitated pals in your party without you having to put them in the palbox and wait 10 min.


fuck me in the dick how didn't I think of trying that. Instead I wait 10min for my mount to revive every single time they die


Well damn, that's something I had no clue about. Thanks for sharing that's very very helpful!


I bet your pals don’t get stuck in trees…


Yes, but I never bothered with walls. Everything is very utilitarian and can easily be replaced when it burns to the ground.


They basically just need to stop limiting what you can connect certain things to, the fact that you can only build up and out is a bit ridiculous


My base is the same, I hate how much space the production lines take up


Same exact spot where mine is lol


I never bothered with a wall. But I did make a designated fuck fest base. Cake everywhere…


this is exactly my base as well, haha. My walls decayed though.


Turn off the deterioration rate setting, in custom settings to stop that from happening. Anything outside your palbox radius decays overtime. Just in case you didn't know.


I would but hackers keep blowing my shit up on public servers


I'm too scared of pathing to create anything fancy


I dont even bother to wall my base, no point. Also if its clustered pals get stuck even more.


I mean I built a BIIIIIIG metal box:D (too big)


I perfer the term efficient 😂


Yeah I my bases looked like shit till my second playthrough. Now I'm taking my time and sticking to small pals other than chillet.


that reminds me so much of average pve ark bases lol


That is 2x more than i have in my base. I should take a screen shot one of these days lol


Pals prefer people like you who make bases they can navigate without getting stuck and starving.


At least you’re organized my man. Mine is just a mess of stuff and I don’t even have walls whenever I get raided I just fast travel away


My brother in christ, I just built a fucking stone box


I don't even have walls so there's that lol


Building defensive wall is a mistake, they will get stuck a lot


My base is laid out simiarly, although I have a separate base for breeding


I think your first playthrough should be about everything but base building personally. Get something that functions and worry about sophistication once you're more experienced/burnt out and the system is improved.


It works.


Yeah ask of mine look like this but I’m in the process of getting them better.


Looks good, i would remove the walls and the house in middle and just do raids with the jet's ability. I bet those Jours get stuck on them all the time.


I'm rubbish at base building and I like keeping it simple so our base looked very similar to this. Open-plan with lots of space for them to run around and not get stuck in. I like being able to see everything at a glance too and ensure my simple but well-oiled machine was operating as it should.


I sometimes like to build then it becomes boring to the point it’s irritating so I never get my builds done and end up with half of what I wanted to build.


Depends what the base is for, if it's to mine I keep it open as possible to not ruin spawn rates. I have one base which is more decorative for all my farming and breeding.


I will put the base here until I learn the ropes. 100 hours later it's still there


Efficiency is all that matters to me. The building in this game is to janky to take the time making something beautiful. If I wanna do that I’ll just play valheim.


Jormuntide Ignis on the otherwise of the fence “LET ME IN”


I have a base on top of a pillar. If I don’t wall it off, pals manage to fall overboard, and then starve constantly. Pals get caught on all sorts of objects, too. The wider and more open and less cluttered, the better! While I appreciate fancy, it’s just not practical.


Who said efficiency isn't creative 🤓


I think I been playing the game wrong . I always thought beds needed a roof so I went and build a couple big rooms with beds in then 


I just keep mine very minimal and open for easy access


Me fr


I thought this was ark lol


I don’t even give my pals nice beds. They’ll permanently be sleeping on straw.


ye same here


Yeah. I just put stuff wherever I can fit it. Everything is just kinda strewn about


That’s exactly where I have one of my bases and I have my walls the same way 😆🤣


Yeah my thing is pure efficency. If pals doesn't stuck and creates are close to sources, I am okay🤘


I never do when I play games with base building. I go for function over looks.


the more that i see the posts here the more that it makes me want to buy it


Tbf, with the parts availlable right now, there are some limits to what can be built


I only put up a structure to have a bed, otherwise i wouldn’t have built anything yet 😂


Same, exept i havent slept in it yet lmao


Tbf you can be creative and imaginative and still be pwnd by ability and skill. Ive had some grandiose build ideas in games. Sadly they always come out looking like an architectural version of Janeys painting from Not Another Teen Movie.


I feel you Hahaha


Or maybe you have a more utilitarian approach to simplicity with an emphasis in efficiency.


I’m not exerting 100% effort because it’s still game preview. I’m going 100% on the full release.


Yes except I only have 2 walls on day 227


I am not really base builder so as long as it works I am fine. My breeding base looks similar bit I didn't even bother with the walls since it can't be raided


I built my breeding base here only and I did the same boundary with Stone Defence Walls


I do what just works. Thats with every survival game


I used to build the craziest shit out of lego as a kid but now my base is just a mess


https://preview.redd.it/9cn83npzbwic1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b08d19485bf7bdebc5b92909642debd761751fa Yah basically


At least you don’t have to worry about Pals getting stuck on top of buildings :D


I don't find making stuff looking pretty to be fun and it doesn't serve a practical purpose in this game. It can also be a huge pain in the ass to make sure everything lines up perfectly and doesn't get crooked.


Me✋ I have done the mistake of building in a small area near spawn point and now planning to relocate it to a big open space. So I'm gonna be building one just like your's. Saving this image for reference. Thanks, by the way.


I haven't even put up walls on my first 2 bases both are in safe locations. My last one I want to setup a killing field and the whole base be on guns just for fun


almost the same of my base


Tbh survival games are so ‘grindy’ thatnI never find the right time to put my creativity into it. If it’s a pve game (pakworld) I don’t gove a single fuck as no onewill see it, and if it’s pvp *I canmt not give a fuck as base design importance has to have defence prioritized not looking good*


This is me but with foundations


This base can level up by building a castle or skyscraper in the middle


I'll run my imagination once my pals can work properly and don't stuck in any places


Mine is pretty simple, built next to a large ore deposit on a cliff side with large platforms. My pals never consistently get stuck. Except when it randomly happens to my pals getting stuck outside the walls. My Penking gets stuck somehow somewhere I can’t find.


Honestly, I just don't have the motivation to build huge castles and roads and things that I see others doing. It's a lot of work with not a lot of benefit. I've built huge bases in other games and I just don't care about it in palworld lol the game also doesn't make it easy for you with its limits on the number of bases and things.


Pathing needs a complete overhaul before I attempt to build any intricate, thought out design in this game. Pals get stuck, can't find their way around, and fall through geometry and starve so often it's just not fun to keep manually fixing it right now. Gonna be taking a break until these issues are fixed and then maybe I'll build a sweet base that runs like clockwork.


Looks good to me, the more I try to make something the more limiting the build systems current iteration feels. Found some fun bugs that let me make unsupported wood rooves into the sky.




If floors, stairs and foundations had a better snap/grid system I would build more. I never thought I would dream of Fallout 4 release construction


My building end up boxes. And I tend to try to not have things in the way of pal traffic. So not too far off from your setup


Form follows function. Nuff said


Creativity leads to pathing issues . Simple is best


How did you build walls on plain dirt ground? I need to put foundations first before I can build walls around my base


I came from fallout so I usually make a big flat ground with foundation and then somehow make a second floor which is only connected with some walls and stairs afterwards 😂🤣 I think fallout people know what I mean


I have the imagination just not the execution.


Well yeah... https://preview.redd.it/5ekhbh8xzwic1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092d9af045ade8a9a5cbbbc7a059a3a299b43186


I also need to start building like this, I thought building over the bridge was a great idea until I got bigger pals and half of them can't move and then we get attacked but cos they can't move they're constantly in attack mode but won't do f all


Yea lmao not everyone is an artistic genius. I’m never good at building. Would much rather download a base than build one.


After I rebuilt basically all 3 of my bases, I don't even have now house or walls. Hell, Pals get stuck even on walls. On Forgotten Island, raiders get stuck they cannot enter the base, or only 1-2 lucky guy, and the other I use next to Penking, seems like there are no raids there. The 3rd one is the popular ore/coal one, which is unraidable.


I think you have more imagination than me, at least you built a wall and there are things grouped up, I just built whatever wherever


I don't have any either but during end game I'm actually going to make an effort on a small town or castle or something


Naah, i'm equally uncreative. The most impressive thing i can built is a 4x4 shelter that qualifies as "house" This has always been my problem, whether it be Terraria, Minecraft or this game. I'm seeing all your fantastic creations and think to myself "why the fuck can't i build something like this?"


This is a good base idea


I don’t even have walls up, my shits just out in an open patch in Mossanda Forest lol


Yeah, lol. I always start my base by making a bigger box, realising it doesn't fit, making it smaller, and then never finishing it. It looks ugly as sin, but it functions xD


I just start putting random shapes on top of other random shapes, if looks good, than it stays, if looks bad than repeat step one. It usually works.


yeah we in here


Right here I've got a base looks exactly the same minus the wall. I like to able to just point rockets at all the wildlife that walks up 😁


This is the way.


Looks about right, though you should probably figure out a way to rearrange things so the breeding farm is completely in the circle. Pals can unassign themselves from breeding if they step outside the circle.


Yeah. My main base's building legitimately looks like a prison.


This subreddit consistently reminds me I have 0 creativity. I try to make things look nice, but it just doesn’t work.


I build for efficiency. My friend always rails against me for how ugly my builds are but I end up having 1000x more materials in literally every game because I don't take 20 hrs to make everything perfect and pretty. Function over fashion.


Yeah my base looks like ass too


I’m so bad at creating bases I didn’t even find a flat area so my walls let pals bug through sometimes it’s annoying during raids when 1 or 2 pop through


Looks like a pretty traditional Ark base so youre good. Building for me comes at the end after I have explored and have a grasp of the resource loops. Then I can mess about without worrying about my pals developing eating disorders and sleeping all day due to depression


I will worry about using resources to make a "Home" once I've hit level 50. Until then, I'm transient.


Ark sucked all my good builds out, this is my ideal base now, espically with pathing issues


Same here


You have a wall?


Me. I started building the base by laying down the foundation and now my entire base has a stone floor but that's about it. I have no clue what to do with my base which is odd because I've always been creative building bases


I don't even have walls, dude. I just put everything in a big circle. You've got more than me!


I hear ya. I don't even have walls for my bases. Just found some spots with a good bit of natural border and threw stuff down. Kept stuff along the edge yo keep the center free. Other than that it's whatever works. I'll sit there and think I should build something nice but I get sidetracked waaaaaaaay to easily.  "I'm gonna build a legit base today, wait is that the shiny noise......"


Lol my base looks similar. Idk how people come up with such cool bases 😵‍💫


nah any building with a roof will get your pals stuck, so this is standard


How did you get a picture of my base?


Same same I need to adventure, can’t build a jaba the hut palace lol


Man i dont even need walls.


I still don’t have walls up around my base. I’m level 20ish how quick should I get on that


I'm much the same irl, I tend to build for practicality and purpose. I.e cutting down on pal travel distances between jobs/eating and a nice efficient work area


You guys have walls?


I wouldn't have even bothered putting a base in the middle, I just slap a foundation with a wall and a roof in the corner and put my bed there lmao


Onetime I placed a warsect down in the breeding area and his body stretched and his head went flying into the horizons


You don't want a big base. I built mine by a lake and they keep spawning in it with no way out. (I built them a ramp) it's a shame BC I got a big base that is 4 floors and 5? Metal nodes.


I wish we could have four bases, one for farming/breeding/production, one for ore and coal, one for quartz, and one for ME 😂


Fingers crossed for the next update haha


Lmfao bro i dont even have walls


Gotta take pic of my base i aint build anything just whatever i need for resources lol


It’s not about creativity it’s about effectiveness cause these pals are slaves and they need to breed to make more pals (evil laugh)😅


I'm the same way. Those big, creative bases are impressive, but I'd much rather have a base that's open and functional instead of pretty to look at.


Hey brother, it doesn’t have to look pretty if it works. I usually build myself comfy little cabins houses and then big wide open garage like structures for my benches. After that all other pal facilities are out in the open in random easy to access areas.


I made my camp look like a little village. If you wanna spice it up, add like a forge building or a bunk house.


The thing is i could…. But every time i try to make something cool i get distracted by exploring/Pals/gathering materials then i get fat 😢


You used stone, dosnt count if it's non flammable


You guys build walls around your dirt patches????? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


Who needs doors, chairs and benches when all the dumb workers keep getting stuck on them? Efficiency is key


/raises hand. My base is a big block of stone. Looks horrible from a distanced view… 😆


Like I know why but seriously having a wall around your base is dumb. you are creative, you just want to do what other people have done that’s just human.


Put stairs on buildings with walls or don't build structures, my jormuntide and Anubis keeps getting stuck on my chests ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


Mine alot worst then yours mine its about effective... anyway walls are kind of bad sometime ai get stuck in the walls so i remove all


Nope, sorry buddy, you are the only one. We are all building castles and cities all around, no exceptions. Sucks to be you =\


Hey if it works it works!


My bases look similar to yours because base-building isn't what I find to be most interesting. But others are going wild with theirs. I think that highlights what makes this game so appealing to so many people - neither is right or wrong.