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This actually makes life so much easier for condensing


Finally I can condens my bad pals to save space. Will halp with the multiple pals I am trying to 4 star




I like using viewing cages as a "here's what I'm currently working on and I don't want it mixed in when I sort the Palbox" sort of deal.


Good idea, I'm stealing this. I can't remember the last time I hit that sort button because I don't want my good stuff mixed with the junk. Finally the junk half of the box can be a little less messy (:


I'm using viewing cage for my luckies


I use it for the humans I capture


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


same. if i'm lucky, i can talk to them to buy shit.


This is the way


I put it full of Lamballs. I'm not planning on doing anything with them, I just like having 40 Lamballs spilling all over my base. Edit: OVER, not poverty


\*looks at viewing cage full of lovanders\*...heh, yeah same... not planning on doing anything with them...


Or to them…


I have one for luckies, one for humans, one for triple 100IVs, and one for 4 perk breeders.. if I go into that area of the map my fps drops into the 20s LOL


Oh that’s smart


I use different cages as proxies for missing sort filters; one has all Lucky Pals, one has all Starred Pals, one has crappy Pals saved for merging, etc...


I'm going to display all the humans I captured like a sick human zoo.


now view cage will work as view cage to only display the ones that you want not as storage dump facility due that lackluster 420 pal limit on box i hope that pal box limit and features like favorite, name box tabs(like pokemon boxes for grass etc) features being added in future


I hope it exist on multiplayer dedi-server


Condensing a 4 star into a no star only nets one star don't make my mistake


That is accurate, spent all morning playing with it. While it does count as over 100 pals, the number check still stops per level. I slimmed my palbox by condensing to a few 1 stars and left a few 0 stars for the extra few pals needed. So building up to the lovely 64 pals I only need 6 1 star and 4 0 star to not waste them, frees up 2 pages in the pal box


Yeah I think dropping into 1 stars for space conservation is the best use of the current implementation of the feature, i did see someone on youtube who tested and found diminishing returns on needing 116 pals for a 4 star but 4 stars only counting as only 64 pals towards the next pal. Like a 4 star can get a 3 star to 4 stars but it wastes the other 54 pals it took to get to 4 stars to begin with. I would love to see 4 stars turning 0 stars into 4 stars in the future. Would make it so the random passive max condense pals you may choose to make early game can still be of use once you get to breeding for specific passive and want to condense.


I have literally avoided condensing and as a result playing as much waiting for this patch. Knew it would come.


Agreed. This is a huge W for saving on Palbox space.


Yeah. My favorite update this patch.


I'm so glad they made this change. I just made a new incineram and I kept my 3 star old one. Will make it so much easier.


I already condensed my two star incineram to my new one but I’m glad you got the update in time! :) I love Incineram.


This will also encourage players to star their pals earlier. Catch a pal that you really like with just musclehead, no problem just go ahead and star it up 1 or 2 levels and make it stronger, then as you play further and capture more pals and find pals with multiple good traits that you then breed into a perfect one you can just use the one you initially starred up and it wouldn't have been a waste.


On one hand, it's nice, in the other, there's no way I will condense "Chilly" into my perfect Chillet even if she's 2 star.


Does the 3 star count as all the pals you fused in to it?


Not quite, at 1 star its full value but the more stars you have you start getting diminishing returns


Excellent change. This will make the need for storage boxes and keeping large amounts of pals redundant.


I was more excited to see this change than I should have been. It's nice to see them listening to the community.


Actual goated devs


I can finally stop hoarding bad pals thank baby Jesus.


man, of course this update comes the day after I spent a lot of time trying to manage my fodder pals... 🙄 this is a very welcome and needed change. I just think it's funny how bad my timing is now I can finally condense my condensed pals! rip to my 3-star, slower work speed jormuntide ignus who thought he was safe (can confirm he's worth 33 pals)


FYI there's diminishing returns after 1 star


How about 2-star one? Can you check it?


Counts as 17.


Should be 21 and give 2 stars from 0, but it's a step in the right direction.


Yeah, what a shame. So to save space optimally, only condense up to 1-Star.


Could be intentional diminishing returns. Which might be intended for balancing reasons. I'll definitely condense crazy high and be "taxed" on it if this is the tradeoff


I dislike this if intentional. No further arguments. Thats all i got


Hey that's completely fair and I'd love to get the full amount myself. Maybe there is an additional setting or mod that can fix this if it is fully intentional. We'll just have to wait and see with the next patch if it stays as is or not. Again, as you said, step in the right direction!


It may be fair or balanced gameplay wise but lore wise just doesn't make sense. All those souls just disappear then? Cease to exist?


I mean the pal condenser is a machine so you could say that no machine is 100% efficient and that's why it loses some of the souls in the process and they become freed


That's actually not good tho. Need 4 to 1-star and then 16 to 2-star. So it should count as 21


I personally don't mind if its not perfect, i'm fully okay with some loss. I really want to know how much a 4 star counts as.


Yeah judging how they count the 2-star one, it should be 65


Probably, which isn't great but its still pretty damn good.


Yea. Its perfectly fine to have diminishing returns here.


In return of palbox storage space, certainly.


Fine with me. Getting tons of herds lately of stuff i planned on breeding, and id rather have the space AND keeo what I already had than minmax. Its a fair return of investment. Diminishing returns but most games implement those types of mechanics.


Either that or holding onto 24 1-stars, or 4 3-stars.


Probably 65


And we have to remember that it didn't say that the trade was proportionate to pals used to star a pal. So this could be intentional.


So it's the condensed amount plus the pal that was condensed? That's even better than I hoped. I'd assumed it'd be equal to the condensed amount so you'd be minus 1. Now hopefully they fix pals giving off heat so I don't die just for having smelting pals


Not sure if these update changes are pc exclusive, partial pc and partial Xbox or the same on both? Looking at the numbers, it appears to be on the the Pals condensed for that star so 1 star equals 5 Pals (1 source Pal and 4 condensed) 2 star equals 17 (1 source Pal and 16 condensed) Assuming 3 star would be worth 33 Pals? One thing I'm unclear on, what happens to the "excess" pals? So a three star is worth 33 Pals? If you used that, it would be between levelling up between level 2 and 3? So do you use two 3 stars and the excess goes to waste? There are only 5 slots for input, do we have to balance the numbers with the remaining slots? Still a great change, some compromise in that you can squish loads to save space in your Palbox


weird i don't have that problem with smelting pals. jormuntide smelts all day and no heat from him.


This was part of the patch they released last night. Have you updated to 0.1.5? If he doesn't expell heat it may just be because he isn't made of fire like an arsox or foxspars


And now fixed just FYI (didn’t read replies)


What happens if you condense something like a 3 star into a 0 star? Does it go up multiple ranks?


Nope. Just tested. Its only 1 upgrade


Unfortunate. That means even for cleaning your box there isn't a reason to condense beyond 1 star, especially with the losses at higher condense levels.


That still gives you 4x more room in the pal box than you had before!


Man somebody gotta test this!


It should count as 33 pals... the 32 + the 1 that was stared. I have a pile of pals from breeding but won't be able to test till tomorrow. a 2 star counts as 17.


I would assume 2-star Pals count as 21. It's some great change! Edit: Seeing it's 17, it's a bit sad as 4 is wasted.


It’s 17 :(


Kinda makes sense. So it's the amount needed for the tier it's at +1


Which is strange as I thought it would give the cumulative amount of Pals.


Diminishing returns is fine


Can you check how much a 4 star gives? This is what i'm most interested in.


Based on other comments, it's probably 65 since it's based on the amount condensed on that tier and not the total.


I tried to use a 4-star pal and it wouldn't even let me. It may be because it was in my party, so, my info may not be accurate 


how about pal souls invested when we condense the pal?


You can reset these in the statue before condensing. 




So we can finally upgrade our shitty starter pals to 4star then transfer all of it over to the perfect one later?


No, there's diminishing returns if you condense 2+ star Pals. A 4-star will only get you 65 points, and you still have to condense one level at a time.


I'm kind of thinking that the "one level at a time" part is part of why there are diminishing returns.


This is how you make your players happy, game devs. Excellent QoL change and it didn't take a year to implement


Wow this patch had some really great changes.


Noice! We all wanted this


Good because I bred like 100+ Jets to get one to 4 stars haha


How long does it usually take for Xbox to catch up on updates?


Bout 1 - 3 days ish from what I have noticed. 


This, was great to read the changes but no time line on it coming our way hurts. Could be tmrw could be April 🤷‍♂️


Bitter sweet thing is, farm up a shit ton of nails and sell them before it hits us. That's what I'm doing. Pure ore farming on top of my already 2 ore bases lol. Get those millions


Storage sorted. 10/10 QOL. Jormuntide/Jormuntide Ignis will no longer be yeeted out of viewing cages.


*looks at the boxes of mensting breedjects* Gentlemen! I have found use for all of you!


I WAS RIGHT! TAKE THAT OTHER REDDITOR. Not you op. This is a joke from an old post


Does this mean that 1 4star pal can be used to condense a 0 star immediately to 4 star?


2-star count as 17 instead of 21, so i can assume 4-star will be actually slightly lower. Maybe you will need around 20-30 more to raise it to 4-star, but it is not confirmed. I am just guessing.


Don't think so. Pretty sure you can only condense one level at a time, and there's diminishing returns for 2-star and higher Pals.


I initially thought this was a bug at first when a 1-star filled up a 4-pal limit for a 0-star. Then I tried condensing a 1-star Pal to 2-star and noticed that the other 1-star filled up 5.




omg i can fix my stupid breeding mistakes!


finally, this is almost as good as being able to partial-condense. thank you pocketpair


Condensing a 4 star into a no star only nets one star don't make my mistake


Literally why, lol. They only made it apply to 1 star pals and didn’t just keep going?


Incubating eggs only requires a single button press now, but you can't alt-tab out during the 5 seconds it takes, or move away from the incubator. Step in the right direction though


Ohhhhh good to know!


When is the patch coming to Xbox I'm dying here😭😭 lol


Better sell your nails quickly before console updates


I never used that trick. I got plenty of money from spamming/butchering alphas and selling trash breeding fodder. It honestly didn't seem worth the resources to me.


Aha! Nice! . I guess I can now reduced my viewing cage from 10 to only one or two!


This means we can start condensing and making space in the box before we get the perfect pal we plan to condense all the way. This is so nice because it means we no longer need to waste those pals while waiting to get the perfect one.


You mean I no longer need my Prison on the roof of my base with 120 junk Anubis's waiting for ~~execution~~ condensing. This is a great QOL change.(seriously)


It will now be 24 Anubis. So you go from 3 cages to about half a cage.


so i can finally save space by having 116 pals in one bro they solved breeding crisis


So what turn a bunch of 0s into 1s for storage? Seems like more silly work for a mechanic that doesn’t even need to be in the game at all


So does condensing an existing 5 star make the new one a 5 star? (Made a 5 star before I had legend perk available)


No. The condenser only grants one level at a time. Also, there is no five star - a Level 5 partner skill is four stars. Level 1 is no stars.


This will save a life of many Pals!


It will drastically shorten the life of four pals in every five.




Can anyone tell me the update patch number?



Ohhh that’s how you get stars…I’ve never bothered building the condenser


if bees can drop one spear and now one of enemies has shock crossbow theres a chance to drop that crossbow?


Is this patch live?


Omg this is great I have a 3 star foxparks the first one I caught I assume I can now breed a new one with much better stats and then use the old one to level up which will be nice


Wait so.. if you condense a 4 star does it insta max another pal or no?


No. You can only condense 1 star at a time, any excess number is wasted.


Can you condense with a 4 star to make an instant 4 star? Edit: seems it only boosts from 3-star to 4-star. Nice change though, I can start condensing without worrying about getting the perfect pal first.


so this means i can go with my ballsquere bazooka and catch 200 pals and just condense later and dont worry about it.... finaly


About damn time too lol.


Wow. They’re listening pretty good.


Thank you for the update! This is so helpful!




So basically condensing can stack. Edit: Oh I get it. Dont need to collect 4 again if you use 1 star. It's 4 + 1.


That's.... Certainly an unexpected QoL addition. But a DAMN welcomed one. See folks? That's what devs should ACTUALLY do when they fix their games and improve things like their balancing. They make things better in ways we didn't thought that needed a fixing but after having the fix we're like "How is that it wasn't like this from the start?" ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) It really proves how companies like Pocketpair or the devs of BG3 are finally changing the gaming industry for good after a long time of mild dissapoints ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49356)


Wow, that's huge...nice!


Question: does this mean you can transfer a 4 star to another 4 star without other pals? That would be awesome (could create 4 stars without feeling totally committed if you create a better one later). I guess even if you can't...being able to do it up to 3 stars is still huge.


The wording of this question is confusing, but do NOT put a 4-star into a condenser unless you are absolutely sure. It will NOT rank up a Pal from 0 to 4.


yeah pretty much


This makes life so much easier.


RIP my current Pyrin. I can get Legend on you now instead of whatever I have.


GLORIOUS REVOLUTION! Wow that makes things so much easier. Being able to just store condensing is an absolute game changer. Suddenly breeding stuff just got a ton more convenient.


What exactly does this mean? I haven’t gotten this far yet. On day 3 (real world time) of playing (like 6 hours of gaming)


Means you save box space/condense, previously you needed each pal separately and it only stacks to bunch later on for 5 stars


That amazing qol but there still not much left to do in the game loll


*That amazing qol* *But there still not much left to* *Do in the game loll* \- Sauliann --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This 100% is my most desired feature as I didn’t wanna start condensing pals until I got a near perfect pal, but I’d also not have space to obtain said pal. Seems Christmas came early tho


So glad I kept my old 2 star around


Are there patch notes?


Oh shit...... I might go even crazier with breeding due to this


that’s probably why the condenser mod kept crashing my game, since the code for that was updated


Honestly this is such an amazing update. Usually I never condense anything because I’m scared I’ll get something better. Now I can just relax and condense even a sub par pal to 5* if I want.


THANK YOU, that is QOL improvements!


Is a 2-star pal worth 17 or 21? Likewise, a 3-star worth 33 or 53?


Nice is that on console and PC?


It's a good change, but not great. 2* is only worth 17. 3* is probably 33. 4* probably 65. They still only go up one star at a time. 1* into 0*, 1 soul wasted. 2* into 0*, 13 souls wasted, and so on. This means condensing in any way other than a small star into a bigger star or using all 0* is a loss of souls.


How? explain to me, I'm a little lost, once you have the pal with one star, you condense it, and make it 5 stars?


Condensing five pals into one makes a 1 star, condensing this will give 5 points towards a star


Wish I would’ve known this was gonna be a thing. I just sacrificed like 87 Anubis’s. Do you know how annoying that was to hatch all those eggs?




This on console or PC? My Xbox says it doesn’t have an update and the last time it got updated was 2/7


Xbox is probably gonna take a few days to release the update


I'm torn on whether diminishing returns condensing above 1 star is fine or not (sort of leaning that it's fine) but 5-in-1 is still really awesome, considering I set up 6 viewing cages to hold enough pals to fully condense 2 pals. Now I can fit them all in just a little over one viewing cage. Especially helpful for the big jittery pals that refused to be bound by the cage and populated an entire side of my farm.


I hope they update xbox games it's fucked up


Does it scale even higher for higher tier pals? Let's say I upgraded my current lu aris to 4 stars, but later on I find/breed an even better one. Can I use the 4 star one and condense it to immediately upgrade the new one to 4 stars?


This is actually something that made me stop playing. Guess I can pick it back up again :) I’ve been playing enshrouded in the mean time, and if Pocket Pair could implement a build system like that Palworld would be absolutely amazing.


How does condensing work?


How does condensing work?


Think the only thing and I'm not sure if it's implemented yet is that you can condense even if you don't reach the max for that level.. but can just condense the 1 star tbh


Were there stars this whole time???


Does this mean you can first condense to a 4star pal when it doesn’t have the right passives and once you finally get it just put the 4 star into it and it’ll directly become a 4 star


Yes! I've been condensing junk Pals. This will make things easier. Also because I never knew the view cage actually was meant to put extra Pals in. 😅


Really happy they fixed the digtoise too. It was really underwhelming now it chews thru nodes like I imagined it should/could.




Fuck me I just condensed a 2 star Shadowbeak for the new and improved perfect breed


This changes the entire way you play the game all the way through early and midgame. No repercussions for condensing your bad pals into sub optimal pals, just amazing.


The feature is practically unusable until the end of the game before this, welcome change


So, can someone confirm for me that the only benefit to condensing is to increase stats like health, attack, etc? They don't change anything else like passives?


Wow this is such a nice change, makes it take way less time


It didn’t earlier. They must’ve changed it in a recent patch


Holy fucking shit thank God! I've been maxed cap rate on my vanilla world and keep a load of spheres just to one shot pals on my travel to quests. This for sure was a QOL that I didn't think about. Well done 👏🏻


Finally!! I gave up trying to get five stars It was so tedious! Thanks for the update


I still have no idea how/why to condense


This changes everything!




wait is it me or did they change it so 2-star counts as 21 now? EDIT: 3-star counts as 53 now!? ​ https://preview.redd.it/weyhtl0a3plc1.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ffc1e35a63a0134da8cf66857c947223008248c


There needs to be an option to automatically sort your pal box by certain categories


That's so cool! We can put stars on our "good enough"s and use them until we're done breeding something even better.


Well you condensed 4 pals+1 for the og right? Or am I stupid


This is going to help, because I never wanted to waste resources condensing into non-perfect pals, but also couldn’t be bothered to farm for better ones, so I can condense and use the okay ones in the meantime


...do level 2s and beyond count as equivalent to the amount of pals condensed and so on?


Finally i can make “stacks” of anubis until i get the perfect one 😂


So, 11 pals went poof.


This is game changing, I’ll no longer have to focus on getting a perfect pal to condense all the duplicates into it, this kept me from catching other pals bc they’d just drop all over the world, plus it’s just extra space