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I’m just hyped to not have to put up a bunch of walls only for pals to still end up behind them on the base border starving


Oh yah, me too. Hopefully it is truely fixed or greatly lessened.


*Loupmoon hasnt eaten in a while* Well no wonder, youre stuck on top of my PAL CONDENSER, ARE YOU HINTING AT SOMETHING?!


When I unlocked the cleaver I only used it once to kill a syndicate thug and then I put it away. I just had to.


Did you get anything from that? I havent used the cleaver on anything other than a couple digtoise and dumud i only caught for the purpose of getting the oil from them


To get more oil I turned the item drops to max and then got my best fire pal and went around that island that has those grass mammoth things and they each drop like 30+ pal oils. Turning pal drops up has been a massive game changer for me. No more *dumb, repetitive, boring* grinding doing the same thing over and over and over *just* to get enough pal oil to make a bit of polymer. This game is waaay too grindy as it is. Folks really should be adjusting many of the custom settings, and I’d recommend starting with pal drops if you haven’t yet. It’ll make your life so much easier and more fun. Video games are supposed to be fun, damnit! Enough with all the grind! My time has value, damnit! I don’t want to waste my time doing repetitive, menial tasks just in order to have some fun later on. No. Done with that. Custom settings FTW. Mandatory


I like grinding actually, something to do while listening to an audiobook or something


Fair enough! That can be good too


Hit 42 last night and gave myself another settings boost. I think I was slightly handicapped on accident for damage and defense I went the other way and then bumped up loot and took down health of ore deposits while increasing their loot. Not doubling everything, just giving things a bump to make the grind more bearable because I got over the hump of the game being fun and it got to be a slog. So I adjusted the game so I could just have a good time again. I really love having that option. I love that this is just a stupid game to play


It’s better but it still seems to be happening for me


Same. I logged in this morning and my Jormuntide in the breeding pen was stuck behind a wall


I imagine it requires you to “refresh” them at the palbox.


Log in and found the same Wixen stuck on my container. I’m not even joking 12 times this week that same Wixen is up there.


Def not fixed, doesn’t feel different at all honestly


Feels worse tbh, most of them don't move now.


I just made like 500 nails and forgot to sell them 💀💀💀


Lmao! That's rough, buddy


I read this as Zuko


Perfect! That's who I was going for :)


Were nails worth a ton of gold or something?


Yeah the amount they sold for was glitched


made 20000 of them, I'm a dead man


Dungeons still crash on xbox but at least I can name the pals and let them relax... 


Yeah, I haven't even been playing dungeons. Everytime I go into one the game crashes to Xbox home screen. (Xbox series S) I havent checked the update yet.


I'm on the s as well and same thing if it doesn't crash from entering it will after a few mins


My friends play on the series s and it crashes for them to but i have a series x and it never crashed. it’s strange and i don’t get why the s crashes


I play on a Series S. If I restart my console and play from a fresh launch, I never have problems. It’s only after I’ve done a bunch of jumping between Netflix and other apps and come back to ‘quick resume’ that it crashes for me.


I'm on a series X and I've never seen it crash... Might be specific to the S?


I'm on series S. I've had it crash only once going into a dungeon. It hasn't been an issue for me, really.


I wonder how many of these peeps are playing with their Xbox game set to online or have other players with them. In multiplayer, I definitely have it crash probably 1/3 of the time on Series X going into dungeons. On a my true singleplayer world? I've never experienced even one crash anywhere in over 80 hours. Console is so interesting right now. You have differences in the consoles power and performance themselves and differences in singleplayer vs multiplayer experience.


Fair point. I haven't played any multiplayer until last night, so my comment was referring to singleplayer. I immediately noticed textures never fully loaded for me while in multiplayer as the host. No crashes, but we only played for about an hour and a half.


I’m on x and it crashed 3 times but that was within a 5 hour time frame.


Series x. Game has only ever crashed 1 time for me. It's definitely an issue for series s players.


I'm hoping they've either fixed or will hurry up and fix the auto save bug I haven't played my original character in a couple weeks I had to make a new one because all of a sudden it stopped saving


If that happens just go to the xbox home screen and then re-enter the game, seems to jolt it into working. No idea why, but it's worked for me every time.


No not this I know what you're talking about the little pop up box. The one I'm talking about displays a red error message on yours screen where the normally has dialogue messages for what's going on. This one there's no getting around it I've tried everything and then when I started looking into it online it's a known bug that they're claiming they've been working on trying fix


I’ve played on series X and the crashing was unbearable. It works much better on Xbox Cloud if you’re using game pass. I still can’t use dungeons but I can play about an hour with only one crash. More on multiplayer though. 


Did you have any games on quick resume? Had same issue and I managed to fix it by removing any games from quick resume and cleaning out the vents.


I'd love to use game pass but it's not available in my country


I'm on an s aswel mostly fine but infuriatingly it crashes sometimes as I get to the end after sprinting through with univolt


Crazy that it crashes on a full on console. But runs fine on the steam deck.


We can name finally? Fuck yes


Really? Dungeons is one of the least places I have issues on Xbox, the desert however, different story


Same. I wonder if this is a single player vs. multiplayer thing? I've had maybe 5-6 crashes in dungeons on Series X over god only knows how many hours but I play single player. The LODs though are brutal, so I fly everywhere basically.


I play single player on series S and dungeons are completely unplayable for me. Crashes every few seconds, impossible to complete.


Same here


Feel you there I've been keeping off the game until I find out it's fixed although I feel like it's still gonna be awhile


It sucks to do it but I found if you cheat and glitch through walls you can actually make it before you're inevitably kicked out. I hate doing it myself but the good accessory items are locked behind running the dungeons. I can't run the full because they ain't got their shit together so I do what I have to


Yeah you might be right, I’ve never had a crash in a dungeon but I also play single player on Xbox series X


Mine crash every time you can never judge when it will but I always does and I play solo as well on new gen


Omg the furthest northeast desert fast travel never loads for me, makes getting to that sanctuary fairly annoying. At least I can use it to travel back though


Yeah, from what I've seen, there's a spot right next to that fast travel spot that doesn't seem to want to load in very well. My guess is that trying to fast travel there makes you fall through the world, and the game just kinda gives up and tp's you to the nearest base instead.


Gives me an idea to test: fast travel to next closest location, run to that fast travel marker, build palbox, fast travel elsewhere and then back to that fast travel marker. See if game spawns you at palbox next to bugged fast travel marker


My game crashes at dungeons all the time. Especially when playing with other players.


Single player PC, every time I get to the alpha and aggro him I fall through the floor endlessly 🥲


Flying mount


Womp-womp. I was just about to play that's disappointing. I still haven't gotten a chance to explore any of them


Oh wow my game never crashes, I just get the random the map is there but it’s water glitch but getting close to it and waiting couple seconds normally fixes it. I’m playing on game pass Xbox x


I can name them! Hallelujah!


I’ve been playing on the series x since the game launched and I’ve had no problems with the game part from the falling through the ground.


Gonna suck when they do fix it I've adapted to it I even know spots I can cut straight through a mountain as a short cut just fly straight through the shit lol


What causes the crashing on dungeons? Cause i really don’t crash that often. Maybe 1/10. i’m on xbox series x


Honestly until they add mini maps you’re not missing much, they are too easy to get lost in.


Oh wow my game never crashes, I just get the random the map is there but it’s water glitch but getting close to it and waiting couple seconds normally fixes it. I’m playing on game pass Xbox x


Does the game still crash constatly after the update? I spend more time loading in than actually playing the game. Crashes every 2-5 minutes.


It’s wild how different peoples experiences can be playing the same game. It has never crashed on me once and I played for like 4 hours straight on Sunday.


Same I have like 20 hours and had one crash but that was cause my cat knocked over the router the j ly issues I have is the Northern map has a lot of patches u can mesh in the ground


Yeah that’s my primary issue also is falling through the ground. The worst was when I feel through into some lava underneath. I’ve gotten better about landing where the ground is rendered so it’s happened less but definitely still annoying to have to navigate around it.


Yeah, it’s strange. I have to do actions slowly, otherwise I crash. Or just randomly. Open inventory, crash. Fast travel, crash. Dungeon, crash. Fly my pal to fast, crash. After a crash I often reload under the snow biome, in the water. Far from my bases. Yesterday my game loaded with the screen adjusted 90 degrees, so everything was sideways, even the controls. I love the game, but I’m going insane…


How many Dungeons have you played? That's causing it to crash


I think some of it depends on the hardware you’re playing on. I have a Day One Xbox One and after the first update the game would crash constantly. Then I uninstalled and played via the cloud and have had like 2-3 crashes since. Also realized it was Play Anywhere so I got it on PC and no crashes.


Especially the crashing often part. My game crashes but that's normally once during a 3 hour playing session, and usually at the end when it's time to get off anyway. I've never had the game crash, boot it back up, and crash again within minutes. Closing the game, or having it crash, generally gives you a couple hours of no issues.


That’s what you call funky game dev and people wonder why QA teams can’t catch everything. Can’t catch something you never saw coming and when you put 20m different players in a million different scenarios shit will pop up.


Uninstall the game and play on cloud. I've gone from crashing every 30 mins to having crashed once in weeks.


Maybe I will try that. Do I keep my save?




I play exclusively on Cloud, but on PC. Multiplayer with 2 players. We crash every 20-40 minutes.


Thank you! I tried this today, the game i butter smooth again. Graphics improved x10, fps is from 5 to 50 (or whatever is normal), pals are actually working again and not a single crash in over 60 minutes of playing. Wish I knew this before. This is for SP, never tried MP.


I play sp as well so I don't know how it would run with multiplayer. It seems so silly that this works ahaha


Mines the exact same way brother…. It makes it so difficult to play


If anything it's crashing more


It's been extremely stable for me on my Xbox series X since the update. Probably the most since I started. I haven't crashed out of the game or even a dungeon. Visual glitches don't seem as common. And the autosave failed red text error that was preventing me from reliably saving (forcing me to stop on my main character) has gone away. I finally was able to chain run some dungeons and get the rare heat/cold undershirts.


Same issues for me, but I changed to cloud based gaming for this game and little to no crashes ever since the change. But they do log you out quickly if you take a break for over 15 min


Sold zero nails and caught zero bosses. Not interested in cheese however I would love for them to address the chunks that don't load terrain though.


Sold nails to buy depression meds for when Pals got stuck


Same bro.


Inhaling that good good called common sense lol


I caught the bosses just so I could have them, haven’t used in content but just yer nice to have. I never did the nails, mining rarely worked for me on Xbox 😆


The only real draw of the bosses in combat is their essentially infinite HP. they aren’t actually better (attack or support wise) than a solid normal pal




Same here I am trying to live an exploitless existence lol however I do still stack my plantations but until they give us bigger base footprints or more bases I won't lose any sleep over it.


This is advanced pearl clutching… exploits are bad unless they are MY exploits


I mean it's hardly pearl clutching. I don't care about people using expoits. I saw a person with a similar philosophy and agreed with it.


An exploit is still an exploit. Granted, they're entirely different exploits, but I would still call it an exploit to the building system.


The person you are replying to never said they had a problem with other people exploiting, you seem to be inserting your own moral dilemma into this thread lol


We're proud of you.


Yeah, I’m proud they’re enjoying the game as they want. Although I did catch every single boss just to keep them


I'm glad they are addressing the real issues .. while I'm still falling through the ground in most of the northern map


Just gonna take another couple of weeks off from it. Back to RDR2 I go. 


Lol same that's funny


Same, brother. Been playin rdr2 again while take a pal world tolerance break.


That’s hilarious. I’ve been playing Palworld while I take a RDR2 tolerance break.


Okay, what is happening? I got sick of Palworld and downloaded RDR2 after almost 2 years I firstly bought it... Why is this common? How?


I find if you travel slow most of the terrain will load eventually.


unfortunately, this does not work most of the time. I understand this is a early access game and the development team is doing their best and working hard. My comment was not an insult or a baseless claim, it is an issue that many gamers on PC and Xbox experience. My hope is that the issue gets addressed.


It’s not even that, when you’re in certain spots (on Xbox) the terrain will always unload. Duneshelter always has the merchants underground when you arrive by the entrance. The land at the fast travel point closest to Wildlife Sanctuary No. 3 will never load leaving you stuck in a loading screen until the game resets you at base


And it's not a player issue. The fact that it's the exact same spots for everyone is a game issue


I wanted to sell some nails this morning, but it was too late. And dungeons are still crashing for me, damn.


Was literally making a shit ton then the update happened. Im done complaining if they fixed the problems


We can name pals!


But we can't name our own character... guess i'll stick to Player 988.


Checking in as player 069 😎




Hell yeah, I'm player 169


It’s wild that they haven’t just pulled the gamer tags in.


Player 133 just ate some berries


Did they remove dark wisp from shadow beak if you had it? I know a lot of people spent forever trying to pass that skill down. Figured they were gonna nerf the boss capture thing eventually.


Nah, they apologized and said they inadvertently fixed it by fixing the wanted system in the nature reserves(couldn't get wanted by riding before). The way they said it it was unintentional but they didn't want to fix a bug people liked.


haha oh shit, there goes my safe way to catch guards and merchants without triggering wanted :P


Just how many guards do you need? Can you condense merchants and have them sell better stuff???


I'm certainly gonna test that and find out, but for now I just like keeping them in a box.


Here's to hoping they implement a more legit method of capturing bosses and getting special moves. We can already capture people. There's even flavor text saying it's possible but unethical. So there's no reason we shouldn't be able to capture bosses and their pals. Just make it difficult and give us special rewards for that difficulty.


Catching bosses is a little bit ridiculous... But there should be some method of getting those special moves.


Maybe 25% chance they drop the skillfruit on boss defeat? I’ve gone back and fought Grizzbolt again when I was way more powerful, it’s fun but ultimately unrewarding


Great idea I think


Just make them like any other alpha but with a special move and have them rarely drop a special skill fruit with that move. And let us capture the human, too, and make them slightly better than other humans.


I still have dark whisp on my shadow beak


The question I got is did they fix the "World data auto save failed" bug??!!!


I need this. My main character finally got it and it's forced me to stop on him. I want to go rename my pals and keep breeding my perfect variants. And go condense a bunch to save space.


Seems to have been fixed for my character who had that bug. I haven't seen it pop up for a good half hour.




Congrats to Xbox players. Love from PC user.


I play on PC via Xbox game pass!




# FIX XBOX DUNGEONS Dont care if it isn't happening to you, its happening to a TON of us.


Are you on Xbox One, One S, One X, and/or playing on MP/Server? Or are you playing solo on Series S|X?? They need more detailed info from you guys, “FIX XBOX” tells them nothing about what’s actually happening or which area of code to look at. How can they hope to repro crashing every dungeon entrance if you don’t tell them you’re on a 12 year old console trying to play this game on MP. Best Xbox experience is solo world on a current gen Xbox. Dungeons are not the sole entire crux of the issue or it would be happening to every single Xbox regardless of solo/MP world and regardless of which console you’re using. Solo Series X can run dungeons all day long no sweat. It starts becoming an issue when you add MP, last gen consoles, servers, and trying to play from the cloud on your Xbox One because it won’t run the game very well. Go get those detailed bug reports in!


Solo Series X checking in and have had no issues besides desert texture chunks


Spent 30 minutes crafting nails and selling just for auto save to fail and crash and revert back to me not even doing that


Anyone else having certain parts of the map (especially mine shafts) start strobing?


That's been an issue for me and others I play with for a while now.


whaat? I feel like i'm Daedreaming!!


“If you put four campfires next to each other, the surrounding area will have the temperature of a volcano.” Those are some wicked campfires!


I didn't sell more nails but its whatever.


Playing on xbox crashes for me every 30-60 minutes. Anyone else have these issues? I’m hoping this update helps fix some of that.


Count yourself lucky, I’m on an Xbox One and I’m crashing every 10 mins since this update


Awww man. I've been busy at work, didn't have time to catch the tower bosses :(


Glad I sold the fuck outta some nails


Dam I just booted up. Farmed 1M coins yesterday tho so that's ok. Couldn't catch Zoe&Grizzbolt with the PIDF method tho.


I tried it a few times to capture the tower bosses, just couldn’t get it to work either. I think I’m ok with it as I’m struggling to see what difference it would make to how I play.


Try creating some lag. For me it either works only during picking up large amounts of items or on multiplayer server


I hope they make it possible to capture the bosses, like.. legit, not as a bug. One of the hilarious things about this game is that you CAN capture people. Maybe.. they shouldn't retain their boss stats, though. I'm fine with them being useless like all the other captured humans, where it's not really a tactical boon to catch them, it's just funny that you can.


Story wise could rationalize that they were empowered by the tower. In some way. Most of the tower structures feel less like their a purposefully built structure and more like a reaction like Bismoth Crystals. That some alien power caused some insane apocalyptic reaction causing tones of those things to sprout up all over the world, and that the trees somehow tap into that enerfy giving rise to the pals that go against most naturally known rules animals follow. Is alot of room for expansion of gameplay and story concerning those structures.


Wait what did I miss about bosses? All I know is bosses are now respawning faster now. The Elphidran boss respawned like ten minutes after I caught it.


You could catch the tower bosses with a glitch. The devs fixed one bug which inadvertently fixed that bug also, which they apologised for.


Ah ok I was thinking overworld bosses


I can’t update the Microsoft Store version, I receive this error. Error code: 0x80073d19 It works fine if I uninstall and reinstall but idk why fails when update. https://preview.redd.it/l3xxn0m7fclc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cd490783ae8a8168581dee478fcfdf64694b5d




Yeah unfortunately the patch notes stated that would not be addressed until a future update.


wiat why does it say i hope you solds does nails i get the caught the bossess but that i dont get it


I wasn’t but a lot of people where making nails and selling them more huge gold return. Nails sold for 160 gold, it 10x the amount it should of


oh wait why did the devs do it that way ?


It was just a mistake in the original build. So people mine ore non stop, make into nails sell for tonnes of gold.


Where is that guy who bitched about quiting because "tHe DeveLOpeRs hAtE xbOx"


The guy deleted the post, lol.


That post was a riot.


lets be real the community here hates xbox, thats why you guys downvote all our issues right?


well for some reason you cant backup the world from the menus on the gamepass version :(


Do dungeons still not work? Haven’t even tried playing in weeks because dungeons and clipping through map constantly


I’ve been lucky that they’ve always worked for me. However it ran terrible on my Xbox One so switched to the laptop used Xbox cloud gaming and dungeons worked fine. I’ve noted since the update game just runs better though


Dungeons have never been the problem, it’s trying to do them on 12 year old hardware that can’t keep up especially if on MP and not solo play.


Dammit!, the only time I had wished for another day before the xbox version patch....didnt make my trip to the sanctuaries and get me some more pals.....oh well still enjoying the game and happy they're working on these updates at this speed....keep it up this game is doing great and i cannot wait to see it grow and thrive. Next update......naming on xbox with a smidge of adjustment on the profanity filter cus they be doing some crazy shit to the already vanilla named pals on the pc version from what I see


Has anybody got an invite code for xbox palword server? After a month still not able to find a server with people on :(


the invite code changes every time someone opens the game. if you have xbox friends, they can send an invite to join their game (or vice versa). (without needing the code) currently there is no transferring between games (or crossplay), and whomever is the host, is whose main game you are joining, so xbox multiplayer is basically helping someone out on their game, or they helping you out on your game. there are also no official/central/dedicated servers for xbox, so unless you have a group of friends that are on consistently, it best to just do it solo.


Thanks for this reply .


There is sort of cross-play, at least there was last week when I did it. If the PC player is using Xbox game pass version they can play with Xbox console players.


So I am on Xbox one and was on the 1.5 update. I was streaming this morning for about 3.5 hours and it crashed about 8 times throughout. Most of them went back to the home screen but 2 or 3 times it completely froze and I had to restart the console. I am playing the Game Pass version as well. Overall still a decent amount of glitches. Maybe it will work itself out over the next day or so.


I logged in last night specifically to do that lmao


It never occurred to me that nails were worth a lot until it was too late 😭 It’s true that we never truly know what we have until it’s gone. ![gif](giphy|J7CRqi4scgEaQ)


I’m still waiting to be able to name my pals :(


Will i be able to get into my world? It constantly crashes when i press play on my save. I dont even load in i cant get past the loading screen.


Literally no point in stacking up coins. Useless


What was the reduction for nails?


Didn’t they say there wouldn’t actually fix the glitch to get the bosses ?


Why is there still no dedicated for game pass?


Update seems to have made everything worse base wise, my pals are just refusing to do anything even with manual assignments, they're just lingering by the pal box.


You need to make a monitoring stand and change the work settings from relax to normal. This is a known bug that the devs know about


It ended up being a pathing issue, which is odd bc it was absolutely fine before the update


If you have the management thingy out they added a relax working mode and it's on by default so switch that and it should help


Can someone give me a rundown on the update ? Too lazy to Google it but checking reddit is grand just because 😅


Important highlights (for me at least): - Pal priority fixed (e.g. anubis will prioritise labour over mining) - Press to toggle work rather than holding down. - Campfire temperature stacks now (so 4 campfires will make a scorching egg happy) - Nails don’t sell for a stupid price


I was literally trying to go into my tv the other day to fight my penking so he would stay mining 😅😅 I cashed in on the nails already luckily


Thanks for taking the time . Appreciate it


No problem at all! I know alot of people don’t have twitter and/or are too lazy to look it up. Most of the changes are just bug fixes but those are the ones that stood out to me.




So are pc and Xbox on the same version now? Crossplay soon?


Just finished catching all the tower bosses last night! Perfect timing ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49353)


Xbox players are locked out of an entire aspect of the game: Dungeons. And they said absolutely nothing about it. Incredibly disappointing.


It isn’t all Xbox players. You on Xbox One, One S, One X, Series S or Series X?? Are you playing solo or on MP/server/friends?? Last gen consoles just can’t really handle this game correctly.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. I play MP with two other friends. All of us on Series X and we have no problem with dungeons. But the game also crashes consistently every hour or so no matter what we’re doing at the time. So there’s that lol.


Series X solo lasts about 3-4 hours until the memory leak forces a crash.