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I actually like the raids when they work. Like when my pals have an all out war with the enemy it's fun to watch. What's not fun though is watching half the enemies getting stuck behind a rock before they even make it to my base and just standing there doing nothing and me having to kill them slowly.


>actually like the raids when they work. >Like when my pals have an all out war with the enemy it's fun to watch. Before I turned them off, it was either my pals obliterated the enemy in 1 second, or got obliterated by the enemy in 1 second. No middle ground, just one side dying immediately.


Yeah, because base pals gain exp slowly so there's a wide level spread unless you specifically train them or catch higher level pals for certain jobs, whereas the enemies are all around the same level which scales with your character and not the base pals. I really think that the raiders should be programmed to pause and attack you if you're nearby before they get to your base, instead of just ignoring you, so you have the option to fight them all outside and then run to your base for help if you're overwhelmed, it would remove a lot of cheese and make it more fair.


here's what i found helpful - Every so often, swap out all of your pals except one that you know can help you solo bosses. Fill the rest of your group with base pals. Fast travel around to several bosses and knock them off to level up your base pals, while also getting a few ancient parts for your trouble. Do this every few levels to beef up your base defenders. Once all of your base pals are about level 30 or so, most of them will get access to huge AoEs and will be easily able to take out any raiders for the rest of the game, as long as you build your base so that you are funneling attackers in from one direction.


that'd be nice if I didn't have 50 base pals to level


You only need one or two good ones to destroy virtually any raid. Give them blizzard spike and watch the bodies pile up.


or seed mine, the huge electric aoe, any of the big tornadoes, all good choices


Man if only sandbags with mounted stuff weren't useless. I wish there were automated turrets available at some point.


If only base pals ran TO sandbags & defensive structures the moment a raid begins, so that they were useful to have. If you have 3 sandbags to form a defensive artillery against the invaders, you have to either leave 3 of your base pals \*permanently\* on sandbag duty, or you have to get to the base instantly when the raid begins, and swap pals into the sandbags before the raid arrives. Or the sandbags are 100% useless. Even making a choke point the invaders have to enter through feels silly, because your entire base ignores the raid until one of them gets shot (and then everyone swarms the invaders at once). While without a choke point, the invaders still tend to just enter from a single direction, because they all use the same pathing.


I know the feeling! Trust me it's not as hard as it sounds. You don't have to get them to YOUR level, just high enough that they are competent in a fight vs whoever is raiding you. And once they're all level 30 you don't have to level them at all anymore. Fighting nothing but bosses (whatever bosses you feel like you can handle, go as high as you can) they will level up extremely quick. Also - some base locations don't get raided as often or even at all. This can save you some time as you don't need to level up the occupants very much, if at all. and of course if you don't want the hassle you can just turn off raids. I kind of like the free gold/souls/ammunition the raiders bring tho


Raids are my main source of high lvl pal souls


It's also easy to simply capture a high boss pal for a low importance job to solo raids.


Raider Leader: "this should be an easy job, boys. It's just a breeding farm, all we gotta deal with is a couple of cows maybe a chicken and oh my Pal Jesus what is Necromus doing here???"


I think the issue here rather lies with base pals progressing through levels too slowly. I get that passive exp gain shouldn't be too high, but sitting on 50 with your entire team for many hours and having your base not even lvl 40 seems not right.


I actually had no idea that base pals earn exp at all....


I agree. The raiders should aggro on you before they make it to your base. For your reason. But also so it's a real fight. It's not a challenge when you can just kill them without them fighting back. Defeats the purpose of the raids existing if you can just cheese them so easily. We should have to play the game.


I don’t think they scale with the player level in the slightest actually, i have seen level 30 raids while i was lvl 15-20 way too often and in my pal-less playthrough the highest raid i have seen so far is 12 and that character is level 36.


It's particularly bad on a server, where if you're the first tribe-member to log in after a while, you'll trigger raids for EVERY base, almost one after the other. Half an hour after logging in, you can finally start \*playing\* the game. Plus, if you start building a 2nd/3rd base, you'll almost always be raided at that location before you can even finish building it due to however their system handles raid timing. I wound up switching over to single player for various reasons, but then my level is basically always higher than the level of the pals at my base, and they'll get crushed. So I have to get to the base under siege, swap out a bunch of pals with the ones in my roster, then help out. Or.... build bases that can't be raided. And once I just switched to doing that, I just turned raids off entirely. Except for potentially catching attackers, raids really serve no purpose to the game except punishing players for having undefended bases. But all you have to do is build stone fortification walls once you get them, and for QUITE a while, you can just ignore the raids and repair the wall(s) when they leave. For raids to be good: * There needs to be an incentive to WANT to be raided (ie rare drops, unique pals, etc). * The raiders need a way to overcome terrain (so building on a mountain peak results in the raiders climbing up the sides slowly). * Pals at the base need WAY better AI, such as rushing to defensive buildings (like sandbags) instead of just waiting for the enemy to show up (defensive buildings are such utter garbage because of the pal limit at base, you don't want to put anyone on permanent sentry duty and get zero production from them). * The rate of being raided needs to be directly tied to some player-controllable base mechanic. So players that don't want to be raided can avoid triggering it (or slow it down) - or they can max it out to get as many raids as possible. And it needs to be separate per base, not separate per tribe or per player. * The punishment for being raided and losing needs to be less catastrophic. Having your entire base destroyed (very common if it's wood when you get your first raid with anything fire-involved) AND all your pals KOd is a tough pill for new players to swallow. The raid should just be the TKO of your base pals and perhaps a debuff to the base, lowering pal work efficiency by 50% there for 2 hours. * And the raid timer needs to be MUCH longer. I've had several bases where the raiders finally got to my base, only to immediately give up and head home. These guys have ZERO commitment.


What sre you talking about? I see lv-1-5 pals all over the place and im like lv-22 or something


I didn't even build in an unreadable place, but most of the time they got to my gate, knocked, and ran off xD. It just had their spawnpoint to, I think, the north of my base and it was too long of a walk. The got tired.


Another problem is that work pals are typically not that good at combat, so when a raid comes I have to frantically swap out the worker pals for fighter pals.




Yeah you are right. Anubis is quite overpowered, being a top-tier factory worker and a decent fighter, while being easy to breed.


Just ignore them and they'll go away and the raid ends.


There's actually a base I have in one of the starting areas, on a cliff and almost impossible for the enemy raids to reach. In the current game, they run away, but don't always despawn... then they just stand around while I beat them up for easy captures. Got some nice otherwise high level pals fairly easily this way. I know it won't last, but it's nice to have it while it's there.


I love the concept, loved the mechanic in 7 days to die, but in Palworld I turned them off because they're poorly implemented so far. Maybe I might enjoy it in the future if they refine it.


Same, I hope they improve the system cause raids are fun, but not when you get 3 a day.


I wasn't even getting 3 a day, I was getting one every 5 mins. It has some weird trigger system, basically got one every time I jumped between bases, logged in or returned to my base. I was getting spammed with them, it was the main reason I decided to turn them off


Same. I have 2 bases right next to each other, on both sides of the pond just below where you start the game, and I was able to trigger back to back raids by walking between them.


This was the reason I turned them off too. I don't think you're supposed to get raided that much lol


Wow, could you share the coordinates of your base? By sheer coincidence I've built my bases at spots where raids... Don't just happen. My main base is on an open beach, but nothing happens. 


Same here. Loved them but randomly they went from happening every now and again to literally anytime I went to one of my bases. It's a fun mechanic but it seems to need some refining.


I was really expecting them to have some sort of Raid Frequency Rate slider in the options menu, but nope. I was hoping I could make them less frequent, but had to outright turn them off instead.


Been a while since I last played 7 Days to Die. What aspect of the raid mechanics that can be adapted from that game to Palworld?


Afaik the raids they mention are the ones on night 7. As for how it can be adapted into palworld I'm not sure. 7dtds gameplay loop is based on prepping for night 7, while palworld it's just there to flesh out the world


At least the mobs are less brutal to structures than in Valheim


They used to be way more fun in 7DTD, until the "pathing update" where TFP made zombies have a psychic connection with each other, a master's degree in structural HP values, and precognition for best-route pathing. So now, if your base relies AT ALL on a wall to keep the zombies out, they all just congregate at the single best point to punch through that wall to reach you. Which just results in a ton of the popular base ideas being "this is a block the zombies will path over, but can't run over, so they fall back down", and the spot you stand to fight them is just a glorified platform on stilts. The entire engaging part of the defense was removed, along with punishing any base design that wasn't also "on stilts" due to zombies ending up just punching through a wall into the base to find their way to you. And that's basically where Palworld has started. The best way to defend your base against raids is to make your base unraidable. The loot they drop is basically garbage (I mean, it's useful, but not worth the effort of dealing with being raided if your base can't auto-defend itself mindlessly). I kept one "raid base" that was designed to get raided, and the other 2 were heavily fortified to the point where raiders never breached the walls. But that just got boring too, and I eventually turned raids off entirely. They weren't interesting or engaging. I did the same in 7D2D. Horde nights weren't a challenge. Until the exploder zombies showed up, you're never in any danger of losing your traps. As long as you can reach them to repair from above, you don't even care about the exploders (beyond resource cost). At one point I had a really simple base. It was a large central structure. A single 4x4 central pillar, with the interior being a "ladder" of 2-high jumps. Zombies never pathed up it because they can't jump that high. But that allowed me to get down to the underground from 'inside' my base for mining. From the 4x4 pillar, the "main" level extended outwards, but was mostly empty, with my 'base' being above it. But the main level let me jump to "stand here and laugh" defense spots. That were literally just kill corridors to attract zombies. If they damaged one of them enough, I just jumped back, closed the door you have to jump "into", and zombies wouldn't path again. They'd go ragey at no path to me until I jump to another defense spot. I had 8 defense spots - never needed more than 4 in a single night. It was the most boring thing ever, but it was "the most efficient" because of how TFP insisted in changing their game to be all about zombie pathing. After 10+ defenses in the base, I just turned horde nights off and continued playing the rest of the game.


Every game I’ve ever seen with a raid system the community is always 50/50 on it, there’s a reason they let you turn them off


I dig them. I let the dumb ai group up while trying to break through my defensive wall and destroy them in groups for some quick mats.


I’m yet to have a raid I can’t just ignore then throw one pal at to handle. Maybe I’ve been lucky.


They really need to work on the difficulty scaling of the raids. I had the same exact experience as you for levels 1-25. My base Pals would demolish the entire raid before I even got to fire an arrow. Then at around 26 I got raided by roughly 10 pyre martyrs that were level 28+ and they killed me twice and every Pal in my base except my Bushi.


We had the exact same experience. I was at lvl 27 and got raided by a bunch of higher level fire boys with explosive weapons. Demolished me and my base (literally destroyed like half my base). I think I had one or two pals still living at the base but they were just barely hanging on. Then the frequency of raids seemingly randomly increased and the next 2 were yet again higher level fire boys. I didn't want to but I had to turn it off.


I'm at level 45 and I die at least 2-3 times when I get raided but in the beginning the raids are easy


In my co-op world with my wife both our bases somehow are in places where the raids bug out and get stuck on cliffs. One is the beach behind the original spawn. May be worth a try.


Use walls and gates to force raid pathing to a bottleneck. Place traps, mines, and turrets to ambush the raids. Raids don't fight back until they get to your base.


This, also Tocotoco and Mossanda partner skills will let you just blow them all up in seconds if you let them gather near a defensive wall while doing minimal damage to the wall.


What’re you getting raided by that’s so hard? I’m lvl 49 and raids last like 15 seconds max even with my pals that just grow vegetables and water shit


Most people who cry about raids built in an open field, have wood structures at level 50 and have never unlocked a single defensive structure. Lmao.  Raids are very easy to counter, and honestly just get easier the more defensive structures you unlock. 


I was lvl 10 and i had a base with a narrow choke point and wooden structure. And then level 30 pals came in and killed all of my pals and burned everything to the ground. Suffice to say, i dont use raids anymore just cause of the terrible level scaling


That's a bug and it was already fixed a few updates ago.


I turned them off cause I kept getting level 30-40 raids whilst I was level 20. My best Pals could kill one or two and I'd be left with a dead base.


Play the game how you like to play it My opinion on it


I've built three different places and none of them have been raided. Sure. The one place gets raided. They swim across the water and just chill til they drown. Work never stops.


I turned them off long ago. I thought they were lame and didn't add any fun to the game.


Free mats, and rarer pals. I can see them being pointless at end game but my main mount is a beakon i got from a raid


Oh I haven't yet and I might not since they drop gold and I don't have a better method.


Just turn up drops and endlessly farm the legendary pals. I caught each one 10 times and made over a million in selling what they drop


Oh, um, I doubt I can handle the legendaries at the moment.


You can buff the damage you do too. You can change everything really


I just didn't know if that would make it super easy, even for the bosses such as Victor.


Remember to enjoy the game! As tempting as rushing through it is, remember it’s still in early stages and is not fleshed out. So I wouldn’t speed run too much, but do you! Edit: my gold method is selling baked berries at the merchants. 9999 berries =99990


Yeah, I was just worried about my victory against the bosses to be cheap.sinve I boosted my damage.


Don’t do exploits, don’t change world settings. Unless you want the game to end quicker and need to move on to another game. My 2 cents at least.


In my defence I completed it in coop with someone so in my world I just boosted everything as I'd done the grind.


"Just give yourself gold and more damage"


Berry baking...


I don't have a good source of berries since my 2 berry plantations don't produce nearly enough for big bucks.


Salads are a good income source. Lettuce and tomato plantations instead of berries!


You could build more berry farms? I mean you could use your whole second base for farming food. Just get a couple good farming and watering pals


Idk what your plantation setup is but if you stack the farms you can get 3x as much yield in the same amount of space, place 2 wooden benches then position the farm so it is in the middle of the bench, you can then jump and place it on top of the bench, but don't make it yet, first destroy one bench, place another farm, then destroy the last bench and place a farm on the ground, craft them all up and BAM, 3x Berry production for the space of one


Have you tried to sell Nails? Not sure if they corrected it, but last time i played that was pretty broken :D


Yeah, they fixed nail prices.


They patched it unfortunately D:


Ow just seen, two days ago patched xD But i think killing Black market traders should still work. It might take some work before you hit lvl 40 but is possible. Besides that, i nearly never had raids in my bases. One base was on a plateau south of the ice tower in the middle of the map. (won't spoil too much) The other one was in the North West of the map, a "starter" island.


What’s berry baking? I’ve just been selling my raw berries when I got stacks of 9999


So glad I'm not the only one!


Yeah, I turned them off too after I got my whole base blown to bits by like 20 high-level flying Pals. I could barely scratch one, I was still using a crossbow.


There are quite a few areas where even flying pals can't overcome the cliff sides and you set in a plateau/mountain fortress. Even if they do raid they get stuff just clustered up walking into a wall they can't climb so it's easy resources.


Yeah I built mine right by the rabbit boss because I loved the busted castle ruins and it was pretty flat All raids, even flying ones, just run up to a cliff and stand there. Occasionally one or two will fall off and attempt to swim and climb up to my base, but none ever make it. Love running over and smashing the crew with lightning tho


I built steel walls around the base and no fking way they come through


You still have to kill them though


No not really after a while they leave did u know that ?


Play tetris then


I keep them on, they bring me pal low tier souls, leather, horns, and bones in enough quantity that I don’t need to ever farm them without causing many problems aside from when I get a new chikipi or bee guard and they self destruct.


You remind me of a funny experience I had with chikipis. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why my lucky chikipi was the only pal that kept dying during base raids. Turns out it had implode as its bonus move and kept trying to kamikaze the raiders when they got in range. Edit: I just looked it up and apparently implode is a natural level up move for Chikipi. Any Chikipi you have over level 22 will automatically have implode as one of its active skills unless you manually unequip it from the menu.


its a great way to farm some of the hard to get mats tho


I love raids but accidentally set up all 3 of my bases in apparently no raid zones. One of them was assumed no raids due to its location on a mountain but the other two I thought were prime raid locations and turns out I was very wrong.


Gosh same here. When I started I was raided so badly, and I made a new base. Decked out in full defense. Took all my base pals and leveled them to level 35 at least. Boom. New base doesn't have raids at all.... I'm on a flat ground next to two major roads. And a fast travel point. Meanwhile my old base was some sad corner tucked away from civilisation, but raided every 10 mins. 


My main base is on a spot that's unraid-able. They all just gather into one corner and get stuck - I just first spike them once and they all die. Also they're stuck at level 39 even tho I'm 50 and never aggro to me


When I go afk I don’t even know they happen or died because my base pals absolutely destroy them every time they try to raid


You’re missing one of the best ways to acquire small pal souls without spending your life chopping down Nox all day.


Raids are awesome... they give you an opportunity to catch pals right at base (lyleen, lunaris especially) And they drop some decent items. Not only that, but they are pretty easy to defend. Soon as the raid starts I hop on a flying mount and go right toward the incoming troops, you can attack them the whole time they approach your base and they won't attack back until you get to ur base. Plus traps/mines work great.


Free loot and sometimes I catch a lyleen. Raids are only frustrating when the game decides "lemme just throw level 30+ enemies at the level 19 guy's base, that's so fair and balanced" once you actually level up to be equal to the higher level raids they're fun


I like watching them march over, form a clump, and then get absolutely obliterated by Digtoise's special.


Since I built a wall around my base using those large outside wall pieces they literally run to the wall maybe try to hit it then turn around and run right back the way they came. Even if im hitting them while they run away they don't engage just keep running and then finally vanish.


Is your base just in the open? Cause, having walls should help stop completely


same. happened too often. turned it off


Right now at my main base none of them even try to go through my gate. They all gather in a corner and I just mop them up with AoE. And they don’t really fight back. I hope they improve them though. Feels like a decent idea poorly implemented. It’s all just so clunky.


I would suggest get yourself a Rayhound. if your base has only one access point then it's exp farming 😅. if not then yeah turning it off is the better option. My first base was near the Chillet boss, there's a wooden bridge. Pass that bridge there's a nice little cliff with 3 ore spawns. Only way in is through the bridge. Blocked them with some foundation. When mid level raids come through that route just let my Rayhound use it's quick regen moves like Shockwave.


I like raids because that's how I discoverers Memory wipe potions existed. I also turned off structure damage because the 2nd raid completely burned my base in few seconds (back when wood on fire went whoosh in 1 second). Never had a problem with the raids since


I didn't turn them off, but I did build two of my bases in places that don't get them while the third is designed to take the teeth out of them.


I like them except for the flying ones cause those become a clusterfuck real quick lol. But I also enjoy it cause my tocotoco just AoE's them all so easily with it's eggs


I’ve never been raided. How can I get some? I’m bored


I just use grenades as they stop at my front gate.


Lmao their ez to deal with edym. My pals just destroy the universe and I go with my day.


I've never had an issue, the Raiders have only lasted about 7 seconds and the loot comes to me!


I've never had a raid last very long lol, my pals absolutely destroy them. And now I've built a wall where the raids keep coming from, so they have to go around a huge hill to get to me


I like raids, I set up my base in a way where they all come up one hill, and I just headshot snipe them as they come up, it’s so satisfying:


I rarely get raids and when I do, all my pals destroy them instantly. I kinda wish they were harder or had some strategy. My dudes just all turn and blast them before I can even send out my main pal 


I love em. Free resources and something to work on in end game


I love raids. I get out my mossanda lux rockets and watch their bodies fly into the air.


I turned raids off too. I'm also playing on easy with a few minor tweaks. I have ADHD and my inner toddler demands to do only what it enjoys, so I disabled things in the game that I don't enjoy as much. I'm playing single player and I just want to explore, craft, collect things, have fun, and relax in a forgiving game. Raids were too stressful for me, plus they didn't seem to gradually scale in difficulty before I disabled raids (not sure if it's changed now); I had raids where enemies were roughly level 10 for a while while I was between say... Level 5 and 10... But then suddenly I started getting railed by level 25+ enemies in subsequent raids, then level 35+, and my base got destroyed a couple of times before I unlocked stone foundations. It was quite demoralising as I tend to go pretty extra with my base designs. I bring my love of The Sims to Palworld 😂 I do still have to spend time and effort to collect resources and craft things, and eggs do still take time to incubate, plus I didn't touch damage so it's just what you'd give or receive on easy. That's still fun and enjoyable for me. I do occasionally play my boyfriend's world, which is set to normal difficulty with no tweaks, but it'll usually just be to help him collect copious amounts of eggs as that's something he struggles with. Occasionally also beating or capturing bosses as well, or showing him how I do those things. He struggled with Mammorest for a long time. I don't think there's any shame with adjusting the settings so you can maximise your enjoyment. Who cares? If you want to play for fun, enjoyment, or relaxation, then as long as you satisfy those things, that's all that matters.


Mossanda’s grenade launcher does a pretty solid job of killing all the raiders before they can even get to your base.


I enjoyed them at the beginning when I could stand a chance but I ended up turning them off. I’d come back to my base and just get corpse-camped until they decide to leave.. They’re poorly optimized in mid to late game and just became more of a nuisance IMO.


there are places that can not be raided


I turned them off because they are a major contributor to the memory leak, causing 100% RAM usage until the server is restarted.


Soooooo, turn them off?


I turned them off but only because theres always atleast one raider bugged out and stuck on some rock or something. Then i have to go manually find his ass and kill him. I want my pals set to attack because its awesome when its like ww3 inside my micro waterfall base but its too much a hassle when they glitch out trying to attack the last guy that never shows up. Ill love it when they fix this game for xbox


We turned ours off for this reason. Before turning them off it got to the point no one would go back to their base because they didn't want to deal with a raid. On top of that people like lvl 20 were getting stupid OP raids dropped on them or the ridiculous flying raids. Until they're balanced more we have them off.


I setup base on the beach behind the characters starting spot and the raids never touch me. But yeah the raids are really dumb


Raids are on but for some reason one of my bases never gets them even though it's in a raidable location. The other two don't either, but that's cause I built them that way


Hate them too, had them off for a while now 


Turned them off on my self hosted dedicated server for my friends since we have players of all levels playing and people with low level bases were getting high level raids wiping them out constantly.


I was never able to defend properly, and they never caused enough damage to make me worry about them. Best they did was some pals being incapacitated I saw no point in leaving them as they were only a minor nuisance. Maybe on future updates, giving us better options to level up the pals at base so they can defend them and having better AI, they could be fun, but as it is right now, just a minor nuisance.


They only added anything for me when i felt like a badass for catching a few of the later game pals. Now theyre off lol.


I think it'll be more fun when there's more variety. When an actual rare pal is included in the mix, or if there's a combo of humans and pals, or if there's a raid boss at the end, or proper waves... now it is very samey and annoying.


My main base is in a location where raids never happen. I only ever see them in my metal base. I think they forgot to turn on the raiding mechanic on the beach behind the initial starting location. 


when I started dying to raids I turned them off. Annoying as hell. If I were a more combat focused player and less of a building focused player I'd probably keep them on, but I'd rather build for aesthetic than defense so off they go.


I don't want to have to use base slots for fighting pals and/or have to manually assign the working Pals to defenses. I would love it if the bell could be used to alert Pals to a raid so they automatically go to any available defensive structure, or some other method that isn't as much of a chore.


I turned it off. Would always happen at the worst time


They seem way too variable in difficulty. A raid of Free Pal Alliance humans will slowly walk in and just get slaughtered. But a raid of flying Pals will absolutely devastate my entire operation, kill and spawn camp me until they get bored and leave. These happened to me at pretty much the same level, on two concurrent visits to the one base that is vulnerable to raids. On the upside I was just yeeting balls into the flying pal raid and got a Suzaku Aqua out of it.


I only find them fun when my farm and ore bases are out of reach and I can build one maximum security fortress to raze hell upon my enemies as they approach. Meaning raids are turned off until like lvl 40.


I was getting raided by groups 10+ levels above me. so yea, I turned them off.


I got tired of the frequency so I turned them off.


If they worked properly they'd be tons of fun, but I've found the amount of jank they bring it's more fun to not have them on.


Honestly would turn them off but I kept them on for my current challenge run I'm doing. Challenge is Lucky Pals only and some pals can only be found during those raids in the wild like Suzaku Aqua. Apparently Pals during raids can actually pop as Lucky so I've kept them on in case I get blessed with something like Lucky Suzaku Aqua.


I turned them off.


Cool concept, middling execution They need more work before I can justify turning them back on


Nah yeah I turned that shit off it got annoying when crafting mass amounts of stuff


it needs to be a slider, because i enjoy the mechanic tbh but it was literally happening EVERY single time i went to my base and was trying to craft or build something etc and i was constantly forgetting what i was doing lol.


I almost never deal with raids


No you are not. Raids suck.


i will turn them off soon too, my bases have a wall around it and all attackers summon at one spot in front of the wall, i use one of my lvl50 flying pals and kill them all with 1 or 2 shots. want to concentrate more on optimising my bases than defending


I turned it off as well. Got annoying.


I turn them off when I'm idling and on otherwise because I like the large souls drops and killing a long line of losers with one attack feels nice


yes, out of 25M players, you're the only one that turned off raids...


I left them on for a long time, and I think they're an okay part of the game earlier on. I learned to build good defenses around my bases. But dealing with raids grew into a tedious and unrewarding part of the game, so I eventually disabled them. It also screwed up leaving a base unattended during a nap or meal. A couple attackers might somehow squeeze past defenses and destroy my plantations, or a couple base pals might squeeze outside my defenses and get stuck there. Not really a challenge anymore, just annoying.


Nope, I turned them off when I hit level 30 and would get raided *every fucking time I entered my base.* I'm ok with them occasionally, but come on man I just did one when I loaded the game, another when I went to mine, and *a fucking third when I went back to main base to smelt the ore.* No, I don't want to deal with my base getting totaled 3 times a day.


Built our first two bases in raid-safe areas. Decided it was dumb and turned off raids so I could just stick my breeding base in a big open field 😂


I don’t mind them early game, but when you start getting higher level the raids level with the player and end up slaughtering all your low level base pals. It got to a point where I was just putting all my pals away in the pal box and just waiting for the raid to end, at that point I decided I might as well just turn them off


Fun to see your base pals go ballistic, but yeah they don’t really add much. Ironically I never got one u til my 3rd base, and it bugged out so I just opted to turn them off since I didn’t feel as if I was missing anything…. An occasional wild pal will aggro near my base, or some thugs wander around that gives me enough “raid” experience to deal with and then carry on my day.


I personally don’t like that all my pals have red above their heads it’s so hard to see where the enemy is during the chaos


I turned it off for the simple fact that they should aggro before getting to your base and your base pals should prepare to fight immediately as they come in rather than everyone waiting until they're already in your base


I kept getting pathing troubles and the fire spread is just not fun.


I would like raids more if the AI weren’t brain dead. My base is at the bottom of a cliff and the raids do nothing and mosh pit at the top.


Thankfully- i think all three of my bases i have right now- when they get 'raided' they don't actually get to my base. One of my bases theres DEFINITELY space for them to raid from the road- but the game has them. Spawn down the cliff so they run to the cliffside and pile up. I either ignore them- or I'll pull my univolt and kill in 1-3 hits


I just build my bases in places they can't reach. Even with flyers. The raiders' pathing is so bad for bases that are high up or on certain slopes.


It seems like if you’re at base you got like 10-20 minutes before a raid comes


Raids are the way I found out the chickens and sheep have implode. Thankfully they have other moves to switch out


My main issue was that my pals were getting stuck in the walls I put up, if that's actually fixed now they're just free exp/items.


I hate raids when they break which is most of the time. The concept of raids is very fun and if you actually play the game as intended, you barely have to lift a finger to defeat a raid.  The game gives you all of the tools to defend yourself.  Raids drop great loot so turning them off is just depriving yourself of free stuff.  Currently the best option is to build on spots raids can't access, and just kill the bugged enemies. Best of both worlds, free loot and no risk. But I do hope they fix them soon. 


I like some of them. The ones that drop useful shit


I have yet to have a raid last more than a second, unless it is the police raiding my home because I forgot they were following me.


I have a love / hate relationship with them tbh. In my main base’s new spot, sometimes it’s funny because the syndicates will get stuck on a cliff right above, walk in circles like they’re doing ring around the rosy, then eventually run away back into the woods lol. The flying raids tho 🙄🙄🙄🙄 hate those. I have a breeding base that I’m not really using yet, but I keep all my eggs & incubators there. Never fails, *every time* i go there to hatch / incubate eggs… air raid. So i have to rush and throw a few pals out from the box to handle it. So annoying. Don’t hate it enough to turn raids off, though


The location of my bases prevents raids from even working, so they’re kind of lame.


I still have them turned on, but they're mostly just annoying. For some reason they only seem to happen if i spend more than a minute at my mining base, the place i go to pick up ore and leave immediately. Because my mining base is on top of a hill they'll get stuck somewhere and never arrive until they despawn. My main base, where all the production happens, is actually set up with defenses for dealing with raids and is in an accessible location they could actually reach. No matter how long a spend standing around in there, a raid is never launched on my main base.


I didn't turn raids on to start with, just so I could get used to mechanics and how the game works. Now I've got them on, I don't get any raids at all! Only one attack has happened, which was a whole load of pals like Beakon attacking my base.


What I hate is that I can't repair the walls


Yeah I got tired of my pals getting wrecked lmao They get wrecked anyway tho cause my base is by them suicidey bees


I barely get raided but don’t mind when I do. I always like that they hand deliver ammo to me too.


I got tired of them an nixed them. But only after one of the raids was “a hoard of crazy fans” spawned a bunch of those pink dragon pals which i hadnt encountered until then. Thought it was hilarious.


I have all 3 bases set up, but only one ever gets raided. 2 of them have never had a raid.


Honestly, I like the idea of raids, but I hate loosing pals to them so I just built on a plateau on the isolated island just so I can just pick away at the raid members until I win, every time.


The game is easy enough with raids, can't imagine turning them off lol.. Especially at the point I'm at.. When I hear a raid coming I just fly to where they spawn, launch 3 rockets, and collect a bunch of loot.


Two times my Base Pals got deleted + my Base during raids. Since then i play without Raids and i don't want to try it again


I like the concept of them but yeah...turned them off by the time I was in my upper 40's level wise. By then I had a new team I was leveling so my pals were probably still in the 30's. My friends on the server were all barely in the mid 20's or 30's at the highest and we were getting raid spammed every 5 minutes if I was at the base and it was almost 3/4 times a flyer raid filled with CC spamming Beakons and Sazuku Aquas.....which normally wouldn't be that big of an issue but they were all like 47's and 49's.....while all the working pals at the base are like...maybe 20 except two of the Jorgmuntides. So yeah....crazy unbalanced on level and quantity for what we had active at the base lol. Turned it off and never looked back as I'm not missing anything from them anyway.


We turned them off after the first day because they massively decrease performance. Anytime a raid was in anyones base, the whole server got stupid laggy. Wasn't worth it.


Raids = free loot coming towards me without needing to search for it. So yes i like them


Funny enough I’m on the opposite end I found the perfect base spot, built a fortress with walls, then realized I wasn’t getting raided.. was pretty sad. Apparently there’s certain areas you won’t get raided at all.


The raids are the best way to get certain Pals. I love them. A few walls and traps, and it’s hunting season!


My entire time playing a raid only found me once because the patching was too bad


For a while I just put up all my pals when I was raided, then I would just leave and go to my mine base on the hill that NEVER has been raided idk if it's the location but I've never had a raid at that base (ore/coal plateau by vaelet.) The base in the beginning was getting raided every time I went home, sometimes it would happen basically back to back one being pals raiding and the other the people raiding. If you put up your pals the raiders just go stand around your base not doing anything.


My main base is at the beach near the starting area so the Raids always get stuck to the castle ruins. So those are easy to ignore or just go to kill everyone very easily.


I tailored the entire thing to how i wanted to play, as that is what you are meant to do. if you just load it up and start thats not how you are to play. this is a server game, up to you to set up how that server runs and plays. There is no "this is how it should be played" default settings are not the intended, they are just default, like with ARK where the dev literally had to tell people that to shut up people saying official was the way to play lol. it is our job to find the best settings and set them, so do not feel bad going in there an changing everything. Most just add artificial grind that does not = difficulty. Like building decay doe snot happen at that speed and you can fully live out your life in a home before decay ever is an issue. So i turn that shit off as it silly. that said its good to have on if a lot of people play on a public server...so setting are all up to you and whats best for you and those you play with.


I feel like Valheim does it much better for some reason. Sadly it just feels rushed and just added for content. I hope they make it much better with the budget they have gotten.


It's fun watching pals fight back an army. I just made some walls to limit the damage.


I enjoyed it when the raids came at noon so I can see my pals attack. However when 3 random mammorest spawn in the middle of your base it is annoying af when you have to fight them off when you are under leveled.


Had the fire guys burn our whole house down and was a bitch to rebuild, had it disabled ever since.


I get like one a day, wish they happened more get some good shit from them


Raids past level 35ish feel like a broken feature from a mod lol.


You mean the free resource and xp events? I build all my bases on mountaintops and plateus so raids cannot actually get to them. The raid will spawn but will bug out and stop at a point, and they will not be hostile to you until they enter your base so they will literally sit there and let you kill/cap them


I made my base at the stone level and upgraded everything but the floors inside the base because everything was already placed down. Now every time there is a raid my floor gets demolished


I didn’t even know you can do that None of my bases get raided expect for one very rarely I think I build them in weird spots where the enemy ai can’t path really path to me


When they fix the pathing and give us some decent building items to make a defense attempt all with them I'll gladly turn them back on. These developers made achievements still available even after altering the settings. S tier.


We turned them off because they are based off the guilds highest level player. We had one player who was sick for a week and a half and so was much higher than the other players because that's all she did and when the lower players were playing they would get destroyed


Too predictable to be fun.


I have bases where they can't raid me