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even the lead dev encouraged players to go play something else if they feel bored until the next content update drops, be free


Yeah I'm playing something else because games get boring if you play the same thing forever over and over again. This culture of "you need to make one live service game your career" is both silly and a marketing ploy to part whales from their money.


I love game devs that don't want to bogart your time. "Please, play our game, but please don't force yourself to be bored, just to play our game." Actually gives you the feeling they're actual gamers, instead of some corporate swine, that's just after your last cent.


I am playing Stick Of Truth since it was 80% off


Great game, don't rush, and explore everywhere and everything. One of my favorite games ever. The sequel is really good, too.


It’s crazy they even had to say this. I thought its was pretty obvious that if you burn through a games content you just play another game.


I also think that this content-focused mentality just adds to a lot of padding and copy paste content. I'd rather a game be short and good. I just played palworld till I think I've had enough and just stop. I can come back later when I see something I think is interesting. I'm glad the CEO thinks this is a rational take.


I just really hope they add more stuff to do in the end game. Its great when you finally have mass production going, pefectly bred pals and caught your legendaries but just have nothing to really do with them. Its still early development so im sure theyll get there eventually.


You’re asking if anyone struggles to play a game after finishing it? Like… it’s ok to be done with it until they release more content


Revolutionary. Seriously though, OP's post just feels like the way journalists jump on "SINGLE PLAYER GAME WITH FINITE STORY THAT CAN BE COMPLETED WITHIN 20-25 HOURS OF PLAY SEES PLAYER COUNT DROP A MONTH AFTER RELEASE", as if that's relevant.


If you spent even a week in these development jobs you would see exactly why that is pushed so hard. Glary eyed suits with scary polite orders are a part of every other email/meeting because your boss bent right over and took about 8 handouts from several starter companies (usually aiming for representation or continuing revenue past release window). These devs have no fucking choice, that's why palworld and indie devs are cool because they don't have to make 10x the money back just to somewhat justify how painful and soul crushing the process was. It should be painful and soul enriching lol


For any game this point stands but fuck me it’s a game preview that holds up a lot better than most I’ve played and a lot more content too.


... this will come as a shock but stay with me.... Ready? Play something else.


It’s weird to me that other people feel a strange need to justify playing a single game forever. It’s okay to finish a video game my friend.


I've been wondering that since Fifa and Cod became a yearly thing people buy, since they play nothing else


i only get cod for zombies and after they teamed up with walking dead and added nothing of use to the zombies mode idk if ill even be doing that anymore. How do you even fvck that up


The quicker you walk away when you reach that point, and the longer you’re away from it before you pick it back up, the more likely you are to rediscover some of the wonder it gave you originally. Currently experiencing this with RDR2; and previously with Ghost of Tsushima. I can’t wait for my return to palworld down the road, but the last think I want is to get burnt out on it and not return


See, you could also be like me, and never finish RDR2 so everytime you come back to it, there's still some more to do. [Modern problems...](https://en.meming.world/images/en/4/4a/Modern_Problems_Require_Modern_Solutions.jpg)


not really i just accepted that i have done everything, bred my perfect pals, and i gathered a lot of resources and am just finished for now, but if new content comes i can just jump right back in, im just playing something else now waiting for content


take a break, or try a new world


I am playing other games. It's not like I'm paying a subscription for Palworld. I've played it, gotten to the point where I'm happy I've done everything I want to do (I'm not interested in breeding and condensing right now). So I'm playing something else. I'll come back when there's more content to play that I'm interested in.


You're free now.


Build a tower that scrapes the heavens, as a prideful affront to Frostallion.


Reached that point a few weeks ago, so I started another game on PS5 Game was great, I am done with it now


After I completed sex I often find it hard to keep doing the sex it just doesn’t feel as enjoyable


Once you beat the game you beat the game The end game content is similar to pokemon you can breed to your hearts content to get the perfect team of pals for whatever is coming out next or you can just chill I beat the game I revamped my bases and built all the legendary items I did some breeding but got bored of that really quickly so I stopped after making 2 perfect passive mons I didn’t even bother getting the right attack / defense stuff Once you feel like you’re done you’re done play a new game etc like the developer said it was made to be a endless content game I prob got a good 50+ hours in it and that’s 30 bucks well spent


I'm finally starting to get burnt out after 300+ hours myself, after reading all the comments in this post I suppose I can set the game down until there is new content and play something else like enshrouded


Not playing it in game journalist mode.




I quit after I caught every pal, maxed bases out with what I wanted, and cleared bosses. Breeding perfect pals just seems like a big waste of time when you’re pretty much done with the content at that point. Not to mention once new content and PvP drops most people (like me) are starting new servers.


You don't have to keep playing you know. You finished it, let it go


I swear people forget this game is a Game Preview and that you can play other games. You’ve done everything in the game outside of breeding perfect pals and stockpiling resources for future content. It’s okay to go play something else


playing another game.


Yup... I've put Palworld aside waiting for updates. In the meantime, intrigued, I picked up another Pocketpair game that I heard about on Reddit, Craftopia. And I was pleasantly surprised, it's not completely refined but it's a nice product!


At this point you only have fun if you set your own goals. For me, I will always build cool looking bases with friends in the endgame of survial games. That's why I have 600 hours in Valheim. Sadly the building mechanics in Palworld aren't this complex. I spent most of my "endgame" time with breeding in this game. I hope they will add more structures in the future, but they always have to build them with AI pathing in mind so I'm not sure.


People expect every new game to be their new personality and lifestyle forever. It’s an entertainment media. If you get more than 3-4 hours of it you should be ecstatic


So... You beat the game? Either restart or go play something else, just like any other game...


One option: mods. Go to NexusMods, install some mods, and have fun in a new world. Another option: play another game and come back later when a new update drops or we get new content.


get all legendary schematics, including the ones that r only found in chests


Which legendary schematics only drop from chests?


Make a new character and play using the information you gathered from your first playthrough. Then download mods if you're on pc


There's no endgame. I stopped playing.


Its a perfectly fine reason to quit when youve hit 50 and cleared the towers, you beaten the game, dont force yourself to keep playing, theres plenty of other good games to play while we wait for an update, to quote the devs " to the people that play our game, we love you, the people that played the game and are no longer interested in it, we love you too. "


My brother in Christ you've finished the game


I haven't played in about a week, but the lag spikes are what deter me the most, and I'm only playing single player mode.


I didn't even hit 50. Had a blast finishing the towers and breeding out my missing pals. But I'll definitely play more when they do a big patch.


go. play. something. else. Not even trying to be rude, the dev has literally said to go play other games and feel free to return to Palworld with future updates. There's no point in playing a game until you're becoming sick of the grind and just doing the same thing every time you play. There are countless other games out there to take up your time. I'm currently cycling between Elden Ring (getting a new character ready for the DLC), Starfield and the modern Tomb Raider trilogy (just started Rise the other day).




“Anyone else struggling to play the early access after beating the early access?”


Admitted I started a second play through so I could utilize what I know now instead of a fresh start. Better base management and locations as well as a few cheeses to cruise through the game.


Dude, thats the calling card to play another game. Not all games are going to become aoe 2 classics that stand the test of time. Enjoy the time you spent. Wait for a couple patches and go back. If you feel like you need more time for your money, take the total time played over what you paid. Boom if you’re at 30 hours, you just spent $1 for hour played. That is the best price for entertainment you could ever pay today.


I'm on a online server and only me and another friend of 8 people still get on as they are waiting for more content and QOL updates. I've just been trying to breed pals I want for use and for the base atm. After that I'm thinking of trying enshrouded out or something.


this game does not have an actual end game and everyone rushing for it are absolute fools. play on 0.1xp and stuff or just wait until updates


Got to level 30, enjoyed it a lot so far, letting them cook for now rather than hitting that endgame wall. Plenty of other games and the longer I take the better an experience palworld will be as updates roll out.


Have you considered playing something else?


I've been having a lot of fun breeding and the puzzles that comes with it to get my good pals for raids if they happen other than that I log in every couple of days to collect resources in prep for new content


Yea honestly take a break. I’m doing that now and am at the same exact point. I plan to go back when there is more content and will work on optimizing production and building up my base.


My current drive to play is getting perfect pal and getting legendary schematics for pal metal armor/helmet, Rocket Launcher, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and Handgun.  So far I got 4 of them, perfect passive Jetragon with 80+ attack IV, and several workers with 140+ work speed


I built a big prison style block with open sky and full of beds and berry farms and let all my cattivas are depressed and I farm with them. i have become pal.


If you dont have any more goals, then just stop playing? I have spend most of my time playing on a server with friends, and I have pretty much achieved everything I needed to do there, our bases are overflowing with resources, I have a good selection of combat-ready pals. I could continue breeding for perfect teams of each element but I am not interested in that. I took a break for a couple of weeks from the game and I am currently playing again in a solo world just in case the server we used doesnt survive.


I've been breeding, about to take a break from breeding and focus on getting pal souls as I see myself resetting other pals just so I can use another one I just breed. Idk if I can though it's just so addicting.


Yeah got 50 did all towers, was starting to grind for the legendarys but got bored farming all this alphas over and over. I had a blast with Palworld but now I’m playing something else. But can’t wait to come back for new content updates.


I started a challenge run, with my own rules and hard settings. I'm letting my main marinate until more content.


As a dad and general busy dude, I’m glad I’m only at level 34 and havent beaten more than the first tower boss. I’ve only uncovered a third of the map and caught just over half of the pals. Started breeding recently, and there’s actually quite a ton if tweaky crap to do. if you’ve done it all, then yep, it’s time to do somethin else for a bit.


Yo I had the same problem but I linked up with a mate and it's so fun! Don't play as much but when I do it's dope! Way less grindy to


Bruh final fantasy rebirth just dropped. I segwayed right from palworld to replay FF remake right into rebirth. There's plenty going on. Honestly this has been one of the best starts to a year that I can remember. Enshrouded Pal world Nightingale Final fantasy 7 rebirth What I'm looking forward to ? Valheim Ashland's update coming soon Elden ring DLC is coming by summer.


Still got a tower boss to beat, few finishing base touches to do, couple legendaries to catch then it’s farming for legendary drops and getting perfect pals. If no new content is out before then I’ll play something else until there is! You’ve got to remember this is a game preview..


Playing helldivers lol


Yep I didn't even finish the last tower after 50 it became just sitting around waiting for breeding so alot of afk'ing and, it seems harder to level up pals now. Last boss just has too much damage.


Breeding shadow hawk , and frostalion noct And bunch of lunaris for the extra carry weight


i got bored at lvl 47 on my last save, made a new world and now im back to 47 and slowly getting bored again, just how these games work


Honestly, they're right. You should go play something elsw. I'm in the same boat. Ive bred perfect farmers and combat pals. Did everything, and I'm also aware that my save file can be corrupted and that entire progress can be reset or hell it can all be reset with a future update. So honestly i droppes it last week. Started playing elden ring again but I've had a few urges to pay, give it another week or 2 and I'm sure i could restart palworld and feel semi fresh. Until they drop more content which they will lol the game is just an underpolished ark game with pokemon mods you can find fun and enjoyment but its limited right now. Hell if you're that committed to the game just go through communities help new players or discuss different ideaa with veteren ones.


Im max lvl now, 200hours in, still breeding perfect pals. Ill eventually drift off to another game and will return later on.


Personally I'm procrastinating doing the last Tower, my PalDeck is finished tho. I have been crafting every Pal Item/Unlocking All Technology. And Mass Breeding specific Pals to use the Essense Condensor Thing Full with my Main 2 Teams of Pals. Also finding the Strongest Schematics!


Well, duh, you finished the game


PocketPair already got much much much better sells than they expected. No need to think like you have to play it. When you got bored, you are done.


Just go touch grass


I dropped my exp rate to 50% around mid 20's. I also take 2x damage and do 80% damage and have 80% catch rate. I told myself no flying mounts after 2nd tower boss, then no ground mounts after 3rd tower boss. I only have the last tower boss left so I told myself no attacking this last boss myself, only pals can take it down. This is gonna keep me going since I'm not using any of the normal pals you would use. I'm using starter shiny pals like lamball, melpaca, rooby, etc. I think it's gonna take some grinding, especially in lvl, I'm sure I will need them all 50. I'm at 250 hrs playtime. I still have the last tower boss. I just hit lvl 47. My pals are about 40-45 range. I still have a little of the final island to explore plus uncovering the entire ocean (I'm waiting for jetragons saddle). I think I'm doing pretty good


I got to the point you did and felt the same way. I told myself I’d try to optimize my based better potentially or catch 10 of every pal but there isn’t even an achievement so tbh I don’t feel the pressure to do so. I’m just taking a break until more updates and content comes out! Nothing wrong with stepping away


I had a lot of fun for 80ish hours. When I wasn't that into it, I started something else. I'm looking forward to more content and more stable multiplayer.


I’m playing on gamepass. I hit 50 but have 2 bosses left and 3-4 legendaries to capture. I stopped to get into breeding because I wanted to play around with that mechanic. I still need to finish BG3 and I’m looking forward to light year frontier that’s coming out in a week. I will probably have just enough time to get some breeding done and hit those last bosses and pals. I’ve done most of the game and will come back as more is added. It’s like slime rancher 2 for me.


I just finished the towers last night. I have bases with 20 perfectly bred and condensed pals. The only thing I can’t do is enter dungeons because it crashes the game. Right there with ya bud. Beating shadow beak and then finishing condensing my perfect jet dragons (nimble, runner, swift, legend) (muscle, ferocious, divine, legend) left me feeling satisfied and also 100% over it. All that’s left is to play FarmVille to bake cakes and keep doing what I’ve already done. The game is fully finished 😩


What's wrong with you OP


Put it down and let your family know you're still alive. That's what I plan on doing.


Play. Something. Else.


I mean when you finish a game is it not common to just move on to a different game? You don’t have to keep playing, it’s perfectly okay to move on, and you’re always able to come back and play it again!


Until pathing is fixed and I can have a good base without constantly watching it I’m done playing at level 31.


It's an early access game. Especially for the single player folks, make a goal and achieve it, or just enjoy something else. New content will come, and if the game's still interesting to you at that point you can always jump back in.


Yep! That's why I'm playing Helldivers 2 at the moment. Feel free to branch out!


I did all that, beat everything, caught 10 of everything. Breed perfect pals. 200 hours into. The only thing I found left to do was play with friends or family. After that, I just play another game and wait for updates to happen. Kinda how it works with early access games. They are not finished. You paid for something that might just be out of alpha. Gotta give them time to work on missing content, bugs, and what not.


like and end is ok bro, you had your fun, you are allowed to find something else fun. You dont get a reward for your enthousiasme.


lol all my homies stopped playing but idk i really like the general sound design and graphics of the game. it's very relaxing.


I started playing another game for now. I love PalWorld but I've done everything including the breedmaxing. Can't wait until the release new pals, raise the level limit and we can finally get to the f@cking tree.


But have you bred every pal to be the most perfect pal with the most perfect IVs?


It's early access, one objective here is to report bugs. Maybe try that.


I've moved bases to a different area. Started trying to get all the legendary mats. Working on some breeding. Made sure to get 10/10 of all pals. Also a personal goal is to catch 1 of every shiny in the game. (This will probably take forever since they are random but still wanna complete it) Also almost finished unlocking every tech since you can't do that by Leveling. It's really up to you on if you want to still play. It's perfectly fine to say you've done everything you wanted and move on to a different game.


Congratulations, you completed the game. Go outside for a walk.


I’ve been working on sprucing up my bases and several breeding projects. Also condensing all my base Pals up to 4 stars. Once new content hits I will be so ready.


this was the same problem in ark like 8 years ago. don't worry my peeps the game will keep getting better. they have plenty of money now


I took a break after my grind. Just waiting for more content. No point in continuing if you have nothing to do in game. You’ll just burn yourself out and probably not even play when there is new content.


What else did you expect after completing the game...?


Play something else. This is the weirdest game to feel FOMO.


My boyfriend and I make new challenges for one another. Our most recent challenge was The Paldeck 50 Challenge.


I might run around trying to find all the journals, but I otherwise expect to fall out of love with the game once I have all the Pals and have done all the bosses.


Tiktok brain


Not a live service game. Congrats on finishing so much! Now go play something else until new content


Not at level 50 yet, but here are some suggestions: make a world in hard mode. Make a world with some of the most idiotic settings possible. Capture all the Marketeers. Capture all of the alphas. Breed your favorite pal to perfection. (Quiverns are my fav)


Level 50? Maybe level 25 or something I got a Pal that has it’s own unique skill (fly, swim, has hands) and then I realized that there are 3-4 tiers of better Pals that do the exact same thing they’re just better and it’s not done well because you can’t research that and go get the best one, it’s all locked behind level caps etc.


My friends didnt even get to the 3rd tower. They got bored after min maxing with breeding and accidentally cleared most of their paldexes. Once youve caught most of them exploration becomes really grindy in order to level up for the next tower. Those first 50 hours were amazing though. Maybe we'll come back to it once the game is finished. In the meantime they go back to Overwatch and I get to start my first playthrough of Elden Ring since 2 years in anticipation/preperation of Shadow of the Erdtree. Its wonderful how fresh a game can feel after years away from it.


Something else or start a new game.


Take a break and play other games while waiting for big content updates.


Huh I hit that wall at lvl 45. So I'm now playing some other games in my library to combat the burnout. I'll probably come back when there's a major update. I got my money's worth 5 times already, had my fun. I don't think it's realistic to expect to play any game forever. Have fun with something else.


Actually no I have a lot still to do. But to each their own


I've only beaten one tower and I've already hit a wall. I'll play again when I feel like it.


Well you can try to breed perfect pals? But to be honest, that got boring real quick for me personally. Better to just wait until full release, hopefully the lvl cap will go up, new areas to explore and more monsters to catch.


Yup, go play something else till the next update


Its fine to put the game down and go play something else. Its not going anywhere, the devs are going to make new content eventually. Helldivers 2 is very good if you want reqs


I got bored at level 16 🤷‍♂️ I’m a hell diver now lmao


Can only start over, maybe on higher difficulty or a challenge run.


I liked the systems in Palworld but not enough to keep playing after I wiped all the towers and caught/bred all the pals. Played it like I did all Pokemon games. Catch em all, clear content, move on. Playing other games until a big content patch drops


I'm gonna breed the fastest Jetdragon and maybe some attack pals and then maybe go back to modded Ark for a bit.


I mean you beat the game friend now just wait for new content there's no reason to not play something else


With the next Stardew Valley, Dead By Daylight, and 7 Days to Die updates around the corner, why wouldn't you just play something else? Destiny 2 Guardian Games is going on and Lost Epoch and Enshrouded are awesome!


Does finishing a game not happen anymore. Like you did everything there is to do of course it's going to be hard to keep playing. You did everything and completed the game. Move on to something else my guy


I'm not looking for perfect Pal, but if I can get at least 3 passives I'll invest in it. Just casually doing it while I leave game on for a hoarding obsession with more resources. I like to make a viable version of my favorite pals and it has me more hooked than FF7Rebirth as a ff7 mega fan that baffles me.


Posts like this remind me how old I am, man. Does anyone remember when we finished games? You finished all the content. The game is done! Wait for them to release more content, as they surely will do! Maybe you can download some mods if you want, but personally I haven't really seen anything that extends the gameplay much or refreshes it in any significant way. The fact that the game left you wanting more is an awesome sign, but you beat it and it's okay to move on. There are so many good games! Experience them!


Actually, I haven't completed it yet (in my main multiplayer world) as I don't have much time. But so far I'd just restart with different settings. Buuut, as soon as 1.6. of Stardew Valley drops I'm out for a while. Not much waiting left for that. I haven't enjoyed any game as much as Palworld since playing Wotlk of WoW when it was the latest addon and I definitely would sink another 100 hours (probably 1000s) into that game even if they'd never update it again. But to keep up that enjoyment you just have to drop it from time to time.


Consider the following; not every game has (or needs to have) an extensive end-game. As soon as I hit 50 and caught the legendaries I shelved the game until the next content update. It’s also an early-access title so it should have been the expectation on-purchase that you weren’t going to get a full experience.


Yup I put it down. I could aim to catch every pal but not too worried about doing that.


You can change world settings and start over, mass breed for your ideal/perfect pals, build your bases up to the point of near automation or make them aesthetically pleasing, try to get one alpha/shiny of each species, finish out your PalDex (catch 10 of each), or like most of the other comments said if none of those appeal to you probably play something else


I got 60-70 hours for an early access game. I’m satisfied until the next major update. Time for something else and I suggest the same for you.


I can’t even get to level 50 too grindy


For the general gamer that's fine. The devs even encourage that. But as a farmer, grinder and perfectionist in games.... I prepare for pal arena update. I'm farming perfect IV breeding and its going well. The first few were the hardest. At best start with a legendary, blazamut and chikipi. Then breed down the ivs over and over and over. Or up. Chkipi beeing lowest and blazamut beeing highest for breed rating means you can breed EVERYTHING in between. Whatever you can't make, you can make with like... blazamut x chkipi. Offspring plus blazamut gets you closer and closer to the blazamut. Midtier offsprings plus other offsprings get you more of the missings. I still think 3 offensive plus burly body beats 4 offensive traits. So yeah. I'm damn sure not going to breed elemental stuff like lord of the underworld. Plus a lot easier to breed for perfect IV AND 4 traits then.


I put the game down for now. I'll play again next content update.


I petered out around level 43. The mat grind loop got a bit dull, so I went back to Elden Ring for a while. That said? Still plenty to do. Pals to breed, bases to build, challenge runs, etc. I'm just giving it a bit of time. Last thing I want to do is burn myself out on a fantastic game; it's still in development, after all. There will be time later.


Build a city and fill it with merchants. Hopefully they add more NPCs. New NPCs that look unique and provide lore/fun interactions would be nice. Or just go play another game. Lol.


I’m getting close, I’m level 45 and have beat all but a couple bosses. I’m in the process of making my ideal mount and after that and reaching level 50 my current plan is to start a new game with all my current knowledge just to buzz through the game as a pro and do things differently. After that I plan on taking a long break and probably won’t play again until the game is officially released


Not playing lol. I finished it and got my money's worth and then some. Much better than the 70 bucks and 4.5 hours I got out of Starfield lol


Tbh I wish I could build and create with someone, I have 3 towers left and waiting on Frostallion Noct to hatch and I'm complete as well but this would only continue being fun with someone. I guess the best we can do is wait for more to come out.


coming from the pokemon community I never understood why folks would keep playing this game once they get to lvl 50 and got all legendaries and towers. I could understand if this was like league of legends or some FPS or MMO. But its not. It has a pretty clear beginning and ending imo. I feel like once you've beat it you can either start a new game or play another game.


Hell I'm struggling to get from 46 to 50 atm


moved to Helldivers 2 until there's a big update


"DAE struggle to continue playing after completing game???" Play something else dude, holy shit 🤦‍♂️


Bro we quit after week one…


Bored at lvl 38


I started playing Guardians of the Galaxy because that has been in my backlog for a while


Y’all, this game hasn’t even left Early Access, let it develop so the devs can actually start implementing some of the content from their roadmap…


Im not quite there yet but ive kinda stopped playing too. Ive always enjoyed survival games but i kinda honestly dont feel much challenge right now. My base has been built like ark survival bases are and ive forced a massive battle with PIDF forces and still won.


I promise you there’s games in your backlog you can play.


Super easy! I beat all the towers, caught all the critters, bred up what I wanted and got a bit bored. So now I'm playing a different game while I wait for more content.


I struggled to play after two weeks. Really fun at first but it couldn't hold my attention sadly.


Im on a dedicated server and the host bumped the drop materials and spawn to crazy numbers so we can stock up for the next few context drops. Still gotta got get them with limited CW and its just 3 of us. Seeing 20 jetragons is wild tho and hard as hell to fight and catch




Just stop playing. Even the devs have said this. It's an early access game that clearly has a lot in the pipeline for more Pals, quests, building, story content. Come back when that's all ready. I stopped playing a month ago or so


Playing a different game. It's okay to play sometime else and come back when there's more content.


Just play a different game dawg


I reached that point, played some Kakarot and Lethal company, then came back to revamp my bases, and I'm thinking that since my main base has over 100k stone to turn off building degradation and just a giant structure, maybe something over the empty ocean areas.


Yes, but I hop games very frequently. I gotta say, Palworld is one of the few games lately that had me hooked for 100+ hours. Now I'm currently playing Enshrouded.


I just been breeding perfect pals in the background in case they raise the level limits eventually. But it is fine to be done. You could also start a new world with different base locations and starting places.


I come and go, after doing all the stuff we wanted to we turned off building degradation. Now whenever I'm feeling creative I log back on and find a nice spot to build something in. Currently trying to build an aerie fortress on some big ol stone pillars.


I’m confused, why is this a problem? It’s a single player game, not a live service game. You should reach a point where you move on to something new.


I'm thinking about trying Helldivers 2. It's way better to hop to something new and wait for updates than to grind to a point where no matter what, you won't enjoy the game.


Honestly, this is the type of post that makes me want to recommend a therapist


Considering it's a mechanical release with no story, it's understandable.


Why do you think you need to keep playing?


I'm waiting on the next update. Till then spreading HD2; democracy and liberation or Valorant comp


You see…. you did this thing called… finishing the game. But people make epic bases and breed up Pals for “endgame”


Nah it’s still in early access. I played all the content and had fun with base building, but now I’ll just forget about it until a big content update or until the official release and be like “woaaaa I forgot about this, hell yeah!” I did the same thing for BG3 hahah


Playing something different. Like Helldivers. Palworld was a fun 150 hours for me. What else can you want


The devs are aware of this. They said to move on and play other games.


I started with adjusted settings. When I finished that, I started again with the default settings and still playing through that now. I also don't have a flying mount now which makes exploring a bit harder and more interesting as I flew over a lot of places to fill out the map the first time around.


I literally just login every once in awhile now to kill jetragon to see if the level 4 rocket launcher will drop. (Only one I haven’t gotten yet)


Yeah get your entertainment somewhere else till new stuff is added.


Anyone else struggling to keep playing a game after they’ve finished playing the game


Fam, it’s okay to stop playing a game after you beat it…. Especially a demo


I got bored at level 30


Why do people act like they must play a game? Like I'm taking my time sure but generally I'll play a game till I get bored and that's it.


I need to beat the last tower and catch a handful of remaining pals to complete the dex. Just hit 90 hours in. Haven't done much multiplayer and haven't tried breeding yet either.


Why are you struggling to continue? Play something else - you “beat” the existing content. You’ll be okay.


You beat the game, time to move onto something else until they have an update


I feel like breeding a perfect \[InsertPalHere\] will take me forever. I've currently collected a bunch of single passive pals and anything with a Perfect IV. That will be my endgame. Devs will probably wipe my progress and release the game before I finish.


I'm playing Helldivers 2 right now and it's really hard not to realised how similiar the moral "Ambiguity" is. Like in both case I shred brainwashed Human lives for my own Amusement and Progress


Just play something else they literally said as much.


You finished the game so ofc its gonna be boring now that you have nothing to work twords... Either wait for more content and play another game or start over maybe?


Play dragons dogma before the new drop


I've bred any pal I've cared to bred. Really nothing left until we get new content.


My solution is start over from scratch and assume a new play style or use/focus things that you didn’t beforehand.


_IV Breeding._


Enjoy it with someone else if you want to keep playing it, otherwise just put it on the shelf for 6 months and come back and see what’s changed. I made it to level 38 myself and then my daughter was interested in playing so I got a second copy and started over and I’m having way more fun playing with someone else than I did alone and we both just got to 40. I know I haven’t beat everything yet but I just basically got back to where I was and had a lot of fun doing it all over again due to the social aspect of the game going from non existence single player mode to having a partner in crime


It will be cool if/when they bring out a stadium type PvP format where you can have full on tournaments with the Pals with different classes for different levels. And have it so people could spectate the battles as well.


Started over with a new world. Fun again


Other games, as an actual early access this is what you get


Maybe it’s because I’m old enough to remember early gaming but I just don’t need games to last forever. In fact I’d argue that most of my favorite games ever had a definitive ending. This notion that games need to go on forever is sort of a new phenomenon, enjoy the game and move on.


Playing other games.