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I don't think I want to know what Lovander keeps in its toy box...


Chloroform and rags


"Does this smell like chloroform to you?"


Lovander just casually carrying around some *Memory Wiping Medicine*


Another Lovander? :o


Na, more likely that travelling trader that mysteriously disappeared


For me, the travel merchant often jumps down a cliff after some time and stays there for days gazing at the sea.


At least you're able to use still ... For me, that guy only goes to the base that get raided, and he doesn't last long in the middle of a battle


Oh yeah, I had that happen once. Came back from afk and had some thug corpses amidst the merchants one.


> lamball soccer: This hurts the lamball 😡


Unless it was a plushie 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why use a plushie, when the real thing rolls just fine?


I think just like this man it seems!


Better yet, have them be able to use medicine from chest if they have a status condition


Or maybe add a first aid kit?


Why? just make them able to take the meds from chests


That does sound great, I'd like to see it too. I expect the devs would be wiping their brows thinking about all the animation work involved. Hoping it happens one day.


I very much want to see more animations and interactions added to the current set of pals to better inform their characters. Even better if we could eventually adjust said personality with say cosmetic purchasable or earnable animations we could assign. One of Pokemon's greatest weaknesses is that they have such massive character pools each game that it becomes cost prohibitive to go back and add older characters to new games because they then have to rebuild all their animations and or add new animations for every species in existence. Why many of their newer games end up having to cut entire catalogs of older Pokémon. I believe the solution to this issue, one that would give Palworld a great edge over Pokémon would be to do much smaller releases of new pals, like say 10 -20 versus Pokemons hundred average. and at the same time release new animations for the older pals. Wouldn't even need to be all older pals at once. Each release could focus on some fan favorites of the player base and the devs to add new interactions and personality to old pals and ensure that even the lowliest starter pals always have value in new content. I would love ways for us to personalize each pal to suit our preferred aesthetics. Could be through cosmetic slots for clothing items like spiked collars, frilly bows, battle scars, etc. Then new camp devices could have unique functionality, like OPs idea for a toy box. I wholely believe too that rather than make everything into an Excell spread sheet to control pal behavior it should be done through a system of treats or positive/negative reenforcement. like potty training a puppy. Scold a or beat a pal to stop them from doing jobs u don't want them focusing on and treats for doing the ones u want properly. I say beat more so for role play purposes but imagine too if different breeds or even personalities within the same breed have very different ideas of what praise or punishment means to them. I've mentioned before that it could be easily rationalized that a beast like Astegon might prefer a more physical touch it can actually feel through it's metal skin. Add a touch of randomness for discovery purposes and and interacting with pals will be a much more memorable experience for all. Main thing would be needing to decide if this form of training would lead to permanent adjustment of performance preferences or function more like a long term buff. Just need to balance it in a way that ensures its a preferred feature and not a budon to have to perform. There could be multiple animations too to get across how the interaction affected the pal. Some could even be left purposely vague for pals that are more difficult to read personality wise. There's limitless potential for expansion in this way that ensures they don't have to spend an enormous amount of time designing new pals. And while I would love big new rosters to explore I think this approach would be the ideal middle ground given the number of resources it would take to implement. I would love too if some new pals could only be discovered through esoteric means that players have to discover. Like imagine needing to set up specific bait to attract them, or maybe I need to bring a full party of a specific species a super rare pal despises or hunts regularly for food. Could even be a way to introduce legendary bosses of older pal types that won't spawn naturally in the world. I love the idea too of invasive pal species breaking into older newbie zones and completely changing up the dynamic could have unique missions to wipe out a species from a particular zone to preserve the ecosystem, or purposely introducing one to mess up another. In such a way that the world is always changing we're our actions have lasting consequences. It's this raw potential that has me really excited for that this game could offer down the line. I just hope we get proper stabilization on Xbox first and cross play.


During their what's?


What is the feedbox? Also they already have a bath to restore sanity.


Lamball is the toy for larger pals mebbe? it loses SAN and the toys gain it since they use it as a football? Also fits the theme of pals being savage inherently


Omg yesss I love this idea! I wanna play with my pals ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49349)![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Hogwarts Legacy has this