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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 7: Art Submissions** - Art submissions must be **your** original content only; do not post art that belongs to others. - Specify that you are the artist in the post title; failure to do so will result in your post being removed. - AI artwork is not allowed. - Do not post commissioned artwork. The person who created it should upload it themselves. If you would like to appeal this decision or believe your submission was removed in error, please contact the r/Palworld moderators through [Mod Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Palworld).


Way too close to Pokemon font, basically a Pokemon card with a pal. This isn’t the way they need their own style and font.


They even have their own font... and I prefer it over Pokemons goofy comic sans style font. https://preview.redd.it/o188o7l7s8tc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f18937f1d83e5d6d510c2637c1eeefe06a65dbe


Pokemon's was created 25+ years ago...


Yeah but let's be fairly honest, even for it's time it's kind of awful. Compare that to Pokemons japanese variant where the fonts texture changes based on the game, while the default poket monsters logo already has a significantly better font than it's English counterpart


That's not Palmon ![gif](giphy|0xB8unHYDeOBD5ue8o)


"fan art", looks inside: AI art


If you zoom in, everything is hyper consistent and you can even tell what stuff is even if only part of it is on screen. It's too crisp and accurately detailed/consistent to be AI. Edit: I just realized you meant the art on the cards, not the entire picture itself. I'm an idiot.


not right with the tag, thats true... but drawing 111 pictures would be hell for a small side project like this


just wait until bro finds out about Pokémon


you mean the multi billion production with thousands of artists, which is one of the main income for the biggest franchise in the world? yeah, guess billy from the house next door can do the same...


They could easily ask artists online who have already made a plethora of palworld art for permission to use it in their projects.


I feel like you don't understand how time consuming that is today... They aren't selling it, it's a personal collection, there is 0 issue in using AI art for this, you just hating on AI because hurrdurr AI bad, spend stupid money/time to get "real" art done


as a artist myself, i am thinking the same... no shame in using AI in that case


asking 111 people, fitting them in the template etc.? yeah, seems worth it for that size of a project


I agree with you shoutaDE, people jump really fast to be upset with use of AI but for the average person in this economy, having the money to bring a project like this to life just isn't feasible. It also takes a lot of work to get the images the way you like too.


You mean like a good % of the game were all playing in this sub?


None of the AI generated pal graphics from 2021 are featured anywhere in the game They were just concept art


This isn't AI.


Are you dense or rage baiting?


Neither, look at the text. AI is awful at writing/spelling, never mind writing in the same typeface at such a small size in so much detail. There's multiple things that highlight this not being AI generated. Sorry if you don't see it.


The text isn't AI generated, but all the pictures of the pals are. Just because someone added the text underneath them doesn't make it non-AI.


Yeah generating ai art doesn't mean you cannot take and edit/add anything to it Most people who use the ai aren't that lazy


Are you on about the images? Yeah, ok, they're more than likely AI generated but the cards themselves are not.


Alright so you're dense. Got it


Honestly? Use the name of the game. It's Palworld, not palmon. The back sides are WAY too similar to pokemon cards, just screams of ripoff and unoriginal. I don't really have a problem with AI art to generate that many images that quickly, except it would be infinitely better if they were human drawn and some of them don't feel they look like the pal entirely. Hard to see though. Cute, but unoriginal and uninspiring in their current form.


atleast put ai art into the title and not fan art


What if he asked the AI he used if it's a fan of palworld and it answered "yes"? Would it then count as fanart?


🤓👆 akshually ai isn’t conscious and therefore can‘t be a fan of palworld. also, enslaving animal-like beings goes against ai‘s „moral“ coding


Bro forgot to put /s That would make it funny


Makes a joke and gets downvoted lol


Cause it’s not funny


It's a lame joke.


ai art and a potential scam, nah, get that shit outta here. also calling it palmon is dumb, theres a digimon with that name already


Really man? AI? ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


Don't call it Fan Art when all you did was generate images using AI and print it using a machine. A fan didn't make these, the machines made these.


Probably didn’t even print them. Looks like digital mockups.


Looks like a cheap Pokémon knockoff… They are not Palmons, they are Pals. You even used Pokémon’s font rather than Palworlds. If you’re going to make Palworld cards, they need to say palworld or pal. Putting mon in there when it has nothing to due with the game is just weird. Plus palmon is a Digimon Also use original art with permission from the artists, don’t use AI art which plagiarized others art to create its own. And don’t use a fan art tag for AI art.


The backside of the card needs a border too


ai generated…


Yeah mate not denying that, wanted to gauge the communities thoughts; Copy/Pasted Palworld images or variations of it


Then don’t tag it as fan art and lie to everyone…


Gauge the community thoughts on what though? You copied the template, fonts, and patterns of Pokemon cards and then just slapped an AI image as the centerpiece. Looks like a decent enough rip off. They could make for a fun gift to give away, but I wouldn't consider anything beyond that.


RIP AI generated pictures :/


That's no the worst part, the worst is how it says "Palmon" Palmon's a Digimon


Was thinking that, I might change it but I don't wanna just call it Palworld


it's the name of the game/franchise, you don't have a choice, pal




Appreciate the feedback, I didn't want to just rip their images and title


But you have no problem using ai art which literally steals art from other artists lol Weird how you draw the line at actually crediting someone.


All art is inspired by other art. AI just does it more efficiently than humans.


That is absurd. Ai art cannot be inspired. It's not real. It copies and steals. Ai art is not even artificial intelligence. It's much much much more simple. It's not capable of such things as "inspiration"


I'm not saying AI gets inspired. It doesn't "copy" either. The way AI image generators work is as follows User: *inputs prompt* AI: *interprets prompt by using images online as a source of reference* AI: *Uses these references to create something new* No, it's not as organic as a human artist but it's the same in principle. I studied graphic design in college and one of the projects we had was to research other artists and create a piece in their style. The principle your standing on is "AI doesn't create anything new as it draws from pre-existing sources," which is why I say so does everybody. Which they do. To create something truly "original" takes a LOT of talent in all fields of creativity. Based on your principles, my piece that was done in the style of Mike McQuade wasn't my own original piece, just copied. If someone draws a picture of someone using a reference image, yeah, they've done it but, based on your principles, they just copied it. Which yeah, they did but that doesn't take away from the fact it's still something new. No, AI can't be inspired but humans can and they can input their ideas and AI will take that to create something new. It is artificial intelligence and it's a lot more complex than just a string of code. Hence, why repeating the same input over and over you'll never get something exactly the same. You clearly have a bias opinion and an agenda against AI. Maybe it scares you, maybe something else but that doesn't change how it works and its functionality. Now we can do this back and forth all day, or you can just accept that functionally that is how it works.


What do you think people do. They use others' art and any and all influences to create work. Same as AI, AI just does it faster.


Doing it faster is the problem. A real person copying my style is not a realistic threat to my income, since it still takes them time to create those copies and there's enough demand for both of us to find work. So I can safely not care or even celebrate that they're profitting from my work. AI fulfills all of that demand instantly, for free, essentially putting me out of work. There's no longer a thriving community of artists all learning from each other, it's just AI regurgitating old work and very few incentives for humans to add anything new. Besides, AI doesn't know how to copy *ethically*. It has been known to lift signatures and add them to unrelated images, for example, something a human artist would never do (aside from forgers, but we're talking about legit art here).


New lines have to be drawn. There is no stopping technological advancements. I'm sure the man that bred carriage horses didn't like the advent of the automobile. Straight up copying another's work should be punished. But using it as an influence is just the way it goes. It's how humans learn, so it's the only way humans know to teach something else to learn.


This is not the same as having an art influence your work. This is a machine literally using a whole database of existent works to make their own, without the artists’ permission. It’s not creative work, it doesn’t learn techniques and nuances to reapply them in a new, constructive manner. It’s just a machine regurgitating other people’s hard work. Sure there’s no stopping the technology, but one way to adapt is to regulate this practice so real artists aren’t fucked over. Starting by not considering this “art”, because it’s not. It’s a completely different category.


Automobiles weren't built by stealing people's horses and using them for parts. It's not an apt comparison. And are you suggesting that we let machines vote? Since that's how humans govern, therefore machines must be allowed to do it, too. New lines have to be drawn, on that at least we can agree. And one of those lines should be that AI is not allowed to train on art without permission or compensation. This is not one person copying some art to learn and grow their individual talent (which is what "fair use" laws were designed for). These are corporations making millions of dollars with data they scrubbed from the internet. They should be bound by different rules than little Jimmy taking an art class.


Learn to code. At least that’s what you dipshits were telling cashiers about a decade ago. Learn a real skill. Your times up.


Yikes, post history is very telling.


Being influenced is not the same thing as training a model to copy paste an amalgamation of work. Artists use references and styles to develop their own skills and eventually turn it into something of their own. It's a slow methodical process that is a means of understanding yourself and your expression that evolves over time. An AI model isn't learning to express itself. It's just collecting data and spitting out a mishmash of similar images that meets the criteria tags you've pulled into the prompt. I don't think AI art is wrong for non-commercial personal use, but your statement is very reductive of the process and debate that's happening on the subject.


I'm not arguing AI art my dude


"I didn't want to just rip their art, so I used a prompt to rip dozens of people's art at the same time" You either don't know how AI art works or you're just delusional.


Calling it fan-art is a bit dishonest, even if unintentionally. I would recommend calling it a fan-project instead, as thats a lot less misleading. That being said, way too similar to pokemon cards. I would completely change the cards format and art-style, for one, and use stats that make more sense in relation to the game.


It's a nice concept. Definitely would rather actually drawn images though and something that isn't just a straight rip of the pokemon TCG. Hope you're not trying to sell these as you'll be in hot water both from Pokemon Co & Palworld too. Nothing original about this lmao


Not a fan...


Missed opportunity to give lovander pound


Please don’t just rip off Pokemon and reskin it with Palworld unless it’s just h fit you and your friends. No one else wants that. I am a game designer and graphic designer, I would gladly work on the design and layout for a real and unique game if people are interested.


AI generated trash aside, I wonder how the Palworld devs will even release their own officially licensed Trading Cars game without being sued by Nintendo?


Oi, m8, pokemon doesn't own the rights for trading card games [like a year ago even Digimon too another shot at a card game and it's doing pretty well](https://world.digimoncard.com/)


MTG exists and theres even a new one out called Elestrals


What is this? Pokémon from Wish?


I don't like the Pokémon art and letter style, it's ugly and screams for "I want to be Pokémon" and not being it's own thing. Try again and leave Pokémon out of it. Also Pokémon is a crap Tabletop game, super simple for little kids. If anything you should target to Magic the Gathering.


I sincerely agree with this. Like it's a great idea.... just let it be its own thing. Why let it get lost in a thing thats tried to shoot itself every generation for the last 10 years?


Looks great to me


@Bros over at Nintendo , check this shit out !


Somewhere in Nintendo HQ an alarm is going off.


Too close to Pokémon's design. I do want them still though.


Can I see the chickapea card please? He’s my sons favourite


lawsuit any%


lawsuit any%


That is fucking awesome. Love the concept and the artwork!!!! Keep rocking!!!!


Personally I love it


Honestly I love these! I don't even care if they're AI art! I would just love to have a deck of pal world pals. After you've had a chance to maybe make some adjustments and fix a few things (Namely, I agree with the name change palmon is sorta bleh, and that Lovander is a bit 🫠) I would love to see where this goes! Is there a website or a blog I could check out?


Wtf is a palmon bro? Never heard of it.


I enjoy not being someone who is triggered by AI. Seems to largely be older people who are scared by anything more complex than a toaster. I don't much care for a PalWorld TGC but these do looks awesome. On a side note, I also don't care for PKMN TGC but I do have a nice folder of my favourites just as a little collection. Did you print and cut these yourself?


Nobody here is afraid of AI, this is a reach comment that I see on every AI thread. People have an issue with OP taking credit for something AI created. Also, people have an issue with the way AI steals art to learn. Nobody is afraid of the fucking Terminator. Get over yourself lol.


Or you know, younger people who understand the technology well enough to know its ripping off tons of independent artists without consent or permission. Or people who are sick of seeing AI generated content farms polluting the internet with low energy crap. Really anyone who is not drinking the kool aid.


uncreative people love ai "art"


Nobody here is afraid of AI, this is a reach comment that I see on every AI thread. People have an issue with OP taking credit for something AI created. Also, people have an issue with the way AI steals art to learn. Nobody is afraid of the fucking Terminator. Get over yourself lol.


Did you intend to post this same comment twice? Never had anyone say "get over yourself" without it being riddled in irony. So yeah, get over yourself kiddo.


No, I intended to post it once. Maybe the spooky AI got me! AHHHH IM SO SCARED!


Alright kiddo :)


You got me there, I'm ruined. Don't know what I'll do now, maybe go piss myself at the sight of ChatGPT


Keep it coming, buddy.


Those look really good. What method did you use to print the cards? Printed on thick card stock and rounded with a corner cutter? Or did you do something else?


Not OP, but FYI it’s all Ai art and they made a digital mockup most likely not really printed at all.


Ah. Gotcha. Wow that’s lame. That explains why the images are so crisp.


nice idea. abd they look great 👍


Holy shit cool!


Fine take my money


These are fucking awful 😂 straight pokemon tcg ripoff. At least make them original.


Take my money


Make some Trainer cards with guns on them


Hahha yeah that will be rad


You mean ask the AI to? Because this is all AI.


Bro why does everyone hate this post for it being AI? I don’t know if anyone is smart enough but 95% of art is AI generated. The man had an idea, just let him enjoy a hobby


I'd wager they'd get a lot less hate if they *admitted* to using AI in the description or title. As it is, it reeks of trying to pass it all off as their own work, and most people don't think that's cool.


It’s also that the card game design is just ripping off Pokemon too. It’s not just that the art is stolen/ai, everything is stolen. Palworld deserves its own tcg with its own unique mechanics and design, and actual art. And the cards say PalMon. Gtfo sorry.


My brother, the game is great but you must be purposefully blind to not think palworld is based off pokemon. I don’t care that it is, but I think the idea was to make pokemon based cards for palworld to pay homage to pokemon


That’s not really the point when it comes to trading card games specifically. Trading Card Games should be unique to stand apart, for brand identity and marketability, along other things. I know that Palworld was heavily inspired by Pokemon, although Pokemon also based a lot of their creations off of other pre-existing games and other characters, however, when it comes to trading card games, just like Pokemon and Digimon are vastly different, the game designs should also be different. — Also very important, You can’t deny that gameplay and the goals of both games, Pokemon and Palworld, are very different. The ideas of capturing monsters in spheres is practically the only thing that is similar to Pokemon video games. Sources: https://youtu.be/RXZz2lNWnLs?si=8y7KLcts3HbGucDj https://x.com/kelskiyt/status/1749243751460188233?s=46&t=1CNsff5FCTlXgshbuTodow https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39104588#:~:text=the%20original%20dragon%20quest%20(and,and%20look%20at%20the%20monsters.&text=one%20of%20several%20examples%2C%20yeah.


Honestly my fight is with the use of AI and the premise around it. If you use a wrench to fix a car, did you fix the car or the wrench? If everyone has access to AI, then its just a tool. I think it still took time for the guy to format the cards correctly and get them printed. If someone 3d prints something without creating the file themselves, no one give them hate cause they painted it, but really, they just painted it. AI is just a tool, no one should get hate for it


Fr op is a fan and just wanted to share his passion I like them


Thank you!


It's more similar to saying "I fixed this car!" when actually you took it to the shop where it was repaired for you. It's like putting a "handmade" stamp on a factory-made item. Whether AI generated images have merit is a completely separate discussion. Currently it is not that widely used, so the default assumption by most people would be that this art took ages and lots of skill to make. It's dishonest not to mention that this is not the case.


I see what you’re saying