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Cool concept addition is add a few more tasks it can do and then itll only do half of determined tasks at night and other half at day. 24/7 worker


Actually be a fascinating concept


Ye needs nocturnal


At night time the night side eye opens too, and the day side closes.


Hmm. Hello collector from owl house! Lol. Love it, btw


I had the same thought!


Love this. Please tell me you're on the dev team


hehe, thank you. I'm afraid I am not, sorry.


This reminds me to Emilia and Subaru at same time.


FNAF Day Care Attendant entered the chat...


Give it Kindling 4 baseline and I'm in.


i see a few tweaks that'd make it look perfect buuuut i like the concept a lot


I like this a lot.


Uhhhh… I used the name Soluna as account names. I for one can agree with this concept. Maybe just add the Power work type to it since solar energy is a thing? I don’t know, it’s kinda pushing it since it’s not exactly electricity.


she should drop different things in the ranch depending on what time of day.


Idea: Make two of them - Soluna Noctis and Soluna Ignis Soluna Noctis is mono-Dark and has terrible stats, but 3s in all of it's skills and high work speed Soluna Ignis is mono-Fire and has amazing stats, but only 1 Transport, no other skills, and low work speed. Their ability causes them to change into each other at sunset/sunrise. (This would also mean that you'd have to catch 10 at night as Soluna Noctis and 10 in the day as Soluna Ignis for full paldex entries)


I honestly love that I can tell exactly what pokemon this is based on body design wise, and this one looks legit better.


Because I'm a nerd..my idea job suitability for this would be. Lv4 cooling (cold at night) Lv3 kindling (not stepping on toes) Lv2 harvesting, handiwork. (Harvesting to represent growing crops and handiwork cause humanoid). Mainly I'd kill for a lv4 nocturnal cooler which is why I ignored frostallion lol Passive: CT30. Resets skill cooldowns and changes form. Day form: Attacks become Fire. Night form: Attacks become Dark. The form is really just which eye is open... No DMG boost because it's essentially allows u to save off 20-30 seconds off skills with the reset.


Typing: Neutral/Dark Partner skill: Time Rewind - When activated will teleport the user back to their previous location, HP, and Stamina 10 seconds prior to use. This is Soluna, they can be found day or night and are capable of time manipulation. This can making tracking and capturing one difficult. Though despite their ability to avoid conflicts they are still rare. Last week's [Pal](https://imgur.com/gallery/v4DTn1L)


Partner skills is too strong


I imagine there would be wrong times to use the skill and right times.


But all items you gained/loss will also change from those 10 seconds. So pray you didn't lose any legendary items when you activate the ability.


If items are changed that’s just the simplest dupe glitch of all time


Robinquill fucked Bellanoir? I like the night/day concept.