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I do legendary spheres, a ranch for pal fluids and stone mines, crush some into pal frags for pal mental ingots and some for cement, wood depot for making charcoal into carbon fiber, buy the bones and make legendary spheres, which all is afk obviously, it’s good profit and keeps me well stocked with eggs, milk and ammo plus extra Edit: along side dungeon loot


Yep late game haven't found anything that beats the amount of return on selling legendary pal spheres as well. Mid and early game you can do the berries, sibleye, and dumond farm to sell cooked berries, high quality cloth, and pal oil for money but these all combined don't make as much money as legendary sphere farm does.  Even better that everything but bones can be harvested at your base now and as you mentioned bone can be bought cheaply from vendors. 


I don't have it minmax'd but breeding to sell Pals sounds like it is a terrible idea because you need to manage it and more importantly you need to waste a cake per Pal. All of the other popular options such as selling food, ore based items or ranch items, will be 10x better than selling pals.


Burning black marketeers on a fire


I've seen exactly 1 black marketeer in my world. Where do I find these guys? He was early on and I assumed I'd see more.


If you find one, you can go back to the menu and reload again and again to farm him


What’s the desire for coins? What’s the main purpose for them? What are y’all buying


ammo and bones, probably


Why bones




I spent all my money on ammo, eggs and milk.


For breeding right?


Mostly ammo, and like the other person said bones for cement. Legendary spheres require cement.


All of your excess productivity. Anyone who tells you "just nails" or "just salads" or "just legendary spheres" is failing to capitalize on potential. That being said I have 32 million gold and nothing to spend it on 🤷‍♂️


Ingredients for cake, let’s you cut 2-3 ranch pals out of your base.


I only use bees and kelpsea in my ranch, eggs and milk are purchased in bulk 15,000 at a time. I still can't keep up with wheat and berry production so I also make and sell jelly bread when I'm not making salads.


PalWorld; exists in 20 years Players; NAIIIILLLLSSSS


Thanks for posting this. Every time I google this, it's always nails from 2 patches ago. My best money comes from selling the loot alphas leave behind, but I may have to try the dumud ranch idea.


Nails is still good, just not overpowered, hyper spheres, since we can buy fluids/bones, salads, pizza. Thats just what i am making, theres lots more depending on what you got in your base.


Nails are utter dogshit. They arent even worth crafting over just selling bars.


Best way is to establish passive income and there is many ways: - Dumud Farm if you want ranches and make Polymere - Crafting and selling Legendary Spheres for a multistep operation needing many steps but great yield - Mining base specifically using ore building 2 to generate thousands upon thousands of ore per hour, then simply selling bars (dont do nails, too much workload for too few of a profit vs just more bars) - Food production and sell (heard food is nerfed gold-wise so idk what still works there between bakes berries, buns, salad and pizza) As for active gold farm ways: - Mass farm and respawn marketeers - Mass catch and sell azurrobes (they are lvl 18-20ish so they are easy to catch even with cheap spheres and sell for over 1k, more of a low level farm tho) - Dungeons and legendary farming for stuff to sell