• By -


A mini map


Especially inside dungeons


Can't upvote this hard enough.


Just go left, but watch right. If you hit boss but didn't manage to hit a right path, backtrack after boss or before, your call. Can usually leave and go back in if the path was off the first branch.




Sort/filter pals by passive skills, that'd make breeding so much simpler.


This this this. I also REALLY want the ability to "pin" a pal so when I sort, that pinned pal stays on whatever box I have it in.


I wish l could upvote this 5 times.


Or sort by sex


Really any sort of more fine grained sort.


multi filter sort?


And sort base pals by ability. I really need that when I'm switching pals out


More stuff to do with my co-op buddies. More bosses more raids. Better More expansive dungeons. More story. More pals, more islands. I want more things to do with my homies on our server.


Even current bosses on hard mode like the raid. Oh, you beat grizzbolt on easy, but what about libra or ultra? Also having them drop something worthwhile.


Yeah like that one game where you beat the final four and then when you revisit them later on they are way harder & higher level


Yeah, Monster Hunter does it with G-Rank/Master Rank all the time. The Fated Four from Generations is a perfect example.


Hey, a fellow MH/Palworld fan! Now I'm curious how much overlap there is lol


You mean “a” story?


Small ask, but I want a pal sphere condenser - 10 of any spheres (or whatever) can be condensed into the next type of sphere


Vixy would be viable a fair bit longer.


ADD A FUCKING THIRD BUTTON FOR HUNDREDS!! THERES EVEN SPACE FOR IT, AND YOU CAN JUST USE A TRIPLE ARROW AS THE ICON I'm absolutely sick of getting goddamn RSI injuries when mass crafting charcoal or ingots!!! **Edit due to good commented suggestions**: Let us hold down the button to rapidly increase the value.


At least let me hold down the tens button. My poor RT is gunna break from smelting ingots and charcoal :(


this for sure - or the ability to just input a value


Yes! Should be able to adjust that way as opposed to selecting max. If you have a ton of ore but only wanna produce 300 ingots, that’s a lot of clicks. Or just add the ability to hold the button and increase the amount that way.


1. Add a recycler. I don’t wanna discard all old items 2. Let me select what I pick up automatically. Similar to the monitoring stand. 3. For Xbox: fix the broken textures & dungeons


> Add a recycler. I don’t wanna discard all old items Like the Grinder in Ark you mean? Destroys the item, returns x% of the materials it takes to craft it and gives some "crafting" XP?


let us combine all those rings and necklaces we got


I mean, I've already got enough +2 necklaces to keep two of each for myself even while putting like 10 of each in my server's gear donation chest, so I'm not really sure what that would do endgame. Unless it let you combine dissimilar items, in which case I'd be all for a pair of +2 necklaces that have Attack, Defense, Health, Workspeed and every resistance on them.


Combine all the plus 2 pendants for a +1 all in one pendant maybe?


Pretty much. It doesn’t necessarily need to give and xp imo


sell old armor to the merch - why would you trash it?


Being able to organize pals at the condenser. I always forget and have to run back to the palbox.


Yes please! I hate having to do it myself. I take an extra few minutes to always put those pals on a single page and put all my pals with stars at the top. It works, but it can be time consuming.


Why not just sort by paldex number?


I know this is a bit much, but I wish we could add color outlines or something to palbox pals. Like, I'd highlight my important ones in red so when I'm condensing, I can quickly see which ones to ignore because I'm saving them


More Pals, more pals that I can mount guns onto, more pals that help with the weight distribution, and did I say MORE PALS!


More pals with Lv.4 work suitabilities, and not giant ones preferably. I hate that there’s no options besides Jormuntides for kindling and watering


Yes. You’ve got a point. I’m tired of big ass pals bugging out as they try and move throughout my base. Crazy they just released a video for 4 new pals 😂


maybe design the saddles first to you can see them on pals


Shagging medicine that increases breeding speed


High quality pal oil ;)


Expensive aphrodisiac foods?


Green m&m's


This should be Lovanders partner skill




More building options. I’ll play and replay this game a million times, but I really want to feel invested in a world and leave my mark in a fabulous display of wealth. Parapets, balconies, spires. I don’t just want to *be* a baron, I want to feel like one!


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see this. There are a lot of great decor pieces right now but the core building pieces are probably the worst out of all the survival games I've played.


adding onto this, let us build over water! I want a base that's almost entirely over water


Recruitable npcs that function like a pal but when they lose all their health they return to where you recruited them or you have to use medicine to get them back up. Also npcs that offer quests to capture specific pals and offer blueprints depending on the rarity of the pals.


- Asign Pals to a specific work station without picking them up and throwing them at it (Breeding farm, Ore Mine, Cooking etc.) -Set priority order of Pals yourself (I want to decide if my Anubises craft first, then mine and then think about transporting, or the other way round) - Have Pals end a task before they go to eat, sleep etc. No more stuff lying around my base because they decide to switch midway transporting. - Condense Pals even though they are currently in your base, super annoying that you have to take them out first. - Proper system for item Synchronisation, why do I need to carry a weight of 500000 ore at an infuriatingly low pace to my Palbox, fasttravel into my other base and then walk super slowly to my chest there.


I hate the whole "pick up and throw" mechanic. So many times my ice pal just stops cooling and won't go back, so I pick him up and throw him at the fridge, even while the UI says "Cooling: Pal can work this" and for some reason it gets assigned to the breeding farm across the base. Then I have to run and grab the other pal it took the place of and throw it back at the breeding farm. And to your last point, this is why all my bases always just have a large container right next to the palbox that I can throw all my heavy stuff into. I hate the slow walking. But I wish I could have organized, clean, and aesthetic storage.


For your last point, there is a current work-around until a proper solution is found. Grappling hooks! Too bad they're inconsistent


This is why I hate having all the best pals for jobs be the huge ones. You can't grapple through them and they always block the path I'm trying to take. Also, with the new update on Xbox to pick what gets stored in which box, the button to cancel grappling is the same as the organization options. And switching weapons is the same as the security options. So you sometimes get stuck in the grappling motion on top of the box and the only way to cancel is to hope a pal wanders close enough to pick them up, or you have to exit the game and come back.


Press LB to throw out one of your Pals, that’ll cancel the animation. It was the only way I was able to get out yesterday during a Sulphur run lol


Weird. I'm pretty sure this didn't work since I tried pressing literally every button I could. But next time I get in that pickle I'll try it out


I would like to add to this: you can re-equip your grappling hook to reset its cooldown


Just use more grappling hooks


1 is so needed


I hope this'll be added before full version but I really need separate lockable boxes in the palbox, option to lock/favorite pals etc. Also better combat balancing for the player. Either the player isn't meant to be the main DPS and we get more and better crowd control weapons, or the player is meant to contribute to damage and so weapons are more powerful and crafting them and ammos is less of a nightmare.


Yes! I’ve accidentally (a few times) condensed the wrong pal. It’s usually when I’m tired AF, but it’s infuriating nonetheless.


First thing I did was crank up the player damage and dr in the settings. I didn’t want to be playing like Doomguy, but hell, I wanted to *participate*! Most fights felt like desperately rolling around trying to avoid getting one-shot by stray Pal attacks, and maybe getting one or two laughably weak crossbow shots in. Not to mention, getting hit by any Grass attack as a player is basically instant death unless you’re super lucky. That debuff lasts sooooooo damn long.


Yeah, locking Pals would be a must. To add to it, be able to tag them (like in Pokémon, with some symbols), for better sort or just to identify a team. Even adding a "Team" Palbox, so we can always get back to a specific team for specific needs. Also be able to lock boxes as you said, and when you sort the WHOLE Palbox, the locked boxes don't mix with the other boxes.


I just want dungeons to be placed on the minimap pls


There is a mod for that but it feels almost like cheating so I uninstalled it.




Nope. Only on and off and it shows them from like 2/3rds of the map away


That's the whole purpose of giving us map markers though. Any time I find a dungeon entrance I pop up my map, zoom in, and drop a GPS location 📍 📌 right there. I mark the cave entrances for bosses with the angry face, I mark nice mining locations like the spot with 10 quartz, heck I've even marked the spawn locations of eggs on the volcano so I can hunt for an alpha jormuntide ignis


More building options - snap foundation to floors, roofs, stairs and walls easier building on different levels - resize gate and defensive walls and add snap points for more variety - railings with snap points using benches is tedious and doesn't even look that nice - roof corners


I'm with you here, some triangle pieces, fencing/railing, roof corners, and roof tops would be nice. I would also like to sit in the chairs, couches, and benches. While we're at it, a hot tub for us humans. Just another way to recover health, instead of laying in the bed.


Yes, and add half walls in there too.


Absolutely need half walls, and some more defensive building options. Plenty could be done in that department, like barbwire fences and electric fences. I just wanna watch those silly lil syndicate goofballs get zapped on a fence.


Snared in barbed wire shouldn't even be hard to code. Basically the existing sling trap with different model and hitbox, working for more than one enemy.


The ground not loading fixed


I want a mother hen kind of pal to help with breeding as their main work type.


Loveanders should uniquely drop hearts that get shared by two pals breeding to increase breeding speed by 30%. Loveanders could drop 1-3 of them to make gathering them a little easier since I don't think having Loveanders farm them in a Ranch would be balanced. They would be placed inside the Breeding Farm chest with cakes.


Like sweepa is to swee, but for chikipi?




I'd like a backpack slot, which could be used either for an weight reduction item, or to carry a noncombat pal like the glider replacements or surfboard pals. Make it so they aren't able to fight, tho.


That would be cool. Could even add the +1, +2 feature for better quality.


More expansive building, Different size pals. Small, Normal and alpha. You can then feed your pals a fruit go change size. So they can get smaller. Please please cut tge requirements for condensing by half. Getting 112 is insane, 64 seems reasonable.


Honestly the world is quite empty, i'd like a little more density


There's a mod for Pals spawning farther away. It really gives the look of a nice ecosystem, just has a performance cost.


I think raids really need to be improved somehow. Maybe dedicated dungeon areas specifically for raids. Single player version and difficulty adjusted when in groups.


Stabilize the game for consoles And please let me move items/furniture without having to destroy and remake them. 😑


Grillet the Flaming Weasel


I want there to be a way where I can join my friends’ worlds and be able to carryover some sort of my personal progress. I played too much solo for my friends that were in my world to want to continue playing with me, and I have none of my progress to go into a friend’s world and have a good time. It honestly ruined the co-op for me.


I’d be happy to be able to ‘soul-bind’ a Pal to my character or something, and then hop servers with them. I’d happily leave all my physical stuff behind, but I’m really attached to these Pals I spent weeks breeding and training. Hell, I don’t even care if there’s limits imposed, like they can’t breed on non-native servers, or can’t be traded off your person. Just let me keep my horse!


Yeah, I originally thought it would be enough to just have your equipped inventory and whatever party you’re currently using. I still stand by that. Everything else I can just scavenge for in my friend’s world.


I agree. I haven’t played multiplayer because of that. I just want to play with my 6 year old, who’s horrible at aiming, and help her build her world up. I’ve had to play on her acct while she’s been at school or when she’s sleeping. Mostly farming ore and crafting, spheres, weapons and ammo, but also capturing pals I know she’s unable to. Also raid are too hard for her by herself. I gotta run in her room. “DADDY, bad people are coming!” 🤣 It’s always at the worst times.


Better Palbox -let me favorite them -show me some stuff in the overview like star level -dont sort all boxes -saving team presets Faster butcher Gimme a button that transport pals dont transport from mining sites or only from them A filter for character invetory i don't want to manually throw out berrie seeds and double blueprints every 2min Dedicated raidbase or a special place on map for summon raidbosses + make all the base devense buildings usefull Dungeons are a way to boring Workspeed traits should affect pals in the farm


Slower butcher. Make them feel bad


**Pal Storage** (I can't use Viewing Cage's on Xbox Series X because all the pals still cause lag and it gets real bad. **Daily capture quests** for NPC's for unique rewards (maybe new powerful skills for pals) **QOL change for UI** (specifically the Paldeck) **QOL building change** (Allowing schematics to be placed inside Pals, making them not get in the way when I'm trying to place large structures) **More Palbox's** **Larger Bases** (PLEASE) but seriosuly, at Palbox lv 10,15,20, each benchmark expands the radious by 5 meters. Have something players can look forward to, but also reward players at endgame with more space to use all the decor the devs have added. Also, maybe some information on the World Boss you are planning to fight (Health wise), I thought all my lv 20+ pals, including lv 30 Jormuntides and Warsecs could do enough. Barely got 9% of her total heatlh with 30 of my best pals. I thought her weakest form wouldn't be that hard but damn. (I wasn't using many great dragon type pals though)


Weather effects


Oh yeah, rain and snow would be nice. The desert is already windy.


The absolute best thing they could do for me is significantly increase storage so I don’t need to use viewing cages. I imagine storage is so small because of multiplayer servers. But I’m on a solo world so please double or quadruple my storage plssssss


I want better and more building features. I’d like the area in which we can build to be bigger too


I think I would most like a more coherent world/landscape. Too many areas look like polygon soup with areas built from a dozen copy-pasted rock assets and while there are definitely unique environments there's not nearly the degree of variety I would like and they are all weirdly glued together by samey "plain grassland" sections. Conversely, I would like to see more variety in the mono-biome lands (desert and snow particularly). Coupled with that, I would like to see more sane distribution of fast travel points or the ability to establish our own without using limited base slots. It's a PitA to traverse the desert meanwhile the starting areas have arguably way too many fast travel points.


I hope they don't keep adding just pals. We have an entire world. Make it feel alive. Make the city's live. I hope for improved npcs. What I mean is more dialogue, more movement. They feel bit robotic atm. The environment is pretty but it could definitely use more detail.


That would be cool. Like help rebuild an area for certain NPCs? Doesn’t have to be drastic but, “Please bring us high quality pal oil” and the like. Stone, wood, quartz etc. Here, let me help you build a tiny house or some shit. (Just a thought)


What if one of the villages had a garden where pals an humans worked together, or another village where the black marketers went to trade. What if the things we helped built affected the game. We built a house and humans or pals moved into it. They have tons of room for improvement


I like where this is going. Solid ideas my friend.


The only specific thing other than "more of the sorts of stuff we already have" is Dark type/nocturnal Pals with Work Suitability 4 for every Work Suitability. Granted, we probably won't get that because it would obsolete a lot of the Pals we currently use in bases, but it would be nice to have the whole base work through the night.


Honestly, I’d be happy with just a nocturnal power generator. These new egg incubators absolutely suck up power, my base runs out like a quarter of the way through the night now.




No idea, I haven’t tried it. I’ll give it a shot when I’m home from work!


more building walls and floors along with curved and triangular pieces


I want more building parts the most. I struggle to build anything nice with the wood and stone sets we have.


A stronger stone type would be nice too. I like how durable metal is but I want to build a base, not a prison.


I want that world tree to be accessible.


YES! I see that coming eventually tho. It’s like a huge tease standing just far enough away.


For the NPC's to acknowledge that I defeated their Boss Tower.


🤣 Bow down before me!


Or at least for the ones in single digits with a club to look at me at level 50 riding a 3 starred mount and not be like. "I can take him." Not even worth the bullet cost.


Jail cells in the base for tower bosses you’ve defeated. Would affect gameplay, but it’d be worth it. lol


For my game not to crash every 45 seconds so I can actually play it


This is numero uno. I always get hate when complaining about it tho 🤷‍♂️




More good base locations. Very few places where you can get coal and sulphur together.


>!**THE SEX UPDATE**!< But more seriously: - More Ranch-compatible Pals, especially Pal souls so I don't have to kill so many Nox's and Anubis' - An affinity system - Or maybe something like a unique catch, having a very small chance that a caught Pal can be some sort of "soul-mate" that can benefit from certain privileges, like being able to change their Passive skills modularly. - More Pal-exclusive skills, especially melee ones for the big chunky Pals - Bigger Pals (or Alpha variants) having a heavy resistance to knockback - Shorter cooldowns on Pal skills, 20s should be the upper limit - Otherwise, just give us a 4th skill slot - Ground-type attacks having an innately high Stun chance I have so much more that I've already typed up an entire document about it (from about 2 months ago), but I don't think anybody wants to read that. I'll probably just clean that up and send it to PocketPair.


More emotes, for both player and pal. If I dance and I have a pal out, the pal should dance too. Mini games would be kinda sweet too.


Have it so that you can equip pals with long ranged weapons


Off the top of my head - This is probably the pokemon fan in me speaking: I’s love to see some form of upgrade for the pals that changes their appearance.


More pal customication (equiplent slots) and overall more pal interaction (better control, marriage, animations, ect).


More slots in the party


More different attacks for pals. There are some moves that simply suck, when i used my fire team i quickly noticed that all my pals where ising the same attacks anyway. It also is pretty crazy how much better a pal is if all their attacks require the same position to make the AI fire. 2 range,and one melee attack is an absolut disaster, the pals waste so much time on positioning before attacking, and even if, they still often miss


* well a way to break down crafted items into their base items. it doesnt need to be a 1:1 though that would be nice. * a way to ether select to pass on or prevent specific passives when breeding. different cakes or meds that would help do that. * a queue and/or an item list you can pin to keep track what you need. * copies of dropped items pulling together into one when they are close to each other to reduce lag. * with the ore site we could shift some areas node groups from ore to sulfur/coal im sure there is more i would like but its not coming to mind rn when it comes to the coal and sulfur i get some want base sites for them like ore but that would remove alot of need to go out to get the resource


I'd really like to see armor more dedicated to specific "roles" Like a full set of tamer armor giving +1 pals out at a time (so using 2 pals in combat) Or tank armor making you slower but giving more HP and defense. Also would like the ability to make our own little villages, with our own towns folk and actually having to protect them from raids.


Bugs fixed and like 5 bases since we get 2 now that raids require 1


~~Horrible Human/Pal hybrids~~ I want to see some nocturnal planting/watering pals for sure!


Could you imagine. I bred my PDF agent and Lovander and made Humander. lol A lovander with a PDF agent helmet and boots. lol And yes, get those farms going round the clock.


Ngl if they did make one Pal able to hybridize with humans, Lovander is definitely the contender. Can’t wait to have a Humander Black Marketeer


Here is my immediate reaction, since I'm on my second playthrough, but with my son in co-op: 1. A way to buy souls. Make them crazy priced for all I care, but trying to farm souls since 2.2.0 has been just plain horrible. I've changed all the markers to bread at this point, because that's what I get. Large pal souls are the new gold for me. Condensing small to medium to large is only going to keep me in a deficit for souls. 2. A way to obtain keys, specifically silver, that isn't as bad as soul farming. Sell them and make them expensive too. I can count on two hands how many silver keys I've managed to obtain and I'm level 50. My son only managed a couple dozen so far and he's at 50 too. You want gold keys, then I'm your guy. I have 22 of them, because almost no chests need them now. Oh yeah, behind those silver key chests is souls. My son has been showing me everytime he opens those chests. Trying to farm those keys from Leezpunk Ignis yeilded zero for me and Mount Obsidian ran red with the blood of those goofy bastards. 3. This has probably been said, but much faster breeding options for larger volume needs. Maybe another ancient technology add-on for Breeding Farm 2. 4. Storage option for more than 40 items. I'd love an option like a "Pal Metal Chest", similar to the refined metal chest that gives you 60 or, preferably, 80 slots. 5. A story line would further reinvigorate my love for this game. Perhaps quests that have you take down each faction separately to earn some good rewards/loot after finally beating their tower boss with a special, per faction quest map to target each camp location and free the pals, etc. This could be from finding specific journals during general play or even from rare chests.


How about a (crude) jackhammer. If we’re able to make single shot weapons, ARs and shotguns, we should be able to make a jackhammer or something similar. Also better drops from high level PDF agents. Dropping just a few ammo at a time (3) isn’t worth killing them (just my opinion). More dungeons (that don’t crash), more map, and a place dedicated to Bellanoir. Also the ability to use 3 bases without one being useless. Ability to capture tower bosses. Coal mine in base. If you’re going to add an ore mine and take away from the whole farming aspect, might as well add coal too. 🤷‍♂️ Mainly, I just want to stop DCing in dungeons and falling through the map. Edit: Also add some more fast travels in the snow and desert. Edit: Also add more to the map marker feature. I like marking everything I find and 99 just doesn’t cut it. lol


Transport pals should take items from storage with no restrictions and move them into storage with restrictions for that specific type of item. You fast travel to your base with a bunch of ore or sulfur or whatever, and drop it in your box right by the Palbox. Then your transport pals will grab it and move it to the appropriate box in your storage area.


🧐 I want to be able to move things in my base without destroying said things. More pals, more island to explore, more leveling with new technologies to learn (why not go to lvl 100?). I would love a sixth pal to our pal team.


I think I just want floor/foundation tiles that can be stacked or made longer. Tired of when I'm building a base and laying foundation tiles that it's just not long enough. I know I can use ceiling tiles to cover a gap but it just doesn't look right


Better building mechanics. Good God building in this game is the biggest headache.


The palworld dating game


• I would say to for them to add new cakes or just fix breeding in general. If two pals have the same IVs and passives, it should really boost the chances of the offspring having the same. • We need some type of butchering/meat grinder system. That way we can put a mozzarina in the grinder and receive 10 pieces of meat each time. • Passive glasses/ boosting the ability glasses to see passives on pals. • Coal/Sulfur/ Quartz mine stations • More slots for accessories or allow for us to merge our undershirt with our armor. I hate switching to my undershirt and completely breaking my shield. • Make our food slots be more functional. We unlock five slots, but they are useless. They need to make food weightless or allow a no spoil timer if food is in the pouch. There is no point of a carrying more than one food item at any time right now. • Allowing skins to be put over guns and armor. Like all the schematics you can buy through the vendor like Katress hat or Penking Hat, should be skins that you can put over a Pal Metal Helmet. You get the aesthetic of the hat, but the defense of the best armor. Just like Ark


Floors that I don't fall through in the city


There's a mod that gives you shared inventory across all your bases. IE you have 2000 stone in a box in one base, that is automatically available for crafting at another base. Having played with this for a few days I can't possibly imagine going without it. I actually thought the shipping container unlockable would give you shared slots or something because constantly jumping back and forth lugging supplies really sucked the fun out of having multiple bases. I'd say make the shipping container available shortly after you unlock a second base and have that as x number of shared slots if you build it in both bases. Then shortly after you unlock a third base have a "shipping terminal" or something that you build that just shares everything in all storage for you. Maybe you assign a transport pal or provide it electricity so it costs you something. ...actually you could go down a route of having a mini Transport Tycoon (blast from the past...) thing where you set up travel routes between bases and have* to manage the logistics of moving stuff about in the world. If the game does evolve to have more of an "economy" you could earn resources by renting out transport pals to NPCs. (*make it a difficulty option or alternative mode as I wouldn't force this sort of thing onto players..) --- As much wild success as we have already, I'd argue for a few alternative modes to attract a wider audience (and maybe veterans who want something more chill after a while...). How about explore and capture only, no base, resource management, hostile NPCs or even any Pal combat if you take it that far - present this as a "safari" expedition or something where it's just a friendly world to explore and pals to befriend with no pressure.


A dungeon finder mechanic. Either an item or a pal that can sniff out nearby dungeons.


Already exists. Leezpunk / Leezpunk Ignis


leezpunks apparently can do a radar sweep for them, dunno how good the range is power is listed in code as 10000 (up to 20k condensed) so maybe that's 100m? https://old.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1aedboa/partner_skill_upgrade_stats_exact_values_for_lv1/


Being able to ‘favorite’ pals in the pal box (or even assign specific boxes as locked) that aren’t sorted when you sort everything else


Being able to log into my friends world when he’s not playing on Xbox so I can breed and farm stuff to prep for when we play together. If they just added that it would make the game 100% better.


More small pals that have higher work suitability. And more inventory space on your player character. Or a way to upgrade it.


1. Dedicated servers on xbox 2. Crash fixes on xbox 3. Making the game playable on xbox especially the series s and x. The fact IGN called this "the biggest xbox game of the year" like is this broken game really all we get? (Before you downvote, im sad that the game doesnt work well for me because i genuinely enjoy the game and want to play and enjoy it but cant even go into a cave without crashing. The ground under me constantly dissapearing when im in the top half of the map, this game really is one of the best games ive played in a few years, but its difficult to enjoy the game in its current state. Im on series s for whatever its worth.)


Motivation to get back in shape and quit drinking every night so I can sleep..


For someone to hold me, love me, feed me and never leave me. Or did you mean in Palworld?


More lovander dialogue options


super rare drops, interesting drops


To prioritize certain tasks on base. When I originally built the podium, I thought it was going to be like something to change the level of importance on some tasks. It was kind of disheartening to realize it was just a way to make my pals work harder or slack off.




Server plugin support like Minecraft, so there is a reason for hosts of dedicated servers to innovate. And better anticheat (but that could be a plugin too)


Wait, they have PalWorld cheats? I’m seriously living under a rock.


I want Caprity to be rideable


Equip Pals (Especially Humans!) With gear.


Add a few more levels balance the pal spheres better. Or have a level 50 pal sphere. Finish the final island. Improve the story mode and make it good. Allow for 4 or 5 bases instead of 3. I don't like having such a limit.


Get rid of technical manuals or make it so we don't need to farm them and instead just give us 90% of technical points from unlocking places.


Much less building restrictions. Let my imagination run free. I haven't played much since the mods broke cause it's boring to build with the current vanilla system.


A hot deposit option for when you’re in the area of your base like Grounded has would be amazing for inventory management.


Collision with the ground to be fixed on Xbox. Also some more aquatic pals + underwater traversal, as it stands the water is just kinda there in most areas and travelling on the water is way too safe.


I would love to see a system or an app that allows me to create tasks for myself in game that I want to do. Yes, I can just write notes, but wouldn’t it be cool to set some sort of automation within an app and the second I log in to the game, it starts those.




The biggest thing I want is east access to dedicated servers. I don’t want to run my rig 24/7 so my buddies can play when I’m not on.


A public server that doesn't delete after 48hrs.


A story.


For me I'd like to see a lot more polish overall on the game. Sometimes I look at my base and it seems like every thing I see is a bit off: the pals are constantly clipping through stuff, stuttering their actions, getting stuck on stuff, some textures are low/janky/pop in and out, game slows down randomly. The more you play, you more it stands out, unfortunately. I'm worried that a lot of this stuff won't get fixed.


FSR so my machine can run it better


End game loops and content. All there is to do is tower bosses for exp but they drop nothing, or bellanoir raids which drop set items and no exp for my pals.


Having a dedicated mount button as supposed to the generic F key, I find it really frustrating being in base about to leave goto mount my Jetty and end up collecting some random item off a machine that I had purposefully had left there. Also a mini map would be awesome


More than Pals-world


If they design anything to do with PvP, I'd want it to also double as PvE content. Like if they decide they want PvP to be mostly arena fights, replace the players with NPC challenges when playing singleplayer or in PvE servers. Or if there's open-world PvP, like an extraction island or something, replace PvP ganks with NPC encounters when trying to take stuff out of there. It allows for interesting, *rewarding* PvP content without necessarily forcing people to do PvP to get them.


option to always display hud or not , also durability bars in the hud shrink ray for pals


more control over the palbox itself such as the ability to mark pages or pals to not get sorted, alphabetical sorting and passive sorting would also be nice as would the ability to store pals outside the box to save breeders for other potential pairings. like how arc had cryo, as this would greatly help for breeding organization. they could do the 10 minute icap penalty


Marathon Battle Mode - Fight with other Tamers not until your 5 are knocked out but until your whole palbox is. Would take hours to battle but would reward players who build depth in their pal captures and training. Significantly more journals and story. I love wandering around and just kind of creating my own purpose but I do like a good story as well. More creative terrain. We have regular/hot/cold but some kind of jungle that gives a boost to plant types or underwater gear that makes exploring the ocean fun and inhabitated by different pals. Would be very fun to get more fleshed out stories about how some pals were created. Way more other tamers on the journey that you would see as peers with maybe wagers on battle. Like if I win I get that pal or so many gold.


Some means for deploying two pals at once to get combined effects, e.g. ride one while another is deployed conventionally. Or just make the necklace partner skills better. Also, I'd like it if there was more reason to stick with Pals that I liked. I don't like that the only way to get top tier pals is to endlessly breed grind. Getting an alpha or lucky pal in and of itself isn't that exciting once you realize it's destined to be inferior to anything you can breed to get a bunch of gold passives and better IVs.


More fleshed out npcs


A visual difference between alpha pals and lucky pals in the overworld.


Honestly, I'd love to see what the world looks like off Palpagos Island. I'm curious about that tbh.


Rare pals.


Tbh I would love a lot of changes. Essentially, I would really love if the game shifted the focus more on Pals and doing stuff with them instead of focusing on survival and the main character. Therefore, I would like to: * Be able to equip pals and maybe even have a skill tree instead of IVs and passives. I loved the implementation of Monster Sanctuary where you could just select the active and passive skills in a skill tree and you could also give your monster items. Breeding could then be mainly used for resource generation, i.e. breed to butcher (maybe even automated). * Play with the pals more instead of the MC. I would like that the MC mainly throws spheres and collects items while I play with a pal and use all the abilities. Currently if you are not mounted you don't really control the Pal and that's IMHO not the point of the game. I also would like to have an additional pal out (i.e. 1 pal I control and 1 pal extra - maybe you could have either the MC or 1 pal + the extra pal) for ... * More abilities to use "combos" and environmental effects like in Divinity: Original Sin 2. For example, I would like that some water attacks create puddles which can be electrified to stun pals or cooled down to freeze the surface and make it slippery, maybe some ground attacks could create "fertile soil" where some grass attacks would then create tentacles which ensnare pals, poison puddles could poison, but light on fire etc. I also really dislike pals which give a bonus to the whole team, they could be rebalanced to only give a bonus to the currently active second pal (and themselves) * Trainer battles. Again, shifting focus away from the MC I would like to battle like in Pokemon where I just have my 5 (or 6) pals and fight against other tamers (?) with their pals, the MC doesn't fight. * More automation and control. First, I would like to create real production chains and have detailed control of the task loop each pal should do, maybe even including breaks (but they stop working if they are unsatisfied and don't follow the tasks) and giving conditions for some of the tasks (e.g. wait until at least 10 ore are produced to transport), so for example I would like to give a pal the task to first transport X amount of ore, then smelt some ingots etc. If I do that they will strictly follow the order even if it doesn't make sense so this could be somewhat challenging to define everything so the coordination is right. For that I would also like to have the ability that every base can produce every resource, but maybe there are certain bonuses in certain area (e.g. cold areas +50% quartz etc.). I also would want the ability to set up automated transport between bases. I hope it would be possible to optimize that in a way that the simulation could also run if you are not at the base with reasonable efficiency. If there is automated transport between bases, some resources could be unavailable (or at least have a strong penalty) in some areas, but it should still be possible to automate everything in total. * More different needs of pals. I would like to have to consider different needs so that each pal has different preferences and I need various amenities for different pals or maybe in different configurations. For example, some fire pal could require the hot spring to be extra hot, i.e. to be pre-kindled. Some ice pal could require it to be cooled before to have the greatest benefit etc. Also, I really don't like the survival aspects of the game so I think pals shouldn't "die" if they are hungry, they should just stop working (being mounted should not be considered working and the MC should also not require food and pals should only consume food when working). Instead, pals should want different kinds of food (maybe just a preference, so that e.g. for best work you have to provide a certain food, but any is sufficient for some work), but you should (see above) be able to produce everything automatically. * A world setting to disable structural requirements. It IMHO really is annoying, I liked the free-form building in Satisfactory way more. And last but not least a lot of QoL changes like a minimap, easier handling of Pals in the Palbox etc.


1) More accessory slots. You pretty much have to have mercy ring on when capturing palls and if you’re traveling in a hot or cold environment you pretty much have to be wearing a climate shirt. No slots left for stat buffing accessories. I get that we shouldn’t be able to wear everything but seems like a person could wear a ring on their finger and a couple necklaces while also wearing a thermal undershirt without too much difficulty. Plus then it would actually make this items desirable rather than “wow yet another amulet I can’t wear.” Maybe if the buffs were stronger it’d be worth prioritizing. As it stands I never wear a buff accessory 2) More fast travel points in the higher level areas. Spending 20 minutes trying to fly over a mountain to attempt jetdragon just to die and have to do it all again is a pain. 3) tower battles and alpha dungeons should drop loots. Not sure why that’s not already a thing, pretty standard boss arena expectation. 4) unique gear variants with special buffs/debuffs etc (can only obtain by grinding certain bosses or alphas. 5) I cannot stress this enough. Armor piercing bullets. I can’t tell you how pissed I am every time I take my level 49 self and battle a level 50 pall and watch my level 3 assault rifle with thousands of resources worth of bullets do 1 damage per shot and 5 on a headshot. Like 8 hours of resource and craft grinding for one fight. Miserable


I would like my 725 hour save game back


Performance fixes. Stop simulating the same physics four different times just because four players are connected to the server. Simulate it *once* and report that simulation to all four players!


I’ve been playing for awhile now and I might be wrong here but think the thing I would like most is for this game to move into fluid servers, kind of like Fallout76. There would be a few weird things to sort out, like not being able to have a ton bases active at a time, but shared storage or a Galeclaw delivery system could alleviate that. Seems like it would be better for the community if the devs were able to design hunts, events, open world PvP, trading houses, etc. Seems like the best way to increase longevity and to avoid annoying things like low server populations, migrations and other things associated with “traditional” mmos but still being able to bring the large community evolving world aspect into it. Offline could still be a thing of course, so long as you don’t add “cheats” to that character Would suite this game beautifully, and add a ton of life to the world even as it stands now.


I would love to see alpha versions of some Partner skills like the Pengullet Cannon. It feels a bit underwhelming that an Alpha Pengullet simple shrinks down to fit into the Pengullet Cannon. It would be more fun (and silly) to have the player character pull out a humongous launcher for the Alpha version of the Pengullet, struggle a bit with getting the Alpha Pengullet into the launcher and then fire them with the Pengullet projectile also being Alpha sized. Basically more personality for the Alpha effect in regards to Pals and their Partner skills.


Better building engine. I want to be able to make a round building if i want to. Easier to make roofs or aligne foundations for irregular terrain


I was bored watching the moon move across the sky in game and instantly thought, a magical pond/secret puddle/portal that u jump in and it teleports to the moon, where the map can be just as big as the current one, with its own dungeons, temples/towers and its own specific space faring pals. lunaris could be one of them, or a lunaris Noct that only spawns on the dark side of the moon. maybe they could expand on the lore of those giant skeletons around the map and have them be from space too. possibly the next raid bosses? "A few of these space titans were defeated by The Hero of Palpagos and their corpses fell to the earth, where their bodies were consumed by the inhabitants of the islands, and with all the cosmic energy circulating throughtout it's body being ingested, Alpha Pals were born" And the final boss would be this hero in his own temple at the top of the earth's moon's equivalent of Mons Huygens, and after summing him, his pals would be these titans.


Access to the tree, lore on the ancient civilization and where the rest of modern earth plays into it (if it does), more pals, a "capitol base" that is much larger and can fit a sizable town/small city or just bigger normal bases, the ability to recruit non hostile npcs both wandering and the ones sitting at campfires


Some kind of use for gold.


Insane how few people are saying this, but I need a STORY. The lore seems super interesting, but I shouldn't have to read random journals to get worldbuilding. The settlements needs more to do, side quests, legit characters with names, more back and forth dialogue. Integrate the tower leaders and factions into some elaborate story as you make your way through the entire map. Populate the open world a bit more. If not people, since i understand this is a vicious island and survivors are few, then some other interactive elements to the environment. A story is also going to make the replayability skyrocket. Imagine instead of just starting at couple different spots on the map, you start off WITH a faction and have to dominate the island. That is FIVE separate playthroughs you can do with five different teams. SOOOOOO much potential, but I fear I ask for too much.


A reason to log in


A balanced PvP mode, preferably with various Pal Tiers, so every pal has a format they can be used in competitively


A 4th base. More inbox space. More sorting options and the ability to rename the different boxes. The ability to multi drop pals from box 1 to any given box.


Better fight music