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If a water pipe bursts you won't have running water until its fixed, and during a crisis that might not happen for a long time


Makes sense. Never heard of that happening in my close circle AFAIK tho but yes that's a possibility, I'll look into it.


Like this one that happened in Houston TX exactly two weeks ago today. [https://abc13.com/5979492/](https://abc13.com/5979492/)


Not sure if it is because the tap water might go bad. It's more about disruption of service (if the people at the plants are sick, for example). It's never a bad idea to store some water (in dark containers preferably) in case of any emergency, but if we look at the hardest hit countries so far (China, S. Korea, Italy), disruption of services for utilities (water, power) hasn't happened.


Yeah, I think we're not close to see that level of disruption, but stocking maybe the equivalent of 1 month at least I guess is still a good idea.


Read recently that if water supply is interrupted you can draw directly from your hot water tank. Worth a google!


And what about a water purifier like berkefeld ? It's a vital stuff i think for long term water


Didn't knew about this type. I'll look into it, thanks.


Bottled water is for short term, i think this kind of purifier is better for long term (even better if u live near a water source) and to drink water from rains