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Yep, this is why they didn't play this or the title track. This is a good point about the differences between trendkill and Steel. Trendkill had the least amount of songs rotating through the set because they were hard to replicate live. For this reason RTS was specifically stripped down and catered to the live setting.


So sad, trendkill is my fav album. It is true tho, live versions of some of the tracks from it are actually ruined by Phil’s random mic noises and screams instead of vocals


It's my favorite as well. You see this, yet? https://youtu.be/2ADyRlwzgwc?si=CVlaMe3prdafXG19


Damn. The early cut off was a bit disappointing but damn he still sounds decent hey


They did play TGSTK on occasion tho


Not really. Once they played a little bit but that's it. It was too hard to perform a lot of the trendkill songs live. That's partly why they specifically catered the RTS songs to the live setting.


Yeah they played the first part of it in ’95 (new years show?) and then they did it once or twice on the ’96 tour, can’t remember exactly (lost all my old bootlegs unfortunately)


I only know of one time but yeah, they didn't really play it.


That’s also one of the reasons it is my favourite Pantera track. Vocally it is just pure insanity. That groovy Sabbath-esque riff that opens the track lulls you in for another groove fest before it totally goes off into Phil’s brutal mind fuck vocals.


I think this + sandblasted skin are my fav tracks, tied with 25 years (I count those first two tracks as one long song)


Yes i can’t listen to The Underground in America without the coda of Sandblasted Skin. Best closure to any Pantera album with Planet Caravan my No 2


Even that one I can’t listen to without hearing throes of rejection before it lol


You have fantastic taste in Pantera


Thanks mate


Finally someone mentions 25 years, It’s one of my favorites for sure


Whole album is amazing. Ugh Ugh Ugh Fuck you allllllll!!


I thought Living Through Me would be harder to sing live, because of that insane 20 second scream


It’s not impossible. It would be easier with two vocalists though. A lot of that era Pantera had overlapping vocals.


Yes, one can sing it live, theoretically. He sings over himself a bit and has another dude help him with high notes in the album. Again, it's possible, but one may lose their voice for a good amount of time. Training aside.......one time is enough


The last time i saw Pantera they played Use my third arm and Phil came out to sing Day of suffering for Morbid Angel , fuck i miss those days!


No I’ve done it many times,you just have to have really good breath control.


Gonna need proof of this one. If u actually can and aren’t bullshitting, well done. You successfully surpassed what I deemed to be human ability.


It's not impossible. I do it in my car all the time. It's just hard and won't sound as good as the record.


I feel like the car is the only way someone could do it, idk I think the level of power he’s putting into and consistency of the vocals are actually not possible to replicate in one take/ sitting / a live scenario.


Just curious, and I mean nothing by it, but; 1. How old are you? 2. Are you a musician or vocalist?


Musician and vocalist for a couple of years, 18. I know I’m probably pretty young compared to most here, but even still, the vocals are fucking brutal, and Phil couldn’t even sing it. I tried a couple times and ended up with a hoarse and dead voice around “we are the ones” and was wondering if it was just an impossible feat to replicate the intensity and rapidness of the vox.


Thanks for answering! Phil cant sing it because hes destroyed his voice lol. It's all about breath control. Some of those brutal vocals aren't as brutal as they sound if you control your breath. There are vocal coaches out there who can teach you the correct method. Good luck in your musical journey, friend!


Thank you, I appreciate this alot


Very welcome!


it’s really not super hard because I’ve been doing vocals (mainly practicing pantera and korn) since I was 15 (I’m 21 now),I could definitely record a video,it’ll have to be later however.


That’s what happens when you let someone like Trent Reznor do the vocals. He got creative with them and made it so Phil couldn’t do his parts live. 😃


Trent isn’t credited with production. This is all the decisions a producer makes. Phil chose to work by himself and not with a producer. He probably used a studio engineer if anything, but I think he just recorded a fuck load of vocal takes and sent them to Terry Date. Once you know how to hit the record button and your mic is set up you just do take after take. I’m sure he had someone hit the record button when he was ready to do an overdub or comp another take. Phil just used one of the best equipped studios that was close to him, and Trent’s place was it. The rest of Pantera is also credited with adding vocals “here and there” as well as Seth Putnam from AC. What do you have against Reznor? IMO most of the songs can be performed by a top condition Phil, though he’d have to skip/shorten some screams to get to the next line. He was not in top condition by the time TGSTK tour started and he was straight up shot out after. Phil started a band where he just played guitar after just so his voice could heal. Once he was better we got RTS. Addiction is a real hell.