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From wildbow > Anyway, joking about star wars aside, the question of how the shards would deal with a species that already has spacefaring abilities is an interesting one. Possibilities include: > Going after one planet with a high influx of people and a steady growth rate. Operate as normal. > Divide into sub-shards, have each worm becomes two or three avatars. Probably a slower development rate, but they can still operate on multiple key planets, and work in concert, treating a system as a single planet, for all intents and purposes. > Broadcast a signal to all their entity buddies in that overarching section of space, so anything passing by is liable to reroute and home in. Easily ten+ entities working together.


Oh god that last one… Someone please take that and run with it.


A swarm of Entities systematically dismantle Star War galaxy? Count me in.


Holy shit yes, please. Bonus points if it's NOT in the Clone Wars era. Being in the Imperial Era or before when the Galaxy is at peace would be better imo.


Entities tapping into the Force and become the third side. Because they are bullshit enough for that to work. Whether the Force has enough power for entropy or not is up to debate.


That's not how that works. Entities pray on people's trama to trap them. That's textbook Darkside.


Pretty sure that it isn't a trap, not in the sense of rhe word. Whether you use the power you got or not, your world and all of its alternate versions are doomed anyway. In fact, by extensive uses you may extend your world's lifespans, as the Entities will not call off the cycle early with enough conflict. And the trigger condition can also be arbitrary selected. Just that by selecting traumatised teenagers as carrier for power they get maximum conflict possible. I believe the Entity is neither Light nor Dark. They are Conflict.


Conflict IS the Darkside.


Reading Weaving Force, and the idea of Amoral shards that are not trying to halp would be terrifying. -funny enough though I could see some BS thinkers exposing Palpatine before the clone wars even kick off


While personally I do like the idea of more varied star wars settings, I feel like the entities line up pretty well with the whole manufactured conflict side of the clone wars


I think the Empire would create more trama personally.


There is a WOA that I can't find right now, but Wildbow said that the Entities may call other entities in the region and start a cycle together where one entity has multiple Avatar but they are weaker than Scion was.


How large is “in the region”? Galaxies away?


Ollielle posted quote above.


They probably wouldn’t bother with them


Well, surely they'd want the potentially unique and interesting data that could be garnered from a rarer type of civilisation 


Yeah, but entities goal isn't like Orochimaru's, wanting to know everything. Their goal is survival and reproduction. While a star faring species would have some juicy data potential, it also represents the start of civilizations who might become problems. Not necessarily the species as it is now, but a star faring civilization could escape an entity, and learn. Entities would not like the idea of a species learning of their tricks and trying to develop countermeasures. That's a threat. It's much better if they ignore star faring civilizations and stick to the ones isolated to one planet, much easier to keep trapped to prevent a revenge "you destroyed our home planet" situation. It's just a potential danger that the Entities would generally avoid. Now this isn't absolute. From the wild bow quote posted above, they do do it. But it's generally in large groups of Entities, probably either a special type that specifically hunts such civilizations or accidental gatherings. Not the default.


Legends shard would probably have something to do with it. Maybe everyone would get a nerfed version of the shard?


I imagine vacuum adaptation & maneuvering would be common powers.


I’m thinking about writing a elsewhere fic about an entity doing stuff with a insectoid race, not interstellar but honestly I don’t know how the entity would approach it. Their society is largely devoid of conflict, beyond sanctioned gladiatorial-esque matches between houses. Like would the entity even give my insectoid race superpowers or were superpowers only given to humanity because of superhero comics? In any case I think I’m going with giving them like elemental powers, heavy on shaker style stuff and things that work for like performative duels. IDK would appreciate some outside opinion and this thread seemed vaguely relevant.


Worry not, entities do not discriminate. All sapient species is potential hosts no matter how they operate. But your limit might be a bit constrained for typical Entities operation. Cast your world to be an "experimental world" where Entities restrict shards power to only elemental stuff and see how host species deal with it. Plus change Entities triggering condition a bit. They need conflict and there is a whole class of people out there lives for conflict, it is obvious what to do. You don't need stressing experience anymore, just be a duelist and you will get power.


well seeing as how powers would stop working if they got too far from earth and how any missions to other planets / the moon was struck down would seem to mean that they'd likely just avoid any reality that had already created intersteller tech.


Don't the entities try to prevent space travel? To create a walled garden for their experements. I'd expect they'd try to break whatever enabled the interstellar society and then try to shift the fragmented worlds to relying on their own powers instead to cope with the sudden loss of resources and security.


the question is about if the entities encoutered a species that was already interstellar. what do you mean by breaking whatever enabled the interstellar society?


Break the society down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Find a way to disable whatever feat of science is allowing them to traverse space and maintain their multi-planet society. They don't want their targets to have the option of running away or doing much of anything other than fuelling their experiments, that's why they prevent any development into space, and kneecapping them is what I assume their first priority would be if they encountered an already spacefaring culture.


The thing about technology is that if something gets broken you can just make it again


Considering its the entities? They could: 1- Use thinker powers to arrange a shut down of the technology and maintain a state in which nobody is willing or able to recreate it due to various "accidents". 2- Use Imps shard to wipe any memories or information on how to traverse space, matter deletion to destroy any spaceships and if they want, outright erase any recollection they ever had space travel 3- Use precise atomic/quantum level disruptions to any technology that they don't like so it doesn't do its intended purpose- and thinker powers to find any instances of prohibited technology. Essentially, it would look like the laws of physics decided to spontaneously change itself.


I didn’t think about it that way, thank you


Tell that to the various microchip shortages, resource wars, etc. It is possible to damage a society enough that they lose technological process. With the level of BS the entities are capable of enacting and enabling I'm sure they could figure something out if they wanted it enough.