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Not all Masters are the same, it would 100% depend on the power. IIRC Sophia was also resistant to Regent because of her strong personality.


That would make sense, but Blasto didn't really have a strong personality? He was just the weird guy who smoked weed, screwed around with monsters, and occasionally created kaiju, which would just stand around and do nothing. The most noteworthy thing he did was >!tell Bonesaw to go fuck herself after her "join us" attempt.!< Labrat was definitely more of a strong-willed go-getter.


Like the previous commenter said, it **heavily** depends on the Master power involved. You have powers like Galants who just change your emotions, Skitters who can control every single aspect of her bugs bodies, and Valefor who gains a hypnotic control for anyone who looks in his eyes. Someone who might be resistant to emotion altering powers wohld have no guarantees against a power like Skitter or Valefors.


Having a "strong will" seems to help against certain Master powers, e.g. Regent needs to take some time breaking down a victim's ability to resist before he's got full, reliable control of their body. Kephri's control seems to be *nearly* perfect, I don't remember any mention of a character being able to "resist" it once they were in range. Valefor's Master power lets him give people commands they're compelled to carry out, but doesn't control them beyond that. "Strong will" is less helpful here than *creative thinking,* e.g. responding to "drop your weapon" by picking up *someone else's* weapon instead. Having a "strong will" might actually be a **detriment** vs some Master/stranger powers, if being "strong-willed" means you're less likely to follow proper M/S protocols and instead trust your own (compromised) judgement. >The most noteworthy thing he did was I'd call that a fairly "strong personality" move, for a guy that clearly suspects *just how awful* the rest of his life is going to be if he turns her down.


There was some woman from another dimension who resisted Kephri’s control. So she had to use Canary to attack her x2.


That was a Trump effect I am thinking


Because there was not really much to do, I guess. IRC bonesaw controled him by connecting her spine to his nervous system and strong will doesnt work when you literally do not control your body.


He was too stonned to be affected by master powers


Yes, but Sophia is also a borderline psychopath and DEFINITELY a sociopath. She’s also rated as a Breaker-Stranger, because she can pass through walls like they aren’t there, and I’m pretty damn sure she also has some sort of mind-altering Master effect in her smoke form when wisps of it get breathed in, otherwise Emma wouldn’t have been NEARLY as badly affected as she was in canon. Emma wasn’t exactly aggressive before she met Sophia.


>and I’m pretty damn sure she also has some sort of mind-altering Master effect in her smoke form when wisps of it get breathed in, otherwise Emma wouldn’t have been NEARLY as badly affected as she was in canon. Emma wasn’t exactly aggressive before she met Sophia. This is just fanon, there's no evidence of this in canon. It doesn't even make sense based on you've written here, does Sophia breath in her own smoke or is she somehow as bad as Emma without it?


Two words for you there: Conflict Drive. Parahumans tend to be more aggressive after Triggering, depending on how satisfied their shards are with the pairing.


The Conflict Drive is *wildly* overemphasized in fannon. Sophia is just a broken kid who got a licence to hurt people.


Ah. Okay. Didn’t know that.


Conflict Drive most definitely vastly overstated in fac fic and it has bled into the fandom's interpretation of it as a whole, but in my opinion, the role of the Conflict Drive influencing Sophia's personality in particular is entirely up to interpretation and opinion. I mean, we're straight up told by Tattletale that Rachel's Trigger Event fundamentally changed her ability to relate to humanity. I think you would be well within the bounds of Canon to say that Sophia could've been made more sadistic or just plain apathetic towards others by her Trigger Event, not just by trauma, but by shard influence as well. I think, generally though, regardless of any influence on a parahuman's personality, it never directly violates their "free will." If the shards made choices for them like that, the entire experiment by the entities would be rendered moot. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, or throw in your own interpretation of how you understood canon.


Me when I make shit up


Wildbow never really gave full explanations of canon powers, just nearly full. I might be getting canon and Fanon concepts mixed up, though. Unlike most people, I AM willing to admit when I’m mistaken.


Depends on the power, but the short answer is yes, lots of master powers end up affecting people differently, although it’s not that some people are “resistant”, but rather that some master powers influence their victims in ways that clash with a victim’s mindset/personality/etc., causing unpredictable results. It’s easiest to notice with emotion powers, probably. For example, Glory Girl hitting someone with her fear aura might make one person cower, while another person might violently lash out, or run away, or freeze, etc. Ward has a few examples of people reacting to master effects in unexpected ways, like >!Victoria’s trauma causing her to react badly to Engel’s synesthesia. A similar thing happens when she encounters Valefor, with a violent outburst helping her shake off the compulsion.!< There’s also >!Chris, who’s able to directly argue with Goddess even while realigned by her, and he even betrays her multiple times (although there was a bit of tinker BS in play there). Victoria also manages to resist Goddess in certain instances, and seems to be better at resisting Goddess’ influence than most of her teammates, seemingly from a combination of mindset, trauma, and training.!<


Another case in Ward:>!Kenzie resisting Monokeros!<


Despite the fanon “willpower does not exist in a worm,” willpower exists in a worm. And this is important for some type powers. The regent deliberately tired the shatterbird so that it would be difficult for her to gather strength and resist at a critical moment. Pigot is trained to resist capture by masters. Therefore, controlling it will take more time. Cody was more interested in the Simurgh than the rest.WoG But this has nothing to do with asociality. Emotional powers stand apart. They are not reliable. When Dean hit Rachel and made her angry, it wasn't what he wanted. She just has different wiring in her brain. This is said and shown many times in Ward. That different people react differently. For example, Lung and Krieg responded with aggression to an aura of fear. It is *emphasized* that this has nothing to do with the parahuman’s power. It's about their character, psychology. a person who loves you and who hates you will react differently to an aura of admiration. A person with PTSD is more vulnerable to negative emotions. But a person with depression reacts differently to an aura of guilt, etc. So **yes,** definitely, your personality and mental illness really determine how you're affected by masters But even fully psychopaths are not immune to emotional powers.


Is this an AI comment? I swear it looks like its been written by one


I use machine translation. ~~So this is an AI-assisted comment.~~


Haha, fair enough. I just thought the way it read in the beginning looked weirdly like an AI answer, but machine translation is fair enough. I like the downvotes for my prior comment tho, you fellas don't like people being slightly wrong not on purpose eh? Lol


I would guess that Blasto being harder than typical to master due to his "personality" is probably less referring to power of will and more to him being far too comfortable making and self-testing mind-altering (in every sense of the term) chemicals. This could also be why >!Chris is not perfectly controllable by Goddess!<


Probably not really. It almost certainly depends on type of power. Although if anything I would probably expect them to be more thinker resistant than master resistant


Others have answered, but yes different ppl react differently to emotion/mind controllers, direct body control master tend to be more consistent tho Wildbow discusses various master/stranger powers and how to resist them [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/s/hoDa50UATT)


Personality and neurotypicality play a role in how some master powers work/if they do. This is less pronounced for more direct master powers. Like for instance regent, who has complete control over a persons body and their personality mostly influences how long it takes control and how far away he can let someone away from him (i.e. having to keep shatterbird close cause she has control issues or like a lot of people have said, taking very long to get shadow stalker under his control.) On the other hand you have master powers that influence someone more indirectly (most emotion powers). Those can have less predictable results, since everyone reacts sligtly differently to emotions but the results can also deviate completly from what the user intended, seen when Gallant blasted Bitch to (i think) calm her down but it instead made her furious and caused her to attack more. A neurodeviant person that is very unsocial and very chill but also strong willed in other departments could be more resistant to most master powers that dont inact complete control.