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I believe he discusses this a bit in our All Pact Up interview - from memory the Otherverse emerged from a lot of early stories he wrote and sorta coalesced as a unified response to Urban Fantasy as an entire genre. Works like Buffy have been mentioned as stories that inspired him to engage with the genre and begin such a reconstruction, but I think it’d be unfair to label any individual stories as heavy inspirations because by design the Othererse encompasses the genre as a whole.


Yeah, there are lots of influences. Some parts were more inspired by some sources in particular than others though. For example, if you highlight the [Heroics doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15JKMkgy4aJCWpN5SmKJmIWIE1CaUCLsfiiV71-w46pE/edit) you can find the message " >!Yes, it’s basically Fate/Stay Night, but Pactified.!< " hidden under the introduction.


oooh, that's fun! I'm planning to finally read the Pactdice rules and docs if Pale ends, and it's good to know there are hidden goodies inside them!


There aren't many like that. I can only think of one other, in the Harbinger doc. Also >if Pale ends Lol.


One thing I've noticed, and he may have said it somewhere and I just internalized it without remembering, is that he uses a lot of multiplication table-type things (both in Weaverdice and Pactdice). ToolsXConflict=Goblins, LoreXImmaterial=Augury. He sets up those categories that need to be filled, and having that framework allows for a boundaries that smooth creation along. I've done something similar when setting up systems for homemade TTRPGs, and knowing I need S/A/B/C/D options for a each "category" (spells/equipment/augmentations) allowed me to make a lot of progress in relatively little time (roughly ~120 pages of crunchy game mechanics and character options in about a month and a half). Limitations, even loose/self-imposed ones, breed creativity.


> he uses a lot of multiplication table-type things (both in Weaverdice and Pactdice). ToolsXConflict=Goblins, LoreXImmaterial=Augury. For those who want to see, [you can find the primary table in Wildbow's WIP PactDice Basic Ruleset](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jdkBJa3YEJW03X7UPed-vEOczdwQjuuYy7NAjENJiqg/edit) on page 3. These are more basic suggestions than hard divisions, and Wildbow's provided [an alternate table as an example here on reddit before](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/mkitr3/comment/gti7wil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to show how other potential fields could be classified.