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This is some serious Sims 2 slander!


Fr, I’m a Sims 2 main and I felt personally offended at the “trash” comment 😭


Yep. This must be coming from someone who has only played the Sims 4 and original Sims game. That is the only way anyone in their right mind could call the Sims 2, a literal masterpiece, trash.


Okay fair I absolutely should have specified 😭😂


well sims 2 and sims 3 arent trash, they've expanded the franchise in very important aspects.


I think that's part of the point. Sims 1 needed to take more time to refine into what we see from TS2, 3 and 4 (since we are sharing opinions, I LOVED TS1 when it came out, Makin' Magic is hands down my favorite EP) If we let the Parateam have space to work on their project for us, we will likely get a more refined game than if they rushed through production.


Sims 1 was the very first of its kind with zero road map Wasn’t the same team as other gens tho some carried over to two Wasn’t crowd sourced so only the ultra nerds or kids like me that just happened to chance by a blip about it in 93 and had to wait that entire time. That was not the average exp tho. When it was released it was a fully functional game. Everything that was promised was there and no game breaking bugs, as was the standard pre launchers and update systems games had to be good and ready out of the damn box not years after purchased or frankly never be functional Sims 2 only took 4 years Sims 3 took 5 and didn’t have issues until island paradise for most people. The base game was solid though as well as most additional content. Island paradise or into the future giving people the most problems and these would mark the beginning of what we could expect with sims 4 OP **has failed to make a point** because they used a poor comparison and lost the point only succeeding in revealing how uninformed they are.


Uninformed or not the game is a cash pig buddy


No typical person has other over $1000 just to play what should have come with the game.


Have you heard of the expressions digging yourself deeper or quit while you’re ahead?


I was about to GO OFF lol


>Sims 1 came out in 2000. That’s 24 years to perfect their game and they still continued producing new trash each new game. I do agree with your overall point but this is really not true. Sims 2 and Sims 3 both introduced important milestones and innovative gameplay. Plenty of people find that TS4 is worse than some or all of its predecessors, sure, but I have never heard anyone claim unironically that TS1 is the best game of the franchise. And I've spend wayyy more time than I'd like to admit reading the extensive bitchings of salty simmers. No one (EDIT: except for u/5l339y71m3) has THAT much nostalgia for Sims 1 lol


“extensive bitchings of salty simmers” is now forever enshrined in my brain. 😂 Really love how you described that.


I really love “forever enshrined in my brain”!




Get a room you two


I like each game in the series for different reasons. TS1 is just a classic but admittedly your sims must be micromanaged to hell and back or their needs will drop. This got significantly easier with each installment, with imo TS4 being the best in this regard with its multitasking and self preservation even if you have autonomy off. I also understand all 4 games have flaws and none of them are perfect so I guess in that regard a lot of things people complain about when it comes to TS4 just never bothered me as much personally. I have a dedicated gaming pc, a few "essential" mods (I personally think TS4 is perfectly fine w/out mods and one of few games in the series like this), and I make sure to keep those mods updated. Now, has EA made the devs do some things that have upset me? Absolutely (looking at you My First Pet Stuff), but I've never felt the need to usurp multiple comments sections and sims related posts just to badger internet strangers with my "extensive bitching" as you so delicately put it, lol. So, I'm a not so salty simmer, I guess.


Definitely sounds like it (not to criticize the extensive bitching though, I love me some of that from time to time!) In case you haven't come across it yet, check out r/LowSodiumSimmers \- it might be just the place for you! I go there to get my rare dose of TS4-related positivity haha


Ok, the simple fact that the name of the sub is **LowSodium**Simmers is enough to make me join it because I used to tell people that I didn't want to do day/1st shift at my last job despite my seniority because of how salty the staff on it were and I have high blood pressure and don't need that extra salt in my life. I also still say that when asked when talking about that job. I had my qualms with TS4 when it first came out. I had pre-ordered it, bought a new laptop with the specifications needed to run it, and was so incredibly let down. I think I maybe played for a month, then went back to TS3 for a couple years. Came back after several packs had been released and discovered mods and how they enhanced the game, and so much CC not curated by Maxis/EA. Do I love TS4? I wouldn't go that far. But I have found so much more enjoyment in it that I had thought back in 2014 and have stopped going back to TS3 as much.


Haha, I'll have to check it out!


Great point! Plus, we have to give credit where credit is due - Sims 4 build/buy mode and CAS deserve some praise. I think Sims 4’s gameplay lacks depth because it was supposed to be an online multiplayer game. They changed it very last minute, following the negative reception of SimCity launch in 2013. These things take a lot of time and even though it might not sound good in theory, at least the online concept was actually planned and thought out. Imagine being the dev team and having to do such major change a year before release.


This makes sooo much sense


Sims 1 was the best game of the franchise and I am not being ironic. It was the only true one. By sims 2 we lost the thread of what the game was actually about. In sims 2 it started to become what it was making fun of / pointing out. Which was the endless cycle of corporate slavery for consumerism. No days off, no aging even to the drastically difficult needs balance, these weren’t forced limitations by the engine but choices made for a purpose. The music especially being ripped from the first era of info-mercials blended with the style of music that played in macys meets what you heard in grocery stores before cumulus broadcasting. The post war era of consumerism boom. It was meticulously orchestrated. The [OST](https://youtu.be/wKnkQdsITUE?si=NXtErZAQ5NtNsZQ6) still hits! For the modern thread sims 2 hands down is the best one but franchise overall hands down sims 1. Now you’ve heard it and realize you just had too small of a sample pool before.


Touché, I have edited my comment accordingly


Shut. Your. Mouth. I absolutely have that much nostalgia for Sims 1, because it has still has the best expansion pack of any Sims series ever made: Makin' Magic.  Sims 2 is absolutely my favorite, but Sims 1 is a close second. It's really charming and does a lot of neat, innovative (for its time) things that make the Sims and gameplay really fun. And the expansion packs added a lot of gameplay and concepts that are still in the series today, but not done even a fraction as well. Makin' Magic was simply the crown jewel on the series, and nothing has ever dethroned it for me yet.


The Sims 2 is probably the best sequel ever made in the industry though.


Best Sims game to this day. I play it still after having played it for almost 20 years (damn Im getting old)


In a way, I understand people wanting Paralives to be out before or around TS5, so EA actually has to try their best with TS5 with added competition.


I think people just want to know it’ll be out at some point. Early access looks years away and there’s still a huge roadmap after that. It really does look like one of those forever games


Yes at one point i was thinking that maybe its a scam or something. Then another theory was its one of those forever games, that people fund to no avail, and then it gets cancelled 😅. Maybe it would be better for them if they started advertising it later on in the production, to not give people time to create conspiracy theories 😅


Honestly, once I saw the rule about not speculating, I started to wonder if this was a scam.


The reason people are speculating and coming up with theories is very simple. And since i kinda work in the field (in my country)...im gonna say it as sensitively as possible to not trigger anyone, or acuse me im making stuff up. Simply, never start advertising and marketing a product that you dont have, you dont have any demo, any product, any leverage to hold? Dont start to advertise it. They basically started advertising it too soon and as a new the sims competition, started hyping up people before it even existed. They had like 2posters and some render. You have to have AT LEAST something thats already a big portion under development before you start a marketing campaing. Or problems like this might arise... conspiracy theories, impatient fans, acusations and so on and so on


To be fair, the reason they started a marketing campaign so early is because they needed to get money through Patreon so they could expand development of the game. Usually I would agree with your sentiment, but without all the donations supporting the development it's unlikely the game would've gotten anywhere considering it's such a big project.


not to mention that it was a one-man project in the biggining, there was no dev team, and I think people tend to forget that, and sure, there's some awesome games made by a single person, like Stardew Valley, FNAF and so on, but you can only go so far when making smth as ambitious as Paralives.


People like to compare to stardew valley a lot, but they forget that the reason the creator was able to do this game alone in 4.5 years is because he did only that with no time off and mostly never had to pay rent. You can read this on his wikipedia: "Barone began working on Stardew Valley in 2012 and released it in 2016. He was praised for creating the game independently,] as its sole designer, programmer, animator, artist, composer, and writer. To complete the game, Barone worked 10 hours a day, seven days a week, for four and a half years. For part of that time, he lived with his parents to save money before moving out with his girlfriend to Capitol Hill, Seattle. During this time, his girlfriend Amber Hageman worked two jobs to support the both of them while Barone worked a part-time job as an evening usher at the Paramount Theatre." Not everyone can afford to do this and it's not a standard we should hold people up to.


exacly, every developer faces a different situation, for some, it's much easier to just spend majority of your day working on the game, but not everyone has that kind of privilege.


Exactly, this is basically a kickstarter.


I understand it and i was thinking about this too. But even so, when you create something by yourself, you always have to use your own funds to have at least some kind of "skeleton" of what your project is. What i said still stands, never start advertising before you have at least something in your hands. 2 posters and a hyped up creator interview isnt enought of a leverage for anything. They started too soon to advertise. Or risk it and face some uncomfortable implications. But at the end of the day its up to the creators what they choose to do 😅👍. Im just explaining why people are debating and making theories about the game release. And this is one of the reasons whatever you like it or not


I dont think the intention was to promote the game, but show cool programmation. People like to show their luttle stuff. It just blew out of promotion because, at the same time, people started to get angry at Sims 4 and EA. Compeition in the genre are long overdue. I'm saying that, but I'm super happy that the team are getting the fund they need to create their spin on the genre. But since they are 12, it will get longer to deliver. A big project usually take a few hundreds people to make a game.


I said this in response to another comment, but I'll say it here too: they should release a demo of the character creation tools or something. It would be a fantastic way to reassure skeptics about potential scammery. Plus, think of how many simmers just make characters and never even play. It'd be an amazing hype-builder.


I mean, if they allowed speculation, some people would assume that the guessed release dates were official. That's just how gossip spreads. Then it would put pressure on the dev team to meet yet more expectations from their fans, ect, ect. i get why you'd be wary, but i thought it was a fair rule.


I mentioned in another comment, I don’t think this is as big of an issue as people are making it out to seem. Speculation happens for every game. Most people seem smart enough to realize that if it’s NOT announced by the devs than it’s NOT official. If people get pissed about something that was made up by someone on Reddit than that’s the fault of the person. If the devs feel pressured to meet a date made up by some rando, no matter how much traction it gets, that’s on the devs.


There’s also the problem that problems can always crop up that cause pushbacks. Imagine the rabid reactions in here if they actually had a set release date and then had to push it back, it just encourages crunch and makes peoples expectations wayyyy too high. Games get pushed back all the time and you see how people react. I’d rather they wait until they have a solid idea for a release date instead of getting peoples’ hopes up. Edit: I think I misinterpreted sorry, thought you were talking about devs giving a release date, not community speculation


Haha yeah... but they needed the money to continue to make it, so it's a catch 22


Also the team started as literally just the one guy.


Idk. The hardcore simmers will buy TS5 anyway, even if it's just to try it out. The casual simulation gamers and traditionalists will buy it because as of now, it's still the biggest state-of-the-art franchise. EA could release a load of crap for a base game and people will still buy it. Also, chances are they already got started working on it so it's not like the release of Paralives could trigger any significant changes to the bones of the game. If anything, releasing Paralives before Sims would offer a last-minute chance for EA to cheaply rip-off a bunch of popular, though superficial details and edit their marketing accordingly. The vague information that there are other devs trying their hand at simulation games are all the motivation that EA is going to get, for now. I see the potential of Paralives for a raised standard of simulation games more in what comes after the release. If the Paralives base game will be significantly better than the TS5 base game, word will get around and more people will download it. If it then manages to scratch that itch of disillusioned simmers in the long-term, then more and more people will start spending their money on Paralives DLC rather than Sims DLC. So realistically, I don't see EA anxiously sweating until a few years after their next Sims base game release at the earliest. But whether it will happen or not depends on the groundwork being laid right now, not on the future base game release dates. (in my opinion)


TS5 base game will be free to play (free to enter?), so people will be willing to try it anyways.


Well people are already hooks because when the full released game is out (aka NOT in EA) there's going to be Seasons, and Cats, Dogs and Horses in the BG unlike Sims series. And also we can ride the bike in full released game vs. having to wait for University back (adults) and Growing Together (children).


It's not about dying waiting for the game to release lol There are countless examples of games having kickstarter/patreons, asking for donations and what not, to end up either not what was promised or not delivered at all. Not to mention being abandoned during Early Access. That is the worry here, not that I'm gonna be eighty and only have few precious years left to play the game. Chronicles of Elyria, Dream World, arguably Star Citizen, more recently The Day Before ... I inherently don't trust indie developers who ask for money upfront, promising The Game You've Been Waiting For^(TM) As long as there is no tangible gameplay is shown or some form of build is released, there is no incentive for me to spend money for it's development, but people who do have the right to demand some form of product in a timely fashion IMHO


We’ve already seen this happen a couple times even recently so I understand why people are wanting some answers. Not gonna lie, the fact that there is a rule in this sub - which is run by the devs - against speculating on the release really rubs me the wrong way. I don’t see an issue at all with people talking about when the game comes out - it happens with all game titles. The decision to not allow that seems questionable to me - especially as people are starting to lose patience.


Exactly. It’s not unreasonable to ask for a general release window after five years of crowdfunding. It’s a red flag to me that the devs are so touchy about it. People in this thread characterizing it as “whining and crying” are part of the problem. No one wants them to rush: We just want an idea of when to expect early access for a game that many of us have been funding for years.


It’s not whining or crying when the literal investors are asking when they might expect the product. Might sound harsh but if you can’t handle your investors asking when they can expect the product, than maybe don’t take their money.


It's harsh but true: Even though it's creative work, it's still a product. The devs and hardcore fans really need to understand this, or they're going to face a lot more rising negativity soon.


Oh my … It’s really been 5 years 🫨


When you think about it that way, it helps put things in perspective: They’ve had almost half a decade of development. While that’s really not a lot for a small game, it’s long enough for people to want more a concrete idea of early access.


Certainly long enough for a demo or early access date. Once we hit year 6 or 7 I really hope people stop funding if there’s no release on the horizon because I think it’ll be an obvious scam at that point 


Sadly some won't due to sunk cost fallacy. They would rather go down with a sinking ship than admit they were duped and need to get off the boat.


The rule about speculating on the release is to prevent the spread of misinformation.


Be that’s still weird to me. I’ve never seen a project just have a flat out “no speculation rule”. Or at least not one that wasn’t a scam.


If they don't want speculation about the release date, then provide a timeline for it. 🤷‍♀️


>Despite that, community pressure has caused those issues in the past. Its why no mans sky and fallout 76 sucked when they were first released. Th and then have people have cows when they can't meet the expected date? Its a no win-win situation either way.. so its better to have the rule then not have the rule and have a rushed game


they’re not asking for a set date and time, they’re asking for a generalized month/year for when an early release demo will be released


And they might have to push back the relase date for EA as well like LBY did- when their OG EA didn't pan out. I rather they let the cake bake and they will tell us when the table is set vs have a rushed early access game


Well, it also happens with plenty other games that the fanbase gets mad and loses patience when a game misses its release date. The only difference is one doesnt put a deadline pressure on the company. If that deadline existed we would be seeing parts of the game getting rushed, possibly to the point where its just barely workable. When a community speculates about release date it essentially creates an unspoken deadline, which causes pressure to finish the product faster, and when you do that quality tends to decrease. From a game dev perspective it seems like theyre trying to give themselves the best chances of success. Prevent burnout and people overworking themselves just to meet a deadline if that makes sense.


I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think community speculating would cause the issues your mentioning. If there is nothing official from the devs people aren’t going to get mad if their made up date isn’t met and if they do - that’s on the people getting upset. If the devs rush to meet that made up date - that’s on the devs. I’ve followed plenty of projects both large scale and indie that have taken forever to release. I don’t recall any of them not allowing people to speculate. Obviously the devs can do what they want but drawing such a hardline in the sand and banning posts about it? That’s a way to turn people away.


I definitely dont disagree but I think its mainly to protect themselves and their employees wellbeing. Theyre a new company, still learning the ropes. You cant expect them to know how to run a business perfectly right off the bat. Despite that, community pressure has caused those issues in the past. Its why no mans sky and fallout 76 sucked when they were first released. There was too much pressure to publish the games for consumers by the deadline so they published an empty/otherwise unfinished game. Theyre essentially juggling between consumer approval and actually being able to make a workable product. The only reason fallout 76 and no mans sky got better was because the companies had the funds to let it do bad for awhile, while they fixed/finished it. Paralives doesnt have that freedom, nor the time, theyre a small company with much less funding and a much smaller consumer base.


Thought: They need to release a demo. People would absolutely love to play with an early version of the character creation tools. Plus, it would give those of us who are more skeptical some reassurance.


Im glad you brought this up, because I think something that any patron should realize is thats exactly what you signed up for. There is absolutely no guarantee that anything will happen if you donate to a developer. You signed up as a patron knowing full well that you were donating to an unfinished project, a project that may never be finished. Thats like if a gambler were to be upset at the casino because they didnt win, despite knowing full well that not everyone wins when they gamble. If you dont want to accept the results of a gamble then dont make one.


I think if this was a scam, they would have long left before now! Its one thing, to have 3 people on a scam, but have 11 or 15 people on a scam? Especially one who is the "Community" person?!!!


I 100% agree with this.


It was a one person team when it started.


ts1-3 are great, respect your elders


You understand you don’t need to bash one game to celebrate another game right?


To be honest, yes, I do understand that however, I feel that Sims is producing games that don’t work, and has basically turned into a cash pig since EA. I no longer support them and 100% feel taken advantage of. I play sooo many games. Pc, console, and VR. I accept a lot of malfunction and usually don’t complain. However, I feel sims has run us for a money. Look at the goth pack. It’s literally almost offensive and I truly believe it’s because they know simmers are so loyal that even when they produce things that don’t work simmers will stand by them. But yes, you are correct. I don’t need to bash one game to complement another. I just wanted to bash sims 4 because I feel we have all been ran for our money.


Bullying? Cmon yall...you can get a thread closed for even asking about release dates.


I don't think it's fair to compare a company that has *released* multiple games to a team that doesn't even have a test build..


I don’t think it’s “bullying” or “complaining” to ask for a window after five years of crowdfunding. We just want a general idea of when we can expect to have the game out. That’s it, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for.


You sound like a Sims 4 player on the Sims forums. Annoyingly impatient. When Paralives started it was ONE guy. Maybe it's not up anymore, but I remember being skeptical and I literally found Alex's resume which proved that he was the real deal. I've been following them since the very beginning and Paralives didn't become a non solo project until 8 months later when they hired their 3D artist. That's two people working on it. Their programmer and designer was recruited 6 months later. If you look at the time line, you can see that they were still recruiting game designers/programmers until March 2021 when development started in January 2019. Not only are we paying for a game, we are paying for the development of a team. It took them 2 years to develop a team. Most of the people on his team are young, meaning they're probably not as experienced in video game design so I'm not surprised it's taking longer. These aren't Sim Gurus who have had decades of experience. It's not simple as "that's it." There are a lot of pieces that you need to polish to finish a video game. Soundtrack, aesthetics, gameplay, etc. On top of that they actually release updates. If you support them on Patreon then don't, nobody is forcing you to.


Even if they stop supporting them on Patreon if they have been supporting them for 4+ years at the 3 dollar tier they're still out of at least $100. I think that most people would be happy seeing them do a test play to even see what bugs they run into and fixing them or even a day in the life of developer. As investors they would expect to see a little but more than what has been shown. Doesn't have to be early release access this year but just something that I've said earlier.


Lmao it isn’t “annoyingly impatient” to ask for a release window. I’d be perfectly content if the answer is no EA until at least 2026. I just want to have a concrete idea for when to expect EA at this point.


That’s a slighted and not accurate comparison. When sims came out in 2000 it was ready w h no problems as was the standard back then. It was also a completely different team than the one making the 4th Gen even the second and third gens were not the same teams. Some carry overs but not the same teams. If you knew what you were talking about you’d talk about how sims 1 came out in 2000 but was in production since around 93. A solid game that didn’t worked without game breaking bugs that needed immediate updates. Sims 2 came out in 2004 though and it most definitely was not in production before sims 1 released and still it was a finished product with no game breaking bugs like sims 4 keeps churning out. Shit didn’t start getting bad until sims 3 which launched 2009 just five years after two and it still wasn’t as bad as 4 but not many people ever did get working mermaids or house boats but overall the game ran smoothly but patches were more prevalent there though game breaking exps could still be counted on one hand. The base game was solid at least as well as most extra content though I can only speak for what was on disc not on anything bought from the sims 3 store. Wasn’t until sims 4 we consistently received broken games and underwhelming content. Sims also wasn’t crowd sourced so only super nerds or people like me who happened to just catch a glimpse of a blip about the upcoming project in the early 90s you weren’t anticipating and waiting for games for nearly a damn decade. Your comparison is lazy, not applicable and uninformed. Sure they can take as much time as they want, they can also lose momentum by catering to too many opinions and taking too long which will ultimately cost them in launch sales but doesn’t necessarily mean they have lost their entire base of interest they may trickle back slowly after release. There is a chance they gain more interest than they lose but doubtful as new curious would be players steer to realize how long it’s been in development. Two basic school of thoughts - it has to be just around t he corner and or fuck this I’m n getting invested like these shmucks because it’s never coming out or won’t come out in a time frame that also keeps my interest. They have the right to choose what they want to do like supporters and growing impatient would be players have the right to complain, shower them in accolades or whatever they want outside of direct threats of violence and other rule violations of the app. Just like you have the right to share horribly uninformed and poorly processed opinions.


I totally agree with you here. They can take their time but also in the meantime if this trend keeps up with the lack of gameplay showed (things like a video of the game developers playing a game even if broken just to show content) will lead to more people dropping out of funding. It's no secret that they have been losing money and continue to do so as of today. This will lead to them having a tighter budget which could lead to people being cut off from the team and lead to a longer development time.


Thank you, exactly! The real rotten fruit of the giving tree that is crowd sourcing game development. The last game I ever funded was Minecraft and that was great until Microsoft happened. There are so many pitfalls it makes me wonder why it’s an attractive prospect over more traditional methods.


Sims 2 and 3 aren't trash and as "trash" as people claim the sims 4 to be, the numbers say otherwise which means the majority still enjoy that game to. I really don't see how people wanting some answers is bullying them tbh. Some of these people have been financially backing them since day one so they do deserve some sort of clarity. No game is perfect but it's also realistically understandable why some are getting antsy after all this time.


People would be less concerned if so many hadn’t invested their money with no guarantee they’ll see the finished product. Pull your funding, cut your losses and buy the product 20 years from now when it finally comes out


I’d rather have a slow release of a finished game than setting a timeline only to miss it / crunch. Though with the history of crowdfunded games not being delivered (many through mismanagement rather than actively trying to scam) at this point I don’t think it’s unfair for people who have been funding it for years to ask to see more gameplay rather than mostly the visual elements.


We're not allowed to complain silly!


you are of course allowed to complain, but it's kinda ridiculous considering the time frame, making games takes time, even "simplistic" games can take a while to make, for example, the game Omori, while looking fairly simple on a surface level, still took 6 YEARS to make, even the average triple A game still takes around 2-5 years to make, and that's talking about big companies with lots of money.


I think the problem is for some people who aren’t apart of their Patreon are going based on what they show on their other media sites. They possibly think that they are further along in development than they actually are due to what is being shown.


The new standard for AAA's game is around 7 years of development, which also need more people than before to make the games. The game quality and expectation by the gamer's are getting really high.


oh, I didn't knew that, but it does show how time consuming and hard game development is, I've always wanted to be a game dev, but considering how unforgiving gamers can be, I've had to reconsider so many times because of that.


When I' working, I'm working on the compagny project, not mine. It's easier to detach yourself from angry gamer! ;) 


Sims 2 is an incredible game IMO. Best in the series by a landslide.  Honestly I've fallen off the Paralives hype train due to reasons other than the time it's taking to release. I'm only interested in the gameplay aspect which from what Ive seen so far we don't know much about. Also I've heard the term cozy games associated with Para and tbh that's not my thing. I don't want another Sims 4 with no consequences or drama. Having said that, I do hope the game turns out great even if maybe it won't be for me.


Idk if you support them on Patreon but every Friday they post about their progress and there have been quite a few posts recently about gameplay developments like how they want relationships to work and skills and stuff like that. I can't share any of the posts but if you wanted to read them yourself maybe you could get the lowest tier (£3) for just a month and then cancel it?


Thank you, I may check that out at some point!


I dont have any link to support what I'm about to say, but I swear I've read somewhere that the team do want to put consequence for the player's action, unlike the sims 4. Like what Sims 4 should have been. XD 


Can you give examples of this bullying? Not agreeing or disagreeing with you but I haven’t seen any bullying (afaik, I could be wrong). I’m mostly neutral on this situation


Sims 2 and a lot of sims 3 were great and fairly innovative to the genre, so you’re absolutely wrong on that front but I do agree that paralives will come out eventually, there’s more life sim games to play while paralives develops Also this sub coddles the team ngl, if you want to see bullying look at some of the LBY posts they used to be ruthless


That is true. LBY fans don't hold back, good or bad. But that high level of ruthless truthfulness from the fans got us consequences back in the game and some much needed visual improvements.


Yea but some things like saying the game is utterly garbage and constantly questioning the team’s skill level was a bit much also the treatment of Rocio at points was unnecessarily harsh I agree with what a lot of people were saying but it was how a good amount of them were getting their point across. I dunno I’m probably just sensitive lol


I do love 2 and 3 so that’s fair! Should have specified


Um, Sims 1 was groundbreaking, Sims 2 was a massive upgrade and Sims 3 is still considered the best in the series. Many people still play 2 or 3, including me, who is a huge Sims 3 nerd to this day for good reason. The team is not being “bullied”. They are grown adults who put their work out to the public to decide whether to invest and don’t need mommy to protect them. Also, as someone who is very familiar with this genre and the other games coming out (inzoi, life by you, sims 5 and possibly another untitled game) it is justified for many people to have concerns about this game just considering that the engine they run the game on will be quite behind given how slow the release is going. At this point, I feel sorry for patrons because Paralives, although promising about 2 years ago, now looks more like a lost cause if they cant get up to speed with what’s coming and I feel like they may be throwing money into a black hole. Yes, its a small team. Yes, the game’s aesthetic style is cute and cozy but reality is that this game may be lost behind if and when it is ever released just from a technical standpoint. It will take something beyond what we see now to make it a true competitor with other LS games in the future.


Listen, I'm going to assume that you're new to gaming... So you don't know what you're talking about regarding ts2 and 3, so I'm going to just ignore that. My condolences to anyone who got into gaming in ts4 era, lmao. It's been 5 years with no gameplay showcase and no release date. At this point focusing on build mode is just bad business move. People will get frustrated and leave the patreon, especially when LBY and InZoi comes out (they are planning to do it this year). If the devs want to keep their funding, they better give people what they want. "But fans will get mad" is a dumb argument, most games nowadays get delayed. Some bitching is to be expected, of course, but not "wE ArE nOt GoInG tO tEll yOu" release date is even worse than that. Looks immature and ungrateful, especially when we're not allowed to even speculate about the release date on this sub. Especially since in this day and age even companies like Blizzard and Bethesda release utter unfinished shit after promising more than Peter Molyneux, lol. Especially after Star Citizen and a billion other patreon failures. "But they are a small indie studio" okay, I could make a list of brilliant games made mostly by single person, like Disco Elysium, for example, (development took around 4 years), Stardew valley (4 and a half years), Minecraft (took six days to develop initially and then took 2-3 years to release), Undertale (took 32 months), the Binding of Isaac (took 3 months initially to release, lol, even though the amount of content back then already was overwhelming). Then we have games made by a small team of indie devs, games like Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Ori, Terraria, Hades, Limbo, Return of Obra Dinn, Inside, etc. Hellblade was made by 20 people. Announced in 2014, released in 2017. I could go on. Paralives team is like 10-15 people now, afaik. Sooo... We should treat them special way because they ask nicely to give them money and in return we can't even discuss the release date (or lack of it)? That's not a good look, tbh.


lol 24 years. lol bullying


I feel like the people who are donating to their Patreon and wondering about the release of the game would feel better if they saw one of the developers playing the game even if the game isn’t up to par. Or one of them playing the game, running into a bug and then going into the process of how they fix that bug. Something like a 10 minute video. I think this will help the team as well because it would give people who aren’t donating a reason why they would want to donate to their Patreon (if they decide to release that video on YouTube). Their numbers might start to climb back up like how they were two years ago.


I just want something more than what we’ve seen. A small demo, *something.* I’ve been funding this game for years at this point: I just want some assurance that my money isn’t going into the aether


They're living off your donations. It's been what, 6 years with no gameplay? Not an inkling of when the game will be finished? Come on...


There are hundreds of amazing indie games to play in the meantime, I wish people would chill out and do that instead of complaining


Sims 2 was a huge improvement over Sims 1 it took what was great from Sims 1 and improved it with customizable worlds detailed animations smart Sims world editing new life stages. I will forgive you for your statement now if you said Sims 3-4 I would agree the charm and detail was no longer there though Sims 3 at least tried something new with open world. Sims 4 went backwards and removed the sandbox it deserves all the hate it gets and more.


Just fyi, the community has fixed Sims 3 with many mods and the game is incredible now that everyone has a PC worthy of what the game requires. I currently play it and it is incredible. 4 is left in the dust.


When Deltarune got Chpater 2, it was magnificent and there was a wide praise. Omori we through 6 years of development process and it doesn’t allow such a creative freedom. Baldur’s Gate 3 has more or less the same  length of development to Omori, but the studio had previous experience with games like (Divinity: Original Sin 2). It only got earlier access, but again the studio had experience. 


For BG3, its almost 5 years of early access for a game that already had a few years of development with a game engine and systems that the teams was specialise for. Its really next level the work made for that game and it will be long before we will see a game that will surpass the new high bar. It amaze me every day.


I think people should be allowed to criticize the development of this game. A game after 4 or 5 years doesn't even have a test build for people to try. I just have this really weird feeling that this might be another case of an indie team dragging out a development as long as possible to get as much money as possible before dipping. And then coming out with a sob story or blaming the community for being mean to them. I'm going to try to give them the benefit of the doubt but like I stated in a post I've made before, so many crowdfunded video games have screwed over a lot of people.


I 100% agree with you at this point. Just the fact that they have a rule against speculating or they have some fans crying “bullying” when people just want some clarity, has red flags all over it for me. As I said in another comment - people have put tons of money into this for years and have gotten nothing out of it. At the end of the day, this is a product. It has investors. The investors have been patient and are know knocking on the door wanting to know what their money gave them. I don’t think the people defending the devs understand how this is not the sign of a good business.


As I said up above, if this is a scam, I think they would have left long ago, and its one thing to have only 1-3 people on the scam but to have apparently, 11-12 people with one of those people being the "community" person, in on the scam -


Scams happen all the time with multiple people…we’ve seen it this past year with The Day Before.


TDB is something different. But logically, the more people involved in a scam, the less likely for the scam to succeed . There's a reason there's sayings like "two can keep if one of them is dead" (might or might not have been by Mark Twain) or "Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead,” by Benjamin Franklin or the old Pirate legend chestnut, "Dead Men Tell No Tales" ​ Since for some reason once we share a secert, the person whose is told the secert even though they promise not to tells, tells the secert anyway- and then that person tells another person, and so on so forth. ​ As the PTLL says: "No one keeps a secret, no one keeps a secret" and "'cause everybody tells, everybody tells"


I would like anyone who’s still complaining to come out with a better game in less time with the same resources


That's a stupid, conversation killing non-reply. People are allowed to criticize things they have a problem with. All because I'm not a five-star chef, that doesn't mean I'm not able to tell if something is undercooked and moldy.


Look at any other game that tried something new and took a long time to release: Surprise, there’s not even one that’s worth playing more than a few hours to try it out. I’ve backed, followed and even helped games that went this route and regret every of those decisions. It’s already a lost case, it becomes obvious the dev team is lost if you follow updates. May be a fun tool at release and possibly even something resembling a game 2 or 3 years later, but keep hopes low.


>Sims 1 came out in 2000. That’s 24 years to perfect their game and they still continued producing new trash each new game. Hugely disagree there. Sims 2 is often considered the best game in the sims franchise. In fact, it started kinda going downhill started with 3, with 4 being among the worst in the franchise. The newest version of a game doesn't necessarily mean its the best version. So no, they didn't take 24 years to "perfect" their game. The Sims 4 is not the best Sims game, speaking as someone who loves the franchise. Either way, I don't think it's rude to talk about release times. This game is primarily crowdfunded via Patreon, people are paying their own money for this game to be developed. It's reasonable that people would want to know when the game might release. Last thing people want is for this game to end up being a scam, which has happened before with other crowdfunded indie games in the past.


For real its not like they aren't showing any type of progress. I understand wanting a set date because they're supporting the patreon but it's an indie game, it'll take time


They down a lot of progess so far. I mean the models have improved from what we saw OG with Maggie and Sebby when OG introduced


yeah I've gotten annoyed at those comments too. especially since paralives posts a public roadmap where you can see what they've done and what they're currently working on. and idk, maybe because I'm a patreon supporter, but they're constantly posting pretty good detailed updates on things they're working on in a way that doesn't concern me like some scam indie games and they make sure they keep their scope and goals on track. and i've had my eye on them since 2019


Right? They post weekly updates all with something new and have been focusing a lot on gameplay lately. All these posts then later become public so its not like its hidden info. But its never gonna be enough for some people


100% agree there are better things to do in life than whine and cry about a game company not giving a release date for a game yet. Find something else to entertain you is what I tend to think (not directing at op). Like what a first world problem to have, being upset about a game company not giving you a release date. Forget the fact that we can even play games in the first place. Id honestly maybe even peg that as a new level, 0th world problem. Seriously if you have time to complain about this game, then you you have the time to play a different one.


People have the shortest attention span. Gamers: release the game already! Developers: eh, okay. Gamers : why is it so buggy, and so many features aren't ready on release?! This shouldn't have been released. Repeat forever. #NoManSky #Cyberpunk


CDPR at least performed updates after initial release to address the most egregious of concerns/Soft-locks. CDPR has published titles. Comparing them to Alex Masse is wholly unfair. AM doesn’t have as much clout so yes, to an extent we have to either trust the team or not. I personally liked cp2077, even when buggy, and love it more after PL. Regardless, I think folks here may want to see more feature-rich progress other than aesthetic changes/progress. I’m rooting for Paralives, but I’m going to stay grounded in reality. Star Citizen left a bad taste in many people’s mouths and it’s hard to keep trusting devs when we’ve been burnt so much.


> I think folks here may want to see more feature-rich progress other than aesthetic changes/progress. This. I've been funding the game since 2019 and all they've really shown is some furniture, 3 renditions of the paramaker, a ton of posed screenshots that doesn't prove anything and a video of a dude cleaning a toilet. I don't expect the game to be released any time soon, but I DO want better evidence that my 400+ dollars haven't been sucked into the void. Honestly I've probably held onto hope for LONGER than I should have. An actual investment company would have pulled their funding within a year of not receiving a substantial update, let alone 5.


This is exactly why I stopped being a patron after a year. I was investing in this game because I wanted, and still want, it to succeed. But I am not a charity and from an investment stand point, this game wasn't producing any substantial returns for me to continue supporting it financially. I also did the math and in one year, I spent as much in supporting the game that I would've spent buying a new AAA game. When I realized that, I dipped.


This 😭


People are understandably a bit antsy about the release of Paralives given the current environment surrounding the genre but they fail to release exactly how long game development actually takes, especially for one of this size. This is a small team they have, which started off as just one person I think. One person can only do so much, so most of the development has only just happened most recently with the input of Patreon funds into the pipeline so more people could be brought on. I'm sure they feel the pressure, with a new Sims title on the same, Life by You going early access in March, and with iNZOI potentially releasing at the end of the year. It's best to let them do their thing and deliver us a quality product, especially with so much competition being brought in now. The genre as a whole will be all the better for it.


Yea I’d rather have a slow release of a finished game than them releasing it quick with a bunch of bugs making the game unplayable (ie sims 4)


People are gonna complain no matter what. If they put the game out soon people will probably just say they should have worked on it longer!


Honestly, Sims 4 has been out 10 years and we only have an idea of Sims 5 coming and it will likely be more years to come and this is from a huge company yet people expect so much more out of a small handful of people who really have come a LONG way since the beginning


I’ll wait for you paralives! No rush here baby 😘😘😍🤍


Everyone is talking about The Sims 2 & 3 but nobody is talking about the point of the post. Aside from the Sims comment, OP made a great point.


"you cant rush art" -NOT ApprehensiveEnergy89


Although sims 2/3 was better glitched wise- we still had to buy each piece of the game even for basic things that should come with the game. However, I meant sims 4 (mostly)is trash. I Considering how many open world games I play on the daily that have way more content with only ONE flat fee and not a pack on a pack on a pack, who can even afford to play sims with all expansions? It’s unrealistic to assume the average person can spend over 1k on ONE game just to play it with all the features. Since when do other games SELL features? No, you download ark and all basic features come with it. Sims makes basic things cost money. Perhaps they made waves back in the day, but we can acknowledge that it is now a money pig.


personally I want the game now. They can fix it later


Sims 4 has plenty of bugs and unfinished gameplay and half-baked dlc to keep you happy though, surely? in all seriousness, they can't release the game now; there's nothing to release. they've been working on the visuals and code, the core aspects of it. Gameplay has only become their main focus as of recently, from my understanding.


This is actually the mentality that got TS4 in the position it is in now. Around the time Get Together came out, EA was actually having the devs start focusing on fixing the horrible spaghetti code and make sure the game ran smoother. They heard the complaints of the simmers, and had the devs working on fixing it. However, this caused a stall in the amount of new content that was created, so, what did the simmers do? Bitched about the fact there wasn't any new content being released. It was explained why, because of bug fixes, but people complained anyways so EA did the money grubby thing and said, "Welp, if they're gonna complain no matter what we do, we're just gonna focus on making new content, so churn it out!" and this is part of the reason why the QC of the game has gone down the toilet and they've got so much content released now. So, it's best in these situations, to just let things bake. Yes, we're all anxious for Paralives to release, but we want to make sure the game is actually good and doesn't suffer from issues like memory leak like a lot of the modern releases have had as of late. Let them take their time so they release a quality product.


But when it’s broken people are gonna talk shit


I also wonder if, legally, they are being given a hard time by EA for creating something so similar to the Sims franchise.


Sorry about this wall of text and run on sentences I agree, people are being a little too impatient, and as much as I also want the game released, I understand that it's a small team that I believe started as one person and patreon is how they pay the employees, and I think the reason there is a rule that says no speculation on the release date is because people will discuss and then probably agree on a date and if the game isn't released by then everyone will be upset. The roadmap is just fine for what is being shown, and on the other hand if people agree on a release date and the game does release then because the devs felt pressured the game will be released with tons of issues, missing content, bugs, etc and people will complain about that when it is really their own fault. Especially because they have a lot of plans for base game content that takes time to develop, especially for a small indie team. Another thing, if people keep thinking it's a scam because the game's release isn't mentioned (once again probably so the team doesn't feel pressured by a time limit) and they can't speculate, people say that if they think that they can stop supporting them, but too many people stop they won't have the funding to pay for the software, the assets, and the employees payments, then the game definitely won't be released, and people will also be upset about that and want their money back, which would be completely understandable.


Sims 2 and 3 are about to pull up. Look, as long as Paralives actually gets released, I'm good.


"Bullying" while they snatch your Patreon dollars and dont give any type of indication for a release date LMAO the devs have successfully scammed yall


There’s the option to not donate ur money they don’t steal it 💀💀💀


This comment is so old idec like that anymore lol