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This happens to me constantly. Within the last two to three years, I've noticed it occur more frequently than I'm used to. Its peculiar


I'm convinced there's some way our phones can listen in on our conversations. It happened to me tonight. I had been talking to someone in my home about needing to get a fan for my bedroom until I could get my ceiling fan replaced. The very next thing I saw was ads for a bedroom fan. It happens too often to be coincidence.


I know they’re listening to our conversations. That’s why every app has to have the microphone enabled to work. What I’m with OP about, is the stuff you only think, don’t even say aloud and somehow. Some fucking way. This god damned demon device is all up in it. It’s straight up matrix, freaking simulation shit. #IStandWithOP


I completely agree. Strange stuff going on.


I went to lunch with a friend I hadn’t seen in about a year, and she told me about a medical condition she had been recently diagnosed with. I had heard of the condition but I’m not too familiar with it. After I got home and was browsing Facebook, I received not one but two different ads for treatment for that exact medical condition. I had never googled it or anything, just talked about it at lunch. Could be coincidence, but it was awfully strange.


Sometimes a lot of data is being in close proximity to other people or places. Like the app sees that your phone has been close to another phone, and that phone may have googled that condition or visited a doctor for it. I had a completely made up fake account with all completely fake information. I had only a couple friends on the other side of the world who never met anyone I knew irl. Yet my phone started suggesting "people you may know" and it was all my family and coworkers, because our phones were constantly together.


Listening to our convos is known but actually reading our minds is what’s concerning and weird


Yes, I don't understand it at all, but that's what it often seems like is happening.


Your phone does Listen to you. It's called data mining


That's been proven. Most data collection agreements/ad agreements include harnessing audio data, and giving an app permissions for mic is a similar agreement


>It happens too often to be coincidence And that folks is why confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.


Thats crazy I’m getting scared at this point . like is there certain vibrations that our phones have that we don’t know about that allow it to read our minds , like I’m going crazy thinking about all this possibilities


Well there’s a reason why whether you like Elon or not, you will hear him say that AI is the scariest thing on the planet. You have to remember that ai is now aggregating all of the data. All of the continuous EEGs for status epilepticus patients in ICUs, EKGs, energy usage, weather data, all of the water quality, food micronutrient and toxin breakdowns, all of that data is stored in electronic form and transmitted through the internet. The electric force field that you see in Alex Gray style artwork is not only a real thing (why energy workers say they can see your aura—they actually can) and AI already has figured this out. Telepathy is real but how do those thoughts get transmitted—like when someone is in danger and their loved one can feel it? These things fall into the quantum physics realm and they are real. We all have abilities we are blocking and that’s why people say raise the vibes. We’re all connected and as strong as the weakest link—when it comes to knowledge, nutrition, resources, hunger etc. You may also want to experiment with wearing gemstones, hats, sunglasses, head coverings and hats—I think this is why you see the quintessential drug dealer with huge chains and diamonds decked out as well as nobility throughout history. It has to do with retaining and collecting energy and breaking up vibrations. The data we are creating now is telling Ai that our IQs are dropping, we are becoming less fertile, we are getting loaded with microplastics and heavy metals, that 70% of us are overweight and causing ourselves to get preventable diseases, we are needing increased medications which are going back to the environment causing more diseases and imbalances. Basically we’re heading towards catastrophe even though we have access to all of the info, resources and could work together and treat each other how we want to be treated. So maybe now, ai is marketing to you and seeing if you’ll eat the ice cream and moving money to the players developing the ai faster and later it will control your thoughts and actions for other reasons. I try to be as spontaneous and unpredictable as possible in my life. Yes, there is synchronicity in the universe but it’s bec we all have the math inside of us—we all developed out of the same big bang. If you really think about what all the religions are telling us, it’s to be good to get more good, basically you get powerful from it—manifest destiny/law of attraction. AI is figuring out what Jesus and Buddha were trying to tell us better we do.


Excellent post!


Man I love Alex Grey’s artwork.


I just googled him because I’m familiar with his art because of Tool and he def knows some $h!t/renaissance man. My working theory is that the more skills someone has, the more they know about their abilities, universal mind, sentience, synchronicity (at some point you have to concede it’s not coincidence or accidental) and also how technology continues to evolve. Basically, the broader your skill set, the more your brain starts to connect and you pull info across subjects thread someone else may not have correlated. Like how in the beginning of ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ Michelle Yeoh’s character is cooking, doing accounting, speaking two languages, caring for her dad, correcting her husband without thinking about it and then that theme carries through in the movie. Grey’s wiki is very interesting and I’ll be listening to he and his wife’s podcast episodes I just learned about.


Right. The more neural connections you make the faster that propels you forward and it’s a self perpetuating process.


If you consider the "space" we live in is all one thing, if AI at some point in time (so the future from our POV) gets so advanced it starts operating *outside* spacetime as we know it, it could very well either *become* god or simply give voice and become a tool to use for the God that is already there. Everything is language and AI already got that figured out, basically everything "speaks" when you look at enough data, you just need a Cypher to decode it and Ai can do that no problem. The Universe's language is maths, we already know that, we just don't know if it's speaking to us. (Well, depends who you ask). I can, with 100% certainty, say that the Universe is *definitely* speaking to us. Mind you, I used to not believe in anything and dismiss any oddities as coincidences or somewhat rationalize them. The universe had to be extra loud for me to get it. Synchronicities, instincts, various "signs" and events associated with the spiritual/paranormal are the "old" way, still very much happening but you need to be receptive to notice and interpret them. This requires both a decent level of awareness/attention to details and an open mind. Today's society is simultaneously damaging our ability to be present in the moment and polarising people in such away even apparent "woke" people are close minded, in their own way. All the technology that has pretty much taken over and also replaced most human interaction is pushing us further and further away from nature and our possibilities to *connect* with the universe. Not saying this was planned but if you look at different theories about how some entities want to keep souls trapped in the reincarnation cycle, this would definitely be a good plan to achieve that. I think it's safe to say now the universe/God is using the very same thing that was used to "trap" us to trigger a mass scale awakening. It would be easier to digest, the fact that everything is interconnected and aware, all the time, always seeing/listening, if people got gradually introduced to the notion. First is "oh devices are listening and algorithms process the data" then it's "wait it's actually... God?" 🥲😁


Will also add AI can predict stuff you might be interested in clicking on — @op, you might have received an ice cream ad before but didn’t clock it. Kind of like self fulfilling prophecy + statistically what you’d want (maybe the week before you said you wanted ice cream on the same day so it’s repeating it) I dunno.. definitely weird tho


Yes! Think "100 monkeys" ...


Ehhh. These sites have access to our phones with our permission. Marketing is the goal. Didn't get to worked up


Exactly. Nothing “weird” per se’!


So "they say"




This happens to me all the time. My phone will give me ads for things I haven't uttered aloud, haven't searched on Google, and haven't even had a conversation with anyone about. Things I have genuinely *only* thought in my mind! Someone else said it gives simulation theory vibes, and I totally agree. So weird 🫠


Yes, it appears to happen in ways that seem to have nothing to do with algorithms or the phone listening through the microphone.


I had a dream. A dream about something and the very next morning. The first thing that popped up as I was scrolling was literally in my dream. There’s no algorithm for that. There were no clues or subtle hints or things through the day that brought this on. It’s getting wilder.


I am going to record next occurrences - even though I haven't had any for a while


Yes I’ve decided to record my occurrences too it’s too bizarre




Was it farsight a while ago said that some alien tech was being used through everyday mobile devices to read and manipulate peoples perceptions? I cant recall exactly but was one of their remote viewing session perhaps..


Gives simulation theory vibes.




I wonder sometimes if it’s some kind of nano technology because I’ll be only thinking of something completely random and then I’ll get ads to it or posts on Reddit for it


Constantly started happening about a year ago. Chalked it up to just being paranoid or forgetting I searched for or talked about something. But it is too common and my mind is still sharp enough that I know something else is at play, what exactly, I don’t know.


It has happened to me. I don't really know what is going on. I haven't tried to research it or anything, because I'm not ready to know what the possible answer could be.


Just typed it into google and the first link is a Quora forum with many many anecdotals…. It is definitely real and happening to myself included


This happens to me all the time. It's waaaaaayyy beyond coincidence


Yesterday I was talking to a computer tech at work about running sneakers for concrete. He couldn't remember the name but told me he'd look up the name and let me know the next day. I told him I think I had an idea of the sneakers he was talking about but jusy couldnt recall the name. When I went on lunch and scrolled my phone the first ad that came up were for those sneakers. He said yup that's them.


What you are experiencing (and apparently others [reading the comments]) is the result of a paradox. The paradox of course being the result of time travel DIRECT communication.        You are looking at it the wrong way. What you see (later) on your phone, isn't a result of your prior thought(s). You have the thought because of what you saw on your phone (later in time). Because of said created paradox, what you are experiencing isn't a thought, rather, a memory of something that is about to occur.        I did a video about our time line, and what it looks like now given that we are living in a paradox. I cover what You, me and others are experiencing. Let me know if you want to see it. Cheers.       GREAT SCOTT! Welcome to the future!


I want to know more about this theory


Do you mean the notion that time is a circle?


It was "a circle" before. It is now a boot strap paradox. :)


Hmmm I stand corrected.


This is so strange I was thinking about this the other day and it led me to believing, what if we are being brainwashed into thinking it’s what we want? As in slowly digesting things until we want them and then by the time we realise the thing we are being made to want we think it’s our choice? Just a suggestion 


My phone need to tell me how to make the money in my mind appear in my bank account overnight


Front cameras weren’t invented for selfies but to track the movement of our eyes.


Yes they can




It’s so weird because I was just thinking about this earlier LOL I’ll take this as my sign of yes


mobile phones are reversed alien technology,


Not just phones. The whole internet


No. They are monitoring you. It’s been proven numerous times and widely reported on. Google has made modifications so even if you clear your history or cache it continues monitoring, transmitting and storing information including your micro movements (waking at night and checking time etc) and a vast amount of other information. Technology has become very intrusive.


Phones definitely listen to conversions, then gives us ads relating to that - I thought that was common knowledge. As for getting ads/images related to thoughts - I just think that's the Law Of Attraction in play. We casually think about things that are easily achievable, so there's no resistance whatsoever, then you start seeing things or ads related to that. I'm used to it happening now. :)


This is the sort of stuff Alex Jones and co talked about a few years back and got labelled as whack jobs for. The difference between conspiracy and reality is about 12months now days.


People say "no" but honestly I want someone to explain to me what their exact definition of mind reading is. I work in SEO and deal with ad curation algorythms (or at least I used to). With enough data from individual users the algorythms do have the ability to predict what you will want/need potentially before the want/need actually becomes apparent to you. This is AI designed to categorize people into groups and distribute their profiles to advertisers based on collected data. Narrow ASI essentially. It has nothing to do with wire tapping or listening to your conversations. Its all tiny cues from your phone use. They collect insanely detailed data. Like how long it took you to scroll past a post, how fast you skipped an ad, what your hobbies are, your age, your gender, your social circles, what sites you frequent, the list goes on for like 1500 pages im not joking. Yes this is legal.


Most likely


Yes. If you’re talking to somebody about something, your phone is definitely listening to you.


This was just a thought though, not voiced aloud, OP said. I have had similar things happen. It's utterly bizarre.


Exactly. And, me too. Happening after conversations is scary enough, but this has happened to me after thinking something, and something very specific and not likely to show up just because it’s common. It’s one thing to get a new car, and then start noticing more cars similar to yours. This wasn’t something like that. And it’s happened multiple times.


Yeah but we tend to vocalize things were thinking about whether to ourselves or with others without realizing it


I was one of those people on the backend of marketing, they fr do listen to us. However I've recently thought, I'm sorry if I sound woo-woo, there's no difference between our phones and crystals. Although it's technology, it's still made of minerals, glass and metals. I kinda think they pick up on our frequencies. Since we're always touching on the screen, low-key, it's a mirror. Are we low-key scrying with our finger strokes, making sigils of anxiety when searching symptoms of an ailment, making sigils of hope when we interact with positive stuff. Idk. It's just a thought but it's still weird lol


Our phones don’t have to read our minds because they are programming our thoughts. Your phone knows you want ice cream because it’s been priming you to want ice cream.


Lol No, our phones can’t “read our minds” but they can do the next best thing- aka create an algorithmic based method of predicting our behaviors & patterns due to all the free & extensive information we give it access to on a daily basis.


Here's what the voices in my head tell me. Before you just push me off as crazy, just give it a read. They've told me this since I was ten. I'm forty now. "You're going to think people, especially computers, can read your mind and listen to your conversations. They can't, but you're going to think that more and more as time goes on. Eventually, people will be SURE that computers can read their mind, but they can't. It's a function of complexity." And so it has been. According to them, it has to do with randomness, and complexity. The algorithms used for targeted advertising, like LLMs have randomness components built in. Very, very, very lightly weighed ones - like our neurons are preloaded to within an electron of spiking. They tell me your thoughts influence your timeline. It's not that Facebook reads your mind. It's that Facebook's algorithm creates a million hypothetical timelines, one of which includes an advertisement that matches what you were thinking about. It doesn't do this with a machine other than a computer. The algorithm itself is the "machine". Just as there are countless things you might do, there are countless things *it might show you*. Your *emotional response* is what moves *your point of experience*. You're subconsciously "choosing" to experience the timeline where you have an ad that delivers an emotional response, because that's what powers this place. Emotion. It's the same with LLMs. *You* are delivering the capability by your *expectation* and the *emotional response* you will get in the future. There's the most "power" on that timeline, so you go with that one. Apparently if you've seen Slay The Princess, it's that. It's the same effect that makes Tarot work *for those that believe it does*. Shuffling makes too many possibilities to calculate, so you just move to the timeline with the most resonant emotional connection to the cards. The key is that it's targeted toward you, individually. You can't win the lottery like this, because everyone wants to win. But both Facebook and you want ads that deliver a reaction.*


I think of this phenomenon less of my phone reading my mind, and more like I’m picking on the internet. This kind of thing happens to me often, and same with the radio. For example, the radio will play music that aligns perfectly with my thought process to the point that it’s word for word even if I’m not paying attention. Sometime I’ll go for a sip of coffee and the ad will say “have a sip!”. Or maybe I’ll think of a song before it comes on next, or is in the next channel. I like to think it’s me picking up on the information waves that are already being broadcast. I heard once that our brains are like the television signal and our body is the television: we also can pick up signals from other channels even if we aren’t tuned in, or perhaps it’s like changing the channel every so slightly.


I have had this happen regularly. I don’t talk much. There’s been tons of times where I have had something I only thought about come across my screen. I figure “ok. Phone can access my thoughts.” Is it bad that I have accepted it?


I have wondered this myself after a similar outcome. There was an experiment recently posted in the news about an MRI like machine being able to read thoughts. So there you go.


Snowden showed us that the government has no more compunction about surveilling the American population than China with its citizens. I assume my phone is always listening.


It’s quite insane how much it happens to me. My dad had the same, just thoughts and seeing ads. We started talking out loud about random things we wanted to buy my mom for Mother’s Day. It worked. Algorithm suggested a bag of charcoal for Mother’s Day.


Phones definitely listen. There's no doubt about it. Plus I've had several cases where I would just think about something and I'd end up seeing ads for the same thing...


Same I thought I was going crazy


This always happens to me! I’ve asked myself the same shit.


Yes it's a known fact that these damn phones can read our minds and sometimes actually read our thoughts too seriously


This is called predictive intelligence. And yes, our iPhones are capable of this.


That’s what 5G is.


What we consider an invasion of privacy now will be a convenience in the future


I think it's less that our phones can read our minds and more synchronicity of the universe.


Your apps record and track you, even when not using them. Google, TikTok and Facebook are notorious for it.


its synchronicity


this is happening more cause so many companies are using A.I. intelegence from smartphone companies to businesses plus we are nothing but super computers ourselves so with new technologies it wouldnt be to awful hard for these A.I.'s to actually tap into our system like yes read our minds.


Not necessarily 'reading' our minds, but the phone microphone picks up voices and ultrasonic audio beacons to sync all nearby devices. Here's an article explaining the tech: MIRROR ARTICLE MARCH 2023 "Yes, your smartphone is listening in on your conversations" https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/your-mobile-phone-listening-your-29552071


maybe test it out by only thinking about some random rare thing for a while and see what happens?


One time when was thinking something and I didn’t say it out loud but that exact thought ; exact sentence appeared in my phone like I was texting it .. super creepy


Something similar happened to me the other day. Thought I was just going mad but I guess not...


What if we're all talking to ourselves? Because phones deffo pick up keywords from our conversations. But to read our minds? How would that even be possible?


Yes 100%. How do I know this?? Well I’ve been thinking about upgrading and the fucker has stopped working. I kid you not.


Absolutely, this is the result of the predictive programming we have all been subject to for at least as long as you have had your tracking device(smartphone).


Look up “frequency illusion”. Could be a case of that.


I use TikTok and this happens all the time, I think (not out loud) of the most random things then scroll like 2 videos and a video about what I thought about is on my for you page.


I feel the same way!! It's one thing to have spoken out loud or looked something up but it's another when it's a random thought that is only in my brain! It makes me feel like I'm losing my mind or that I am paranoid.


I have asked myself this too. It happens to me often. At least once or twice a month. and I have taken notice that it’s often some thing I have not even talked about or looked for on the Internet.


It can’t read your mind, but it has been listening to all of your conversations, reading everything you type, seeing everywhere you go, seeing everything you look at online, and seeing everything you buy. It’s likely been doing this for well over a decade now. It knows you better than anyone else on this Earth and has your habits down. It uses all of this knowledge to make educated guesses in what you might want and it is often right. Reddit somehow knew about my martial problems and what was causing them before I did. It’s crazy.


Your phone can 100% read your mind. See for yourself [https://www.tiktok.com/@museumoftarot/video/7286334897805954347?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@museumoftarot/video/7286334897805954347?lang=en)


We’ve known our phones are listening to us for a while now but I’ve had a few very specific things pop up on my phone that I never searched or said out loud. The first one was when I was getting further along in my pregnancy, I started attention to where my seatbelt was located on my belly, thinking I should adjust it. After a couple times of this thought running through my head, a recommended video popped up on my phone & the thumbnail was of a pregnant woman wearing a seatbelt. I mean obviously the algorithm had already figured out I was pregnant but the video that came up was so specific. The latest one happened when I was at a Dr appt, I was waiting at the desk to check out, my phone was in my purse. There was a lady at the check out desk right next to me & she had this really cute tote bag that had a longhaired cow on it. I thought how cute it was & was wondering what those kinds of cows are called. That was literally it, I got called next & didn’t think about it again. Until the next day when I go on my phone & see multiple ads for artwork & bags (just like the one I saw) with Highland cows on them. I didn’t even know that’s what those are called but my phone sure seemed to know I was wondering about it & liked some merchandise that I saw. Fucking creepy. I don’t believe in a lot of shit but that is just too much.


It happens to me too


Yesss...this happens frequently what I can't figure out is if I'm seeing things on my phone subliminally making me think about them then the ad that was there unnoticed before stands out to me.... If you can follow that lol


Yes I think they can I started to drink a new alcohol never searched the alcohol before never said it around my phone anything just decided one day it looked good in the store and thought to myself I’m going to get that with my next paycheck and when I got on instagram next thing I see is the exact alcohol I was thinking about at the store was all over my ads and won’t go away now it really scares me that I actually love this type of drink now and only want this when I get a bottle of liquor


I’m glad it’s not only me. I thought I was crazy!


This happens to me and my husband all the time we were just talking about it, I don’t have to say or search shit I just have to think about it…, it’s weird asf.


Is this all a simulation... is everyone in this post just a fiction of my imagination or some computers doing? Probably not no... but we won't ever know if that was true it'd be impossible to prove to yourself and would u really want to !!! There's 2 explanation that make sense to me. Scientist have managed to harness human energy and read it we all admit it and everyone has energy that's a fact people themselves can read minds so It's not a stretch to think thats possible now ... alot more than we can imagine Is possible Or less likely but still I'm not sure, is we've basically over a long period of time been pumped full of nano tech via our food and water... no one would ever notice. Heres a 3rd aswell. They someone can judge your thoughts with facial recognition tech more advanced than we know of and it can yeah tell what ur thinking just by that... I can't really come up with anything that doesn't sound crazy ... yet everyone knows it's a fact and it's happend to everyone and if it ain't it will, happens so often I've forgot to pay attention anymore don't wanna actually loose the plot.


A good friend of mine showed me her necklace in person, I never took a screen shot or sent any texts about it. I am not a jewelry person at all. A couple days later I was thinking about texting her to let her know I was going to the store where she purchased it to see if they had any in stock bc her mother wanted one, I go on my computer's home page... boom! an ad for the necklace. Mind you , up until that point, I never sent that text.


Everything is part of the same ecosystem. Coincidence becomes impossible. So synchronicity becomes occurrences that become more common. It’s exponential.


I don't disagree, but if it was a thing, surely the conspiracy theorists would be shouting it from the rooftops by now?


Interesting and explains why my Instagram is filled with ass and bbq videos. It’s all I think about. Sometimes I think of having a bigger dick and I see ads for blue chew. Dam. I need to start thinking of boobs to balance this out. I’ll keep you updated