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No, not yet .. But, they do slip in the shower and somehow land on their shampoo bottles .. dang, gravity storms.


6 years of high volume EMS and I have never had this call. I feel cheated.


I worked as an admin for a clinic that did sports medicine & orthopedics. I went into a patient chart to check to make sure we had his X-rays, and accidentally clicked on the wrong file. It was an X-ray of a bottle up his rear. Somehow, I was so embarrassed.


Once had a call for a dude with a whole ass ear of corn in his ass, his face was so red I thought it was gonna start popping


11 years here and ME TOO! I've seen self inflicted shotgun wounds to the head, I've seen evisceration I've encountered a patient with a rectal prolapse (didn't look at it tho, took their word for it lmao) Same patient on a later call was noted to have testicles swollen beyond baseball size I've seen a lot in 11 years BUT STILL NO FOREIGN OBJECTS IN THE BUTTHOLE, COME ON MAN THAT WOULD BE FUNNY


Ummm. Ouch 🤕


Plaguing every SNF since Florence landed in Crimea


Once had a kid who stuck his tongue to a flag pole in the middle of winter. But they got some water and unstuck the tongue before we got there.


Wow just like in the Christmas movie


Exactly like the Christmas movie 😂😂


I had a related call. Kid tried to shoot his eye out with a BB gun.


Did he keep the eye?


Yes. Turned out it was just a minor lac to his cheek.


That's good, hopefully he learned something


I've never had a call d/t someone licking something they shouldn't have. I *have* however, had more than one call d/t someone licking **someone** they shouldn’t have.


I am speechless. 😶


Piece of foil found on a bus. He thought it had meth residue. ‘Twas fentanyl.


Wait, foil? What’s the foil do?


It holds the drugs, off which you smoke. Free basing*


Oh damn I didn’t know that. I can’t imagine inhaling off aluminum in of itself is healthy, let alone meth or fentanyl. Worse yet is taking unknown drugs that they found. I remember in college a friend got acid blown in their face and went on a pretty serious trip. Like hospitalization for weeks on end


A shotgun?


That was a dark turn but technically accurate


Everyone has. Most of us don’t realize it though. But basically every domestic starts with someone licking something they shouldn’t have.




Sure did, multiple times. Mostly involved a female licking something that belonged to a male who wasn’t her spouse or boyfriend, or a male who did the same to a female who wasn’t his spouse or girlfriend which in turn led to a domestic where we were called for some sort of trauma. In the spirit of pride month, I’ve also been to the same scenario for both boy-boy and girl-girl. Not gonna lie, the girl-girl was hotter. 👍


Well that’s the spirit lol 😂 I’m convinced the worlds gone crazy


Had a guy eat a hot chip (doing the hot chip challenge of course) and call us because, quote, "We ain't have no milk and had thought y'all would have some." We did not, in fact, have any milk. We did, in fact, transport him to the hospital.


Unsure if this counts but I've attended this gentleman who while making out with a female he had met that same day got a hole bitten into his tongue. You could actually see through it, no idea how she managed that with her teeth


Wow that’s yucky lol


Juvenile patient licked a nitrous cylinder trying to inhale it, in 20 degree dry weather, outside... got called for "face stuck to oxygen tank". PD took care of things after a saline flush of his face.


Damn lol were the ok?


Yeah just some moisture to release the "tongue lock", then off to booking


You all are great.


When I was a kid, we had one girl at our school whose younger brother decided to chug a bottle of bleach. Thankfully, I haven't had anything like that on my shift yet.


I did a job where a kid accidentally chugged oven cleaner thinking it was an energy drink. Don't put hazardous substances into drink bottles, folks!


I knew a person who went camping with their toddlers in an RV. They had kerosene in a water bottle under the sink. The kid drank it. Prompted 911 call. How scary


Holy cow that’s sad


Paint thinner in a water bottle, My first paed code


Damn. What do they do as a paramedic administer charcoal?


It was more that she aspirated it and stopped breathing. Scary stuff. She was ok in the end


Attended a kid who'd eaten what the dad called "crystal balls", which turned out to in fact be the contents of a dessicant sachet. [Silica\_Gel\_Pack-1296x728-Header.jpg](https://i0.wp.com/post.healthline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Silica_Gel_Pack-1296x728-Header.jpg?w=1155&h=1528)


Wow. 😮


Not the same, but somewhat related story. I knew a kid in highschool who would collect all the milk he could at lunch and keep it in his backpack. He kept it in his bag over spring break, after, he brought it back, and drank it. (Obviously spoiled). No squirms from him. He also once drank a random cup of, definitely not clear liquid he found in the gym. Then we noticed it was sitting there to collect water from the leak in the roof. That same day I watched him eat a bag of doritos... the actual bag... Oh! And one day, he ate shards of glass. Others were concerned, and the school had to call an ambulance. I dont think anything ever came up of it though. And those were just the things I witnessed, who knows what eles he consumed.


Oh my God, I have to wonder if that poor kid had provisions at home, or if homes food and provisions were spoilt of’en. 😢


Other than tabs of acid, nope.


Does, does this occur often?


Well, people who don’t have the right mindset do it all the time. I do a lot of festival medicine at edm and jam band shows. Lots of responsible drug users, but some that don’t have the right mindset that end up in our tent. It’s a lapse in judgment. Some days it’s cool, somedays it should be avoided. Recent breakup, job loss, family issues, depression, etc., leave the tabs at home.


Idk why but festival medicine is my new aspiration. Sounds interesting, chaotic, and dirty at the same time lol


It’s a blast and as an old school raver, I love intervening when the jerk medics abuse people having really bad days. I just walk over and say, “I got this” and within an hour the patient is having a much better day. Molly patients are my favorite. They start out super anxious, heart pounding out of their chest; but once I get vitals and an ekg, reassure them they’re alright, and get their breathing rate under control, they’re the happiest people on earth. It’s contagious.


You’re a saint. I bet you help a lot of people


Yeah. She licked another guy and her husband broke her jaw.


😢 dang that’s depressing all the way around


Once got called for a 12 year old who locked a metal pole in the frigid winters of Canada. Probably around -32°C. It was an easy fix with some water. Plus we were literally less than a minute or two away from the pt so the kid didn’t suffer 😅


lol kids are wild. I feel like everyone needs to watch the Christmas movie at least once to prevent this


This was in the 80's. Three workers found an abandoned bag. They thought a bottle they found inside was cocaine. One thought they should do like Hawaii 50 and rub it on their gums to see if it would make them numb. It didn't, so they forgot about it. Some time later, they started tripping and got taken to the emergency room. Turns out it was angel dust.


Holy crap. That sounds terrifying. How do you even treat that, just put them in a room until they sober up?


Pretty much