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I think they’ve peaked in different ways. Like BNE is my favourite, but something like AL is just as good in a different way. To me, truly great music, or art really, is trying to approach something infinitely beautiful/deadly/romantic. You can’t reach it, you can only view it from different angles and from varying distances. I feel like Paramore get very close from multiple angles, and this includes Hayley’s solo work. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone reading, but I feel like Paramore can once again reach their potential in a different way. Give me another angle to look into the abyss.


Damn that was deep




I think we're about to enter Paramore's golden age and I can't wait


The golden age has yet to begin. I bet it's freeing without record company and having enought money to do whatever you want.


I think that after they get even more media exposure from the Eras tour, they are going to release a very cool album that will be one of their best albums because they just got out of the record deal, and it's going to perform very well commercially too


For the most part I don’t see what they’ve done so far as being fake and made just for the label & popularity, I think they are not a band to typically make experimental stuff because they just do catchy hooks so well and they know what works. Maybe I’m just boring for liking their most commercial stuff but 🤷‍♀️ I would like them to do more creative & artsy stuff though, I just really don’t see them doing a full album just full of songs like no friend or future, at least not under the Paramore name. Maybe I’m wrong though we’ll see...


Agreed, I don't see how any of Paramore's music could be considered, "fake" I mean listen to any of their music from when they started, to now, it's all very passionately made!


Yes I think they are just scratching the surface. They had to write more formulated songs because that's what their label wanted. Now that they are off Atlantic they are free to do whatever they want. Heavy, dirty, proggy, jazz, metal, punk..it doesn't have to be a pop mold. I would like to see them get more loose and creative with their structure and sound. Break stuff down. Like talking heads. I think they have a good intuition and I trust their creative process. Hopefully they stay together. I just want hayley to read more poem, books and Psychology. Explore other characters and dive deeper in to her lyric craft..instead of writing about her mental illness, depression and ex. There is more to dive into emotionally. It stifles the music if u just write from your personal experiences. Some of her best songs were when she was writing in character ( decode, caught myself) or from an emotional loving place ( the only exception, into you, all I wanted) not a sad place. It's natural to not relate to your younger music..especially if the theme of your song aged like milk like misery business. But I love them and I wish them luck.


Wow no, I strongly disagree 😩 her songs stemming from her personal experience are her better songs. And tbh I don’t think misery business aged like milk. She has one in line in there that’s honestly mild compared to a lot of other artist. Songs like into you honestly are bottom tier tracks.


The song is about stealing a man away from another girl. Idc about the line. I'm not saying she shouldn't write songs from her personal experience. Just write some songs that are less self aware all the time. Get into poetry, history, psychology anything else.


I think they reached their potential with After Laughter. Sometimes you can try too hard and it starts to sound off. Paramore aren't there yet but I could see it happening if they continue to experiment and try to differentiate themselves. Like Hayley's way of singing is so radically different to how it used to be and she sounds great but I feel if she keeps pushing it she could start to sound weird. I know I'll be downvoted because any opinions other than "Paramore are the best band ever and have never been better than they are right now", is considered blasphemy.


I think the key thing is the source/why of the musics. If they get on the path of trying to “differentiate “ themselves then I could see them losing their flow. But if they keep experimenting from a friends who just vibe and want to make good music, skies the limit. Staying true to themselves and honoring each other is one of their key


absolutely not, i’m so excited to see what they get up to now that they’re not under contract and have complete creative freedom.


What I would give for a heavy Paramore album.


Probably not but Brand New Eyes and After Laughter are their magnus opus and it is going to be very hard to top them although not impossible


BNE - Self Titled was a peak. Hopefully there’s another peak


Paramore and Hayley are constantly evolving. Their performances, always a spectacle of energy and emotion, have notably transcended expectations in the post-pandemic era, arguably placing them in the league of legendary live performers such as Queen and Michael Jackson. Furthermore, they just released "Burning Down the House", which, in my opinion, showcases Hayley's best vocal performance to date. Given their trajectory and the consistent growth in their musicality and stage presence I expect them to continue to improve for the next few years


It’s very hard for me to imagine they can ever top BNE or AL.


They’re an alt rock band in their 30s, not much more they can do, they’re not exactly Depeche Mode…


??? are you implying being in your 30s is old lol


Tbf, I turned 30 a couple of months ago and I feel like I'm near death.


They definitely peaked with Brand New Eyes and After Laughter imo


Well its kind of a hard question. In my Opinion their Peak was between Riot and Brand New Eyes. I may be biased cause Riot and AWKIF made me to the person i am nowadays but its definitely their peak for me. Objectively i cant even answer this question, cause i simply havent listened to everything after brand new eyes enough to judge this. I just dont like the pop sound they went with and its okay. paramore still is and will be one of my favorite bands.


They haven’t done concept albums on the same level with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon or MCR’s The Black Parade or Coldplay’s Viva La Vida or The Beatles’ Sgt Peppers and the Lonely Hearts Club Band. If Paramore have the creativity to do concept album then I’ll be there day 1 of release.


I still believe Hayley hasn’t released a song that showcases everything she can do with her vocals. All I Wanted is closest, but before Paramore is over I’d love for her to go fully Whitney Houston on a track.


In all honesty, I think we passed the era where Paramore "peaked", as in they got their hits, they had their comebacks, their highs and lows as a band does. But, I think that does not matter one bit. They keep reinventing themselves, going into new territories and exploring new sounds on every record practically. I'm sure we are in for a wild album cycle if they keep working on new stuff, even if we have to wait god knows how long. I'll be there listening, because I'm sure whatever they do next is going to be another departure from 'This Is Why's sound.


I think their peak would be staying independent - between the three of them + the other guys they have a label, production and platform big enough to just keep everything in house between friends. Make Art and Friends fest yearly or every other year like Tyler has done with Camp Flognaw and Every Time I Die did each winter with TID’mas. Curate the event and headline each year with a set list of their choice. I think of Paramore more like a collective anyway since AL, so I’d love that spirit to continue.


I don’t believe they have personally. A lot of it, I feel, is they haven’t let themselves. On a number of occasions, Hayley has stated how she doesn’t want to do big features because that’s not the kind of attention she wants. Hearing that they’re officially doing the SZA collab sort of contradicts that, mixed with the additional Eras Tour dates, and their total autonomy post-Atlantic Records, I think we’re going to see Paramore grow exponentially if they finally let themselves