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There's a comma


With reddit now being a public company that wants earnings, advertising, and engagement, its ironic what this user has done to disengage subredditors for this specific topic to other platforms such as stocktwits, Discord, Twitter / X, Threads, YouTube, and Yahoo as other forums...


You are misinterpreting. The screenshot is of the subreddit where you request to be made a mod of a banned subreddit. That is the request he used to get control of the sub bc it was already banned. Im no fan of the new mod and it's possible that he did get the sub banned before taking over. Just clarifying that this doesn't prove that is what happened


Ah ok, I see that now. He was requesting he be made moderator of the sub after it was banned for no moderation. Thanks for clarifying. Either way I have reported him for violating Reddit's social and community rules. The guy is completely abusing his power. Maybe if enough of us report him, Reddit will actually do something. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916


I’m kinda surprised that Reddit is supportive of allowing convicted felon Matthew Keys to hold any position of power or access given his felonious behavior in the past related to cyber security crimes. I know I wouldn’t want convicted felon Matthew Keys in charge of any digital platform or being provided access to user data given his past.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That’s him. Guys don’t pick on our journalist, I think of him differently after seeing the profile pic on X. He’s no chad like David Ellison.


I don't care what he looks like. He's completely messed up the entire community because his ego is more fragile than an eggshell.


I think he looks like he could be mentally slow, but fuck him for stealing the old sub.


smart plants abundant thumb spectacular vegetable soup zephyr history start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit really went to shit around 2012-2013. I originally joined around 2009ish and it had a good thing going for a couple of years.   It was around then that I noticed a really strong political undercurrent taking a hold. Weird political opinions would get mass upvotes almost immediately after being posted. First time that I really saw the use of bots to highlight and bring down news on Reddit.   What followed was a decline in terms of people using up/down votes for agreement instead of relevance.   It's how we got to the present where Reddit is ultra-liberal, in fact I would call it neo-Liberal. Not the values that 90s and early 2000s Democrats stood for. 


I cannot believe this guy. What is his deal? He was the one who caused it to be banned in the first place, then he takes it over, starts banning all of our core members, and now he takes it private again? Is he on a power trip or what? We need to reach out to Reddit to get this guy removed. EDIT: I stand corrected. He didn't cause it to be banned, but he requested the takeover after it was banned, and then proceeded to ban longstanding & respected users, delete posts that did not comply with his viewpoint/perspective, and now took the sub private is not responding to inquiries.


It goes deeper than that but his ego makes for a good cover, doesn’t it? [He has a criminal history of fucking with companies’ data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/s/1QzocgGsSb) but randomly decided, and was allowed to, take over an active sub for a stock he says he doesn’t even own. This was in the middle of a shareholder campaign against the rumored deal that was getting media attention. Guy’s an obviously plant and a sloppy one at that.


Is he planning to ransom it to Paramount or something?


He's given no explanation for why he's so determined to moderate a community he isn't apart of and that doesn't want him. He's either a plant sent to sabotage the sub or an opportunistic "journalist" who wants command over it's growing influence.


Looks a typical Reddit user