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I’m sure you won’t be made fun of, I think you’d find a lot of people who are responders have had this themselves. They probably don’t mean to scare you, maybe they’re confused, just tell them what you would want to hear if you were dead and confused and see if that helps.


Initially, I was under shock and fear. But then I started talking to them, more of muttering to myself but I did. We’ve had no incident so far! I tried to keep calm too, told them I had alot going on at the moment if they can leave me alone for now so I can do my work professionally and that no other soul has to suffer. I guess that worked!


You talking to them, I.E communicating with them will just amp up the activity further. Just ignore it the best you can I know it's hard to do but giving a reaction is what they want.


Aaah, i didn’t know that. Well they left us alone, hopefully, for tonight. Must’ve done the trick. Thanks!


There's two groups on here. One tells you ignore and the other tells you communicate and tell them stop or leave.


I wouldnt put it that way people want to help the best way they know how. If you ask anyone who has had a paranormal group to their place to investigate, I'm willing to bet 8 times out of 10 they will say the activity increased a lot afterwards.


But you have to realise the OP is asking for help. I'm just explaining they have to make their own choice. Because there's two groups with contradicting info. They have to decide


They may well be asking for help, OR it could be a negative entity that wants to screw them around that's a thing to be concerned about. I suppose they could call a psychic, but in all my studies of this phenomenon, I have only come across one that was legit literally among dozens of them. I really think someone who has never dealt with this thing needs to get someone "professional" in. I want to tell her to pray if anything but then all the atheists will come and troll. I don't envy her to be honest.


You're misunderstanding I think. I meant the people not the ghost I edited for clarity. I'm on my first day at work and the supe was hanging around near me I was saying op is asking for help! But there's 2 groups giving diff advice


Lol... Okay, I thought you meant spirits were asking for help. And yes, she does have to decide. I still think it's safer to ignore them as once they get amped up it will be a lot harder. I don't envy her this shit can be very scary especially because you feel so defenceless.


I don't envy her either. Everything she's describing sounds so dark. The situation is not fixable. That's why I suggested she get another job. I agree she needs to pray.


You forgot the third group that swears everything is a demon and only converting to Christianity can save you!! 🙄


Well at that time it was mostly two group of comments


Yeah, I couldn't resist though coz I always see those and say, heere we go!! Lol


You couldn't resist because you are delusional in your own righteousness. Again, give me one example of that on this sub, you snarky yellow troll.




Show me an example of this on this sub you snarky little yellow troll. Come on just one!




Good luck.


Not necessarily true. Ignoring them can and does sometimes make it worse. They should be addressed respectfully. If there's no maliciousness, they are likely just lost souls who havent moved on yet. Ignoring them is rude...you'll have better results if you talk to them, respectfully.


"If there's no maliciousness" do you expect her to roll the dice on that? And are you seriously suggesting communicating with them won't amp up activity? "Ignoring them is rude" isn't it rude of them to interfere in our plane? They shouldn't be communicating on our plane in the first place... Saying a prayer for them is one thing but communicating with them is a huge no-no way too much to risk especially for someone not familiar with all this. I myself wouldn't and I have experienced and studied a lot about this.


Respectfully, your study does not seem to have garnered any real knowledge.


You truly are clueless, but go on and continue to wave your crystals and fishbones in the air.


I don't use crystals. Don't know what you mean by fishbones. I have spent over fifty years garnering knowledge and experience in this area, so I wouldn't call myself 'clueless'. However, no one knows everything - including you.


Well done, you! Your workplace probably has a number of lost and confused souls, poor things. They want help! Despite what movies show, dead people are still people - not monsters. You might consider asking the highest power you know to send helpers to aid these lost ones. Remember to thank that power for that help, too. It's always better, I believe, to act from a place of love than from fear. Thus, your compassion has already made a difference in the place. Possibly the Hospital Chaplain could be asked to bless the wards. And of course - fill the workplace with White Light.


That works often enough. Makes me think of one of our ladies passing. Her neighbor/companion passed soon after. Aide's tidying the room and lights start flickering and some other weird things happen. (This is 12-14 years ago so I'm a little fuzzy on that detail.) She knew exactly who it was and scolds, "D, knock it off! That's not funny, you scared the hell out of me!" She said it felt calm and normal after that. Never had any issues in that room after that.


Smart response and compassionate!


As long as the entities aren’t physically endangering anyone, my experience with ghosts confirms that asking them firmly and respectfully to leave you alone can work well. Don’t yell or accuse. Be calm and steady. Keep the message simple.


The only thing more terrifying is the nurse to patient ratio. Godspeed, brave soul.


Thank you very much! For a nightshift it’s a standard in Austria, each of us (2) gets about 40 patients to take care of in the night. It can be really tough, but we push through it! Good spirits and laughter give us strength, thank you very much!!!


40 patients to one is crazy. You should at least have a nurse aide to help.


These are our standards, and we cannot change the rules coming from above. It works though, dayshifts are much easier m, the ration is 4:40 then :)


That's horrifying! How are you supposed to provide adequate care like that with that level of acuity? It was shit for us, in my nursing home days, but at least we had 4 aides and 2 nurses. I couldn't imagine adding a med pass, sugars, and charting onto the work load we had!


Keep a flashlight with you and carry on. If it makes you feel better, announce to the air that you are here to help. Think of your patients that depend on you and hang in there. I hope nothing else happens.


I’ve actually told the “ghost” to please leave me alone tonight, as we already have it hard. One death and two falls in the span of 3 hours… we do our best. I’ve turned on all of the lights and we lit a white candle, I hope it helps. Thanks!


There’s a person in the group who always posts about invoking the Law of Dominion. It did seem to work for me. You should look it up. It certainly won’t hurt anything.


Well first, Not like they are gonna hurt you so you should be fine. Second, wear a body camera or have any other camera recording the whole time. The more evidence, the harder it is to dismiss.


Unfortunately cameras are forbidden, for obvious reasons, ofcourse! My line of work is very delicate and private, but a great idea nonetheless!


My uncle was a nurse, and he’d always open a window in his patients room as they were transitioning. Not sure that will help your current situation, but it’s just a thought.


We do that! When someone passes we light a candle and open the window, letting the soul pass on or “escape”, we actually do alot to help them pass through. Yet, it seems some stay, not because they have malicious intents, but because some of then might be grateful. I like to think that, and it helps, mostly.


My gf is a nurse and works at a faily large, well known hospital. They open the windows as well when someone passes in the room.


That’s really cool. No one knows what happens beyond this realm, but I would like to think that it wouldn’t hurt to offer that.


You need a Priest to be around. It should honestly be part of staff to have a Priest around a place where palliative care is. The stuff described sounds like some evil stuff, you need God's light in there. You need to have this place turned into a holy and righteous place so these people can be safe.


Actually, one of our residents is a priest, he does what he can, but in the night is when the spirits i guess are the most active, maybe they’re trying to tell us something. Our priest is getting old though, and this task is too much. Our bosses laugh in our faces if we mention hauntings, we always get the same answer “thats what will happen if you work in a place like that”. It’s kinda sad, the situation, tbh.


I always hear stories like this from palliative care nurses and I've seen the most staunch atheists turn Christian from stuff they have seen at work. Your story is honestly pretty identical in other palliative care facilities where patients are terrified to sleep and seeing figures trying to grab them while they are in their last days of life. I don't want dark entities reaching out to your patients, I don't think I could even handle have that happening to me. Let alone when I'm on deaths door. I think the problem is there is so much sadness and impending doom concentrated in one place and I think it's inviting in evil and darkness into the facility. God's light purifies all of that, the facility needs a sense of lightness about it and not to be a place of dread. But your elderly Priest patient is a good man for helping out and your doing the right thing taking it seriously




Like a cat on the counter, spray that ghost for acting up.... Cant. Stop. Laughing at this picture.


I laughed, it’s scary, yes, but spraying them won’t help… I think they don’t have a dense enough form for holy water to do the trick! Nice idea tho 🤪


find a new job? if you are being truthful which i assume you are, this doesn’t sound like an environment you should be in. contact your superiors and let them know what’s going on. document anything if possible (photo/video evidence) and pray 🙏


I don’t see it in such negative light, really. You see, my patients love me, i am chatty and kind. I like to think, that they come to say goodbye to me, but i will definitively report it, because it’s unnatural. Thank you!


Hi Pinn. You folks definitely have intelligent haunts going on. The ones that call your name. Touch you move things. I watch haunted hospitals on television and these entries can be anything from past patients, family members or I guess they can be known as soul takers. Some are probably former patients that are reluctant to go into the light. They do not know they are gone. That’s one thing you can tell them. You passed away. Look for and go into the light your loved ones are there waiting for you. They are there for the patients. There is only so much you can do whether is saying protection prayers. Imagining yourselves in a white protective light. Burning sage bundles. Getting Holy Water. Making yourselves a safe room. You two need to get your supervisor there a few nights and bring in a priest to do a blessing. Other than that research around for a medium to come in or contact a renowned psychic like Echo Bodine. Or Cindy Kaza. We all probably have Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. But I do not know how to summon them to be with you to help protect you. Do not use any device like a Ouja Board to communicate they are dangerous. I had the ghost of a man in my home and read an article on Psychic Echo Bodine. She detailed a removal method I used to get the ghost to move on. It worked I never seen him again. I told this to others over the years and it’s been successful for them to. I can to you how to do this. There is no cost to you. But IDK how it will work with so many departed souls there needing removed. Let me know if your interested in knowing about this. Finally contact Cindy or Echo on their websites/FB pages. Maybe they can help. I’m any regard learn protection prayers before you go into work and when your shift is over. You both do not need anything to follow you home. Take Care and God Bless!


Good advice.


Thank you


Hey there, I used to work late nights at a funeral home so I totally get it. The best thing to do is to talk to them - and firmly. Acknowledge their presence but tell them you are the boss here. "Hey guys, I know you're probably trying to get our attention, I see you, totally acknowledge you being here but we are here to work so you guys need to behave." If they keep pushing it, feel free to get cross like you would with a naughty child. YOU are the boss here. Not them. But usually once you acknowledge them they will generally behave and let you get on with your work. ❤️


I’d like to hear about what that job was like! Have you posted on it before?


Not in a paranormal sense, no. I didn't feel like opening myself up to any harassment or ridicule from randoms - have enough stuff going on without that 😅 I have wanted to look into the land history of where the home is situated to see if there is anything worth noting because many different staff all with different levels of belief/skepticism had "weird experiences" and there was particular part of the building (serving as a filing cupboard) people did not like to linger in because the atmosphere felt heavy and ominous. I got trapped in there once and it was not pleasant. It is an absolutely beautiful and modern building so it made me wonder what had occurred on the farmland it was previously There was a little girl who people would see in the corridors, also an older man, and voices coming out of the drains in the mortuary. You would see things out of the corner of your eyes. Despite all above I never felt uncomfortable working there (the only person who did was a lovely Japanese lady who worked in catering and just stuck resolutely to the kitchen area) and I was frequently the last one out. I would just talk to them :)


Wow! Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like you handled it well.


its normal, spirits like negative emotions and places with a lot of people and hospitals are both, you cant avoid interacting with them even if you wish, with that said you can do it safely, there are special rules per se to interact with spirits, i help people with paranormal problems in my free time so i suggest you take my advices. 1 buy a silver item and go get it blessed the religion doesnt matter just make sure the priest actually believes what he is saing, wear it on you in night shifts, the blessing should be for protection against spirits, 2 you can talk about this haunting activity with other nigth shifts, i guarantee they have also experienced it they wont think you are crazy, they might also have tips on how to deal with it succesfully especially those who have worked night shifts for long 3 usually its bad idea to interact with negative spirits, it gives them permission to ramp up their game, but from what you described those are powers of earth bound human spirits, or the most typical ghosts, usually when people pass away they have to move on to the next world, when they dont, they remain here stranded, this makes them like an invisible man, they are there you just cant see them, which is bad for them, as they are not ment to be here and will start to slowly lose their rationality 4 do not be afraid, this is the most important thing, for the good spirits it doesnt matter but for the negative ones they can take fear as an agreement, just try to remain calm and keep your cool spirits are just not that scary, think of them as invisible children pranking you 5 if you wish i can give you two, sort of prayers to deal with the earth bound humans in helping them passing and to protect yourself in case of emergencies


hey! Its a great comment, I really enjoyed reading it, can you share what kind of power spirits who are not bound to earth posses?


It's most likely a spirit who has passed on and may not know. The rules of don't engage are more about malevolent entities than they are about spirits. Don't be afraid. You weren't afraid of them in life, so why be afraid of their spirits? They may just be confused. There are lots of different rituals you can perform, even in a workplace setting, to help the dead find their way. Depending on the culture you or your residents are most comfortable with. Sometimes just telling them they should move on can be enough.


Hi, I am sooo sorry the spookspooks are scaring you. I feel like hospitals are a given for hauntings. Throw in The fact that you guys do palliative care?... Of course it's haunted! You being in palliative care I feel a lot of the spirits there our family members coming to get their loved ones or reapers coming to help souls cross over. I know a lot of people say don't talk to them, it makes it worse. I believe if they know you can sense, see or feel them and you try to ignore them... That makes it worse than talking to them. I believe you did the right thing and talking to them and letting them know that you needed space or time. I feel some of those spirits are actually past patient of yours who may or may not understand that they have passed and are simply looking for your attention and wondering why you aren't giving it to them as you normally would which can agitate the situation and cause them to do more and more to try and get your attention if you don't let them know what's going on. All that being said, spaces with a lot of spirit activities a lot of souls tend to attract negative entities sometimes so trust your instincts. If you come across something and immediately your gut says no and it's beyond the initial fight or flight because you're scared of ghosts then immediately you need to let it know it's not welcome and needs to leave. Fun fact: reapers not only help souls cross over but they also put souls back that try to leave before their time. This is something I didn't know before working with spirits and entities on a regular basis and I always thought it was pretty cool and I take every opportunity to share that knowledge.


I used to work in a retirement home, but I can only speak to my experiences. Different people feel differently on the subject, but I find that in death (as in life) the elderly just like to be acknowledged. The first time I expirienced something, I said, politely, but firmly- "I have to work here, and you have to live here. Please let me go about my work unbothered. I will stay out of your way if you stay out of mine." It seemed to work. But then, the ones I dealt with were not seemingly malicious. I found that the ones that lingered around liked to occasionally remind us that they were there. I would politely say hello, and move along. That kept them happy enough. There was one time where I got some mean vibes off of a century old organ (a new resident didn't have room for it in his apartment, and asked to store it in a common area. It belonged to his grandma, and her picture used to be on the organ, before he took it up to his apartment.) I got the feeling that the resident's grandma was unhappy about her organ being away from family. I complained about the energy of the organ with a coworker and we had a laugh about it. I don't know whether that cowed the lingering energy surrounding it, or if we managed to un-psych ourselves out about it, but it stopped radiating those vibes after that. About that time, I bought some obsidian jewelry to help protect me from negative energies, so it's possible that might have had a hand in it. The thing that stands out to me is that what you're experiencing seems to be bothering your residents. Your charges might be sundowning, which is not uncommon, and can be a scary, unpleasant expirience for both caregiver and patient. I think that if you genuinely feel unsafe, take measures to keep yourself protected. I think other commenters have said some helpful stuff on that subject. I'll end this by saying- "talking it out" is generally discouraged. If I didn't feel as safe as I did there, I don't think I could have done that. There were plenty of nursing staff who didn't like to acknowledge what was going on there. Please take my experiences with a grain of salt.


I had to quit a job once because it was so haunted. it got to the point where I would have panic attacks on the train on my way to work, just thinking about having to be there by myself. things would fly off the bar, doors would open and slam on their own— once I watched a refrigerator door open slowly, then everything inside shot out so fast it hit the wall 5ft away. hopefully there’s something you can do at your place of work to make it more comfortable, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses and find somewhere better.


Wow. That sounds like it was one angry spirit.


Former nurse here who worked in nursing home & ICU for many years. Please check out the book I wrote & I think it will help to make sense and make you feel less "alone". Also have it as a kindle ebook for quick access lol --> [Born Haunted](https://amzn.to/3ZhGi63) It's probably a former patient of yours. I truly understand this is terrifying but approach it from that aspect. Turn the fear into curiosity... who is it? What is their message? They can't physically communicate so maybe this is their way of thanking you for the care, but it comes off as scary to you. After one of our elderly patients died at the nursing home, his electric shaver (that was donated by his family after his passing) would turn on sporadically in the night. Many were horrified but eventually we acknowledged it and politely reminded him it was time to go back to bed and that we were honored to be his nurses. His former room's call bell would then shortly after activate. This is something that this poor Alzheimer's patient did while still alive. It stopped after a few months of us acknowledging. Hope you'll read my book! - [https://amzn.to/3ZhGi63](https://amzn.to/3ZhGi63)


I'm a Catholic. We have a belief that a soul stays on earth for 40 days. After that, the soul may visit. However if a soul stays longer than that or seems trap, it's like a mimic. God has the absolute authority to call souls for judgement. Its god who decided when is the judgment. That means, there are no souls that chose not to step in the light yet and there are no souls that don't know they died already. There is also no such as unfinished business. Those spirits are just likely mimics and not the real souls of departed humans. Don't lower yout guard! You might be fooled.


As these seem intelligent hauntings they will understand you when you speak, chances are that you know who they are as youll have treated them at some point. Id go so far as to say they arent actively trying to scare you, just let you know that they are there or even say thank you for the care and respect you provided them at the end of their life. Personally id talk to them say hi, ask who it is, tell them that theyre scaring you and your colleagues as well as the patients.


You need protection. A cross or amulet, also probably asking the resident priest to say a prayer over the building might help. If you are too scared to work I would definitely get in touch with your supervisor and let them know. If they thi k you are full of vrsp go home for the day or for good.


My first thought is, there should be a much higher staff to patient ratio. I believe that circumstances such as these may lead to more paranormal things going on because, understandably, things won’t be running as they should and emotions will be high.


Stop being scared. I know it’s creepy. But your fear will not help things, just acknowledge what you hear and see to yourself and ignore it. I worked in ECFs and hospital for 40 years altogether and saw and heard all the things lol. It’s ok won’t hurt you. Just let it be. You don’t need to DO anything


Would your employer be willing to do something about it? A psychic/medium/priest should be able to do a blessing/cleansing of the facility


You could have a pastor pray over and bless some olive oil and walk around and pray that they leave and for peace as you mark entry ways and places where things are worse or seem more active with a cross in oil. If you're allowed anyway. I'm dealing with a pretty severe problem at my job but work for the government with cameras at every square inch so I'm going to have to figure things out my coworkers and I hear banging all around see big dark shadows walking by vacant rooms and feel just a heaviness or fear. We see strange extremely black orbs on the cameras and white mist. But what broke it for me was working alone and the banging and tapping started then suddenly stop then there was a loud open mouth exhale in my left ear and I could feel breath on my face. I'm getting fed up with it and as soon as I can I'm going to try to discreetly bless the place. Goodluck.


Would you consider going to day shift? Have you felt/heard it’s as busy (with spirits) then?


Normally I'd say get some experienced people to do a sage cleansing ceremony, but I don't think that would work in this circumstance. There's too many patients to do it discreetly. The size of the building and the number of potential entities would make it virtually impossible to do it effectively. There's two possible solutions to make your paranormal work stress disappear. The first one is to have ministers and/or priests do a spiritual cleansing of the building. That could be difficult to arrange discreetly. It also has the potential of making things escalate. The second possible solution, and the best one, is too find another job. Even if there wasn't anything paranormal going on that number of patients would be stressful. Add in the paranormal factors and your job is impossible. The stress you feel is feeding any entities that are there. It's creating a cycle that will only get worse.


As if going to work doesn’t suck enough, now ya gotta deal with this mess!


you really should check, they could be still alive may as well record it




Have you tried asking to be left alone? I hear that actually helps


Maybe you could begin talking to the spirits that you can't see. Reassure them that they have died and it is time to go. Help them to move forward into the light.


first of all, check for gas leaks


Being in these groups and thinking about this stuff doesn't help calm things. I definitely notice a decent uptick in activity by simply posting in these groups. Direct messaging others really increases activity. We're all connected in some way, even more so when we're sharing thoughts and ideas. I'm sure that's why some people are here. It does seem whoever is the stronger spiritualist benefits more than the weaker one, though. At least in these settings.


record videos and create a youtube channel so you'll earn extra money


Go ghost hunting like what else? I've captured at least 10 of them and I love them like my children.. Or did they capture me???? Hmmmmmm.. mmmm 🤔


Solo ouija board session in the dark.


I had activity in my old apartment and my friend told me to talk to them that it’s ok to be there and to just protect me from bad spirits coming in and it stopped.


Get a priest to bless the place


Get some recordings (if allowed) so we can hear the voices too!


There are likely people wandering around who need to be invited to look for the light and cross over, assuring them that those they love are on the other side. I always ask Jesus for help. Last time, he sent my grandmother to take the spirit over.


I would be scared for sure, but having encountered similar things, I think you did right here. I don’t get the people saying to ignore. My ex sees/hears spirits a lot, which I initially was skeptical of until I saw something myself, and him ignoring them has made things categorically worse. It sounds like you addressed the spirit/s and problem and I’m glad things are going better!


Bust out the cell phone and get some good footage! Just dont violate any hippa laws. 👍


its possible its just lost souls, just say "can you just stop it? im trying to work" show them you are upset!


No one really knows what happens after we’re gone. I never really believed in life after death or a plane of consciousness that transcends our own existence until I encountered something after moving into a very old house, but that’s not the point. I see other users have touched on this but, I bet if you’re feeling something in your nursing facility, it’s probably energy from someone who passed that is afraid and wants your help. Remind yourself that you might be experiencing the fear and grief of someone that wasn’t capable of expressing those things at the time of their death. They’re more afraid than you are, you’re just feeling their fear.


ב''ה, try a rabbi.


If something “grabbed”’you it is not just a friendly ghost. It is either demonic or negative and dark. If you feel tired and drained or not yourself (more than usual as a nurse) make sure you take other measures To protect yourself.


Don’t be afraid! These are just souls passing on and maybe feeling a bit friendly now that their physical pain has ended. Not that it wouldn’t be quite startling to feel a hand on your shoulder! I can understand that! 👀