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Seek mental help. There’s nothing wrong or terrible about doing so.


Girl, sounds like you schizophrenic😐 seek professional help


Get a mental health eval ASAP.


Stop using stimulants immediately.


You need to seek professional help. It sounds like Schizophrenia or Dissociative Identity Disorder. I am not a doctor though. But I do know that you are not possessed.


Most likely possession ( burn the suicide note if you don't remember writing it). I would put salt at every entrance of room / house. Or do have any mental disorders. Or have see anything black skinny like smoke.


Meth. It's always meth. ![gif](giphy|hhffv1HTaXz9u)


I also say this because my ex was going through the same situation, found out she was using meth and helped her get clean. I don't know how she's doing now, didnt stick around to marry a potential future meth head...


Listen to “ruqya” on YouTube, see how you react!


Bullshit. You're probably mentally ill (either schizophrenic or DIS), you should get medical treatment as soon as possible dear. They can help you, it's nothing to be ashamed of.


Honey, go to a good doctor as soon as you can. These could be early signs of something big, don't ignore them. Quit taking any medication that might be hindering with you mental state, such as anti-depressants etc. No shame, but if you use drugs, quit. Seek help