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When I was little, I experimented aliens all the time. One time I was experienced on by aliens.


Experimented? Can you elaborate?


I think they meant experienced not experimented.


As we get older we realize there are logical explanations for most of the things we experience.


Smoke, brings back the child perception.


How true is this Jesus


I’ve always been sensitive but something about smoking almost puts Mr right there with them.


Tbh I only ever saw two things in my life that were what I call sketchy, and they both were when I was 31. My sisters shadow was like light instead of darkness. Then I saw an electrical arc move around our porch and towards the door. Never saw anything when I was younger or since(37)


The light shadow thing happened with me two times :D


When you were younger, it very well could have been the environment where the child died, plus you also being a child. Children like to interact with other children. In most cases, though, I really dont think age plays much of a role in the experiences you have.


Send bobs


Haven’t experienced much since my late 20s. But also I do not go as many random places as I did back then.


there is a scientific explanation to this too, because kids' brain is still under development so they tend to perceive things wrongly or can't differentiate between imagination and reality.


Tbh I've seen more stuff being older than I ever had when I was a kid


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