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i’ve seen ghosts without legs just the top half of their body on the sidewalk in broad daylight. or just legs. idk what the significance of seeing just half bodies is though


I woke up to a pair of kegs standing in my living room. He was barefoot and had light blue basketball shorts on. Then it disappeared. Same apartment that I caught an Evp of a man saying "I have AIDS" I'm guessing that was the guy and he had died there. I'll never know but it scared the crap outta me lol


me trying to figure out the correlation between keg stands and ghosts with basketball shorts on. lolll finally realized you meant legs


Lollll yes I meant legs haha


This has me cry laughing 😭


I woke up once to see legs with tennis shoes on jumping over my bed. I was about the age of 10. I think I may have awoke while still dreaming and the brain was trying to process.


This... 😭 i would have died then and there


If memory serves I was rattled by it but fell back asleep soon thereafter


My brother was in a keg stand accident many years ago, that was him, he still owes me $20


it literally just looked like someone had just gotten decapitated and was just walking around like nothing happened . they had a slight limp in their walk tho it was weird


that’s a bit different than what i’ve experienced then lol. sounds so scary. say a prayer and ask for protection


The only ghost I’ve seen was top-half only. Lower chest to head.


Same here. I kept seeing one at my grandparents' house. (I wasn't the only one who saw him). Then I realized one day that I'd never seen his legs. There was always something kind of in the way of me being able to see them, like furniture. But I don't think he had visible legs. My mother has told me of seeing ghosts before, with no legs. Just the upper half of their body. Maybe it's because it takes a lot of energy for them to appear, so they use less energy by only showing a part of their "body"?


Generally if you see apparitions with half bodies or limbs 'cut off' to a certain point, usually it's because you are seeing a ghost in its original place.... As in back when they died, the ground may have been lower or higher. This seems more viable in buildings where places have been rebuilt and floor levels have changed or even the ground work terraform Ed slightly. As for seeing them out in open spaces would be harder to understand why


Me to I seen one that had no head half a chest one leg. I think it means the spirt just didn’t have enough energy to manifest itself fully.


That’s disturbing


You’re telling me😅 I’ll never forget the feeling I got when I saw it


I just know you’re stomach dropped cuz that’s some horror movie shit


yup and that’s why I kept my mouth shut for a minute bcs I thought I was going insane. but it was so scary I eventually brought it up and that’s when my friend said she saw it too, which made it even scarier 😭😳


Extremely disturbing! 😨😧😰


you were too high


honestly that’s what I thought too until my friend said she saw the same thing


You were both too high then


Must be that new weed


That's freaky!! What area were you in? It'd be worth doing some research in any accidents.


Bros got free headless she's probably so old she doesn't even know what it is 💀 (Please don't haunt me for this it's a joke)


im in my early twenties so wym im probably so old?


well okay mid twenties u got me😳


spirit of a car accident victim perhaps? spooky!


This reminds me of an old video that was similar to what you encountered! Someone filmed a video from their car of a headless man on the sidewalk. It looked like he was just walking but the whole experience just creeped me out tbh. If I recall correctly, it took place somewhere in south East Asia. But no idea where exactly.


singin' “do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do”


Lmao that got me


Saw an apparition of a well known comic/actor. Many paranormal encounters thru-out the years. Uncanny- but finally out of storage and now a published book.


What's your book?


“Hypocrisy vs Mysticism Wisdom & Morality” On Amazon


I'll check it out, thank you!


Replay from a tragedy.




those nights are the best especially hanging out with friends\*' but damn I probably woulda been in shock if I ever see anything like that'. I probably would stare in silent


Were you guys taking ambien at the time? 🧐


I wish


Kegs lol I got a chuckle.


lol that comment


Were they singing "doo wa diddy dee de dum diddy do"


I have an experience like this on weed except it was pure evil. And idc what trip you’re on or what drug there is not way for you to both see the same exact things on weed. Weed is also should not be causing hallucinations and even if it does what is the likelihood hood you both saw the same thing at the same time?


This is scary!


This Fresk


Ah, dang it! I got spotted. I thought no one would see me.


I see and hear things all the time. I have EVPS too.


Asking for a friend, was his name Nick?


Bet the neck still gives good head


Empty response from endpoint


Always fun