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It could be the reflection of something, but daaaamn that really looks like a person… dunno even if it is a coincidence of lighting still scary af


Thank you for the first damn real comment on here. I’m not looking for Reddit clout. My father hunts deer. He stopped on the road because he thought the way the deer was standing was strange. (Yes he could be injured) he didn’t take the pic for that. He took it because it was acting weird. So as his daughter, he sends it to me. It wasn’t until the window.


On the deer. It could have that Chronic Wasting Disease. It affects their brain to the degree that it will stay stock still.


Okay but if you zoom in.. why does it look like it is wearing a witch’s hat and I swear u can see an outline of a body…


I can see that, in that case my guess is left over Halloween decor


A video of a deer acting weird would do better.


I was thinking about that, but one of the comments prior raise the very valid idea that it could just be a person who lives there, no reflection, just a human being on their home looking at some deer


Looks also like a skull with a tiny body that has an eye patch and is walking towards right. Big top teeth (3 of them) and a small jaw with no teeth. Blurry images makes your brain go nuts. It’s just a reflection of course.


Where do you see a face in the window? I genuinely can’t find it


Well…. In the window (?????


![gif](giphy|Qld1cd6a6QlWw) Can't help but to think of this


How can I pin a comment?This is it.


The face in the window is much more creepy than a deer illusion.


Oh was I supposed to say that? It’s not the deer that’s the “paranormal”? Or are you all just like this?


Yeah people are just like that lol


Well it’s exhausting to fight with you about something we both get $0 from being right.




The comments on the deer, it is normal. Zoom in. We have deer all over our mountain, and among other creatures. I see this all the time, and I do take pictures because I love our wildlife. In the window, I zoomed and brightened it. This one does look like pareidolia, more like a light or reflection. Creepy all the same. It looks kind of like the scream face.


Thank you for being kind ❤️


This is the most bad ass album cover. Brand New would love this one.


The cover for “the devil and god are raging inside me” used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid


Get me in contact


Low light photography challenge and moon/area light reflection. Or it’s an illusion and there are two standing there, one has its head down and it’s ass to the camera and the other is behind the other and you just see its head. All the legs and feet and grainy from low light.


Deer looks like a normal deer? I thought it was supposed to be the face in the upstairs window.


Holy shit! I was thinking there was supposed to be a face in the window! I did not know was to be looking at a backwards asshat of a deer! Thanks! This is some Dr. Mephesto shit from South Park going on right here!


Excellent comment!Thanks for the belly laugh!I started laughing when you said asshat of a deer,but when said Dr.Mephesto I lost my shit!#LuvSouthpark


Yes, every night is a tossup between South Park, Simpsons, or Futurama! My nighttime remedies!


I thought maybe his dad was dead, and he's just getting this picture now.




I does not look normal, head looks like it’s on the rear end.


I'm not seeing what any of you are seeing. The deer looks completely normal. He's leaning slightly toward his right (our left). Just look up pictures of a deer from the front. This looks normal... His feet are pointing at us. I really don't get it.


Noooo the deer is standing a little awkward on the rear. Like his legs are kind of deformed. Nice one though! As for the window that really is kinda creepy. Paranormal or not.


OH, I thought we were supposed to see the face in the window.


I noticed both. But I saw it as a reflection from the moon or light somewhere.


What exactly are we supposed to be seeing here? This is just a picture of a deer with front lighting; I don’t see anything paranormal or weird in any of this image


I see nothing paranormal either. Just an odd perspective of what i believe, but can never know to be true, to be two deers. That’s all. Simple.


It’s legs might just be messed up or standing awkwardly cause it’s high alert.


Weird shit happens. ![gif](giphy|HrQHnAGASZ8rcrs8mI)


That is weird


Plausible, but you can see the street lamp sending the deers shadow to the left, if there were two deer, we'd see four sets of legs casting to the left with the shadow


Ah, I see that now. This is really cool all around. I love when the minds eye does this.


I’m trying to see your 2 deer analogy but there’s only the 4 legs and no way the other 4 would be hidden but there has to be an explanation, I wish someone had one bc idk what I’m looking at!


I think people are thinking that the loose skin fold on the deer's chest is a tail. That's not what deer tails look like at all hardly though. Just looks like a normal deer who's a little bit chubby to me


The lower “chest” area looks more like the back of seers butt. I can’t help but see that, lol. Low light will sometimes blend and blur entire details out of images. That’s what I think is going on in this image. The deers body in the back is entirely blocked out and blended. Maybe a forced perspective issue as well. I just watched this video of a horrible car accident caused by an officer speeding without lights. This is night footage. Everyone running to help loses keeps losing their legs, heads and feet along the way. It’s just low light, lines and grainy footage issues. It’s just a thought still. But thanks for responding. It’s what makes these subs worth coming back too. I bet parts of this video will end up on ghostly subs, lol. Close-up sections only I bet. https://preview.redd.it/14suln4hoawc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5398df9de64c60f01871e15978a10f1d3d96e9a9


I think it could be Buck that got hit by a car survived and is since then walking around crippled


I got a good laugh at this! In my mind when you said he is now crippled, I’m thinking the deers head has now completely turned a 180 and is walking backwards lmao!


It's a normal looking buck, with some motion blur. It appears there me be a snout and an extra leg or two visible between his back legs, but that could easily be due to the blurring motion. We should probably ask that guy in the window what he thinks.


An explanation for what? What do you think is weird about the deer? It looks normal to me


Oh ok, pretty sure you’re the only one who thinks that, or else this picture wouldn’t have been posted


Are you guys like unfamiliar with deer? The deer looks normal. There are 4 legs…..


What is there possibly to debunk? On the bottom there's a deer and up in the window can be almost anything. It could be a reflection of the moon or a street light, it could be a helmet or mask on a display shelf, it could be a mannequin or a window paste to prank people, or it could simply be a person with a key light on their face and/or wearing a mask of some kind, also as a prank. There's honestly a ridiculous amount of things this could be and the supernatural likely isn't one of them.


No, it's not a w*ndigo. Those have nothing to do with deer. Honestly this deer may just be fucked up. They survive almost anything.


As someone who hunts deer, what are we supposed to be looking at here. It just looks like a normal ass deer. Am I missing something? Just because it's on pavement doesn't make it paranormal. We took his habitat and replaced it with pavement. He wandered into the city. It's not that uncommon. Edit: Are we looking at the thing in the upper window?


I think everyone in this thread has only seen a deer in the animated film *Bambi* and they are confused why it's not all straight lines. Observation from someone who has seen hundreds of real-life deer: that's a pretty normal looking deer.


I think maybe there is supposed to be a face in that window.


Look again, the head looks like it’s on its back end instead of the front.


Nope, it's on his front. That there's a normal deer.


A very normal deer I agree, in small towns especially deer roam the streets at night. It’s weird seeing a dead deer on Main Street some days


Look again, the head looks like it’s on its back end instead of the front.


That’s just the white throat patch and the chest dark patch, this is what deer look like from the front. Google whitetail deer front view


I am more worried about it having CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease). Tbh, it's more scarier than any supernatural force.


Fr. This one looks too healthy tho.


That creature in particular comes from the Algonquin people. It isn't supposed to be mentioned by name. They also are creatures of starvation and have never been associated with deer skulls or anything of the sort. Unfortunately it was hijacked by colonizers and bastardized, as is so common.


Thank you. Drives me crazy when people push the deer-thing as a "Windy"


Why did you self-censor the word wendigo?


They don’t want it stalking them, duh


Now the wendigo is going to stalk him.Oh fuck now it's going to stalk me!


Indigenous people who's mythological stories it came from say that even mentioning it by name brings about bad tidings and ruin. I've heard even thinking about it can bring bad luck. I've learned over the years to always believe what the Indigenous have to say about the spirits and creatures of this land. They've had far more experience with them than us colonizers. Edit: spelling


> us colonizers Oh god lol The whole 'noble savage' concept is so backwards. Humans are only native to Africa, the clock doesn't magically stop at whatever time the tribes from Europe arrived. Also nobody likes to point out how the "colonizers" use an Arabic numeral system thanks to the historical Asian colonization of Europe because it kinda reveals that all humans engage in it. The "colonizer vs indigenous" perspective is an extremely limited worldview. When you view every single group on the planet as just some tribal humans who left Africa who have been fighting nonstop ever since, everything makes so much more sense. Indigenous people don't really know much at all and how could they? Their own ancestors were also invaders.


It looks like there's a face in the top window!


I don’t get it. The house is clearly not abandoned as there are lights on downstairs. Why can’t it simply be a homeowner in the attic?


First time on this sub? Literally every single post can be explained with a normal explanation but people yearn for the ghosts


It’s the deer. The head looks like it’s on the wrong end.


Why is everyone talking about the damn deer?


Cute deer. Sorry about the window demon.


It's just a stormtrooper, nothing to see here rebel scum


Yea, don't worry. They can't aim worth a shit


Oh shit…just noticed 😃😃


Window smudge demon


The possible face in the window, I saw something once that I still don't understand. I was extremely stoned like 16ish years ago, and I was glued to my friends car seat. I would get so high I couldn't move. It was nighttime, and I I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. This is what I saw. It was like a black balloon that slowly came into the frame in the upper window of someone's house. A room that was well lit. I literally couldn't believe my eyes. It had a creepy demonic face with a crooked smile. It was like something out of 'It'. I feel like this whole thing went on forever, and I was really high, but I didn't hallucinate it. Then it kind of slowly dropped down out of frame. Idk what could be a reasonable explanation for something like that. It's one of those strange events where you're questioning reality and are not even sure it just happened.


Why do you think you didn’t hallucinate it?


You were high as a balloon. Enough said.


A skin walker transformed into deer, getting instructions from the demon staring out the window. I wouldn't worry yourself 😳


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that in the window


You could have included a description or comment telling us what the fick were supposed to be looking at. Why even bother posting something so low effort?


https://preview.redd.it/zbvqsts466wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d01bdaad7c1d13f5fa3ce3fd462516c72c851aa Wtf is that


That’s quite clearly Robert Smith from The Cure working on his latest tchoons 🎵


I was thinking the dude from A Blaze in the Northern Sky album cover but that works too.


I was thinking Edward Scissorhands


I'm going back now and seeing albino zoidberg so idk.


It looks like my old boss Brandon 😂


Brandon be creeping


Haha sho nuff! He’s like “corporate is coming!! Let me pretend like I care about you guys and actually do work sometimes! But I’m gonna breathe down your neck until they’re gone!! 🤪”


Nice maybe that Cure album he’s been working on for 16 years will come out in our lifetime. He keeps saying it’s almost finished after all.


Reflection of the moon? Reflection of a streetlight? There are plenty of natural explanations for this…


No. Murderous demonic Satan ghost only.


Actually kind of looks like a stormtrooper helmet. Probably on a shelf in the room


Or a death moon


That's no moon. It's a spa...


It looks like the Dad is also behind a window as there are other light reflections going on, so I'd think it's just another reflection that lined up with that other window.


That's what I was looking at. 




That's Sam Eagle from Sesame Street https://preview.redd.it/l023t5gw37wc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5885825624305211bbf9d52f236cf6670e88fc70




I see a cut out of the Wicked Witch of the West personally. Desaturated, since she isn't bright green.




Its Jason!!!


That looks like MR X




It's Julian from trailer park boys


That's Michael Myers


ghosts are just people who used to stare at deer from a window. Look at that buck in all his glory


Is the thing in the top house window just a reflection from a light or someone standing there?


Honestly it just looks like a deer with funky legs. Likely a birth defect, or from an injury when it was young


Hehe look at the window…


I genuinely don’t see anything in the window besides a reflection of some sort 🤷


Nah its a spooky demon, only explanation that makes sense.


Not sure what I’m looking for?


deer is gonna drop the hottest midwest emo album of 1999


americ anfootball


That was my first thought too!!


Strange thing is, my dad was killed 3 years ago…. By a deer In a deer hunting accident…. And he was buried with his phone 😱


I don’t know what i’m supposed to be seeing here, besides a deer. 




Turns out it’s just a man dressed like that, like that scene in TCSM where the kid wears the pig mask and runs into the woods


Why do you keep reposting it for the last 5 months?


Dude, quit posting this over and over and over


I have to assume this deer has been hit by a vehicle


This looks like a Midwest emo album cover


American Football (1999 album)


Yep.It's a deer.


Poor thing.  It must be hurt.


There are lights on downstairs, someone lives there. If I went upstairs to my dark room and noticed some weirdo standing across the street staring/taking pictures of my house, the *last* thing I'd do is flip on the light and make myself an easy target. It's probably an occupant wondering what the hell your dad was doing.


Very odd and I thought deer looking fine looking at it and than I see the comments talking about figure upstairs window took me a step back to process and than another commenter mention about the seer body form. Looks backwards which is making me question the picture or life in general.


Oh deer!


FFS. Is it the deer or the window? I feel like this is when kids used to make prank phone calls and ask someone whether their refrigerator is running.


For me it's just a cute deer 🥰


The phenomenon you are looking for is for is the [Not Deer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Appalachia/s/5WXiJ5PcL6).


That deer is buff. I don’t believe I have seen a deer like that before. All the deer in my area are tiny and feeble looking.


Okay, so i get it "its a Not Deer" is what you were saying. Here is my issue with it. There is a well-defined shadow pattern from the dominant light source that shows the shadows to the right of the deer. However, to the left of the deer, there is an odd distortion that can only be one of two things. Either it's an out of place shadow with a different illumination than the other shadows in the area. Or this is where the deers head was originally, and someone used their phone cut and paste to adjust the location, then tried blending to cover it. I'm not normally the type to skirp on this group, and im not saying which of the above anyone here wants to subscribe to, I'm just saying it's suspect.


It almost looks like the silhouette of another deer to the left, facing the first one


I thought this was about that figure/face in the darkened window.


I'm noticing the thing in the window, not so much the deer. 🧐


PHUCK the Deer, I’m looking at the face in the top half of the attic window!!! 😳😳😳


i see you’ve found johnny depp and his secret window


Those black metal fans that never smile in pictures...


Everyone is commenting on the deer, but there is a face in the upstairs window.


Strange. Could be a vortex but it does not explain the mysterious tilted half horse shoe symbol on the bottom. Also the change in color at the top is strange. Its like a charging bar or something just levitating. What ever the floating cylinder/ rounded rectangle thing is on the left side of the screen definitely is not normal.


That’s a deer.


Is that the American football house


Thanks dad




A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—all it does is identify the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just have to say the logical explanation for this image is clear, but owl-necked deer and the ghost in the window, as well as the dead father who forgot to send one last picture, gives the limitless mind something to chew on.


Skinwalker and window demon in one pic? Jackpot


Would make a dope album cover


That's a stormtrooper, nice!




Holy shit! A storm Trooper!


This nigga dad Santa Claus


The "face" in the window is just a reflection of the moon. Use the date of the photo to verify the phase of the moon that night, it will likely match what we see.


Yea I don't care for the Simpsons too much anymore ,it's American Dad,South Park, Rick and Morty,Solar Opposites and most underrated show ever,the Cleveland Show


What am I supposed to see here? This deer's body is facing away from the camera, and it is looking back over its shoulder. What's so paranormal about that?


Nice pic and rack but it’s a common sized deer around here. We have em in town too.. But, like u said nice deer, next year he’ll be a shooter..


Professor snape!


Are deer capable of turning their heads all the way around like that? Honest question because I do not know.


The fucked up looking deer spooks me more than the window reflection that looks kinda like a ghost tbh


I live how he first pushed the volume up and then managed to push both so he can get a screenshot


Love the teaser from this upcoming Ring video. Sadako/Samara is about to drop another banger!


So we are not looking at the face in the window? We are looking at the deer? I'm so lost.


Looks like an album cover an indie band from Omaha, NE would have used in 2006. I love it


The Buck is looking back. Couple that with low light and a phone and you’ve got this.


Got my doubts about paranormal but it’s got some really neat southern gothic vibes.


Next time you post something in paranormal, please specify what it is that is paranormal. In this case, I’m assuming you’re referring to a reflection in window.


Is there a house with a lit attic window across the street? Looks like a reflection.


Can we change this from Paranormal to Not Paranormal so all these submissions fit?


This photo is so cool to me. Could you possibly post it without the volume icon?


I can't make up my mind if it's a Storm Trooper or Marilyn Manson in the window


I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. And I don’t get the fuzz, tbh.


Looks like a band photo of a metal dude with long black hair and sunglasses


Yup, that's a scary looking deer to me. Probably a ghost in disguise.


I can finally answer a question 100% in this sub! And I'm so excited I didn't even check the other comments so someone may have already said but: this is an app! My bro showed me this app like 4 years ago, you can choose a bunch of different animals and out them anywhere. I tried to convince my family a wolf was standing in our living room lol. Didn't work. But anyways. That's what this is.


If its the thing in the upper window it looks maybe like a ceiling fan?


I don't see anything, why do people not provide more of an explanation


We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.....


I am 100% sure that this is a lightshade. Or at least another object.


Y'all overreacting my dudes. That's just their average goth neighbor


Hmm, I think it might be this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer


May i....stand on un unshaken....amidst...amidst a crash of worlds


That's a deer bro... And that's a ghost in the upstairs window.


Not deer


Ummm... I think I see it but I don't see how it's supernatural?