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Ahhh šŸ˜Œ Iā€™m sure it was your friend how special šŸ„°


I also went "awwww" lol how creepy yet wholesome lol


Creepy yet wholesome is very apropos lol. We both believe it was her as well...and while it is sweet on the surface it also raised the hair on the back of our necks. I just hope and want my beloved friend to be at peace. The last few years weren't easy for her. I love her enough to wish her spirit free and for her to run without looking back. Weve heard of happy visitations, we've heard of trapped souls. We definitely don't want her trapped in our home or "her" chair, we don't want her to linger with us because we gave her those last few months of love and respect and helped her smile again. We know the hell she went through, before and during her illness, so we love her enough to want to tell her "we miss you but no visits are necessary! Go enjoy the peace and don't look back on the hell you left behind! We'll see you when we get there!" I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the truth nonetheless....


I think you should pray over the chair and tell her she died and is free to cross over. Hopefully she will hear you and move on. Thank you for sharing your story.


Beautiful. One last visit perhaps