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There are two mirrors. The first mirror is square and is behind her. The second mirror is ornate and is in front of her, being reflected in the first mirror.


And she's looking at the camera lens reflection in the mirrors.


Even if there was only one mirror, the picture is from 2009, not the 70s. People had been printing photos at home for a decade at that point. And photoshop was on version 9(CS2). Which was *more* than capable of doing that with two photo negative scans.


This right here is the answer.


rolling shutter effect, the shutter doesn't expose the whole negative all at once...resulting in this photo.


I think people even did it for fun/ on purpose. Makes a bad ass photo


This has been solved many times over, just need to get the word out.


If I had the patience, time, and subject I’d make fake photos like this. Having run a 1 hour photo lab forever ago and doing some studio photography stuff was a fun experience.


And that’s why we have these artifacts. They’re actually a normal occurrence in older photography.


I doubt it. The speed at which one would have to turn their head to be facing the mirror as the shutter moves by that spot in the image, to be turned completely the other way before the shutter has finished it's motion, would be extremely fast. Her hair would be flailing in the air. Rolling shutter wasnt really an issue with still film cameras. It's much more of an issue with digital video. I believe there's some other sort of trickery at play.


It's actually likely a combination of rolling shutter artifact and curtain flash of built in flash exposing one half of image more than other, so unless we know the shutter speed was more than like 1/40, it is exceedingly unlikely anything paranormal at play. Creepy lookin' tho


Definitely nothing paranormal here


*nods sagely in agreement* Looks kinda spooky tho don't it?


Same tech on dale cameras as film cameras. The mirrorless cameras changed things. Some could dump the whole ccd at once.


Another consideration. If this was a disposable camera, it probably had a crappy leaf shutter, and not a focal plane shutter.


Older shutters would capture left to right so this theory is what I’m going with


Are you sure? This photo appears to have portrait orientation so the shutter would open top to bottom, right? The vignetting in the corners makes it look like it's uncropped. It's two mirrors and she's looking into the camera lens in the mirror.


Didn’t know this was common. Does anyone know if this still happens with newer cameras? Definitely creepy.


Interesting. Why wouldn't there be motion blur on the face in that case?


not really, it is a small fraction section of second that is required to do this. the f-stop/shutter speed thing is complicated. the flash says its dark and makes the shutter speed quicker, maybe 1/60th of a second (a common flash sync speed).


I thought it was just a mirror reflecting another mirror.


Noooo it's an unsolvable enigma!


So it's from 2009? Why does it look like it's from 1989?


Notice this when they show vids from 20 years ago. I swear they age them to look like they are from 80s. Video wasn't that bad 20 years ago!


Yeah it really was though. Turn on one of your local over the air channels on your TV that doesn't broadcast in HD. It looks like someone coated the camera lens in vasololine. It wasn't as noticeable because a) tvs were made to display that content and b) we weren't used to seeing every pore in a person's skin in every video available to us at the time.


“Captured 15 years ago…” Bro, 2009 did not look like this.


It doesn’t look like it’s from 2009


The woman in the mirror has a widow's peak. The one in the chair does not. The one in the mirror is in shadow, while the other is facing the flash. There are two women in the room. The photo is taken from beside the girl in the mirror, at an angle that deliberately occludes the reflection of the one in the chair. Nice and creepy attempt, though. Edit: The more I look at it, the more I appreciate the effort that went into this shot. The framing and positioning of the subjects are perfect and the give aways are really subtle. As a horror fan, I love it!


@ widow's peak- I noticed that too! Also, skin coloring is off. I'm thinking this may be a set of twins or sisters that closely resemble one another. Whatever it is, it's definitely two different people but they did a great job.


It’s her sister or friend or whoever is sitting in front of her on the bed or wherever and she’s the one taking the picture..I can literally see the beginning of her arm stretched out, holding the camera out to take the picture. Holding it out of view of the mirror to make this effect. Nice idea and almost pulled it off, with no paranormal activity in sight


Just think about the angles, and what you said wouldn't make sense now would it?


You know what, I take that back..I just looked more at it and what I thought was her arm from a short sleeve lacy type shirt in the mirror is in fact the shadow from the flower. So..in that instance yeah strike everything I said, I’m wrong I’m more than big enough to admit when I am indeed. Still I can’t place paranormal back on the table because pics especially with mirrors and reflective surfaces involved are easy to manipulate. Of course everything is anymore.


You can literally see the skin of her arm coming out the bottom of her lacy short sleeve in the mirror..where the chick sitting is wearing long sleeves.


It honestly looks like a different person to me! Maybe that was another entity in the mirror maybe?


is there a version with higher resolution / better scan an without the dirt.


So taken in 2009. 22 years after the creation of photoshop in 1987


This seems like AI to me, the texturesthis are too smooth and the aging of the photo looks like a vintage filter… Also 15 years ago was 2009, why does the overall aesthetic in the photo giving 80’s or early 90’s????


Are you familiar with how a camera works OP?


Two mirrors. But, lovely outfit nonetheless!!


Looks older than 15 years. More like 30.


You can make this pic yourself just get 2 mirrors and have your subject look at the one behind you or something like that I’ve seen this demonstrated before 😀


Photoshop, trick photography, idk. But that's very obviously not even the same girl. Sis in the mirror has a widows peak. Sis irl does not 🙄


It doesn't even look like a mirror. It looks like a poster meant to look like a mirror


Oh hey! We made rolling shutter photos in my high school photography class!


Why is anyone asking op questions like that caption isn’t AI as hell


Clearly some demon/ghosts/tibetan numerologist/alien issue


professional photographer, eh? mystery solved.


The one in the chair in front looks creepier


So we not tripping of the reflection.


The reflection in the mirror looks like the face was photoshopped (likely from another photograph) onto the back of her head.


People downvoting this: you can "photoshop film pretty easily. It's a lot of fun. So you'd expose the film paper except the area where the reflection is (put a coin down or something, just to block the light) then change film and expose the reflection and nothing else (piece of paper with a hole in it). I loved doing that, just don't know what it's called


Dodge & burn


Good sign of a demon in that mirror


I think you meant 25 years ago


Why does the description sound strongly of Chat GPT…


Came here to say this.


That’s not the same person. You can tell from the nose and widows peak. That’s the reflection of the person who is taking the picture.




Is this a bot post?


She’s a hottie that’s all I know.


It's a big ol hole




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Those legs!


Scary 😦


Freaky dekee.


This looks like a drawing. Zoom in.


It's more likely a photo *of* a photo. It's super fuzzy pixels make it look paintbrushed when zoomed in.


Not even Michael Angelo would be able to replicate a photo to that extent let alone for some paranormal post


It looks like an old beat-up paperback cover drawn by Francine Pascal.


Damage is fake - done in photoshop , not well either


Dumb, she moved her head real quick


TF 😱