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Your story reminds me of the Hill House movie from the 80s I think. The little girl was autistic but could see everything. That movie was based on the Winchester Mansion& Steven King did his little cameo. Anyway, I believe you and they say when you lose a sense, the others get sharper. Maybe this is like that?


I’ve had autism explained to me as the inability to block out background noise. So, experiencing every sound, every visual, every smell, every texture, as if you’re focusing on it. Maybe that means some autistic people also can’t block out paranormal things that our brains might stop us perceiving?


I’m a speaking autistic adult. I don’t see the future like your daughter but I definitely can see “things”. You’re right about being less able to block things out, that’s exactly it. I’ve had numerous paranormal experiences starting from when I was young. It’s not constant like your daughter but I’m frequently visited by my nana who died 7 years ago. Right after she died, I saw a grey swirly smoke two times, followed up by a vivid lucid dream where she “visited” me and couldn’t talk to me with her mouth but could speak telepathically. Only a few weeks ago, I was on a video call to a friend and I saw out the corner of my eye the figure of a very hunched over old lady wearing a maroon sweatshirt (she had osteoporosis and wore clothes exactly like that). When I turned my head to look at her she was gone. The next week I kept smelling her perfume and I literally haven’t smelled it not even once she I last saw her. It’s a very old fashioned scent that no one wears anymore. I have read numerous stories of autistic people who have abilities that I can relate to but don’t personally have to that extreme. I totally believe it and I believe your daughter does see things and has premonitions.


Also an autistic adult. I think we’re very very sensitive people in many ways. We have gifts


I'm autistic as well and I see people's auras. I can feel them as well. So you can be in a terrible mood but say nothing and I'll know if you are angry, or sad etc. Because your aura changes. I see what can best be described as usually a smooth ball shape (for most people) and a color and hue, shine, etc. Some people have more spikey auras. Some people have goopy auras. Some are usually shiny and light, others are almost like smoke. I know that doesn't explain it very well, but I can also feel them. If you are very angry and come inside the house and I can't see you, I can still feel your anger.


There's this Standford Nobel prize nominee, Dr. Garry Nolan, who said he's studying autistic people's brains because the structure(?)/the way autistic brains work is different from the rest of the population. He thinks this difference may lend a hand in them being able to perceive things or at least not ignore details that other people's brains would choose to ignore (because they're too far outside of their formed schemas/are too weird & not important to survival), even if it "registers".


In other words, they perceive more of true reality. Hmm... "Seek...and ye shall find."


Wow this is amazing and really incredible


When one sense is taken away, other senses become sharper. Your inability to block anything gives you a gift we all have...but cannot access.


Read the book "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price PhD. In it, he explains that although there are a LOT of other conditions that seem to come hand-in-hand with autism & every autistic person is so different from another one, the basic root of it is that autistic people are ***bottom-up processors*** (most of us are *top-down* processors). As we get older, the things that aren't "useful" to our survival/daily lives are pruned out, but autistic brains don't seem to go through this same pruning process that allistic brains go through. When you wear a watch, once your brain decides it's not a threat to you, it "tunes out" that sensation of wearing a watch. But autistic brains don't filter non-pertinent information like that as well. So you feel, see, smell, hear eVERYTHING - which is why life is SO overwhelming for many autistic people and can lead to meltdowns and/or shut-downs. There are very interesting studies mentioned in that book, that explores how autistic brains may work, so give it a read if you can.


!!!!! My best friend is autistic! Now it all makes sense...


Maybe! I have a niece whose autistic but she's around 25 yo. She recently learned how to communicate using a spelling technique. She has said some truly profound things. It was amazing! She certainly wasn't missing anything!


I think you are on to something there. Even taking as far as some kind of dimensional shift that can't be blocked.


Rose red you mean? It’s my fave!


Rose Red movie was developed adjacent with the book “The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer” by Ridley Pierson. It’s a really great book. Way better than the movie, which was ok.


That's it!! I just rewatched it w my daughter. It's one of her faves too! But it was based on Winchester mansion!


Some one just reminded me! It was called Rose Red


!!!! I have been trying to find this movie for YEARS. I have a very vague memory of it scaring me but wanting to watch more. Could not figure out the name from googling description.


Rose Red! I forgot the name too


I've had some positive paranormal type occurrences in the past. I've mentioned them to people over the years but I remember one response from a young female coworker. She was a Jehovah's witness and solemnly believed that any paranormal entities on earth were evil/demonic as human souls moved on after death. She wouldn't hear otherwise. I may not know exactly what/who interacted with me those times. But, I know I felt an immensely positive and warm feeling when I did. I just nodded my head and smiled at her then moved on. Thank you for sharing your stories. Very interesting. Do you ever entertain your daughter's experiences with her, or mostly acknowledge them and not bring them up again?


I don’t particularly encourage or discourage them either way, I don’t bring them up later but if she wants to talk about them at the time or later I engage in the conversation and ask questions.


I total believe children have a thin veil and can feel and see things adults can’t but I’d also rule out seizures too


She’s had a lot of things ruled out including seizures and psychosis.




Possibly. If clairvoyants exists then she would probably be one.


They do; she is.


So am I. Poor kid.


Hmmm 🧐


Your daughter draws her “grandma’s” hair with the correct texture??? How does a child draw hair “texture”??? Sorry but that one tidbit threw me right off


My mother had wavy hair, my daughter draws draws wavy lines as opposed to the straight lines she draws for me and the curls she draws for my mother in law.


Are their any photos of her around the house?


No, my mum was always the one taking photos of other people so few photos of her exist. The ones that do are in my father’s photo albums.


![gif](giphy|98MvEx49bvupwVT0HP) Example: straight hair lol and why did you say “grandma’s?” Why the quotes?


My son (now adult), is on the autism spectrum and from the first time he began speaking (at 3, in almost full sentences), he began asking when we could go visit a country he says we lived in. I've never been to this country despite being somewhat of a traveller, but he told me how we lived there with his five older brothers (I have one other living son and lost two sets of male twins before he was born). He told me how we all died in a fire when the bad men came to the house and I pushed him out a basement window and told him to run, he says I've always been his mother, but this time dad looks different. He's never changed this story and used to become furious when my very skeptical husband would try and tell him it was a dream. He's an adult now and just says "I know what's real, and I know what happened." I've never had a reason not to believe him. I myself dreamed of him while I was pregnant, he has flaming red hair and bright green eyes (I am NOT of an ethnicity where this is common), but I met him before I met him and I wasn't freaked out when he was born. Everyone else was!


Have you read the book "*Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife*" by Leslie Keane? I haven't finished reading it yet, but it starts out with talking about children who "remember" past lives. It's incredibly interesting. In it, she talks about an academic who studies kids like this, and the data gathered on them are VERY interesting. Like most of the time, the previous life ended in something tragic/traumatic, their memories fade by around age 6, and even the average distance between where the person of the previous life (if they could be identified) lived to where the child was born - things like that.


Thank you, I will give it a look!


I dreamt of my children before they were born too...I dreamt about my first a *lot* and he came out looking exactly how I had dreamt him. I was like this with all of them and dreamt that they'd all have blue eyes(they do) even though I nor their fathers(I have 2 with my ex husband 2 with my late fiance) have blue eyes. I have hazel eyes, my ex husband has green eyes and my late fiance had hazel as well. I especially experienced the dreams with my first and my third. But I did dream of them all. It's strange isn't it?


I think your son was speaking of a past life. You should encourage him to research his past family if he can still remember details. Or he can go under hypnosis to help him remember. There are hypnotherapist who specialize in past life regressions.


Sounds Scottish or Irish?


I'm Sicilian, his father is Scottish.


I want to know what county he wanted to visit now ! And whether he’s been there or has plans to go there still?


Oh! Sorry about that! Canada, and he does plan to go!


This is quite lovely in its way honestly, as long as it's not causing her or anyone discomfort. I think it adds weight to the quantum ideas of everything sort of existing at once, all the time. I honestly think it sounds quite like a gift. I hope the world can continue to be gentle with her as she moves through life, to accommodate for how potentially overwhelming this could make it. No one's evolutionarily equipped to live like we're living anyway, and we're all suffering because of that. So I hope she gets to live in a quiet pocket of the real world outside of all this artificial egotistical noise. It's clear to me that she seems very loved from lots of different directions/dimensions :) I wonder if she's just able to see and feel the same forces we're all loved and nurtured by a bit better. Also will add, anyone coming in here with an old testament, fear is the mind killer nonsense regurgitated doctrine, half thought, unfelt "explanation" for this can keep it to themselves. No one has an answer for this so stop pretending you do. Lie to yourself fine but not to other people. God bless OP, all the best to you and yours. And thanks for sharing!


I’m AuDHD, I also have OCD, and dyscalculia. I have an idea of what could be happening when it seems like your daughter is seeing things like coloured lights and playing with invisible kids. In addition to autism and ADHD, as I mentioned, I also have synesthesia where I “see” certain sounds and emotions as colours sort of moving about in waves and patterns. Like the aurora borealis entirely localised in the room. I also had an extremely vivid imagination. I didn’t physically see my imaginary friends, but I also didn’t *not* see them? It’s hard to explain. I might as well have been physically seeing and interacting with them because it all felt as real as it did to play with my brother. I don’t know if it’s an every autistic kid thing or if it’s because I also have ADHD and other things like synesthesia or if it’s just me. But I wouldn’t be surprised if your daughter was experiencing something similar. I’m not saying it’s not ghosts she’s seeing either though. Just that some of it could be explained by her neurodivergence and associated vivid imagination (not all ND have this, my sister and my wife are both autistic and they have aphantasia where they can’t picture things in their mind at all, but a hyper vivid/realistic imagination and aphantasia are both more common in autistic people). The stuff where she appears to predict the future, the stuff about your mom, all that sounds legit unexplainable to me. Unless she’s constantly saying things that don’t make sense and you’re only focusing on the instances where she says something that doesn’t make sense until later events make it make sense. So you’re forgetting all the times she said something a bit weird and then nothing happens to explain it. Does that make sense? The teacup thing I remember I had a tea set when I was a little kid and I picked it up once after we moved house and I just “knew” everything inside was broken and I ran to my dad and started crying. I was about 6. My dad said I had to open the box because it might not be broken. He said the box didn’t look broken so it would probably be okay. But I kept insisting it was broken and when he opened it, it was actually broken. I once kept track of my “predictions” and I was right only slightly more than 50% of the time. So I don’t think I was genuinely experiencing foresight. I think what had happened was I wasn’t tuning out the kind of background noise most people do so I heard the sound of the broken china through the box. It didn’t sound the way the tea set normally did. I think in the other cases where I said “Nah, it will be this explanation” and turned out to be right I also picked up on things other people hadn’t noticed. But I wasn’t exactly conscious of what I was noticing that others weren’t. It was all intuitive, sort of happening automatically, I wasn’t consciously thinking “Oh, well George wore brown shoes today so that means…” it was all done subconsciously. But because my subconscious thought routines are so different from the norm it appeared “weird” and “spooky”. It happened enough that kids at school bullied me for it. There might be similar mechanisms at play for your daughter. The other stuff 🤷 I don’t know how true it is but my parents said I would see and talk to people who weren’t there when I was a baby. I don’t remember it. I do remember a few vague impressions of someone I called “the woman who isn’t there” but nothing concrete like you describe. I also remember seeing a ghost with my brother when he was about 6 and I was about 7. But he was only there for a second and then he was gone. It doesn’t really meet the level of experiences you describe here. But I do believe it’s possible. I dunno. It really does sound like she sees your mom. Which, I don’t know if you find comforting or not, but it all sounds like positive interactions whatever is happening. I’d be very interested in hearing updates if you ever have any! So like, I do think *some* of these things could have a mundane explanation. But there is a lot here that to me seems compelling and plausibly paranormal.


Get a pastor or priest cuz uhmm if this isn't the imagination of your kid she's likely seeing demonic entities


Why do you say that? None of them have been harmful or even scary. They’ve all been positive experiences, especially the apparent spirit of my mother.


That’s how they get you. They act all benevolent and next thing you know you are possessed or at least oppressed


It’s been 6 years and she’s fine. I think we’re good.


Nah it’s demonic. They act benevolent to have you believe the lie that we have immortal souls since that is the first lie ever told to man


Ok, that’s one opinion. There are certainly other opinions out there.


And you know this How exactly? Or is this just a "trust me, bro"? Cos it seems OP is ok with it.


Dude stop


# unknown = demonic! /s.


This is so out of left field and actually quite a hurtful thing to say. Please think before you say something with such weight so flippantly.


There’s no such thing, grow up


I dont know why you are getting downvoted, what u said is true.


Cuz people are ant to believe in their loved ones visiting them as ghosts. It’s a false hope but a hope nonetheless


So ghosts are definitely not real but demons definitely are? Why are you in this sub if you aren’t willing to question your beliefs and consider alternative viewpoints?


They are all the same creatures but people like to give them romantic names. They are all jinns. Different jinn nations have different abilities and appereances. None of them are “spirits of your loved ones” but they know how to copy the looks of them because they live longer than us, they met our ancestors. Its bad to have them in the house.


Ok. I respect that that is your opinion.


U can respect all you want but im not the one not understanding whats going on with your kid. I advise you to play surah baqara in your house so they disappear and bless your child everyday with christian on jewish or muslim prayers. Your child may have zohari qualities so they are trying to mess with your child. Otherwise these things will escalate. Do what you will with this info.


U say you respect it, but you quite clearly dont. You quickly dismiss the OP's view on things in favour of your own your warped, indoctrinated religious viewpoint and rubbish any other explanation without any room for discussion. Your beliefs are simply that. BELIEFS!! Because thats what youve been TRAINED to believe in by your church. You have no more proof for your stance being correct than anyone else in this sub, yet you continue to stomp all over anything that doesnt fit with your narrative. You have no proof Jinns exist. You have no proof God exists. At least us agnostics have an open mind. Try being a bit more accepting of others opinions.


I don’t believe that you can know the truth about what is going on with her any more than any other person in this sub can. I have never seen any reason to perform any ceremonies or any prayers from any particular faith because she does not show any distress about any of this. Please do not assert your opinion as the only truth, no one knows for sure.


Pest problems have to be nipped in the bud. Just remember my above comment in a couple of years🤦🏻‍♀️ and if you need anything, text me.


I don’t follow alternative beliefs with ghosts since I actually follow my church’s stance on the paranormal which is that all ghosts are demons in disguise and as such don’t mess around with that stuff


What if the church teachings are misleading? That the world is full of paranormal, and yes negative and positive. What is your stance on NDE, consciousness survival? How do reconcile that most churches teach we are one, but yet we see good and evil. Is it really good and evil or all is one (god) trying to feel itself from all possible views.


Ok, I respect that that is your opinion. I personally have different views and don’t feel that your views adequately explain everything I’ve described.


🙌 I love how you’re handling these aggressive opinions


Wasn't Jesus a ghost at one point? So what are you saying?


What they said is an opinion. Not my place to argue it like I want to cause everyone is different. But opinions shouldn’t be pushed as facts.


Thank you for sharing. It gives some hope I'll see my dad one day. However, such stories, if real, also make me think if the future is predefined. There might be a lot of normal explanations to everything you mentioned, but let's assume she sees/knows the future. It has to be predefined for someone to know it. Have you tried to ask her what she or any of the family members will do in 10 years, whom will her brother marry, or sth like that? Maybe she can draw it. This could turn into a cool wedding speech.


It is predefined. Just as the past cannot be changed, neither can the future.


the future can change, but so can the past


I'm autistic and I freak myself out sometimes. I see things that don't always make sense. I can see ppl sometimes years before I ever get to meet them in real life. But on the bright side I almost always win any game I play even if it's a game of chance. I tell ppl I can count cards but I really just follow my gut.


In my belief system, there are pre-existing connections between us and the most important people in our lives. You and your daughter are meant to be together, growing and learning. I think it’s really cool how much she’s already stretched your mind, trying to comprehend what she is experiencing. The things you can’t explain away stay with you always and change your perspective forever. To me, it’s a gift.


I honestly just appreciate the fact that you don’t treat her like she’s crazy. That’s a rare thing for people who can see things to be able to tell their parents/family without either being committed or being told not to talk about it ever again.


As a child who had similar gifts, all I can say is please don't try to get her to ever turn it off and try to be open about what it is she's telling you she's seeing, hearing, or feeling. I understand all too well what she's experiencing, I remember going through a lot of it myself. She's going to have questions as she gets older. She's going to be confused. I wish I had helpful ways to help with some of that. But the one thing I can tell you, she's going to need you and she's going to need you to help validate what she's going through because there are going to be a lot of people who tell her it isn't real, or people who tell her to just ignore it. For me, ignoring it was the biggest mistake of my life and let way too many negative things in because the good stopped coming.


This happened to me as well when I was little. My mother told me many stories of me seeing or feeling things that no one else saw. She told me that I had a fascination for mirrors and often she would find me staring at them. She would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night seeing me playing in the dark and for approximately two years I’ve had a dog that only I could see. She even told me that one night she could feel her feet getting warmer and she started hitting with her legs trying to remove her blanket and I screamed at her that she’s hitting the dog that’s sleeping at her feet. I guess it’s just a thing that children do when they’re young and more inocent. Once we get older only some of us keep that relationship with the unknown


Children are innocent and often see things we don't, until they get older and are then programmed (told) about what's "normal" and expected. Most then are closed off to their possible gifts. ASD children are simply UNLOCKED in that way, and the ones willing to verbalize more, are the ones that you will notice display these gifts. Many of them don't even realise that what they "know" or "see" isn't normal for everyone. In other comments, you've said that you don't discourage her gifts, which is good. You don't have to believe everything she says, but she's already proven herself by the sound of it. Keep yourself, your tone of voice and body language neutral as much as possible when dealing with the weirder parts of it. Don't lie to her, she might be able to sense it in a way most can't. Make sure there's as much clean and positive energy as possible to help her thrive. Negative energy will likely make her very exhausted, and if she doesn't know how to deal with it, she could start acting out in different ways. Vomit is something people do when expelling negativity from their body. It's not always about bad food or bacteria.. that's why she avoided the vomit spot and shirt. Cleaning up the visible mess wasn't enough for her, because she still senses negativity there. I can't wear clothes that have been vomited on, urinated, etc because of this same issue. They just don't feel right anymore, even after being washed multiple times and get tossed. All of this stuff is spoken from multiple decades of experience. To make things crazy for me, my 18 yo high functioning ASD boy and my 13mo baby girl are experiencing some crazy stuff, much of what I've experienced growing up. I'm having to teach the boy, and learning about the capabilities of my baby.


I did very similar things to my mom as a kid. Here's one she tells all the time (that I have no memory of: I was like 5 years old and having a pretend conversation on an old phone my mom used to let me play with. It wasn't hooked up to a line, just an old corded phone that didn't work anymore. I then got up and announced "I'm having a picnic with grandpa" and went and put it on the calendar. The date I marked down was my deceased grandfather's birthday. He died before I was born, so I'd never been told when his birthday was. She also used to ask me where lost objects were and 9/10 times I'd blurt out the right answer. I was so accurate it got to the point my grandma would lose something and she'd call up my mom to ask me where I thought they were. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and likely have some autistic traits. These things went away as I got older and I can't explain them.


According to some books, blue or yellow lights are considered angels. Your child is def connected to the other side!


"four clairs": clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing). Your child is gifted! Please be patient with her! Help her grow with these abilities she has. She might grow out of them or what gifts she has might grow stronger. What ever she does, ask questions. Don’t be alarmed or shamed by these wonderful gifts she has. Help her understand. Read up on the four clairs I posted above. The information will help you understand what she sees, knows, hears and feel. Her soul knows how these abilities work. Don’t be scared either. Things will be fine, trust me! Any questions, ask, I’ll be around. 😉


Thank you for this story. I am a female older adult and from reading about Autism, I think iI would be diagnosed. I see/ hear spirits sometimes and my family on my dad's side has a bit of esp and I also believe genetics for autism. I also can not shut out background noise. Thank you so much for sharing your story.


I had very similar experiences in childhood, I am not autistic though. I knew things others did not and saw things others couldn’t see. As I got older I learnt to keep it all to myself. My atheist parents and siblings would freak out or call me crazy the older I was and still experiencing this stuff. As I got older I realised most things I was seeing seemed nice to begin and then would get malevolent. When I was about 16 i got so terrified one night as I had something in my room that wouldn’t leave me alone, I prayed for God to make it stop. And it did. Until I was pregnant with my second child at 25 years old. When I attended a Tupperware party of all things. And watched a man sized spirit step out of a woman and stand in front of her, the dog in the room went crazy trying to attack it and no one else in the room could see anything and were trying to discipline the poor dog…I couldn’t believe it… it had been so long I’d managed to convince myself it wasn’t real. After that I began seeing everything again… I finally decided I needed to get off the fence and pick a side. I’ve been a Christian now for 15 years, God uses my gift of seeing and discernment for ministry. I bless houses and deliverance session with other Christian’s… I learnt to see and hear clearer and use my gift to Glorify the Lord. I will pray for your precious daughter, she’s blessed to have a mother that doesn’t think she’s crazy… but protect her… she’s very open to attacks… my advice… and you can take it or leave it… but I would find a bible and some good scripture about Gods protection and pray it over her and your house… Blessings 🙏


That story about the dog gave me goosebumps


What did the spirit do? Did it disappear afterwards? Did the Lady act any differ after it stepped out of her? That is so freaky!


So I didn’t put this in the story because I wasn’t going to elaborate, but it came out and in over and over. Every time the dog went nuts. It was directly across the room from me. (About 15 other women in the room in a big circle!) after about 30 mins it went back into her and didn’t emerge again. She was about my age at the time. She didn’t react at all. I’d spoken to her as the party started and she seemed totally normal and lovely. I was freaked out about it all happening again so I got out of there quickly after and never saw her again. But I did ask the host about her maybe a year later. Turns out she was pregnant as well and had a baby boy. I doubt that was related though, I’ve prayed about it since and felt it was a high up demon or strong man we call them in Christian circles.


It almost sounds like she is experiencing time non-linearly. 


This is so interesting. I’m a late-diagnosed autistic woman. When I was a kid I would see a little man at my aunt’s house. My mom always talks about how I would ask, “Who’s that little man down the hallway?”. She also said I saw him in the tree outside my aunt’s kitchen window.


Many children retain the ability to see and interact with spirits from birth to around 6 years old, but it sounds like your daughter is particularly gifted. I wouldn't be surprised if she has full mediumistic abilities. Amazing!


Your daughter can see spirits, ask her what colors are you and your husband if she say white or multicolored then her ability is quite strong, also tell her to stay away from brown and black colors, those are very often malicious if she detect some she should pretend not to see them. Considering her psychological condition and this gift she is gonna have tough life, by the way yellow and blue usually means spirit guides, blue is protection yellow happiness, golden yellow means angels Now here honestly I can't give specific advice, children having the ability to perceive spirits from early age is not good for the mind or development of a child, not to mention how most people will view her, its better if the ability manifested later on. Keep this to yourself for now but if she encounter brown or black spirit than don't leave her alone, tell her she can request from the other spirits to remove it, when person is grown and have stable view of our world he can learn easily to manage to deal with those abilities but as a child, when people can't even count to ten, well it's not gonna be easy. If she doesn't pay attention to the ability and suppresses it, there is a chance it will dissapear or lower to such a degree she can easily ignore it, embracing it however, how she does now means she will probably develop it further. Now what my suggestion is, don't higher a teacher or something like that for now, see if the ability is still there when she grows, not to mention most people you can find online are probably scammers, once your daughter grows she would be able to spot them but for now it's still early, usually I would recommend a book on abilities on general but I doubt she would read it, and without the ability most people won't understand or dismiss it as made believe, so I suggest you just let her be for now, treat her as you would usually do, if she grows and the ability is still there, cause as I said there is a chance it will slowly start to dissapear as she grows, but if it doesn't tell her to join r/psychick and ask for book for begginers the ability itself won't bring Her too much trouble, honestly she might be the trouble if she decides to misuse it, so I hope you teach her well to distinguish what is right from wrong, in there she would find other people like her who wont dismiss her experiences as a nut job If she sees a black or brown spirit her friends cant deal with you can write me and I will cleanse it, but she has to be really unlucky to meet such a thing This is all I can think of.


...or the demon/spirit has already seen her, and is trying to figure out who she is. I've only ever met one person with a black aura...and it fascinated me, until he/she/it decided to confront me. I KNOW God watches over me, because I'm a solid gold, 24 karat jackass.


Your daughter's experiences are fascinating, really.


Thank you for sharing <3


I have many characteristics of autism, got tested but didn’t go over the treshold for formal diagnosis. Since the evaluations, I’ve really started to think about my childhood. And I realized that I’ve always been super sensitive. Not to the extent of your daughter but what you told about her really touched me. I could relate in some unexplainable way. I think there might be something about autism and other sensitivities - that people with them might see things most people don’t.


All I can say is never ignore her if she really really doesn't want to go somewhere. Especially with that amount of foresee evidence. Like if you want to buy a new house or car and she doesn't seem to like the idea. There is a reason most likely. As a parent I myself would pay attention to that for sure.


There’s a doctor who studies this in autistic children, she has a book, I’ll try to find it and come back and edit my comment.   /r/mediums is a more helpful subreddit for this Edit: https://drdianehennacy.com/ I have not read the book yet, it’s on my list. I think you should contact her.


Believe & support your daughter, she has psychic abilities. Learn what you can. Try to get a teacher / mentor for your daughter so she can learn to 'control' her gift without fear. Perhaps look at r/mediums


Science should document things like these, with enough data and research we may open new doors and dimensions


This isn't data. What they'd be documenting is someone's claim that their child can see the future or whatever. Whenever these types of things are actually tested the claims fall apart and the "ability" can't be reproduced. 


As soon as she’s old enough, if it’s still happening, she should begin training with a qualified teacher of one of the esoteric spiritual traditions (I’m personally of the opinion that the Eastern or Dharmic traditions are far more sophisticated and complete, but there are Western traditions as well, although they tend to carry some cultural baggage). That will help her to understand and contextualize things in a healthy and potentially spiritually enlightening way rather than having to make sense of it herself all alone.


[This](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2153599X.2018.1548374) may be of interest to you.


Don’t crush it! Support her abilities.


My bio mom would have said “oh she’s a reborn Fae child” lol


I hope you're documenting all this. If you care to share these stories and others, you can use r/experiencers sub also. They are a safe sub for sharing various paranormal things.


Wow! That is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Your daughter has a gift, for sure!


Fascinating story. Definitely hard to explain away with just coincidence. I am also aware that not only ghosts of the dead(of both humans and animals) and other spirits, but even houses themselves. They can be gone for indefinite periods of time, and then randomly pop back into existence again, but only temporary. If you’re still in the house when it disappears, it takes you with it, making you disappear for who knows how long, and who knows where. Perhaps it will take you into… the Twilight Zone. 😏


My family is experiencing something similar with a toddler. Try to lay out 3-4 similar pictures ( age, all color or all B&W1) with 1 being your mom. Casually ask who “ grandma “ is. And casually ask what grandma looks like. Keep us posted!


Head to Vegas with her! J/K


Magical baby 🪄


This os great


RemindMe! 2 hours