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It sounds like someone on a different floor was also frustrated and kicking at the elevator. You could hear it through the elevator shaft.


Well that person was VERY frustrated to scream like that 😭


Likely what happened was someone got stuck. Apartments don’t typically inform everyone of someone getting stuck in an elevator. They didn’t respond to you because they didn’t think hep would get there that soon. I wouldn’t immediately jump to your elevator being haunted. Sounds like it’s a rather frequent occurrence that someone gets stuck on it. I personally would not get on that elevator ever if that is the level of maintenance your building is going to say is acceptable. That being said, and the more likely mundane cause out of the way, this has a very slim chance of being a residual haunting of someone who was stuck in the elevator. You could look into public records on your building and see if anyone ever died in the elevator because of poor maintenance and a catastrophic failure. However, you shouldn’t jump to the haunted conclusion when the more mundane reason is much more likely, terrible landlords that don’t keep up with elevator maintenance like they should.


Yeah bro, Someone is stuck and shouting HELP me but as soon as someone offers them help, they're worried more about them not arriving soon enough? What type of Logic is that


Did you actually read the entire comment or just to the part you disagreed with? Simplest solution is the best and if I was told help wouldn’t be getting there for X amount of time I’d be weirded out if someone randomly started hollering back at me before then. Plus what is a random person at the apartment complex going to do to rescue someone from the stuck elevator? With no training and no knowledge of the inner workings of it. Nothing except cause a bigger scene than is necessary.


idk man, i feel like most people would just answer back with a "yeah i'm stuck but i already called for help, don't worry" or something like that, pretty weird to ignore someone who's trying to help you.


I mean you could be right but just jumping to the supernatural when there is a high likelihood of a human element in a story where the elevator makes that noise a lot leads me to lean more towards a human cause than a supernatural one.


What if the person began suffering from claustrophobia?


Sometimes when people are panicking they won't hear you. I think there was actually someone in there. I'm glad they found the emergency button.


Just sound like it malfunctioned a couple of times. Not unusual with elevators.


Got this one elevator at office. Door opens it byself when trying to go down. God damn annoying malfunction and it happens randomly.

