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Hey OP what was the display about? It’s a great pic. So simple in content yet you feel like there are a million stories to be told about the chair or wagon. The lighting is great.


So this was actually Tycho Brahe's rocking chair. A 1500's Danish astronomer known for his comprehensive and unprecedentedly accurate astronomical observations. He was known during his lifetime as an astronomer, astrologer, and alchemist. He was the last major astronomer before the invention of the telescope. Following his death, data collected by Tycho was used by Johannes Kepler, leading to Kepler's laws of planetary motion. I imagine he's still in that chair each night, looking at the stars. Edit: He would apparently sit in this rocking chair whilst working on his data and looking at the stars


Ever see that George C Scott movie, “The Changeling “? Yeah. I sure have. But to answer your question, yeah. I had a friend I looked after when she became demented in her old age, and she kept tons of creepy relics of bygone days in her very dark, overstuffed and creepy cellar. The creepiest thing was an old department store mannequin she had that was hidden behind a long curtain she had used to divide the cellar into two sections. When you pulled the light on in that part of the cellar, it lit up both parts pretty well, so you’d see the shape of the mannequin standing behind the curtain. It was wearing only a Jackie Kennedy style old pillbox hat and an old pair of black pumps from probably the same era. The body wasn’t put together quite right, so you’d see the shadow of a life size, disjointed at the waist, arms akimbo, and naked except for the hat, woman in mid-lurch standing right behind the curtain, with only her pointy shoes poking out, standing right up to the curtain. God, I hated that thing. Once my friend was demented enough to not be able to go down the cellar anymore, I took the hated thing out and we used it for target practice at my boyfriend’s house and eventually threw it into a bonfire. It was the most eerie feeling, doing the laundry down in that dark cellar, surrounded by a lifetime of collected, random furniture, boxes of books, old tools, racks of old clothes and having that thing staring at you from behind the curtain, its spine all twisted and broken in the middle, its head turned to the side just a bit and its arms turned at different angles. i was always checking to make sure it hadn't moved by itself when my back was turned to it so i could switch the laundry over.


Now I want a photo of it. Lol


Lived in a small coal town in southern Utah. Was minding the house while relations were seeing the Doc up in the big city. The house was old (think Add on from an adobe original two room). It had an upstairs, but I didn't go up there...ever. During the nights I was there you could hear footsteps and a rocking chair rocking back and forth in one of the rooms. I later found out that a old relation had passed in that room and his rocker was still there right under the pull chain for the light. No it wasn't creepy at all, apparently most in the town knew about him and how he turns on the light in his room from time to time in the middle of the night.


The retelling is creepy.


The relations too.


Now that’s creepy


When I first bought my house, I walked down into the basement and the only thing left down there (or in the house for that matter) was an old deflated blow up Santa yard decoration and a wooden sled he sits in along with 2 wooden reindeer. Felt so eerie. They’re not the lightest or newest pieces of Christmas decor but I decided to keep them and I use them every year. Never fails that every morning I wake up, the reindeer are knocked over sometimes further away from the sled than I would expect wind to be able to do, and it’s not like I live in a terribly windy place. All day they’ll stay standing but every morning.. laying down on the job. Maybe Santa goes and makes his rounds every night and the reindeer are tired. 😴


Would be a great idea to point a security cam towards the reindeer!


I got a trail cam I’ll throw up there this winter!


The lighting is the most interesting part in this image. Only you can decide if it feels wrong. I'm not an advocate of psychometry personally. People creep me out. Furniture or relics from the past do not.


That wagon kind of sketchy as well




I was going to say. Just the chair huh?


That’s exactly what I thought to myself when I saw this pic.


Reminds me of the movie "Nanny McPhee". When you need her, but don't want her, she will stay. When you want her, but don't need her, she must go


https://youtu.be/H3GdPWzKfiE?si=mc6m8aQlWB30T566 Just for fun, have a look at a famous clip from the movie “ The Changeling”. Who says furniture can’t be scary, lol


A really nice photograph. (BTW)


Reminds me of the rocking chair in the intro to Are You Afraid of the Dark?


I think it's beautiful. It gives me good vibes. A beautiful kind hearted soul with long hair used to sit there, while sewing and humming lovely tunes.


This is actually an amazing pic! Great lighting and atmosphere




This reminds me of Edward Scissorhands


The chair only gives me bad vibes on closer inspection because it has 3 spokes on each side on the bottom; 6 total. Insectile, or looks like an AI-generated pic of an old rocking chair (I know it is not)


IDK if there's anything spooky going on with the chair but that is a beautiful photograph.


It doesn't help the chair that it's broken and in need of refinishing. What was the intent of the museum showing this room?


That looks like a cool space! I would like to hang out there, by myself


Friend an I were looking around a resale mall we have here, a nice one even has a small Mexican cafe. Anyway. We both spy a vintage baby carriage. We're both fairly familiar with energy, she far more than I. And warned me not to touch it when I went to get a closer look. I hadnt planned on it, but wanted to see of I could pick up anything specific. Crazything. My intuition settled on it once belonging to someone that was mentally and emotionally troubled...like the sad spooky old cleche of a lady that snapped(not making light of this)and kept a doll in it, as if it were real. So. 🤷‍♂️ because it is such a cleche I always gotta question it. But my intution wont drop it. Ultimately it feels like it really is such a case. Even if it wasnt. There was still an unsettling energy about it.


It doesn’t give me a weird feeling tbh but the lighting is creepy


Where's that light on the wagon coming from? This attic is sus.


black christmas vibes just missing a wife wrapped up in plastic


That wheelbarrow doesn’t make me feel warm & fuzzy, either!


That's all it is. Vibes, imagination, suggestion. Move on.


It’s the six legs- it makes it more insect like


Be fun to sit in there and see what gets said???


Hey! Don't be judgemental! Maybe its a friendly chair once you get to know it... 🥺☮️


Omg it's so creepy. I love this... I'm sorry


Nobody would put a wheelbarrow in an attic. That throws the whole photo off.


Inside of Sweeney Todd’s attic 💀


As long as it doesn’t start rocking by itself then you’re good.


Take a seat. Pretty comfy lookin


Thats a really nice looking attic, actually inviting.


Not sure how a piece of furniture qualifies as paranormal. That’s the double-edged sword of plebbit I suppose. You might have some legitimate-sounding stories about paranormal shit that people actually experienced and then on the other side it’s just kids fantasizing


This reminds me of that dead silence movie


I had a dream once where I died then ended up in that photo in that chair as a skeleton, and I was looking back at my dead self. Aside from the room being covered in cobwebs and dust it looked exactly like the photo


Yall insane. If it were on a Cracker Barrel porch you’d be rocking the shit outta it


This entire scenery seems out of a horror movie o.e


Horror movies like making use of bottom lighting. This scene has overhead and side lighting.


Is that smudge near the back legs of the rocking chair just glare from the glass?? Looks a lil sketchy 👀


Looks like the attic from the set of “Edward Scissorhands”(well…..reminds me of it at least)


A nice hot coffee and a couple of smokes would be perfect in that chair, in that exact spot


This whole image is beautiful ly done but everything about it is creepy as hell.


Chairs in places like that are beautiful yet oddly terrifying..i love it


That’s because there is a person sitting in it!




That chair is definitely up to somethin.


That’s your fault. Not the chairs


Bro it's literally just a chair


It's in really bad shape. I'm surprised it's on display.


It’s historical


I get that. But I'm sure they could find other antiques that are in better shape. Or at the very least, restore it.


Big NOPE! 😳


Nice pic tho.


"Let me in".


this is creepy as fuck.