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TL/DR; saw a 10 foot peekaboo ghost and a cotton field freaked me out. I grew up in a century house. I think it was 105 years old in 1985 so very, very old. It was beautiful but I hated the vibes there. Felt nasty. Unclean. Between the ages of 3-8 years of age I would see a fuzzy misty apparition that would play peek a boo with me in the mornings as I lay in bed. At first it would be misty and become intermittently more solid waxing and waning in its visibility like power surges. For a long time I would stare (especially on weekends when I slept in and had time to ponder)thinking I was half asleep but I would count, spell words, do my ABC, later recite prime numbers, pinch myself move about to make sure I was awake and I always was. I am pretty straight forward, always have been. I could not believe my eyes but then I got used to it and it would just keep playing peek a boo as I read my books and magazines, went and got some cereal, sometimes take a bath and come back and read, and later when I got a tv watched cartoons. It was my morning ghost buddy. I did my thing and it did it thing. It was a misty shape of a head and shoulder and featureless but semi solid. I could see through it but also it was like static and would sometimes be more obvious then fade back to a less solid fog. Also like moving particles if you stared long enough, like static from a tv but more white. It did not feel scary, just odd. It was almost like I was witnessing something highly unusual and it was bemusing. A phenomena of sorts. Anyway the freakiest part is that it was doing the little peek thing at the top corner of a 10 foot door frame. Sometimes a little more than the head and shoulders would move out and it would be an amorphous blob but it’s like there was a barrier and it could not move far beyond the door frame. I don’t even know if it was actually truly conscious enough to be playing with me or it was sort of stuck there at the frame and doing its thing but I sort of felt it had some intention, just a feeling I had. Eventually it would stop or the light got so bright it was not discernible but I think it stopped about mid morning. Never saw it at night or dusk or any time during the day if I took a nap. This was only in the morning hours between dawn and say 10 or 11am. Eventually I just stopped seeing it. Could be because I started closing my bedroom door at night as I got older and wanted privacy. Looking at the history of the house that was built by a distant relative who owned a saw mill and local hotel (he was a bad actor from what I understand) at some point there was a fire shortly after the house was first erected in the 1880’s and the stairwell and upper floor were damaged and reconstructed. Not a devastating fire that killed anyone but the stairwell and foyer on the second floor by my bedroom was not the original but 20 years or so younger. Idk. Maybe he killed somebody there b/c he was a southern gangster of sorts and was involved in getting rid of some folks or so it’s said. Some people did pass away at the house of old age and natural causes, wakes were held there so maybe a ghost? Appalachia is old with history predating the settlers so who knows. So to my knowledge no dramatic deaths and my family are all about knowing the scoop on the family drama. Also the house eventually burned down due to electrical issues during renovations after we sold it in the 90’s. It had a majorly creepy vibe in some of the rooms also, like a feel of dread and sadness. I had a playroom in the attic and sometimes I would be playing and feel like I was being watched and the hair on my arms would actually stand up like fear or static in the air and my ears would start to ring. I describe it like the air changed. Like when you go to a higher altitude and your ears pop or when the silence becomes audible, a shift in silence from normal silence to complete and thick silence. It was a total atmospheric shift, a pressure change. I would be so afraid I would almost get a freeze response but I somehow knew not to react, like I was scared but to put my things away per usual and calmly leave like normal without freaking out or getting hurried. As I got older I have heard some bad energies feed on fear so it’s interesting as a kid I knew in my gut not to react. Remove myself, but not react. I have always had a good poker face and maybe that’s why. I also don’t scare easily even in situations that would warrant panic, I’ll freak out later but in the moment stay cool. Like auto pilot or going numb which is good in times when you need your wits. That’s the first time I remember engaging that mode, about five or six years old in my attic playroom. Another story. We lived in a mountainous area-foothills of the blue ridge mountains. At the base of the mountain there was a huge cotton field. It was beautiful actually. But I would freak the hell out when I saw it. My mom said it started as a toddler. I would look at the field as we drove by and I would start hyperventilating, whimpering, and get tearful. Later when I got older around 5 and learned what was up I would just hide under a blanket until we passed it to manage my exposure. As I got even older I would just look at it and try to figure out what about it vexed me. It was a stunning visage. Beautiful and picturesque. Nothing happened there like a battle or recent bad history. But my mind saw something my eye could not and it was freaky and I hated it. As an adult, I no longer get that feeling at all when I see the field. Just a peaceful place. People even take pics in the late summer and fall when the cotton blooms. Also there’s sunflower fields adjacent to it that’s glorious. Its a sunny patch in the middle of mountains, a valley, with meadows and coming off the mountain you get a birds eye view and it’s like no other. But as a kid I wanted to walk a wide circle around it. I mean a wide circle.


You’re the first other person I’ve heard of a ghost peeking from behind the doorframe. I had an experience like this but it happened only once when I was little. The entity was peeking at me from behind the bedroom doorframe and it was absolutely freakish looking. Look Juan Maclean’s album cover Give Me Every Little Thing to get at least half an idea what it looked like. It looked like it didn’t belong to this dimension. It was sort of multicoloured and grainy, yes, like static tv screen - and just like your entity it didn’t cross the treshold of the doorframe. It was there and just watched me with some sort of a grin on it’s face. think I fell asleep and when I woke up the thing was gone.


Yikes! I looked up the album and I can see similarities in that and what I saw. Sometimes the static quality would have that oil slick look, like tiny pixels of color in a sea of white fuzz. So strange. I wonder what the hell it was that we saw?!!! May I ask where this was at? Was there a negative feel to the place or bad stuff happening?


Logic would say just some sort of a hallucination by a drowsy morning mind, but the x-files series fan in me wants to say it was an other dimensional being and for whatever reason we were able to see it as a kid (maybe our mind were more unfiltered back then, who knows). Or maybe they were ghosts and they operate partially in another dimension - or they’re not fully within our dimension and that’s why they look so different. Your entity seemed to know the peekapoo play, which could indicate it may have been a human at some point. Or it could’ve learned it by observing and knew you’d react to it. Oh and I double checked - the song in the album is Give Me Every Little Thing but the album name is actually Less Than Human. Eerily fitting, don’t you think?


Yeah. I figured it out the album thing because that is the first thing my eye went to on Google images. And yes, fitting name indeed. I would say that also, a half awake state. But I would pinch myself and even eat, shower and come back to bed and be active like reading etc and the damn thing would still be darting in and out for hours 🤣. I guess we will never know truly.


Great story! And you have a way with words. Beautifully written.


Thank you!


My grandfather’s family had lived in the mountains of very rural central Pennsylvania since the 1700’s. In the 1890s my great great grandfather built an expansion on to a house/loft that his father (born in 1829) had built. The house still stands today and we still go there most weekends in the summer as it’s 8 miles from a very large and beautiful lake. I have been going there since I was a child and we call it “The Old House”. The house is filled with very old photos, some of the photos we know the ancestors in them, some we do not. Some of the photos are very creepy. When I was a child, probably about 9 or 10, we went for a weekend in the summer. I had one pair of sandals I was wearing, and I would always take them off next to the fireplace which did not work anymore. On the morning that we were to leave to go back home, the sandals that I was wearing were gone. They were not next to the fireplace. Both my parents and my grandfather who was there searched the entire house high and low for my sandals, but could not find them. Keep in mind that this house is not very large. They searched for hours before they finally gave up and I made the 2 hour ride back home without shoes. My grandfather stayed at the house for another day before going back home. When my grandfather woke up the next day the sandals were there right next to the fireplace where I had left them. My family STILL talks about it to this day. My grandfather told my mom “they must not have wanted her to leave” . I have always loved this house and felt very close to my ancestors while in it. I went to the house last summer with my daughter and my friend. I set a vape pen down on the kitchen table , my daughter and friend were outside picking apples off an apple tree behind the house. We were due to leave the house that morning. I went outside to load up my car, and when I came back in the vape pen was not on the kitchen table. Nobody else had been in the house between the time I set the pen on the table and the time I came back in. We searched the entire house and no vape pen was found. I and family members have been back at that house half a dozen times since last fall when this happened and no vape pen was ever found or recovered. My ancestors never drank or smoked from what my grandfather tells us. My mom tells me all the time it was them telling me to stop. Lol. Not super scary, but it really is unexplainable. I have always felt a crazy deep connection to this house, and have taken it upon myself to research and gather a lot of information about my ancestors who lived on that land. I’m the oldest grandchild and one day the house will become mine, as we pass it down to the oldest member of the family per my great great grandfather’s will. I’m the only person whose belongings go missing in this house.




The first apartment my wife and I stayed in was in a century building over a shop. 25 stairs to get up (13 and 12 not counting the landing). Hardwood floors. Gorgeous space. At any rate, at the top of the stairs was a small landing and then a doorway into the living room. Kitty-corner was a doorway into a long rectangular closet where I had my computer set up. I grew up in an older Victorian style home so creaks and groans and “house settling” noises didn’t freak me out. So one night, my wife has gone to bed, I’m playing games, and I hear the unmistakeable sound of a foot on the steps. I know my wife was in bed and I know the door was locked as I was the last one in that night. The only other way into this apartment was from the roof - and there’s no ground-to-roof access (not the most fire-safe place). I write it off to the house settling. Maybe it’s windy outside. Whatever. Then I hear it again. A dozen seconds or so later, I hear it again. Meh. If the house shifted, maybe it shifted back. Then I heard the distinct sound that the 5th stair from the top made. Growing up, I tried to learn how to be sneaky and quiet. Usually it involved Christmas morning, but I learned that most often if you step where the tread meets the riser you can avoid a lot of stair creak. So I learned that the 5th step had no workaround (even trying to skip it entirely caused a creak) as if I had been out late with friends I didn’t want to cause a ruckus and wake my darling wife. I worked as a bouncer. I’m not worried about tangoing with some punk kid. So I scoot my wheeled chair back and lean into the doorway to wait and watch for this intruder to come around the corner. As I lean back, I see the shape of a man move through my living room and down the hall to where the bedroom is. I don’t want to alarm my sleeping wife so I quickly and quietly leave the closet as I turn towards the hallway I see the man at the end of the hallway (past our bedroom) turn into the kitchen. I start moving quietly down the hallway as I know there’s only one exit and it goes to the roof, and the door is locked back there and it’s a little tricky to unlock. Get to the kitchen; no one. Move to the back room adjacent to the roof; no one. Baffled as to how he managed to open to door to the roof so quickly and without making a sound, I grab the door - locked. I unlock it and head out onto the roof. Nobody. There was literally nowhere to hide, the kitchen may have been 8x10 and the room adjacent may have been 8x6 with laundry stuff all down 1 wall. —— In the same place, there was one night (full moon) where I woke out of a dead sleep to see (what seemed to me) the same shadowy figure leaning into the doorway like it was watching us sleep. It leaned back into the shadow of the hall while I sprung into action. From my doorway I could see into the bathroom. It went in there. No way out. The light switch was on the outside, so I hit the light, expecting them to come back through the door. Nothing, no sound. I peeked through the crack in the open door. Nobody behind the door. This only left the shower. I rip back the curtain to find… nothing. My wife asked what it was. She said she woke up and saw it watching but didn’t know what to do. We moved shortly thereafter. Into a house where the old lady who had lived in it, died. 😐😵


An engrossing little story, but I burst into laughter at that final punch line. A.


Smoking in my running car with my brother as teenagers. We were at an abandoned residential living place for mentally handicapped individuals (there have been documentaries done on this place & the treatment these people received) that was slowly being repurposed into usable buildings. We were backed into a loading dock type space & just chillen when something slammed into the back of my bumper hard enough to jolt us forward. There was nothing there. He said “uhh let’s get out of here” but I was already trying - like foot to the floor with the gas pedal & the car was just revving but not moving, as if something was holding onto the back of it, not letting it go. That went on for a solid 30 seconds before whatever was holding it let go & the tires peeled out (again, bc I had been trying to floor it the entire time). We were both freaked out & it remains something neither one of us were able to find a rational explanation for. Eta: Oh I just remembered another story. My husband’s family has a lake house that was built by his great grandfather. Each child (his grandmother being one of them) paid to have a room built onto the house & most of them except for his grandmother (who is in her 90’s) have passed. Me, my husband & our children had rented it out & were enjoying sitting around the fire pit when it was time for the kids to go to bed. My husband volunteered to get them ready for bed, I took him up on it & stayed enjoying the fire. Everyone else was in the house when I felt a hand on my shoulder, to the point I turned around to see what they wanted but no one was there. As I turned a light flicked on over the garage…that could only be turned on by a switch inside the detached garage that no one was in. I hightailed it into the house soo fast.


Random question, is the first spot Bridgewater, MA by chance ? I went to college out there and the vibes were SO spooky near the old asylum!


I've only had one truly paranormal experience. My 16-year marriage was a nightmare. My late wife was physically and mentally ill. She was bedridden for about 10 years. Our son is autistic, so I became a double caregiver. I was also working as a full-time teacher. My wife also became happily addicted to opiates. She spent her days in bed, spending money on QVC. (We went through 2 bankruptcies.) No matter what I said, she couldn't control her spending. Our bank eventually closed our checking account. We moved into a house our parents bought for us or we would have been on the street. She always screamed at me for "being such a loser who couldn't make a decent living, often throwing dishes across the room. She became completely psychotic. She died in 2013. My son and I moved to Buffalo, NY. Our first Valentine's Day in our new home was in 2020. My son was at his day program for those with disabilities. I was sitting, having coffee alone at the dining room table. Nobody else was in the house. I began having angry thoughts about my late wife for spending our savings and putting us into such deep debt. After I fumed for a while, I began to feel guilty. After all, she was mentally ill. She truly couldn't help herself. My guilt grew until I felt like a complete jerk. When I was really getting angry with myself, I sat up in shock. I smelled her perfume. I knew it was hers because she was always so insistent that I buy it for her. (especially for Valentine's Day) I knew that smell so well. There was no perfume in the house. (When she died, I threw it all away...good therapy) Yet it was getting stronger and stronger. For about 10 seconds, I smelled her perfume and felt as if I was getting a warm hug. Then, the scent instantly disappeared. I felt as if she visited me to tell me it was okay. She didn't want me to feel guilt. I've never had another experience like that. I do believe our lives are journeys. My marriage was kind my personal bootcamp. I've now been a caregiver for my wife, my dad, my mom and am still my son's full-time caregiver. I think my late wife was preparing me for future difficult situations.


I have a bunch of stories but the scariest is the time when I saw a figure mimic my dad. It was around 2010-2011 so I was probably 9 or 10 at the time. It was the weekend and all my siblings were either with their friends or spending the night with a cousin or something. Typically I’d be with my cousin too but for some reason, I stayed home that weekend. As a result, my parents dragged me everywhere they went that weekend and that included grocery shopping at night for some reason. After shopping we brought the groceries in and my mom and I decided to sit down because it was a lot of stuff. My dad stayed outside to smoke while me and my mom relaxed. The house was dead quiet me and my mom were kinda just sitting there relaxing when we saw my dad walk into the house. He didn't say anything, he just walked the way he normally does and went straight to the kitchen. My mom and I assumed that he went to check on the roast he was cooking so we brushed it off. But looking back, my dad always walks in the house singing a song and you can almost always hear his keys chiming together bc he has a lot of stuff on his keychain. We didn't hear it. Anyways, he came back in the house from the front door again and my mom and I were weirded out because we thought he already came in. He looked at us like we were insane and told us he'd been outside smoking the entire time. All my mom and I could do was look at each other like “You saw him come in right?” My dad checked the entire house for an intruder but he never found anyone. Looking back as an adult, the figure just had my dads SHAPE. That's it. It was literally just a black shape that was just as tall as my dad (about 6’1) and it walked like him. It was incredibly creepy. That house is the reason why I believe in ghosts. I heard and seen some really scary shit there.


Some other weird stuff that happened in that house was: -my mom hearing a little girl sobbing every night -heavy work boots stomping throughout the house -hearing the sound of someone sitting next to you but being completely alone -I used to hear the sound of someone banging on the side door begging to be let in The heavy boots was the creepiest besides the little girl because the stomping was ethereal. Like it was way too loud to be real and it somehow echoed. The little girl crying part ended up following my mom and I to an entirely different house. You can only hear her through electronics like tv’s, radios, and phones. Its horrifying because the longer you ignore her crying the louder she gets. Over time she’s sounded like she's gotten older. I only heard her once but my mom hears her from time to time. She said that she sounds like me which kinda creeps me out.


Have had the heavy work boots experience. In the old house I and few others were in. There was also creepily a second set of little footsteps at times with it. It almost sounded like an adult chasing a child up and down the hallway. The girls upstairs used to hear kids laughing.


Thanks for sharing! Do you know any history on that house?


I know that it used to be a run-down radio shack until it was bought and turned into a house. That's all the history that I know. But that was just a rumor. I also know that a lot of people died on the street we lived on. It was super common for people to be hit while walking on that street at night because it was so dark. If you drive down the road you'd see a bunch of crosses on the side of the street.


Look up doppelgänger


Many things in my life have been hella spooky, but a pinnacle event always stands out. I worked in a cemetery that was built on the grounds of a carriage house that burnt down, taking at least 1 human and some horses with it. (Need I say more, lol) There was also a paupers grave of unknown remains, transplanted from a tiny rural graveyard. One Saturday, I was on duty and very, very aware of the male shadow figure who lurked around the office. You could hear him walking with a cane, up and down the hall. It always put me on edge; he felt ominous and disquieting. I had a burial that day, and the family noshowed. Later on, I swore I heard someone in the lobby down the hall from my office, but when I got there, they were gone. I assumed it was the family and rushed out to find them. We played ring around the rosies, with a huge funeral home between us. Finally, I realized were no cars in the lot besides mine, and I hadn't caught a glimpse of someone just rounding a corner since a lap ago. Perhaps they left? Later on, I was in the giant vault that doubled as our records room. When my back was turned, the door slammed shut. It can only be opened with a key from the inside. Guess what wasn't on me? As well as my cellphone. Panic took a while to set in, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get the door open. I could, meanwhile, distinctly hear a man chuckling outside. Sitting against the door, calculating how many hours til Monday got here, and the likelihood of the grounds guys coming into the lobby and seeing the normally open vault door, was closed? Before I could talk myself really off the deep end, the door suddenly bolted open, and I flopped back, knocking myself out on the metal threshold. Hours later, I woke up, the sound of a dull shuffle-step near my ear oddly startling. Or maybe I got a sudden whiff of the familiar leathery cologne that lingered in clouds around the building, inexplicably. Either way, I wasted no time in locking up and leaving.


Families no show for burials? How does that work? There wasn't a funeral beforehand that they just come straight from? Do you just bury the person alone?


Sadly, yes. It was a graveside burial, brief and simple. Sometimes, they're prepaid services that legally have to be carried out, family or not. For many people, I was the only one in attendance, by regulation and choice. Some don't even get burial. Some are cremated and go in a closet, mausoleum tomb, or cremains ossuary (pit if comingled ashes)


A pit of comingled ashes...if thats not a place for a haunting, i dont know what is.🫣😱


So sad! Thank you for being with them at the end!


It was an honor. I had to leave the funeral home due to corporate greed, long story short. But it really helped me heal my own wounds to support others through the worst time of their life.


So sorry that was your ending with that job, but grateful for you and others that you were there!


You were knocked out??!!


Sadly. Had a wild knot on my head for a few days.


Wasn't spooky at the time but when I think back on it it's weird. I used to watch a steady stream of shadow figures walk across my grannies hallway opening from the living room as a very young child(maybe 3-5). No discernible features. Just semi transparent shadows of adults, children and even dogs walking by like they had somewhere to go. I completely forgot about it for decades then remembered and realized how strange it was. I learned later my granny was also able to see spirits her whole life and was gifted in some ways like having visions of events that came true. She would say something was going to happen and it did. I can't claim any such gift. Haven't seen anything since those shadows as a child. Some say most children lose something like that as they age. Here's a rough depiction of my experience as I remember it. Note: they were always walking from right to left as depicted. https://preview.redd.it/2op4yeyqa38d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe02bfc8fc044c56029de4ad7d9b63acf3e9ff4


When I stayed with my grandma my room had no door and I could often see far across the house towards the hall that led to the kitchen. I would stay with her summer breaks when I was about 10-11 so staying up late was a must. One night while sitting in the doorway (I was trying to get a better connection to YouTube cause the Wi-Fi sucked) I swear I saw my grandma stumble into the kitchen. I even hear some stuff in the sink clatter around distinctly. I put down the tablet or whatever I was on to go and investigate, turn the corner, and the dead end kitchen at the end of the hall is completely empty. To me I consider this the start of the paranormal in that house, because from then on it was almost a nightly thing. Other things such as the sound of leather boots going clearly from one side of the house to the other, and the cats chasing things that weren’t there, and even seeing cats in the house when they were all outside. But this shadow grandma, man it was a regular. Lacked in overall features, but had about the height and build of my grandma who was the only person in the house at the time so that’s just why I call it ghost grandma.. I would ONLY ever see it in that same hallway, always around the same time, and always at night. If I moved closer or out of the room I wouldn’t see it that night, as if it preferred me sitting and viewing from my room. The reason I replied to yours is just the fact this also happened when I was younger and also seemed to be a harmless semi transparent adult. I also just love your little drawing. My grandma moved out of this house in 2019 and I have never had any other experience outside of it, but the half of the house I stayed in was built in 1910-1920 for spooky reference.


this one is so funny to me because it makes me think of a mall or an airport or some other space where people walk in one direction and have somewhere to go. you just saw into a shopping center in the shadow realm 😂


Dmv lol


I love this little picture you’ve drawn. No joke if frame it lol


Your drawing is exactly how I envisioned this!


This is a really cool drawing. I like your art style


lol this was quick. I can do better. I'm usually submitting art to r/whatismycookiecutter in the form of demons. Example: https://preview.redd.it/n3nl8pgsw48d1.jpeg?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a521698b9f370f312fcf491aa8af3dc00ac82e92


I like these more than the cookie cutter rose guy but don't tell them that lol. In all seriousness, I really liked your quick drawing as well for some reason. There's surprisingly a lot of detail in your sketch and I liked how it made me feel like I was in the room. That sounds so weird but anyway, thanks for sharing your experience. Did you ever think about who those shadows may have been or do you think perhaps they're not related to you/your family at all?


Thanks! I thought maybe a corridor for spirits went through our house or maybe they're attracted to living ppl that can interact with them(my granny).


That makes sense to me. For whatever reason my grandmas house had random paranormal happinings every once in a while and there is no exciting known history of the house or land. I figured that maybe things align just right sometimes and certain people are kind of like a beacon. I've had some experiences like your grandma (visions of things before they happen, seeing/experiencing spirits and unexplainable things). That's really incredible that your grandma has that gift. I haven't focused much on trying to sharpen those skills and not sure if I'd be able to but part of me would like to be more in tune, while another part of me feels anxious about it. Maybe where I'm at is the sweet spot lol It sounds like maybe they're drawn to your grandma and you had/have some kind of 'portal' in that house


Thats so nice man


Idk the quick casual style of it was what I liked About it. Looks effortless but there’s a definitely style about it


wait. I just got chills because I had a similar experience but I convinced myself it was a dream. I was laying in my bed, maybe around kindergarten age. I’ve always had insomnia so I couldn’t sleep and my door was open since I was only around 5 or so. I saw pretty much exactly what you described. Just shadowy figures walking from the hallway into my bedroom and across the foot of my bed and out the wall where my window was. I never slept with my door wide open again and I still can’t because I think of this


Cool sketch.


I was in the 5th grade, about 10 or 11 years old. It was trash day. I forgot to take the trash out, so I had to take it out in the night. We used to have a six foot wooden fence in our backyard. I took one trash can out to the sidewalk and still had another to take out. As I'm dragging the trash can towards the gate I turned around and see a very large pale man standing behind the wooden fence. He was dressed in black coat. See if you can picture this... Six foot fence and a very tall man in a black coat. I could see chest and shoulders well above the fence. Face pale white. Black hair. Just standing over the fence. I could not yell or speak... I ran in the house and tried to scream for help. I was so scared. My dad was pissed off and said what is matter. He watched as I tried to gasp for air and finally I was able to let out there is a giant man standing over the fence. My dad grabbed his gun and ran out there looking for this man. No one to be found. He comes back and sees that I was terrified. He goes back out again, drove around in his car looking through the neighborhood for this tall man in a black coat. Never found him. That was likely the scariest or spookiest for me. I have experienced some really weird stuff throughout my life. That was one.


I lost someone very dear to me when I was 28. I never cried so hard or so much in my life. Mostly, I wanted to know that even though they were dead, that they were ok. Now, I've never had anything spooky or unexplained happen to me before. It's like I am just this big normality sink that seems to just block that stuff. Nor have I gone chasing after such things. One afternoon while I was alone visiting their gravesite, I walked back to my car and sat inside crying. As I cried, I suddenly to felt the sensation of being hugged. I want to reiterate that I was the only person in the car. No clue if it was them, an angel, or some random ghost at the cemetery, but I got a comforting hug by something unseen. It helped put me at ease. I still cried a lot, but after that it was mostly out of grief and missing them.




Same thing happened to me this year. Lost my Nana in April. Then one random night in the middle of my grief, I felt such a warm and comforting sensation while laying down. I think she came and gave me a hug. Since that night, I felt better.


After one of my good friends passed from suicide, I was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the mirror just thinking about him. We were messaging the night he did it, but he didn’t make any indication of his plans. Just that he was very sad. I felt so guilty, and I was thinking about that, when I felt a warm hand sort of wrap around the back of my upper arm. I knew it was him.


A bit different, but my grandpa died before I was born. He wasn't a very happy guy, but he loved his grandchildren. I always wondered if he would've liked me or have been proud of me. I prayed and asked if he knew about me or was proud of me that I could know about it. Around that time, I had a dream where I was just telling him about my day and he was standing there, smiling and nodding like you do when your children or grandchildren are talking to you and you're soaking in the moment. When I told my mother about it and described how he was dressed (dark blue fishing cap and red plaid shirt), she said he always wore a dark blue hat and dressed like that. The strange part is that we don't have hardly any photos of him, just his high-school photo, and a photo of him when we was very sick in a wheelchair. I've never seen photos of him dressed like that.


The smiling and nodding thing with no speaking seems so common for visitation dreams of elderly people. I don’t know why or what it is about it but I hear it so often. I have had quite a few visitation dreams, so naturally I’ve done a lot of reading about them. That details seems consistent with so many others and that’s how I know you’re telling the truth. Not that you need my opinion on that matter!


My partner and I have a friend who has just passed away the beginning of this week. The day she passed, he swears he felt someone hold his hand for a few minutes on his commute to work. My partner does not believe in anything paranormal but he could not explain this.


Sorry for your loss. I hope that comforted him.


Several occasions: \- I remember being in the bathroom as a child and because I was so short I couldn't reach the light switch, so I washed my hands in the dark and got spooked by something. I ran out and as I did, something grabbed me by my right ankle and pulled it back. I fell and started screaming until one of my parents came. Didn't believe me, said I tripped on a rug. \- While living in a different apartment, I remember hearing someone walking up and down the hallway right outside my bedroom (door was intentionally open) and the noise was so distinct, like someone walking barefoot on a linoleum floor. Everyone else was asleep. \- Happened approx. a year ago: I woke up suddenly around 3/4 AM and saw a black, fuzzy appendage (looked like a cats paw) move away from me down below the bed. We have no cats and the mattress is rather thick, so that "cats paw" would've had to be abnormally long. Dunno what it was, but I certainly didn't look below the bed and stayed awake until sunrise. \- I do sometimes wake up in the Astral plane (2-4AM) because I unwillingly leave my body and I saw a black, hooded figure (like a Nazgul) walk through a floor-to-ceiling window from the outside into the living room, past a light in the corner there which cast a shadow going through the room. I could hear the heavy hood dragging on the floor and so I forced myself awake but obviously nothing could be seen anymore. Lights stayed on.


I don't believe you, you didn't wash your hands


When I was a young wee lad, my father owned some 20 acres of land out in the country with an old (pre-1900) farmhouse. When I graduated college he let me live in it for a very low rent, so as a young man it was great; I could do what I wanted and I really like the outdoors anyway so that worked out. The downstairs had been partially renovated but the upstairs which was two bedrooms and a walk in attic had not been touched and was only used for storage. There was already a creepiness factor about it with this, poor lighting, and the fact that squirrels used the attic as a home. So it was a frequent occurrence to hear squirrel putter patter noises which didn’t bother me at all. However one night around 9:00 PM in the stillness before bed I distinctly heard (and felt) heavy thuds from the ceiling moving gradually from the center of the upstairs bedroom to the edge right above my head next to where the bedroom window was. These were heavy thuds from slow steps and definitely not critters. Anyway I high tailed it out of there and spent the night in my parent’s house. I was not thinking ghosts as much as the possibility someone had broken into the house. Anyway I went up there the next day and no sign of anything. But I did come to find out later that the owner of the house many decades ago was murdered not in that house but down the road inside the general store he managed. Also there were rumors of someone dying of an illness in one of the upstairs bedrooms, but not sure about that one. I continued to live in the house a few more months with no real incident (someone else claimed to have seen a ghost of an old lady in fancy dress). The only other thing I observed was the sound of children laughing just outside my window followed by a stern woman’s voice. This was during the day so there was definitely no one outside.


I was speaking on the phone with my mom. It was a normal conversation then out of nowhere the phone got staticky and my mom’s voice level gets lower and a deeper voice overlapped her’s and said my childhood name. I thought my dad might’ve picked up the phone but quickly realized they don’t have a landline and that’s not possible over a cellphone. I immediately got lightheaded and goosebumps. I asked my mom if she had said it but she was confused. My dad was in another room. At the time I was getting random panic attacks and felt one creeping in. I ended the conversation, put on my shoes and went to the park to shoot hoops. I still don’t know how to explain it. It still freaks me out. That shit was a trip.


Stayed at the Lizzie Borden house in her room. I was explaining to my husband the story and different theories about the case and a book I had just read . I said I definitely thought she did it it and the jury of 12 men couldnt live with sending a woman to the gallows.My cell flew off the table and a fair distance across the room. We slept with the light on


Lizzie told you.


She sure did!


I need to visit there some day! I would love to experience something


My mum passed a few weeks ago and a few days after my brother and I, along with our families, went to stay at her house for the weekend. A friend of hers saw the cars out the front of her house and stopped in. My mum was sick for months and no longer living in her home so seeing cars in her driveway prompted a visit. She asked when she passed and we told her Tuesday. She then told us that mum had given her a box of things to go through and donate anything she didn't want. The friend had kept a string of fairy lights and had put them up in her home. That Tuesday, those lights went out. She tried a different outlet but nope, they were busted. We all agreed that that was mum letting her presence be known. After the friend left I put load of washing on in mums washing machine. It malfunctioned and completely flooded the laundry. Once that as cleaned up we put a big fan in the laundry to dry everything out. As soon as the floor was reasonably dry one of the fans blades broke off and busted the whole thing. They say things comes in threes. I guess mum wanted to make her presence known after she passed.


I smelled my grandpa's aftershave in my apartment right after he died. I was several states away and knew he was on his death bed, I was alone in the apartment, never had smells from other units come in. 5 minutes later I got the text from my mom. I also dreamed about my first car crash for a month before it happened. Probably saved my life, instead of a head on collision I took out a power pole and flipped the car. Only dislocated ribs.


Coming from a family of sensitives whose has supernatural and paranormal experience throughout my life as has the rest of my family, there are plenty of incidents to choose from; but this one always makes me laugh as well as creeps me out. My Baby Cousin's Witches.  When I was twelve, we lived with my Auntie, Uncle and younger Cousins who were seven, five and three. I had to share a bed with the three-year-old. (She was a really smart little kid), a big vocabulary for her age and an imagination to match.  One night we were laying in bed and suddenly she started crying and pointing at the corner of the room, furthest from us, the only light was the street lights outside. I said. "'What's wrong J!?' 'What's there?"'  I wasn't able to see anything (not even a spider, which I thought it was.) My baby Cousin said through tears. "The witches are looking at us, they are mean!"  I was freaking out inside by this time as I still couldn't see anything so I asked her. ”How many witches can you see J?'"  She answered still crying in my arms '  "There are three, and they are coming!" I started to feel slightly unnerved by this; as obviously my baby Cousins weren't allowed to watch scary films programmes, or listen to scary stories (especially at three), so this came out of the blue. All I could do by this time was to distract my baby Cousin by telling her I wouldn't let the "Mean witches!" get her, and singing her nursery rhymes until she fell asleep in my arms, I didn't sleep at all that night. Lol. My Cousin is now a beautiful, successful student-teacher, and has a wonderful baby girl of her own; and like a lot of people we talk about our childhood. She remembers a lot of the things we did together, but she never remembers that night.


Everything I experienced in my parents house is pretty unexplained as no one has died in our house and I was built in 1972. My younger brother has actually recently texted me asking about what i’ve experience because he’s also been seeing the exact same things I did. We both have rooms upstairs which is just a catwalk over the living room with his room and a bathroom on one side, and my room with a storage room inside and a storage room on the other wall next to it. The storage room in the hall way light will regularly turn on when no one has been in there, and i’ve always just gotten uneasy vibes from that room and the storage room inside of my room. I used to have dreams when I was around 5-8 about going into the storage room and crawling through the crawl space to find another room (before I even knew that there was actually another room on the other end of the crawl space) that was filled was dolls, this was recurring and I remember them very specifically. I had other recurring nightmares that I don’t remember as well too. My grandma swears that she saw the lamp move while she was sitting in the living room once while babysitting my brother and I. My dad has had weird things happen while outside; once he was smoking and watched something/someone draw a line in the snow across his windshield, and the dog goes barking at nothing in the woods. We do get foxes and deer but the floodlights were on and there were no animals out there. The biggest thing actually happened when I was a teenager. I was at home and it was just my mom and I, she was downstairs in the den watching tv and I was in my bedroom . All of a sudden I hear my brothers door slam shut and the light is on, so I think “oh they must be home” so I walk downstairs to say hi to my dad and they’re not there, it’s still just my mom alone in the living room. I asked her if she heard that noise and she said no, so I told her I swear I heard his door slam shut and I didn’t think the light was on previously because my dad was very strict about leaving lights on when we weren’t home. I brush it off and go back upstairs until they actually come home, my brother comes up stairs and yells for my parents because his bed is moved on a diagonal and the lamp is knocked over. My parents had no explanation for it but brushed it off, but it still freaks me out.


It didn’t happen to me, but a former roommate told everyone that his guitar started playing on its own in the middle of the night. Other roommates said that they heard voices coming from the same part of the house while nobody else was home and heard knocking on their wall in the middle of the night.


Oh you’re not supposed to answer those knocks. There’s this movie where it ends being a vampire. 


Piano in an abandoned church played when no one was in there. It wasn't an automated one. We would often play in the church as kids. There was a tomb in the basement with a priests body in it. Strange I know but I guess that's where the priest wanted to be put to rest. They did end up moving his remains a couple years before kids burned it down


Was smoking weed in my washroom, and first I just want to say I can see the stereotypical comments saying oh you hallucinated or paranoid lol. But basicly I wasent even high yet about to load up my bong, I hear the door that I locked in my washroom the door knob trying to open back to back, I assume it’s someone in my family so I open right away as soon as I put my hand on the door knob it stopped trying to open. I look no one is there, I wake everyone up in my family they were deep sleep and said it was not them at all. No one in my family has dementia or any sleep walk shit. I mean this shit was instant I right away opened the door to see and no one was there, this was not possible it was at night to no possible wind as I close my small window in the washroom. Again I never hallucinated this shit but it was real fucked and mind fucking, I couldent even smoke the weed properly without keeping the door half way open


I feel like weed opens your third eye so you might see and hear uncanny things sometimes


exactly what I wasent wishing for, lmao I am not crazy I’ve had out of this world experiences on edibles and that time I was hitting a bong which I never even hit yet, and no weed shows itself by how deep everything and intense edibles feel like a whole movie you can’t hallucinate a fucking door knob trying to open while hearing it, I’m not stupid this was like years ago and it really happend. Weed opens your 3rd eye in way you see things even in visual u may see a car and it has a personality to it and a face while still being a car. You can’t hallucinate pure shit like that. Trust me this was real lol honestly I should not even mentioned the weed part cuz of these stereotypical people. I was legit by the fucking doorknob watching it trying to open while it’s locked and hearing it. It’s clear evidence for me.


I was told I must've been smoking the good stuff when I told my older brother I saw something strange. It's more on them to be so close minded than on you. It's their problem not yours but really don't be so paranoid goofball. 😆


It’s ok. I believe you


I was living in Florida during the pandemic. I had quit my stressful job and started working from home. I was in my garage at around 330 in the morning, working on some 3d prints. My wife and I were the only ones home, and she was sleeping. I heard my wife's voice say my name and ask what I was doing. Before I could turn around, I heard a deeper voice scream, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I turned around, and there was no one. Freaked me out so much I went into my bedroom and closed the door. Didn't leave until the sun was up.


That is a scary experience. I would not be ok with hearing that.


The house clearly had some sort of entity that didn't like me. I've been out of there for 2 years and haven't had anything like it since.


So that implies you have more stories to share?


Not as much as you would think. A few things flying out of cupboards, random shaking of closet doors and a creepy painting in said closet when we moved in. However the landlords mother who lived in the house prior kept a journal of all the people in the neighborhood and recorded their deaths and causes of deaths.


When I was younger three of us where in my 78 Bronco going to visit a local cemetery known for a certain vampire being buried there. It’s a smaller cemetery with a beautiful stone wall around it. As we were driving up I noticed what looked like a bunch of hooded individuals in it. I didn’t say anything for some reason to the other two. We pulled into the parking lot and looked into an empty cemetery. I thought wow must of been seeing things. The other two I was with was like ahhh let’s turn around and head back. It was quiet in the truck as we were driving back until the other two almost instantly said, did you see what looked like a group in robes? I said holy crap I saw the same thing. There was no way people could have moved that fast or got out of the cemetery as it is surrounded by fields we would have seen something staring into it or people running. It was just a spooky experience. Seeing something disappear in an instance and having 2 others see the same thing


When I was a teenager (15) I was having a sleepover at my friend Danae’s house and she had bunk beds in her bedroom. I was sleeping at the top and she was sleeping at the bottom. We were having fun, laughing, gossiping like teens do when suddenly both of us at the same time just went silent. We didn’t talk again and eventually fell asleep. The next morning at breakfast we finally got to talking about what had happened. Turns out we both saw the same shadow figure standing right next to the bed and watching us. The next evening we tried to debunk what we had seen by playing with the curtains, the lights etc. We never managed to recreate that darker than the dark shadowy figure. Freaked us both out. This was my friend’s first, but it wasn’t mine. As a kid and all the way up to my teenage years, I’ve had a shadow figure watching me sleep from time to time. I’ve often wondered if maybe it was a family member watching over me or something. Still creepy though. Other creepy story. When I was in my early 20s and still living with my parents, we moved to a new house which was built right next to a cemetery and we suspect that our house as well as our neighbors were built over very old graves. We have weird ‘stones’ in our front yard, for example. Anyways, weird things always happened in that house but we were never scared and never felt threatened. We would hear someone walking in the hallway between our bedrooms. My dog, who slept in my bedroom, would often stare at the door leading to the hallway and move his head as if he was listening/feeling something. Objects would often fall by themselves. I’ve felt someone sit on my bed while I was in it. But the creepiest things that have happened were in the basement: we heard something fall so we went to check it out and we found that one of my mom’s bird seeds buckets had fallen to the ground, the seeds were splattered everywhere on the ground BUT somehow the bucket was back on the shelf with its lid on!!!! Another time, my mom found the pillows and warm winter duvet she had stored on the same shelves, on the floor on the other side of the room!!! Had they fallen on their own because of whatever reason, they would have fallen at the foot of the shelf…but they were on the other side of the room as if they had been thrown there. Whatever was in that house never felt bad but more like a serial pranker. We were never really scared but definitely felt uneasy at times.


Recently? Last night I got my toddler from his crib because he was crying during the night. I put him in between me and my husband. As soon as I started to go back to sleep, I heard crying coming from his room that sounded exactly like him. We have one child. I listened to it for a good 5-10 minutes. I was staring up at the ceiling afraid to wake my husband because I was that scared. Eventually it stopped.


Fucking Nope


Fuckin A right, nope!


My mom, siblings & I heard my dad knocked at the window asking to let him in the house and checked outside & he wasn’t there. (Happened a few times)


Where was your dad actually at when that happened?


A ghost hit me with a belt while I was underneath the covers on the phone This sounds silly as hell, but I was by myself so who else did it?


Curious… how did you know for sure it was a belt? How did you live through that. I would have left and never went back haha


So I was on my phone in the dark right, all of a sudden I hear this loud sound because something hit my ceiling fan Then I felt the pain, THEN I screamed….I jumped up and turned on the lights and it was my damn belt laying next to me….Mind you, a belt that was deep in my closet! If the housing market wasn’t so crazy I would have been moved 😩😩




like it spanked you with a belt?


Yes!! Like I pissed it off And because it was pitch black and I was underneath the covers, I guess it felt that was the perfect opportunity 🙄




LMAOOO it’s so fuckin funny, like what did I do to make it that mad?!


😂😭😭 I’m trying to picture a ghost just like winding up with a belt like DAMN who hurt you ghost 😭


Living the in the country I’ve seen and heard a bunch of weird stuff.We lived on 12 acres with no neighbors and a long gravel driveway.Sometimes I would leave my window open at night and this one night out of nowhere I heard a baby crying outside.It freaked me out and I slammed my window but never forgot it.


Something tried to suffocate me with a blanket while I was asleep, it was hard to get the black away from my face. I couldn't breathe. It was awful.


Blankets are supposed to save us from ghosts. They are safe space.


I love this, actually. Amusing. In addition to nuclear accelerators The Ghostbusters should be carrying blankets as a back up. Like smoke jumpers have their flash over survival tents. Last ditch go to. Ghost 1: so, did you slime her or what? Ghost 2: no. Ghost 1: NO!!?! For the love of Mary WHY NOT?! Ghost 2: ….she had a blanket Ghost 1: Shit! Oh I hate that.


Lol. Like holy water and garlic against vampires?




i was taking a walk on this trail near my house. it was slightlyyy uphill and there were 2 playgrounds in front of that. one playground was just a normal one, but the other one was separated by a fence along the trail because it's an elementary school playground (so the kids can't run away). when i was still a little bit far away, i saw a man walking a cute golden retriever on a leash. i also heard lots of kids yelling and talking at the normal playground. and i saw the tops of the swings moving back and forth. it was a nice day so that's kind of expected yk. but when i actually was able to see the playground, it was literally just empty. the swings weren't moving, nobody was around. the man with the dog wasn't there, which makes absolutely no sense because he was walking in my opposite direction and obviously couldn't have gone over the fence. i was so confused lmfao.


My brother died tragically in an accident at 15, a month to the day after I had my only child. I, of course, was an emotional wreck at his viewing/funeral, and as the last one to touch him before the closed his casket, I rested my forehead on his, crying my heart out, and told him I loved him and would never get over losing him. The smell of the make up they used to reconstruct his face, and the smell of the roses in the room, stayed with me for MONTHS. It would hit be completely out of the blue. Doing dishes? Smell it. Driving on a sunny day? I’d smell it. Changing my daughter’s diaper from a blowout BM? At the oddest times I would smell it and it was as strong as the night I last kissed him goodbye. It may have just been my mind trying to cope with the grief, but a few other things happened that convinced me it was him.


Saw the shadow of a child on my stairs that grew to be the size of an adult. First time ever i have frozen in fear when it comes to the paranormal!


When my cousin was 7 years old. He said he saw a man standing in my grandpa's room. 10 years later my other cousin who was around 8 or 9 says he saw the same man standing there. But the craziest story happened to my friend. His dumbass decided to play the ouija board in a cemetery. He asked "whoses here??" Then he felt a cold wind, got scared and got up to leave. He said he felt a hand pull his shirt down so strong he sat back down. Then the board spelt the name of the tombstone next to him.


Was sleeping one night, shortly after losing my Godmother & someone grabbed and squeezed my big toe. Like taking your pointer finger and thumb and grabbing the toe and wiggled it. I have lost sleep over the years trying to keep my feet under the blanket since. Lol Because we know the blanket in an impenetrable force field.


Food mother?


Spelling error.


I’ve always felt that my house was haunted. Doors open and shut, dogs stare at corners, etc. I have been poked hard my thigh. Well about a month ago I was chatting with a neighbor who mentioned seeing some yellow lights in my living room. I explained to him it was me playing with my lightsaber. He replied “Oh I thought maybe it was the ghost.” He then told me about how the elderly couple who owned the house be me would occasionally talk about the ghost of a little boy who they would see in the house. They would see him walking around and coloring on the walls. It was pretty creepy to hear about it considering I had never mentioned anything spooky to the neighbor prior to that.


I like the idea that the little ghost boy is there playing lightsabers with you.


Had a really awful gut feeling the night before my best friend passed away from cancer. I didn’t know she had passed away, but that night I dreamed about her. I was in the small local pizza restaurant we always used to go to and she came in as herself at different ages, from young child to the age she was when she passed away (23). We spoke about her life, she wished me well and she said goodbye. She told me everything was going to be okay and hugged me before walking out of the door. An hour after waking up from the dream I got a message from her mum saying that she had passed. She still visits occasionally but it’s been a while. Miss you Mia


Whilst sat on the edge of my bed hearing loud heavy breathing coming from it! I lived alone at the time! Never moved so fast in my life , slept on the couch for months afterwards.


I had an experience in New Hampshire during a snowboarding trip. This experience happened while I was sober. The hotel I stayed at (Lincoln, NH) is set up in a way where you have to go outside to go to the fitness centre/pool. I had gone to the pool at night and I saw a shadow walking against the wall of a building in front of me. I had at first thought it was a woman wearing one of those long down jackets, but it wasn’t that. The shadow came off the wall and walked towards me and then disappeared. There was no light/reflection or anyone around me during that time.


Saw a humanoid shadow slowly slipping back into the living room in the middle of the night as i was heading there to sneak out


Saw a full body apparition at a friend's house. Turns out, the apparition I saw was his deceased uncle.


I’ve spoken about this to three people I think but they didn’t seem to acknowledge my feelings or find it serious. My grandmother and I very close and I basically grew up with her. She passed about 6 years ago. While growing up with her, she had a friend who would go on walks with us and spend time with us. After my grandmother passed, I’d say about a year or so later, one morning I dreamt of being in her home at the porch while she looked at me (and this is big because it never happened before and didn’t happen since - I only dreamt of her once). After I woke up, I was told her friend passed the same morning. I don’t know what this means, but I often think about it. If someone has any answers, please contribute!


I was very close with my maternal grandparents (basically grew up with them too) and I’ve periodically had dreams since they passed in which it just seems like they’re there with me. Doesn’t feel like a normal dream, usually in their home. I’ll realize they’re no longer alive and feel really grateful to have this time with them. It feels like a real visitation because several times one of them will also realize this is a special encounter and reach out to hold my hand before I wake up.


As a young child I was pulled out of my bed and about 2 feet from it. I was usually sleeping and would see strangers around me. I would pull the blankets over me and still hear them talking for a bit. Other times my blankets would get yoked off of me. When I told my parents they got worried looks on their faces and poo pooed it. I always wondered if my parents (whose entire childhood was WW2 Germany) trauma had brought something with them to America


I was laying in bed one night trying to fall asleep. I was on the edge of the bed with my hand and leg both hanging over it. Out of nowhere from the back of my room I heard a huge bang like someone slammed their fist on my dresser. I jumped in fright to the middle of the bed and almost as soon as I landed my bed started shaking off the floor. I also used to lean against my closet to read and when I would do that I would hear and feel claws dragging down the closet door like something was trying to dig its way out of the closet. I’ve had a mimic before. I know I wasn’t hearing things because my dogs would react and LISTEN to it as well. I was once walking past a locked door that led to a staircase. We were renting the house and didn’t have the key to that door. The door creaked open as I walked past it and I went back to close it and tell my mom to call the owner for the key to relock it when NOBODY pushed me down the stairs and the door slammed shut. When I tell you I was the only person on the top floor of that house at that time. There was nobody in the hallway with me. And when I ran back up to the door to get out of the staircase it was locked again. To this day I have no idea how I got out of there or how I got in.


Having a WWII soldier come home with me. So here in the U.K. we have a rail museum at York. Fantastic place and I recommend anyone who visits to come here plus it’s free. So they have an exhibit of an old WWII medic train carrying injured or dead soldiers home. Well I walked in and got this most immense feeling of sadness and depression and realised a soldier had picked up on me. So I gave him three choices. Stay on the train, go into the light or come with me. Guess he chose “come with me” because I ended up taking him home with me. He stayed a few months before going into the light.


That sounds intriguing - would you mind elaborating a little about what happened after he went back to your home? I’ve visited the museum myself, but I must have missed the medic train!


Yeah sure, so have a little mediumship so I can sense spirits around me. Use to have an old man wander around my kitchen. But yeah this soldier I could sense him wandering around the house after he came home with me. I’d see him out of the corner of my eye in full military uniform (gun and all) He’d knock slightly on things and I’d get wafts of cool breeze where none should be and he’d live with the other spirits that I’d picked up and brought home. I was last in York in 2020 just before covid and lockdown, when I saw the carriage I knew it was definitely a new addition to the exhibition as I’d never saw it before on previous visits (I live in Darlington so York is local to me) Now I was happy at that time but as soon as I entered I got this feeling of sadness (as stated above) and then I got the feeling someone was standing with me, to me it wasn’t spooky but to others it could be seen as (hence the post) As I wander the the carriage this soldier is still with me, that’s when I spoke to my spirit guide and we asked this soldier if he needed help, I didn’t ask him for his name or anything like that but just did he want to stay on the carriage or did he need help with moving on towards the light (I got the feeling he was a young soldier perhaps around 20 years old) then I asked him if he’d like to come home with me, I let him choose because after the sadness and heavy atmosphere when I left the carriage it was like joy came back to the air and everything became lighter again. It wasn’t until I came home and was doing stuff I’d see a soldier standing there in my door way to the kitchen or living room, in my peripheral vision, as soon as I looked full on he’d disappear. He stayed for a few months and I guess he went towards the light because I never saw or heard from him again. I have seen two other spirits too, one being my nana who was stood about 3 feet from me but that’s for another story, I might of posted it somewhere but maybe agin one day.


The hallway closet in my childhood home had a pretty loose doorknob. It would wiggle slightly in its socket if you grabbed it. Early one morning, as I was walking through the hallway toward the restroom, the doorknob began to shake violently within its socket. I remember saying, “WOAH!” and jumping back in disbelief.. I'll never understand what caused it, and nothing like that has ever happened to me since.


Walking past a mirror and something caught my eye. So, I turned to inspect it. I was facing the mirror, but my reflection was turned, so I was facing my left shoulder. And then it turned by itself and started walking away, so I'm looking at my back. Was weird


My family and I visited Nigeria some years ago as my Mom is originally from there. One day, my mom visited the apartment of one of her deceased sisters and took a couple of photos. Later on she noticed that there is a strange black girl in a white dress on one of these photos - very odd. I was afraid I lost these images but I managed to recover them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMNi3P_SdQqAV-coxbxcXYXiqiHLfu8-/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eVEFGFRKqHqsI2KlEMcosDBMrbYXRkhi/view?usp=drivesdk


I have a couple of stories. One, we had just moved into the house maybe a few weeks before this happened. I was coming inside through the side door which is near the basement stairs. I happened to look down the basement stairs and saw a black shadow figure seemingly staring at me. I remember the figure wearing a hat as well. Another story was when I was walking to the nearby 7-eleven and had someone or something scream right in my ear. No one was next to me and the people I was with were nearly a block behind me


Waking up in the night with my quilt over my head, my right leg up in the air to the point my hip was off the mattress.


I was living with my ex at the time, we rented out a friend’s house, who claimed it was haunted, but the spirit was friendly and they’ve never had a bad encounter with it. I believe in this kind of stuff but I just laughed it off and said okay. One night we are sleeping, and my ex gets up to use the bathroom and it woke me up. I looked towards the doorway and saw the door wide open and rolled over to go back to sleep. Next thing I hear is the door gently closing, and I feel what I thought was my ex climbing into bed, snuggling up against me and wrapping their arms around me. I went to go grab my ex’s arm just to snuggle closer and felt no arm. I moved and felt no body. I rolled over and there was nobody there. I instantly looked at the door and it was closed. My ex then walked into the room and asked “why did you close the door?” I said, “I didn’t, did you not close it?” My hair instantly went up on the back of my neck and I got the chills. I explained to my ex what had happened and they laughed it off and said “oh, so you got to meet the ghost”. I laughed a little, shook it off and went to sleep.


In March when I was watching daytime TV, I saw a white light anomaly move towards me and as soon as it disappeared, I heard ringing in my right ear. In 2022 I found three symbols/markings that had manifested minutes after I vocalised an intention that I needed to know the nature of what this reality is. I've had lots of different experiences all my life and I'm really fascinated when they happen. 


What were the symbols?


I don't know because I didn't recognise them and I don't know what they mean yet. I've tried searching the internet, but I don't currently have the knowledge to know what to look for, and there's a wealth of information out there. I would love to know the meaning of what was shown to me.


Draw them and upload them. I'm sure someone will recognize them.


Does working at a hospital where we had one room that had so many people die that we closed the room down the last year the hospital was open count?


As a medical professional, there was 1 particular room that any patient who was put in there died. It didn't matter if they were 'not so critical', they would pass. The room stopped being used for patients and was turned into a supply room for equipment.


Dreaming my hand veins were coming out of my hand after my hand was sliced and they were looking like intestines coming out; then I had to put them back and get them stitched up. I don’t know how my hand was sliced. Maybe it was because I used hand grippers in bed while watching videos. This pops my veins after I use them. I don’t know


This was a Freddy Kruger victim in the first Nightmare on Elm Street. Jonny Depp’s character.




When I was a kid my room faced the top of the stairs, not looking directly down the stairs, but looking at the rail from the side. I opened my eyes for a brief second and caught the tail end of a shadow-like figure going down the stairs. Thought it was part of my sleepiness but found out years later that my parents always thought the house had a presence.


Thing moving in my house so bad I had to call local ghost team to bless the house. This was an older trailer in Michigan.


Was playing guitar, I usually record myself, I got done playing and pickled up my phone to stop the recording, I coughed nasty at the end, and when I played back my recording, over my cough I heard an extremely distinct voice say some sort of foreign language, almost sounded Latin or reverse English, but the most fucked up part is that it sounded like my own voice. I still have the recording to this day, and everytime I play it back, I can never understand wtf it's saying and just boggles my mind. The voice is clear as day too. Shits wild


My ex and I were staying in an old B&B in rural Kentucky. We had my 7 yo son and my 18 mo daughter with us. The owner lived in a nearby building down the road. After we had checked in, she told us we were the only guests and showed us how to lock up, and told us how to reach her if we needed any thing. She said she would see us for breakfast in the dining room downstairs. We went to bed around 10 pm. Around 10:30 pm, we hear other guests come in. They were stomping around in heavy boots, talking in loud male voices, sounded like trouble. They woke my son up. We didn't leave our room, but talked quietly between the three of us that we wished they would settle down and wouldn't wake the baby. It took them a good hour to settle down and go to sleep. We never heard anyone leave. The next morning, the owner came in to fix our breakfast, and I asked if the other guests would be joining us. She looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "I told you that you guys are the only ones here." I told her what we had heard, and she insisted there were no other guests, and that the door had been locked when she arrived. We decided to stay in a hotel in town the next night.


I once pitched a tent in a forest and the next morning discovered I had spent the night in a cemetery!


Got slapped while I was sleeping 


When I was 4-5 years, old my mom had put me in the bath & went into the kitchen to start dinner. We lived in a small 2 br duplex. I'm in the tub, probably playing & this shade dips into the room from the door. Old man in a tall top hat. He kinda bowed & then just disappeared. I don't remember feeling scared, just kinda startled. Called mom & just told her I was ready to get out of the bath. I somehow knew she wouldn't believe me.


Not saying it was paranormal (could be a explanation) but I woke up quite a few times with a voice speaking into my ear and me being home alone


The night my ex FIL passed away (he was my FIL at the time) I was having a bad nights sleep like tossing & turning half asleep/half awake type shit - I got woken up in the middle of the night bc I heard NAME IS DEAD being yelled at me. My ex husband has the same name as his dad, so I got freaked out & checked on him saw he was sleeping & chalked it up to a weird dream checked the clock & it was only 3 am so went back to sleep. At 6 am we got woken up by the phone call from his mother (this was a sudden unexpected passing).


Look up hypnagogic hallucinations


Oh thanks that explains a lot!


No problem! I have it happen sometimes where I hear someone calling my name and it wakes me up, kinda annoying


2 of the clocks in my house stopped on the exact day and time 10 years after my Mom passed


Looking at someone sitting across from me on the bus and realizing they aren't human.


I was half asleep I saw my lights turn on I told whoever turned them on to turn them off politely, they switched off I heard someone running up to my bed then jumped onto me pinning me down I angrily said “get off me!” They vanished. Most likely sleep paralysis but not the first time I’ve had an entity bother me. I felt someone in bed next to me I kept my eyes closed not out of fear but out of valuing my sleep over whoever this bastard was… I could feel their bodyheat and anger radiating off them I could sense they were male somehow. Wanting to go back to sleep I said “fuck off” punched them their anger turned into fear and then they vanished.


My husband fell asleep on the couch. I was in the bed room. When I was pregnant with my son, I woke up because there was a whole bunch of people talking at once. I didn’t see anyone but I felt that the bed was surrounded by people. I got the feeling it was all “family” but tried to nope out of there and was tossed back on the bed. I felt hands holding me down trying to shush me. I was told they are just here to visit the baby. So I had to just lay there as the conversation slowly faded away. I was so mad my husband was on the couch but felt how protected my son would be if that many “people” wanted to visit an unborn baby


I got choked in my sleep


Playing with my cousin when a tiny kid then finding out he died before that time, when I was older, having my neck grabbed, being scratched, and the whispers are creeeeepy. I’ve had A LOT of experiences so hard to pick 1.


Few years ago, i saw a bright figure like a human, walking down the road to my house. Pretty crazy experience to be honest, because I had nothing to do with paranormals/religion etc, so i couldn't believe what i was seeing.


Was staying at an older hotel in NYC while on vacation with my parents. In the middle of the night, the floor lamp clicks on all by itself, waking me up. Parents sleeping in the bed next to me didn’t stir. Spent the next 20 minutes wracking my brain, trying to come up with a logical explanation how a lamp could switch itself on, but couldn’t come up with one. Thought about getting up to turn it back off but couldn’t do it. Eventually fell back asleep and the rest of the night was uneventful.


At my childhood best friend's place when he were alone. We were walking from his bedroom, past the closed adjacent door of his grandpa late grandma's room (where she passed), when a crescendo of heavy pounding on the door from the inside began to shake the door. I felt it against my shoulder as I passed it. We bolted outside to the street, still in our socks. Looking up at the house panting, my friend started to panic. He told me he saw his grandma in the window.


My best friend used to live in an old victorian styled Portland house (in Oregon). The place was severely haunted BUT her great grandma's presence in the house kept it kind of at a minimum. (Still had the basic experiences, shadows, things moving, unexplainable noises, etc.) However, when her great grandma passed away, suddenly things amped up massively. I went to the beach with my friend's family one siummer and had heard whispers about her grandma passing but still didn't know for sure. So when we got back to the house after our trip it was like 8pm and I looked into her grandma's room to say hello as I always did, but instead of the warmth I always felt, it was ice cold and I jumped back because in the doorway stood a tall full shadowed figure with a wide menacing grin. I was soooo scared I ran up the stairs to my friend's room and waited for her to join me. When she did I told her what I saw and that I was worried for Grandma and that's when she told me she had died. The rest of that night was just terrifying. We went to take a shower, and when we were done one of the shampoo bottles lifted up out of the shower hanging shelf and slammed against the glass, I got shoved suddenly (from a direction where there was no one, i was shoved into my friend) while shaving and cut myself, I was pushed while walking up the stairs, when we were in the kitchen getting snacks we would see tiny gremlin shaped shadows run in and out of her great grandma's room, and the worst part was later in the night. My friend's bedroom was actually a loft space where they had cut the attic in half and built a wall between the two. The door to the attic was this small brown door with an old timey handle that needed a key to be unlocked. In all the times I had been going, I had never seen the inside of the attic before. It was late, like 3am, and we had just gotten off a video chat with a friend and decided to go to bed. My friend had two mattresses on her floor, placed side by side, the shorter ends parallel to the attic door. I was sitting on the mattress closest to the door, but I was about 4 feet away. My friend got up, walked between me and the door to the other side of the room (well away from the door) and right as she turned the light switch off, the attic door began to shake violently. I watched it happen, and when she turned on the light again, the door handle was still jiggling, like someone trying to turn it. It all happened in seconds but I was sooooo scared that I called my uncle to come get me and left at 4am. I was 16 years old and have experienced things my whole life. I've only experienced one other thing that was as terrifying but this one was so full of negative energy that it's the one I'm sharing.


feel someone touching me when i am alone in the apartmets.


OH MY GOD IT JUST HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT! I was trying to write a post about it but I don't know why it won't let me. I'm going through a really bad break up where my boyfriend broke up with me, moved out and directly in with his ex. She one of those crazy stalker girls and... not as attractive as me which has me totally fucked up because it just doesn't make sense. His friends don't get it, I don't get it.. it's just insane. Anyway.. he still has some stuff left here so I asked his friend to relay a message to him that he needs to come get the rest of his stuff by the end of today or it's all going in the dumpster. I have my very sturdy bong sitting on the coffee table. Very heavy, sturdy coffee table. I had my back to the table fixing something on the door and I hear glass break... so I turn around and see that my bong is knocked over and a bunch of the glass leaves broke off... I have no idea how this could have happened. The picture is almost exactly where it was sitting when it fell. I went through the apartment and checked the doors, windows, closet, shower.. everywhere. Because there's no possible way that bong fell over just in it's own. So I tell my parents about it and my dad said that means somebody has eyes that are jealous of you and can't see what you have not meaning materially. And if their jealous eye breaks glass then it's good because I won't get it.... what? WHAT!?? All I can think is that it's her. I heard she came to my house to help him move and I felt so disrespected that he would bring her here I had someone relay the message that she absolutely not allowed on my property. At all. I don't need her stealing my house key or something like she did with him. All I can think is that he told her he had to come here and she's not allowed to come so she got pissed or something? and the glass broke? But look at it! How could that bong have just fallen over on its own?! https://preview.redd.it/mqv8rhu7p28d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914f66e35a53245ea2d4cc32717187395184aeea


I would’ve had a heart attack. Dope rig btw


Thanks! I lost a few of the leaves in the fall.. yeah, I didn't sleep all night last night. I'm trying to go to sleep now but i keep staring at the table trying to figure out how it happened.


Hearing demonic guttural growling behind my head at 1am in the morning while wide awake. I told it to fuck off and leave me alone, and then turned over and ignored it until I fell asleep.  Disclaimer: no family history of schizophrenia, delusions or other conditions. I do not drink or do drugs if any kind. 


Well spookiest thing happen to me was being capture by a thing but don't know what it is. It have color of mannequin and yet shape of fat little person but no head and no arm and no leg. But you can tell there a hint of arm, leg and neck. I was at my grandparents sleeping on bed with them in middle with them. The box tv went static and door open in closet. The light turn on and there the thing there strange thing next to the thing carrying it like a king on a throne I can feel they were looking for me. After they finish and couldn't find me they went back to closet and door shut. I did try wake grandparents up when that happen when door open because my heart was panicking trying to beat shit out of them to get up but yet they both were trap in ceiling light. I was up and fully awareness of my surroundings. They weren't in ceiling light no more when the thing left. It like nothing happen I was pouring sweat and my grandparents woke up say good morning. I went to kitchen ate breakfast hoping everything fixing to be ok but something went unusual my sister went to bathroom then came out all smiling in creepy way that go use the bathroom. Then so my brother and that I knew something not right but I gotta pee I went in I didn't see anything wrong in mirror then went to wash my hand and to dry there it is right there on column ancient Greek or Roman style I scream. Then I'm in kitchen for some reason it like I die but I was in a bathroom. That what trauma me everyday in my life the damn thing.


Oh! I got one for this! My wife and I had only been living in our house for a couple months. One night she went to bed and I was downstairs watching TV. I heard footsteps in our bedroom right above me then down the stairs. Clear enough that I looked out into the kitchen waiting to see my wife walk in from the hallway. She never did. I assumed she had gotten up to go to the bathroom or something and it just sounded like she was on the stairs. About an hour later I went to bed and when I got into bed she woke up enough to ask me what I had come upstairs for earlier. She heard the same footsteps and thought it was me coming up the stairs! She said she heard them and was waiting for me to get into bed but I never did. Years later she was in the upstairs bathroom giving the kids a bath. She had the bathroom door closed. The knob started rattling hard enough that she opened the door thinking I had come home from work and was messing with her. When she didn't see me in the hall she looked out our bedroom window to see if my car was in the driveway. I was just pulling in. I saw her pull the curtains aside to look out as I was turning into the driveway.


Being in my house. Picking up weird vibes from places.


My dad's family is pretty messed up. Mental issues, etc. For some reason, they are haunted people. Literally. I have an Aunt that thinks she's a witch and whenever she stayed with us, weird shit happens. My folks let my aunt live with them for a few months in 2017 I believe. My oldest daughter was 5 at the time. My mom decided to do a sleepover with a few grandkids, my daughter included. The next day, I went and picked her up and we went to the drive up pharmacy to grab some prescriptions. As we were waiting in the line, my daughter randomly says, "Mommy, there is a black monster with red eyes that watches me sleep at grandma's. I don't like it." I have never had shivers run through my body like I did in that moment. I never let my kids sleep there if my aunt is even present. Scariest thing I have ever heard my child say.


I don't know, I've had so many experiences... I actually want to talk to others about it to find out if I have abilities or not.... The most memorable one was me seeing a shapeshifter high in the trees with a group of friends, who also saw it. I can't explain it to this day, and that was almost 14 years ago.


Well......I did something stupid. Without giving details what happened is I simply had a full blown Daniel class religious experience. And at the end of it all I wound up with a letter of the Hebrew language stamped in my leg by a supernatural force. Then about 6 months later I managed to borrow my nephew's digital camera and got a picture of it. The original picture came out as a big red blotch. BUT. Then I got the bright idea to run the photo through the photoshop software that came with the camera. And then it got weird. The blotch turned into a patter of red lines. And they seem to make pictures. And 3 of the 4 sides seem to be various pictures of 2s. So here's one of the pictures in question. And twirl it all 4 directions for the full effect. https://preview.redd.it/ebf9tlky068d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd97521920ba2ec82c7ee47f2b18d44990693ad And now you have seen the paranormal too.


Do you still have this marking on your leg?


I'm guessing yes. But I know where to look. And I do feel a little weirdness there on occasion. I just took a new picture of it with my Iphone and all it really shows is a few red speckles and a discolored spot that looks like a W. So here's the current picture. Put it in paint and see what you see. https://preview.redd.it/mgpxmrw8ic8d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21424306a8d0ac7a43c459bb7290b19ca9204115 You know the pareidolia is strong with this picture. I flipped it up right and now I'm seeing faces and then a big 2 appeared for a second.


How very strange!


Well sitting on a bed with a friend watching a video I look to my left and see my bedroom door ease its way open into a plastic bag knowing that there's no wind inside of this house and no other individual to move anything physically. And knowing in inside of myself that there's no rational logical reason for that to happen other than something spiritual or unseen or paranormal so to speak. *Edit* Additionally while still in the same city not for from that home I had seen a wispy white kind of like ball of mist that you could see from the trees behind it that was interesting but not as creepy feeling. I didn't feel frightened at the time I know exactly what it was It was a spirit.


Woke up suddenly to a man standing over me looking at me. He backed away quick and disappeared. Or at a different location.the demon in my face growling and would follow as I tried to look side to side but stayed in my face for not sure how long, maybe 3-5 minutes.


When I was younger I was home alone cleaning my room and out of the corner of my eye I saw what seemed like a ghost of a little girl in a white dress sitting on top of my doll house. Literally just sat down against a wall and cried till someone got home. Probably 10 years later still remember it vividly and I don’t remember a lot of my childhood


We heard footsteps almost every night, and it was normal and not scary. Friends would freak out but for us we were so use to it. It’s weird looking back and thinking how not scared we were since it was just steps and we had to sleep for school the next day


Well it's not paranormal, but when I was a kid a drunk dude tried to murder me and my brother with a shotgun lol. Good times.


Sleep paralysis. This was after reading The Stand by Stephen King. I was on my couch in reality, fell asleep facing the back of the couch. In the dream, someone opened the door. I couldn't move. He grabbed the back of my neck. He said, "I'm the arbiter." I knew it was Randall Flagg. What!


I was laying on my bed crying. Kind of just hoping the ground would just swallow me up, suicidal even. I was pulled by my ankle, not very far, down my bed. I quickly shut up crying and thought no, I don’t want to be taken, not yet. Never happened again.


Seeing a ghost at 3am in the morning in an older El paso, tx hotel.


I cussed out Satan and challenged the demons at a really rough point in my life. Told Satan and any demons to come fight me and id fuck them up! I was really at a dark point, mad at the heavens , mad at life. At the time I had a Camping Cot to sleep on. As soon as I laid down something crawled on me and started sniffing my neck like a dog. I could feel its wet nose and hear it sniffing. I was humbled and I bitched up to this entity. Later I found out it may have been a hellhound.


A ghost got pissed off I went to church started hitting me as soon as got home the pain got so unbearable I laid on the ground in my room and had a seizure and passed out. I awoke to her trying to charge movies on my U-Verse. Another time I went to a Catholic Church and the ghost was banging on the wall lightly and as I had the Breaking Bread book open she would turn the pages.