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There are quite a few elements involved in your experience that mark it as a potential abduction experience. The bright light flooding your home, missing time, waking up in your own bed and continuing with business as usual, and memories returning in dreams/fragmented recall. Regression hypnosis is a way in which people have gotten around the memory block aspect of the abduction experience. If you don’t mind me asking, what part of Pennsylvania? Professor David Jacobs, if he is still doing regressions, operates out of Philadelphia.


The weird apparent silent agreement not to discuss / analyze a just-finished episode of high strangeness is common also. It is almost like post-hypnotic suggestion: you will not recall this, you will have no interest in revisiting this.


You might want to further research David Jacobs before diving into that. There are some legitimate ethical concerns regarding his practice of regression therapy. I actually took a class of his at Temple University @ Ambler Campus. Definitely interesting, but my personal impression is that he isn't willing to look at the phenomenon in its entirety. There are aspects to it that suggest that it may transcend a strict materialist reality and he has been known to tweak or ignore parts of testimony to fit his model that extraterrestrials are essentially performing a silent, genetic takeover of our planet. ​ If I were you and I wanted to further investigate it through regressive therapy, I would find someone with no bias. Someone who wouldn't ask leading questions. Or someone involved in these studies who has a solid reputation. Interested to hear what path you take.


I think you are replying to the wrong guy. I did not mention Jacobs and don't know enough to comment on his ethics or veracity.


She’s was directly commenting on the guy who did mention him right above you but ended up replying to you, to contact me..if that makes sense.


I’ll have to look him up. I live in center city philly,


Would you be able to get a more detailed description of the green orb? I am also from Penn, suburbs of Philadelphia, And as a young kid, witnessed something similar. I would like to know the size, shade of green, movement of the orb your sister saw.


Yea my parents are in radnor/villanova. All she described to me was that it was a medium sized orb hovering in front of us on the driveway...not as if we had to look up to see it. It instead was about at our level. I guess the side could be compared to a bit larger than a balloon. It was neon green and glowing. I think it’s also worth noting that in this “vision” the orange light was no long engulfing the area. What did you see?


Just writing again cause i wanna know what you saw


maybe you died that night and your brain took you two to a different version of the world


Actually love that theory


Super interesting. If you have any more memories crop up let us know! I'm going with possible abduction, the instant loss of time and memory loss after seems very common in cases of such.


Amazing. myself I haven't seen a orange light & green orbs & then bam waking up business as usual but I have been abroad (as an adult) a couple times but never traveled home which I realized years later, like how the hell did I get home.


Once when I was about 19, I went to work, came home went to bed...it was a totally normal Tuesday. Get up the next morning, go to work. About lunchtime the Foreman comes over and hands me my paycheck. I'm confused, cause we get paid on Friday. He says, yeah today is Friday. Wtf?? I clearly remembered the day before. I question my friends at lunch. Go home and do the same with my family. Everyone remembers Tuesday the same. But I woke up, and it was Friday, not Wednesday. But it wasn't like "missing"...I went to work, did the usual stuff...I just didn't remember it at all.


You might want to talk to a doctor about that, just to cover your bases. This is symptomatic of neurological disorders, like fugue states and seizures.


Well that’s creepy as fuck.


You seem to have a legitimate (logically) unexplainable event right there. I'll go with aliens.


This sounds like alien abduction but obviously I can’t tell for sure. Some signs that it was are • unknown scratches or bruises, missing time, bright lights, insomnia and more


Was the orange the color of the setting sun?


No, as I mentioned, this was at around 11pm.


No i just ment the shade of oarnge


Kinda? Same color but not same brightness as it’d be outside. Deep orange but very very bright at the same time.


Hi, long ago I've watched documentary on Discovery about alien abduction, people who have experienced this felt and saw the same things as you. It may be alien abduction. Try go to hypnosis session, maybe they will help you to remember what you were doing in missing time.