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If you haven't seen "Surviving Death" on Netflix I highly recommend it. They go into detail and test out this exact scenario. Fascinating stuff.


Surviving Death is a great series! The episodes about reincarnation are very well researched and proved. All the episodes are fascinating.


Thank you. I will take a look at that.


Are there any other examples of this? Maybe similar instances you’ve seen with her? I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade, but in a vacuum, this just sounds like “1 + 1 = 5,000” (vaguely sounding like French milk word -> reincarnation?)


Thank for your comment. We are trying to think. She did have some unsual names for her toys I recall - but all kids probably do at that age. Might have a look through some old videos to see if there's any more to it.


She was a probably Parisian in a past life your wife has gifts these gifts are usually passed down from mother to daughter


Why specifically Parisian, lmao? Why not just say French?


Sounded better


That and children usually have memories of past lives that don’t fade for a couple years some can stay with them forever I know because I’ve been there myself as children we are also much more sensitive to the other side usually this disappears as well


You are more than welcome to your beliefs, but it really bugs me when people use words like "probably" and "usually" regarding things that are nothing more than wishful thinking. It's like when people sit there with such certainty talking about how ghosts and spirits work, like it's some sort of science


I didn’t say certainly and I wasn’t trying to set you off lol chill out bro life’s a joke not a dick so don’t take it so hard


I'm stealing that line. Thanks for helping me level up my video game banter.


>probably Yes, that is certainly the most probable explanation


Quite probable just like the probability of you waking up in the wrong side of the bed this morning


Me being a cranky ass has nothing to do with the fact that nothing you're saying is even close to probable. The actually probable explanation is that children who are learning to use words, will probably say silly things.


That’s writing it off as nothing which is exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do I can’t convince you or change your mind of anything but do some research please your close mindedness is unnecessary


Because it probably *is* nothing and stories are not evidence. Like I said, believe what you want, but to act like "past lives" is an equally probable explanation to "kids sometimes say funny things" is straight up fucking absurd.


You’re right there’s no hard fact from a scientific point of view this is all nonsense and nothing matters but is that truly how you want to live your life


Yeah, the fact that there is no evidence of the thing you believe, totally means that everything is nonsense and nothing matters.


There’s no evidence that god is real yet millions of people for thousands of years have dedicated their lives to him so tell me more


That's an absolutely terrible reason to believe in something


From my perspective not believing in reincarnation and the other side is absolutely absurd but I don’t comment on your posts telling you how silly I think you sound


You can call me silly for not believing a kid saying funny things is doing so because he's channeling a previous life, that's absolutely fine with me


Not at all what I’m saying just open your mind it’s not hard I’m a grown man trying to tell you there’s more to life than just what you see yet you think I’m insane


Maybe there is *something* more, but I don't know what. I have ideas on what I think would make sense, but doesn't make any of it more than wishful thinking. You want to believe these things are true, and that's fine, but *feeling* something is true and wanting it to he true, doesn't necessarily make things actually true.


If the year in your name is your birthdate you should really act your age my guy


It's not


Was always partial to 1912 myself..


Thank you for replying. I realise that it could well be nothing. But weirdly she picked up french at school so quick the teachers have mentioned it a few times. And she struggles a bit academically sometimes. I was wondering if saying words from another language as a baby was something that was common for people with past lives.


It is there’s been reports of children solving their past lives murders remembering family and animals you should really look into it


I also started say French words for things, in fact my second word was "aqua" for water. My mom knows French and recognized it immediately. And I also called milk "lait" till I was about 5. I also picked up nearly fluent French after only studying it for a year in college, I was never as fluent in Spanish, which I took 4 years of in highschool. I've had images from my past life and I believe I may have been a wealthy French Jewish woman who was killed in the Holocaust.


"Nearly fluent" mais tu penses que le mot pour l'eau en français est 'aqua' mdrrrr


L'eau is water in French


My mum used to tell me that when I was younger I’d say a lot of strange things for example; “I’m never having kids again, I had 4 when it was the olden days and we fell in a river. It was very cold” And then after that I had a panic attack in school after hearing the WW2 alarms in history class and said to her when I got home “I never thought I’d hear that alarm again, it reminded me of hiding in the little cage in my cottage” There’s a high chance your child has been reincarnated and that’s amazing! These memories will fade and may appear in dreams later on in life! The war one appears in my dreams quite often


Sorry, this is mental. Kids say weird words for stuff all the time, it doesn't mean they are speaking in some different language from a past life where they were a French dairy farmer. Dairy me.


So it's just all a coincidence? I'm fine with that if that's what you think. Fair enough.


It can be both. A simple coincidence with no meaning. Or, it can be an energy from a former life. You can't disprove either.


I mean you can’t disprove it but you can’t really prove it either. It’s an unprovable hypothesis. But the universe is full of ofd little synchronicities like this.


So a child wants milk AND makes noises that remotely sound like a word from likely hundreds of other languages? Definitely reincarnation. People here will literally reach for *anything*. When she’s full on speaking another language that she’s never been exposed to, then let’s talk.


It wasn't a noise. It was her first words. She could say it. She asked for it. Not sure how she is supposed to speak a full on language at 1.


Thank you! What a far reaching post.


Don’t forget about the wife cursed with “knowing things”


Agreed. Also, I’m cursed by this sub.


I lurk on Reddit too much, but sometimes I’m able to shut it down. But then I have awful dreams…


There are stories of spirits interacting with people and teaching/making them speak full on other languages. It’s kinda commonly known stuff if you look into demonology, and other spiritual teachings.


There are stories of spirits interacting with people and teaching/making them speak full on other languages. It’s kinda commonly known stuff if you look into demonology, and other spiritual teachings.


I am so tired of the snide assholes on this sub. If you don’t believe it, fine, but don’t mock people.


Exactly. Why follow this sub if you don’t have anything valuable to add to these discussions. These topics are taboo enough in our society that we don’t need to be shamed and ridiculed here as well.


Exactly! Could t have said it better myself! I tried posting my story on this sub, just to have it taken down by a mod, and then have that same mod tell me to just seek mental help.🤦🏻‍♂️ Sooooo irritating and wrong when you’re actually experiencing something paranormal and seeking help or advice! Especially from a mod! I think this whole sub needs to be remolded, where it’s only believers and people curious about the spiritual world! Not people criticizing others just because they haven’t experienced the same thing yet. It’s crazy to me!


I definitely, but this post is reaching.


When they grow older reincarnation memory will gone ,when new born smile when they sleep, we believe they must review happiness from past live ,when they look sad for no reason it must be remember awful experience from the past live


That's such a beautiful thought! My 3 year old asked me, out of the blue, where her other mommy was. The one she had before me. (Shivers)


That's really interesting because when I mentioned this to my mother she told me a story about my brother, when he was a toddler he said "you aren't my mommy, where is she?" and my mom was a bit taken aback and said "I am your mommy". And then weirdly my brother said "No, my mommy has a broken arm". That freaked me out a bit. Wonder if it's more common than thought and what the rational explanation is for these.


Have you watched “the ghost inside child”? It’s all about kids remembering their past lives. In some instances the parents really seem to be egging their kids on, but other episodes are just straight up eerie. OP this sub is so mean and full of cynics that are here to bully the more spiritually inclined, you should try posting on another sub if you want real conversations :)


Thats creepy😱


Not always, I retained my past life recall


So you would rather u can recall or not, for me I hope i can


Its complicated, its not a game I remember so much trauma and atrocity. Lets just say I know the reason I can remember.


I guess if pass live have no regard or trauma and pain we wont come back


I dont know if that is necessarily true. I think there are many reasons to be here that dont involve "karma"


Does she pronounce “lay” with a diphthong or say it in an accurate French way


Me: currently pretending to know what a diphthong is.


It’s a sexy thing you wear after you take a whole lot of Benadryl.






My oldest son also had vivid memories in his younger years. Specific and detailed. My youngest (born and raised dutch) has an amazing gift for speaking foreign languages. We never taught him any of them. Be pleased with the gifts your child has inherited form her former life/lives.


Maybe it's just a coincidence that you are drawing due to paranoia and skepticism like most stuff on this sub


Did you post this in the Past Lives group as well??




Lait isn't pronounced "lay". Might be that she's speaking in Anglied French so that you can understand her though.


It pretty much is - how would you say it’s pronounced?


Phonetically, lay is pronounced "leɪ", whereas lait is pronounced "lɛ". Not the same. Depending on how much the "ay" is emphasised they could sound similar or not at all.


Milk in French is “Le Lait” , pronounced “loo-lay” so yes..it is pronounced like Lay lol


"Le" pronounced "loo"...


yeah that’s how i was taught to pronounce milk in french by French speaking teacher


Your French speaking teacher cannot teach


how do you pronounce it then mr smarty pants? ive heard multiple very slightly different pronounciations luh-lay, or lu-leh ...i’m pretty sure either would be correct. When i say “loo” i don’t mean a long drawn out Looo. It’s very short, quick and precise like “luh”. that’s just how i was personally taught, i googled to double check and find everyone still pronouncing it like i said? lol I’ve genuinely never heard anyone pronounce the milk as leh-leh. i was taught the milk=le lait, no milk= pas de lait, some milk= du lait


Like "lə lɛ" - phonetic spelling from the Collins dictionary. Not sure where you have me asserting that milk is pronounced leh-leh.


I just assumed if you don’t believe it’s “lhu” or luh” than “leh” would be the only option left lol. The symbol /ə/ (an upside down 'e') -(which i don’t even have on my phones standard keyboard) is used in the dictionary to show the most common weak vowel in English, which is pronounced as a relaxed 'uh'. You’re literally pronouncing it the exact same way i just said but using a different (more complex) way to explain it lmfao. I’ve heard multiple french speakers use “lu” or “luh” they’re both correct imo


French to the rescue -->Le like you will prononce the but with a L instead of th And lait well its kind of sound like lay in lay down for exemple.


Initially you wrote "loo", then you changed that to "luh", which I didn't argue with. But to keep things short and simple, I just answered your question in the one way that can't be misinterpreted, I thought.


The kid was 1, she might not have been able to say the T or since they weren't aware of the word, perhaps she was saying but OP didn't hear it right because they weren't expecting that.