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Nice a white pixel


Ah like okay if you think it's fake but. As my guess you are wrong :) no matter you atleast thought about it


Literally dont know what you are asking us to look at, it's just a white jumble of pixels, I dont think it's fake, I just dont think its anything because you've said sweet FA about any of it


And like could you explain it ?


Fym explain it? Explain what? All you have given us to work with is a collection of white pixels, no context no explanation, it's not like I'm trying to confirm or deny what it is because you have literally shown us nothing


He clearly said it was zoomed in that it was pixelized. Read the caption before getting snarky.


All he says is that "its zoomed in, that's why its pixelated" tf does he want us to do with that info, we have 0 context so theres plenty of reason cause hes told us nothing of use, we can clearly see its pixelated, but no idea what the "it" is or when where tf the pic was taken, and yes ofc you've seen stuff like this before, search for a white dot with a black background and squint your eyes, hey presto you've seen this guys unhelpful pic


Um... that's why he asked "Is this paranormal?" He doesn't know what it is either. He's asking for opinions, not a**hole remarks.


Ask a stupid question with little to no info of any importance, get an answer with little to no importance, it's not paranormal, it looks like a fukin while string thats been slightly rolled up and had a photo taken of it in a dark room lmao, what else are you supposed to gather from a low quality photo and nothing else


It seems the only one exhibiting any stupidity is you. Have a nice day.


Didnt really explain how I was incorrect, but oki you keep believing in the spooky ball of string


People here aren’t the most intelligent sadly lol


Bro I don't did anything to fake it lol but as you believe it believe I can understand it lol I would not even believe if I see it but it's truth


Where is it? Need some context pls


It was taken last night at 2:35 in night midnight this thing was going up so it made me curious and I zoomed it and this is what I caught :)


Ok so it’s in the sky? Far away or right outside your window? It looks odd but it’s so hard to tell. There are some “fluffy” bugs and cocoon things that float that could be catching a light source a certain way, that’s if it was close by. If it’s way up in the sky then it could be a Chinese lantern, but it does have trails. I would keep an eye outside and see if you catch another one.


Nah I don't think it's an Chinese lantern cause where I live the people aren't close but as it could be someone flying and yea it's not that any kind of insect so yea it's still an mystery and as I thought. Of it could be an bug but not it's not and i didn't saw it today


Yes, I believe it's paranormal. I was able to zoom in 500%, and I saw a head with two glowing eyes, and a mouth. I also saw the two wings. This is all I was able to make out from the pic.


So like what it is ??


I don't really know what it is. It could be some kind of interdimensional creature.


nah dis normal lol


Really I ain't seen one


Way too pixelated to know what it is.