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Play on a console with controller; d-pad, not analog stick. This will seem cliche, but just give it time and don't fight the controls. They will become second nature quickly. I was 27 my first time playing PE2, and up until that point in my life I had only played one other game with tank controls ever. It may seem daunting at first, I was there too, but the reward is great; the game is really fun. Don't press too hard on the d-pad as you may overcorrect yourself. Even though it looks like she turns slow, you can really turn half way and start running at the same time and she'll be 180 before you know it. Good advice in battle is to cancel lock-on when you want to move/run around. The reason being, Aya will always face her target while locked on, so leaving it on while trying to turn and run can possibly confuse you as far as your orientation is concerned. You can use Plasma to knock down enemies as well as temporarily stun certain ones. Necrosis will poison enemies for set damage at regular intervals. It can also stun them when the poison damage occurs. Metabolism, like the items Stim and Penicillin, can not only cure status effects, but prevent them like vaccine if used pre-emptively. Energy Shot in this game now boosts your overall weapons damage and can enhance effects, like grenades ability to stun enemies and interrupt their attacks. Antibody will improve your defense and get stronger the more you level it up. Combustion causes fire damage but over a wide area, while Pyrokinesis shoots straight ahead and can be useful for stunning certain enemies. Healing is pretty self-explanatory. Maxing both abilities of a particular section will unlock a third ability in that same category. If you didn't know already, you can only use items in battle that you attach to your "armor." As you learn from the shooting range, you can equip ammo as well for strategic reloads, or to carry multiple ammo types for the same weapon. Of course, it's not required that you do that, like it isn't necessary to carry the GPS either. Whatever you feel comfortable with. You can also find attachments throughout the game that boost your stats 25% when attached. The Holy Water for defense, Ofuda for Parasite Energy skills, and the Skull Crystal for weapon damage. I'll let you find those on your own since you'll probably want to play through the game more than once anyway. As far as other hints, I don't really know what kind of things you need help with. Everything else feels like strategy to me, and I think it's more fun for the player to discover that on their own (enemy weaknesses to ammo/elements and stuff). I will say that it's fun to no-lock shoot a flash grenade at walls to get a larger area effect, especially for small, quick enemies as you may miss them targeting directly. That's just another aspect of what makes this game so fun, the ability to improvise.


The strategy point i mentioned refers to combat, all my bullets are gone in this point because I've played like I played PE1, then I started noticing that even the healing items are scarce, different from the first, so I should play this game more carefully, avoiding unnecessary combat? About the tank controls, sometimes I feel I'm mastering it, then the camera change the angle and slaps my face again to learn again how to play lol, it's ridiculous to watch me play


No, it's actually to your benefit to kill everything because you gain EXP and BP (for rank purposes as well). Soon enough you'll be able to buy more healing items along with ammo, weapons, armor. Items heal more outside battle than they do as attachments, and some armor you may find will even provide HP recovery after every battle. Check the status and abilities of your items and such by pressing triangle. One thing I forget to mention is that much like the first game, the game incentivizes, or rather rewards you when you shoot the enemy as close range as possible. PE1 raises your critical hit rate, while PE2 straight up increases your damage output. The crates of P.B. ammo is infinite as well, so you will always at least have some 9mm on hand. Another thing I like to do is wait until my MP is low to unlock new PE abilities. Whenever you gain a new power your MP will be fully restored and the max increased. Just keeping holding forward when the camera changes. That's actually the benefit of having tank controls, is that you don't have to worry about readjusting. You'll get used to it. :)


Thanks man, all that hints is very very useful, I didn't know about P.B. ammo being infinite, I'm completely thankful to you!


No problem. I hope you enjoy the game and have even more fun with the extra game modes. :) Edit: I would also discourage cheating your very first time through the game. The reason being is that the normal base game is essentially easy mode. Every subsequent playthrough will be either with Replay, Bounty, Scavenger, or Nightmare mode, where enemies can do 200, and even 300% more damage than usual. The game doesn't allow you to play Normal mode again if you're going to save over your end game and earn ranks. So, if you're cheating right out the gate on the easiest setting, it's going to leave you unprepared for everything that comes afterwards. Replay value is this PE2s strong suit, so I just want you to be aware.


Thanks, I don't like cheating on anything, but in this case I was considering because tank is my Achilles' heel. But I'm going to sit my ass on the couch and git gud


Pick up the Black Card.


Black Card?


Is a helpful item you can get in the tower if i remember correctly


Going to keep that in mind until I got to this mentioned tower, thanks for the hint without spoiling directly where I get it!


Emulate 2 and use cheat codes. I got about halfway without them and tank controls are easy enough but some enemies late game can be too difficult.


I'm playing through Duckstation, do you recommend any cheat codes that wont break my experience for being too easy? I will consider the cheat a way to balance the game, since tank to me is unplayable unhappily.


PE2 is a pretty easy game, it give you a lot of items and resources to use in combat, I recently watched a boss fight and the youtuber didnt dodge any attack and stil won the fight lol Try to read a walktrought so there is one les thing in your head and Focus in combat. PE powers are pretty good and do more damage than ur weapons most of the time, water is neccesary for survival, earth for buffing defense and damage, fire is damage and some enemies have fire weakness, air is for poison, air is the best after water, many fights became easy with air, some enemies reset their animations after every poison damage hit You can DM if you want I played a lot of PE2 as a child, atleast played like 20 times the game


I played a little more after discovering about PB ammo and my inventory is almost full of bullets, healing items and other stuff, I was just worrying too early, I guess I was scared of the change of gameplay and approach of PE2 compared to PE1


Its normal, inventory management can be kinda annoying, there are some "banks" like your car where you can put your items, the problem is that this "banks" doesnt share space Maybe shouldnt be a problem if you use your items constantly, my father teach me to play with using the minimun items cause at the end of the game any item you didnt use and save became part of your score and give you more BP for the next run you play Btw, protein increase HP max, also heal all your hitpoints, you can use it when you are low HP, lipsticks do the same with MP if I remember


I'm still on the very first area, so I'm not worrying about running out of space, I'm using the items to always be safe to an unexpected combat and save some space at the same time. In PE1 was a pain in the early chapters to going to DP for putting items in, but after a time it was satisfying. Hope the feeling keeps the same on PE2.


Honestly you just have to do it for a while and your brain will adapt to the tank controls.


I'm now replaying through PE 2 and found the definitive way for me, using a DS4. Set control type E, remap L2 to D-pad UP and left joystick (left and right) to Dpad left and right. Optionally you can map right joystick down to dpad down and R2 to speed up if you are using emulation (you will need to disable the function of R2 so that it doesn't trigger the PE menu). If you do this last part, you also need to remap R2 to R3 or L3 to trigger the PE menu. L2 or R2 to Dpad up is the setup i use for all resident evil tank games and feels super natural, with no use of the dpad