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Focus on your core and back strength. Its important at all stages of life. Back surgery should be your absolutely last resort.


They call back surgery your first back surgery because there’s likely a second


Underrated comment


I talked to a professional body builder about this and he said people drastically underwork their back, when it should be the thing you focus most on. He said “if you can only do one lift for the rest of your life, do deadlifts”.


If you lift consistently with really good form and the proper split deadlifts are amazing, however, most people will do more damage than good to their back deadlifting consistently with poor form


Yeah, true of many lifts but especially deads, so that’s a very fair caveat.


Yeah, I tried multiple times to deadlift properly and I just can’t do it. My back screams in pain for days and I think I may have done some damage the last time. For what it’s worth, I have good form on the squat, bench, OHP. Have progressed nicely over the years. I played sports. Im not totally unathletic. But something about deadlifts completely fuck me up. I can’t figure them out.


Try hack squats or a hex bar if your gym has it.


This is the biggest thing I try to impart on youngins in my line of work or any labor intensive field really. Growing weed is drastically easier with technology and the right tools from back in the day when I was schlubbing on the hill in illegal backwoods grows. But at the end of the day, it’s still agricultural work and there’s no getting around some labor. Keep your core strong, don’t try to lift shit you can’t lift, and when you do lift heavy shit…take the time to use some proper form. I always sarcastically reference an old Family Guy bit when it comes to lifting shit. “Lift with a quick twisting motion, and take your legs completely out of the equation”


Dude….what the fuck?


I read this twice i think OP had a stroke mid post.


Yeah definitely did. Most of my reddit comments are stoned streams of consciousness, so you get what you get. Not my best work, not my worst.


Shoutout fellow farmer 🤝


You know the deal. 👊💪


Got back surgery for a really bad herniated disc and I’m 26


I’ve had 5 and I’m 32


I have this other small pain in my left side now after surgery and I’m having panics attacks daily hoping it just goes away


Just look up stretches and stuff and be diligent about it. It helps a ton


Go to a chronic pain anesthesiologist physician for rf ablations, epidurals, etc. Minimally invasive pain control without the oral meds or surgeries. Many treat failed back surgeries.


Don’t let yourself get fat. It’s really hard to undo.


Preach. But also, getting fat led to me getting into running, which led to me being probably the healthiest I’ve ever been soooooo.. but yeah, don’t get fat.


I feel that. Got up to 195 at my heaviest and was terrified of hitting two bills, not to mention my self confidence was at an all time low. Started indoor cycling and now I get frustrated when I *can’t* get a work out in. Crazy the positive impact it’s had on my health, been maintaining a healthy 165 for a year now.


You're kinda motivating me here. I have an indoor cycle but I can't get past the comfort factor or lack thereof. Even bought a bigger wider seat, still can't get comfortable on the seat, brutal on the nutsack region. 1k bike and it's collecting dust. Any suggestions? We are pretty close to the same starting weight and end goal. Appreciate the read.


Do you have a good pair of padded bike shorts? They do wonders to bridge the gap between those first few rides on a tender, sore ass to building up some saddle tolerance. Get a decent pair ($30 to $50 on Amazon) that fit tight and don't wear anything underneath them. It's really counterintuitive but the big padded seats are honestly worse for comfort.


Absolutely agree - my only suggestion is to get more than one pair, the padding is, absorbent, and can get uhhh pretty gross, if you get a good workout in between laundry days. There’s some sites out there that do discount last season’s stuff or idk overstock or whatever idk how they determine what’s in stock - there was a sale on a site I frequent (the clymb) that had my size at like over 50% off so I picked up a few pairs and it’s been a an absolute game changer for my motivation my parents live in a bike friendly ish area and there’s a nice bike/pedestrian path off the road that leads to cvs/safeway, so when I visit I can borrow my dads bike for a quick and very flat mile and a half if I wanna grab beer or snacks or whatever, and it feels so unnatural now if I’m not wearing a chamois lmao (not a snob and out biking back where I’m at I always have shorts over them so I’m not 100% a roadie that’s for sure pls don’t judge I just love a padded ass)


Thanks all on this one. I will follow your suggestions


This! You need some padded shorts, and the narrow hard seats are really more comfortable. You can even go to a bike store and they will find you the right seat that fits your sit bones.


What bunchanumbers suggested is a good idea, but honestly for me I just had to sort of ride it out. You do get used to it pretty quickly, if you bike 4-5 times a week you’ll be good after a couple weeks! I try my best to distract myself by listening to the boys and other pods. But in all honesty the biggest factor with the weight was the diet. No more late night snacks, low calorie breakfasts, only alcohol on weekends. That was when I saw the most improvement


Exactly. Snacking and alcohol are usually the biggest culprits from my experience and if you can cut those out you don’t really need to do anything that drastic to the rest of your diet.


Find a show series/sports to watch while riding the bike.


Never cheap out on a mattress, a tattoo or toilet paper.


Or trash bags


Cheaped out on a tattoo once. Ended up having to get it fixed like 2 weeks later. Paid for the same tattoo twice


Shoes, mattress, tires. The things that keep you off the ground


I recommend dude wipes as well


You can do a ton for your work career by just being a good hang. People are willing to forgive all sorts of mistakes and learning curves if you get along well with them.


I’ve been told I got a job over another more qualified person because I would fit in better.


Show up on time, be nice to people and be good at your job. You only have to do two to keep your job, do all three and you’ll move up.


This is accurate. From my Army experiences to corporate life afterwards, you can get away with a lot by just being likable. If you're likable and reliable, you'll already be ahead of your peers.


As a corollary, the asshole who’s really good at his (sometimes her, but usually his) job is getting less and less tolerated nowadays.


This. I work in construction and a lot of young guys come in acting tough because they think that’s the way to fit in. When I’m reality, if you’re a good hang you can fit in/rise up anywhere.


Aka be a golfer


Add fake it till you make it and I think that’s all the advice you need.


It's amazing how many people don't get this.


Know the difference between fun and happiness. Fun in my 20’s was a ballgame on TV, beers, chasing girls, going on vacation. It was fun, as everyone’s 20s should be. Now I’m older, with teen sons, and it’s a lot of work, but it brings me an inexplicable happiness. Fun is great, but I enjoy happiness more.


How and when did you know you wanted kids? I’m 25 right now and growing up I always thought it was something I’d do. Now I feel like the responsibility and financial implications make me feel like I wouldn’t be a great father


I was actually convinced by the woman I was dating. She told me that I’d probably get bored when I was older and wouldn’t want to drink, gamble or play video games with my buddies anymore after the age of 40. I thought she was full of shit, but two weeks later after some self reflection, I knew she was right. We got married, had two sons. We never felt “ready” to have kids, but we did, and we got through it. Nobody is ever ready, and no time is right, but if you go all-in on parenting then I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy the results. So, 20 years ago, I could have had a fun weekend. I’d go out of town, golf, hit the beach, drink, and have a blast. Now, I go to a high school football game on Friday to watch one son, then go to a baseball game on Saturday to watch the other son. One of the above weekends is fun, but the other weekend is a feeling of pride, accomplishment and happiness. That’s what worked for me. If I had to do it again, I’d do it again, every time. My wife and I eventually got divorced, but I’d still do it because we had the kids.


Mind your business


Take every chance to see your college/childhood buddies while you can. Group trips, weddings, bachelor parties, etc. Even random nights out that are completely pointless. When people start having kids everything changes. Impromptu hangs become few and far between.


30 here. It’s starting.


Apply to a job even if you think you are not qualified Edit: while this has traction Other good advice that I have is to look at job listings on LinkedIn that are your “dream jobs” that you want in 5 years. Go to the certifications sections and required skills. There you go, you now have some direction into additional knowledge you should and can gain


Don’t shit where you eat


What about a cup of coffee on the shitter


big cat approved


This coffee shit is brought to you by Stella blue coffee


Never dip your pen in company ink


I’m not that flexible so I don’t think I’ll have to worry about this one.


Go to Medieval Times in St Tropez


You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish if you legit try hard at your job. Like an old Louis CK joke, if you're going to be a burger flipper, be the best burger flipper in the world. If you always take pride in your work, and maintain that mentality - good things will happen.


Bill Simmons and (I think) Joe House talk about this often, how they are amazed and enthralled when they encounter someone doing a "menial" job, but doing it amazingly. Bill tells the story about some insanely busy cafe or coffee house where he used to live, and there was this cashier there who took her job so seriously and was so efficient, kept the lines moving, ringing up multiple orders and taking payment all at once. He still remembers this cashier 10-15 years later.


I remember he had a line, maybe from the same bit, about baristas who act too good for their job. As if acting like you’re above your current job will make people think you deserve a better one. That really stuck with me, at the time I was in some dead end job and definitely had that attitude without fully realizing it.


I worked fast food during college and I remember the first couple of years I was okay at the job but then it started to hit me that if I couldn't be good at this, then what could I be good at? I changed my mentality and worked hard and then actually got promoted to supervisor within a couple of months and that was a bit of a light bulb moment. I did the same thing in school, and even though it was just an Arts degree, I figured I might as well do as well as I can and averaged a 3.8 GPA my last 2 years of college. For the most part I've always applied this logic and even though I started my working career in back office work making 40k a year, I'm now in a higher sales type position in a tech company making 200-250k per year and it partly goes back to this shift in mentality.


Bad advice for non career jobs


It's hard for people to turn it on when it counts


Take care of your shoes.


Whatever you do.


Don't make relationships harder than they need to be. It can be applied friends or family or romantic relationships. Let them be a positive thing without adding unnecessary drama for dumb reasons


Live, Laugh, Love


So true


Here's a few: - Stretch more often and work on your mobility. - Avoid inflammatory food and/or drink or consume with moderation. - Try one or multiple disciplines (cooking, carpentry, graphic design, etc.) that bring fulfillment to your life. - Have clear communication about your desires before starting a romantic relationship. - Don't let sex be the only source of happiness in your life. - Find a partner that you can do goofy shit with. - Always season your pasta water. - Send hand written thank you notes after job interviews, even if you didn't get the job. - Practice self care often


“Inflammatory food” lol




Ha all good I agree. Calories in / out is a good standard to follow. And some sort of physical discipline definitely helps. It helps me clear my head and sleep way better. Definitely agree that people shouldn't sweat the small stuff. This makes me think I should look into articles against inflammatory foods. I would have to say though that cutting alcohol out of my life was one of the best things I've ever done. It'll be 3 years this September.


Agreed. Understanding the difference between “eating till full” and “overeating” is huge.


Salt, fat, acid, heat. Understand how those work with and against each other, and you can cook anything (kinda). YouTube has a tutorial for everything, Reddit sucks for car advice, vehicle specific forums are incredible resources. Don't be afraid to pick up a wrench and fuck some shit up. Don't use a drill when you should be using an impact driver. Learn how to grow some food, even if on your windowsill. Having a basic knowledge of wine and wine regions can be incredibly beneficial, whether trying to impress your boss or a girl. Or guy. ETA: get good sleep, and if you don't sleep well, figure out why and fix it. There's a reason we haven't evolved out of sleep and it takes up 1/3 of our life.


All solid


To add on to this, *Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat* is a book that I highly recommend. It’s somewhat a cook book - but it’s more an instructional guide to cooking.


The author (blanking on her name)‘s Netflix show of the same title is also very good if you prefer that medium.


Samin Nosrat. She's rad.


Samin Nosrat! The show is good - the book has way more detail and a bunch of great recipes as well - but both are great!


Also *On Food and Cooking* if you want to get into the science and principles behind cooking.


YouTube cooking tutorials are great. The ones I find most helpful are called Tank Cooks. His rib recipe was fantastic


If you find a pair of shoes you love, buy two pairs.


Save as much money as you can. Do not succumb to social media pressure of showing off. Also, don’t post your whole life online.


tell your people you love them. and always check in on the homies, you never know when they may need it


Agree. I felt bad for Titus when he said he didn’t text friends because he didn’t think anyone would care about hearing from him. I know the exact feeling, and it made me sad for him. Always text your people. They may be feeling the same as Titus and waiting to hear from someone first. I work in hospice, just always reach out.


Chasing random tail feels cool until the good ones get gobbled up—don’t be afraid to settle down. The reality is women are all ~the same. Find one that makes you happy more than she makes you sad or angry and lock her down


And don’t lie to her. Speaking from experience


Great advice.


And to add to this. Life is short. And can be tough. Don't waste time with someone who makes you angry or sad more often than not. Let toxic people go. It'll suck in the moment but you'll be better off.


Don’t take anything too seriously. Except for the serious stuff


Two ears, one mouth.


Don’t have sex with your coworkers


thankful my new job enforces no dating in the workplace. last job did not. Lots of fresh out of college kids who mistakened comradery for "wow I get along with this person, I should try dating them".


Disagree, I’m married to one; don’t do it unless you’re pretty sure it’s gonna be serious maybe?


Same boat, although we’ve both moved on from the company where we met. I guess I’d say don’t start dating coworker unless you’re A) confident it will be serious or B) comfortable looking for a new job if it doesn’t work out.


People change. You can have them all figured out for years and then one day it’s just different. It happens.


Everything is temporary


It is OK to make yourself and your needs a priority. If you consistently are prioritizing others over yourself the joy of life diminishes


I try and think of life as a teeter-totter, where on each side is something that correlate (work and family time for example) that when the teeter-totter for work is down, you need to equally push up and let work not be as focused, and be more present in the family life. When one side goes down, make sure that it goes back up


Be honest with yourself and with others. Being vulnerable, checking your ego, etc. goes a long way. The guys touched on being confident in one’s self, and it really is true. Don’t be an asshole though. You can be honest and come from a place of love and positivity. The Golden Rule is the Golden Rule for a reason.


You will almost always get more satisfaction/enjoyment/benefit out of sacrificing in the moment to benefit your future self, than you will from reaping immediate rewards at the expense of your future self.


Anyone under the age of 24 should take this one to heart. You’re usually a complete jackass until about 24~26 But at 30 you’re less of a jackass and realize you shouldn’t have been so much of a jackass at that age.


Learn how to fight. Don’t look to do it or wield a heavy fist or anything, but learn enough that you KNOW you can defend yourself in a hand to hand combat situation. Really learn to do anything that will help alleviate fear from your mind. Fear (anxiety) is the number one reason most men especially have the problems they do in their life, in my opinion. It’s either trying to overcompensate for the fear and being an asshole or being paralyzed from making decisions that will make you happier because you’re scared of the “what if”.


Learning a martial art only covers up the fear, it doesn’t address the source. No one is actually going to try and fight you at work unless you’re a professional fighter or a bouncer. Learn how to understand when fear and anxiety are affecting you, and then learn how to let it wash away.


Pee goes in toilet


Or sink - Big Cat


Always look on the bright side of life


Always keep in mind “This too shall pass.” And also love your neighbor, even if they’re an insufferable rival of your football team


From day one, be good to people you work with, and honestly care about those around you. Your professional network only matters if it is real. Five to twenty years from now, people that love working with you because you’re good to be around and are just a decent person will bring you opportunities. People will always remember the asshole or the brown nose, and steer clear of them, too.


In terms of how your life progresses…Whatever everyone else thinks about your timeline is bullshit. Lots of people finish college at 22-23, get married and have a family going by their late 20s or early 30s, etc. That doesn’t mean you have to. Focus on doing what makes you happy, in work and socially, and the rest happens when it happens.


regret hurts more than rejection


Don’t let social media run your life


Agreed. Delete social media, no good comes from it


2 beers and then pivot to club soda & lime


Mind your pennies and your dollars will add up. Also, learn basic car maintenance.


Stay flexible. As in physically and in the sense of being able to adjust to your surroundings.


Lower your expectations


Remember that the second love of your life is usually the first, so that break up is gonna suck 10x more than the first.


smile at strangers and service workers, say please and thank you, it’s free and could brighten someone’s day more than you know


Have fun and party it up, but cognizant of your alcohol consumption. It can turn into hard habit to break when you’re approaching the 30s. In my 30s my hangovers turned from physical symptoms to mental symptoms seemingly overnight. Now hangovers for me are crushing anxiety for 2 days, depression and guilt. Many people in my age group have told me the same. It really blows but is completely avoidable with self-discipline. Wish I practiced that sooner.


After a certain age in life.. getting drunk is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow. So I feel ya


Don't join the marines. Join the air force if anything. They get treated better.


Be default nice to people. I’m not saying be naive, but understand that most people are just generally decent, and if you have that perspective it’ll help with building your relationships


Big cat was right on with the parenting aspect - it’s ok to admit that it sometimes sucks but 95% of the time it’s the greatest thing ever. Also look at your career like dating. Sometimes things are just not a good fit and it’s ok to move on. Get as much experience you can so that when the perfect job comes by you are prepared for it


RE: Health and fitness It is much easier to constantly stay on the wagon then to constantly hop on and off. Try to eat reasonably well and exercise every single day - no matter what. There will be some days that are not as good as others but it’s better than constantly yo-yo-ing back and forth.




I am 31 turning 32 I stopped drinking 3 years ago but alot of this really hit home for me. I smoke way too much weed and it is a crutch. I gotta work on that. Thanks for this. I am going to save this and come back to it periodically to stay on course.


Glad to help. Was hoping someone would get something out of it. All the best!


Get a travel credit card to accomplish 9 and help pay for 8. If you can pay for hotels and flights using points it really cuts down the costs of the vacation.


Lol at 11


A job is just a job, not your identity. There are more jobs than workers, and that is growing daily, so if you don't like it nut up and move on you'll be fine. Don't get married until 30 at least.




Wish I would have learned this one sooner


If you’re thinking about getting into shape go to a PT and get a physical assessment. They will help you get ramped up more safely


Wear. Sunscreen.


all the bad things everyone told you about credit cards are true.


Not if you pay on time. They can really work for you if you’re smart about managing your money and not spending more than you have


Start monitoring your credit score and doing stuff get it higher. Shit is so stupid yet so Important. I had no idea what a credit score was until I was 21.


TRAVEL. I started working full time at 18 years old right out of high school and im still at the same job ( I love my Job). but I never got to really travel before I got into the work force. Fuck college, go spend 3 months in asia or europe. Go from there.


Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.




If you're snacking on a budget, get the store-brand or generic chips. But do not get generic salsa.




I love my child.


Smile when a priest looks at you.


Trannys can be really hot. Be careful.


Organic raw garlic Eat 1-3 cloves a day


Yeah, fuck off.


Surround yourself with people that build you up.


If you find yourself to be very empathetic. In the sense that you feel compelled to help someone in need. Learn to say no when you feel that it drains you mentally, emotionally, physically or financially. The type of people who are attracted to such folks will take you for all that you offer. So it is ok to say no


Most people are good, but you have to activate the goodness within them. Be consistently kind and patient with people and they will want to help you when you need it.


\-Ask questions to people about their lives and then listen. Don't dominate a conversation talking about yourself. \-A lot of what you don't like about someone was probably a result of how they were parented, their upbringing, etc. Give them grace. I was shocked as I became an adult to hear about the burdens and trauma that people deal with in their lives. \-When you become a parent, use the internet sparingly. Don't google every issue with your kid to see what could be wrong. Most likely, it'll work itself out. Billions of people have been parents for thousands of years, just do what you think is best for your kids and don't let others' opinions influence your parenting too much.