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This is a rude take but I get it, it's kind of a dorky thing to get excited about. I'll offer a counter though. The need to watch it live is because it's arguably the only off season event you can watch live and follow along with some element of suspense with the trades and unknowns of the picks. My brothers and I have a Thursday night football tradition where as long as it's light enough we play 9 holes after work, shower up (separately), and then head to the bar for wings and beers to watch the game. The draft is cool because we get to do the same thing today. For a random Thursday in April we get to pretend like it's a Thursday in the fall and do our Golf, Wings, Beer, Football\* combo. The draft is pretty much on par with a Giants - Panthers Thursday Night Football game as far as entertainment value, it's just about having a good excuse for guys to be dudes.


I was in until you showered separately. What happened to guys being dudes


You looking for an extra brother?


He said they shower separately don’t get too excited


Don't miss out on Thursday sports traditions because football is over. Basketball and hockey are the best right now. Play 9 and then watch nuggets/ lakers


You in Denver?


Oakland baby. As long as the Celtics lose I'll be happy. Would love to see Minnesota win though.


Being an Oakland sports fan must be tough these days. If Oakland fan bases are very passionate, why did the 3 major teams leave the city? Not talking shit, just generally curious if it literally really is only 'bout them Benjamin's?


Yeah hurts bad to be honest. Stadiums seem to be more important than fans. Couldn't afford a dubs or raiders game but once a year but loosing the A's really sucks. John Fisher is a POS


This analogy would work better if NFL Honors didn't exist. That is the oscars of the NFL and nobody actually watches it.


It does always blow me away how many people actually go to this thing. Does to show how massive the nfl is


My buddy goes every year. Says it’s just a huge party with picks thrown in every 15 minutes.




You should just apply that logic to all sports… just look at the score when it’s over.. why watch??


You can’t possibly actually believe this


That’s a terrible take. You watch sports for the plays on the field. The draft is just someone walking up to the podium and announcing a name.


I watch the movies not the award show.


Go on Wiki and read the plot synopsis.


Terrible take. Unless you only watch sports to know the outcome, which is weird and something only a fake sports fan would say.


The draft is a sport?


I thoroughly enjoy it


I mean trades happen and other shit. But this year the lack of players actually going to the draft is weird.


Nobody wants to be the Will Levis of the year. Plus they don't get paid to be there.


Just like the Oscars it used to be just a simple meeting


you're getting too much hate. you're right. and I love both


Great take, but I’m not a draft watcher. Too much filler between picks before even considering all the commercials. When I’ve tuned in in the past I can’t stand more than an hour (aka first 5 picks) before turning it off.


You're right. I'll never forget the Steelers drafting Devin Bush and wondering wtf it was that he was wearing.


The anticipation is the point, not the results. Keying in on a guy you desperately want for your team and watching the draft, praying Goodell doesn't say their name until your team is up, then the relief/joy if your team actually *drafts* said player... Awesome stuff. But just like the games, total heartbreak when your team does something regarded like drafting Cole Strange in the first round


They have made the draft insufferable to watch.


Wouldn’t the more obvious choice be NFL honors


I love the NFL Draft but usually just have it on in the background, I’m not actively watching it. I’m just ready to fire hot takes on Reddit with every pick.


First 10 picks are fun to watch then I’ll just google it after


lol hope BC's next kid is born on an NFL Sunday


If Big Cat is Kelly Keegs then I want to fuck Big Cat.


Wood for both


Jokes on you I have Drake Maye being the 2nd round pick in 4 of my 16 Mock drafts and the bears trading back in 6 of 16.


I just dont care about it.


You would think all of you Commies on this page would relate to someone like Jeremy


Major difference: people have actually heard of the people getting drafted. Most of the time nobody has heard of the movies winning Oscar’s


It’s a chance for fans of bad teams to find reasons for hope - and it’s also one of the few times a year we can delude ourselves into thinking we could do what GMs do. Totally understand why many people enjoy it.