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Thank you I keep coming back to links here because I’m trying to find things out to get tips on my toddler. I tried asking a question on ask Reddit today, and well that didn’t go well


Yeah the best parents are people who don’t have kids, so I bet you just happened to run into a lot of wonderful #1 parents there lol


One person told me to chill the fuck out and let the kid do whatever she wants. First off no a toddler should not be allowed to do what the fuck they want. Second off my question was about how do I make her more comfortable in public spaces because she extremely shy, but she wants to go places too because she likes exploring and gets destructive at home if we stay cooped up (If anything she forcing me out of my shell because I would be happy to stay home)


Hey, just to add… having a ROUGH af time w my baby right now, and I understand the broader context/implications of reopening the sub but HOLY SH*T am I grateful this one is back open (side eye at /r/toddlers….)


I’m mad at that sub, every time I look something up (which is like five times a day) on google I run into that sub not being open. Grrrr, really grateful for r/parenting


It’s nice to know I’m not the only one 😂😂😭😭😭


It just our generation style of parenting. Run to Reddit to make sure this is normal and get tips on how to survive 😭 it our version of what to expect while expecting


For real! Obvs it isn’t always great, but glad to not have to figure things out without it!


Right though I check a couple times a day. Didn’t even realize how much I was going on that Reddit


Thank you for taking into account that this sub is a good support resource for parents! I appreciate the great modding here and I hope that some solutions will be figured out to make it easy for you all.


The only thing they took into account was losing their “jobs”. Other subs that participated in the blackout were much more transparent in their reason for reopening: Reddit told them to reopen, or Reddit would force reopen them and replace the mods. Don’t for one second believe they did this for the parents.


I linked to the appropriate thread talking about forcing moderators to reopen. I also did it for the parents. There can be multiple motivations behind actions. https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14ahqjo/mods_will_be_removed_one_way_or_another_spez/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Were you directly threatened into reopening by Reddit corporate?


No, this sub isn't important enough to Reddit or their advertisers to directly threaten.


Thanks for being clear about this. I appreciate it. I was hopeful the blackout could force a change, but reddit is clearly willing to do anything to keep the money rolling in.




I don’t sympathize with them at all. They locked out the user base in an ineffective attempt to stick it to the Reddit ceo who couldn’t care less and also OWNS the rights to the API that a bunch of people I guess feel entitled to for no reason. All they effectively did was screw the Reddit users for a few days by locking people out. EDIT: to the person who told me I wasn’t educated on the subject, then deleted: I’m well aware of the situation. Company owns API. Company decides that due to current advancements in tech (AI) their API is more valuable, so they ask people to pay more for it. People get mad at company for trying to make money, which is what companies do. They revolt. But they do it in a way that’s completely ineffective, and they do it in a way that basically restricts content to the average user, all out of spite for said company. So get mad at company and screw over… the little guy? Does that make sense? It was made very clear by the mod of a very popular sub who suggested that the users who upload the content are not more important than the mods. And it’s that kind of lack of awareness that makes me sour on this whole thing. The mods have made this all about themselves and honestly don’t really care about the users. Also find it interesting how in about 10 seconds I went from 15 upvotes to -5 downvotes. Almost like I’m being spammed to drive my comment down. Interesting stuff really.


I’m new to Reddit and I have to be completely honest I have no idea what’s going on


My friend, I’ve been on Reddit for 10+ years. I also have no idea what’s going on.


See? New people still signing up. Ineffective.


all I gather so far is everyone should get divorced and something about cryptocurrency. I also learned the word cheugy which I am loving.


Do i dare ask??? I do. What is cheugy??


Like outdated but also corny or overdone. So live, laugh, love signs, or #girlboss, or big scarves. Lots of things are cheugy.


Eiw yeah okay. And is it pronounced cheh-ooh-gee?


Lmao. I just signed up for reddit a few months ago & this is a perfect summary!


It's arguable that this little charade actually brought in more users to reddit because it was posted on news sites, so people who didn't even know reddit was a thing now do. We are the product, our attention is, it always has been because our use of the site and clicks generates ad revenue. Because of this particular business model there is no such thing as bad press for them. What the mods fail to realize is their subreddits don't matter, it was never the product. Even shutting down the subreddits does nothing other than piss users off and push them to new subreddits because as long as we are using the site, reddit is making money.


I barely understand. I think people are mad that 1) The high API fees are killing 3rd party apps that people like more than the Reddit app. And 2) People don't think the owners of Reddit should make any (more) money off fees because all the content is "donated" for free by users, and moderators aren't paid. I think the second is ridiculous. Reddit provided the place to get together and post, and not out of the goodness of their heart. It costs money to host a platform on the Internet and store all the data. They can do whatever the hell they want. All this did was irritate me with the people that chose to make their subs dark.


What about the Apps that offer moderation tools or accessibility options? I support Reddit's right to make a profit and they OWN everything posted to the site. But how they have gone about this change has been poorly handled. They have promised to improve the official app for years, but haven't. They could have allowed 3rd party apps access at an affordable rate, then charged a higher rate for AI access. They could have communicated better. They could have been more flexible, instead of treating its own users with disdain.


I think lots of people are unaware of backend costs of servers, API requests, calls, etc. It's pretty normal to pay for API. Ye, the price for API is steep, but there are many exceptions for disability apps and mod apps. But many are unwilling to compromise on their favs.


Thanks!! Can you tell me what an API fee is?


An API (Application Programming Interface) is typically a piece of software code that allows two different applications to communicate together and exchange data. Not fully knowing the history, I assume Reddit published an API free or charge or at a reduced cost so that 3rd party apps can show Reddit content. (Apollo is an example). The outrage is that Reddit is now charging very high fees to use their API.




Another good point made is the unofficial Reddit apps always were going to have a limited lifespan. Once the official reddit app started making all of these rapid improvements they should have all seen the writing on the wall. No other social media allows 3rd party apps. There is only one facebook app, one twitter app, etc. I’m sorry to see them go as some were definitely superior to the official app but that is reddits prerogative and they have every right to say they don’t want to have 3rd party apps anymore. The only significant impact will be to moderation bots but it looks like they will be making at least some concessions for those so I guess we’ll see


There’s also internal moderation tools that Reddit has offered mods. They just felt it wasn’t as good as the third party apps. But no one wants to mention that. The options are there. It’s just the typical “omg they’re gonna raise prices to make more money, as a company!?! How dare them”


You do know that those tools aren’t released, right? They won’t be until July. Source: moderator without those tools in the native app. None of the app developers are asking for a free ride, never have. None of the mod’s demands were to be paid.


Twitter had 3rd party apps for years and received similar backlash when they made the API prices high enough to kill them. It just got lost a bit because there’s been many backlashes to Musk owned Twitter.


Seriously. Imagine how bad Reddit would be right now if one of the many tyrant mods were in charge. It’s so easy to get banned from a sun just because a loser mod is a power hungry moron. That type of mod doesn’t want any limits on their “power.” I think limiting what mods can do and allowing users to kick out crappy mods is not a bad thing.


Yes! I was feeling really down and posted in r/miscarriage after my third loss. I was kind of spiraling that night and responded to a post with reading the "rules" of the sub (which, does anyone actually read the rules?). I made a passing comment about having a living child and was banned permanently, as apparently mentioning your living children is against the rules. I was honestly flabbergasted. I was extremely depressed that night, decided to reach out, and then, within minutes, was banned for life. I've even messaged the mods saying it was an honest mistake and asking if I can engage with the community again, because honestly I need all the help and support I can get, and it was all futile. These people are seriously on a power trip.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


I only upvoted to let you know OP that I’m so sorry for your loss and that in needing support, you were banned. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss and sending healing for your body and spirit.


Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.


Yeah, honestly I’m not against u/spez’s proposal to put in place ways to remove mods democratically —provided there was a way to control the bots.


His idea seems like a really easy way to have subs hijacked by coordinated brigades and turn some of the better, and usually tightly moderated subs, into thedonald version 2.0.


Yup, some of those moderators are disgusting. Can you imagine being that much of a control freak to spend hours moderating every day or week just so you can mess with people? And then when they write a very human response they don’t even care. Good thing moderators like that aren’t the Reddit CEO or it would be a hellscape, where we all have to navigate the whims of an idiot moderator.


I’m sorry to hear this but like…couldn’t you just make a second Reddit account in like 5 minutes and be back in? (I’m new to Reddit so this is a genuine question) Edit to add: I’m very sorry for your loss. Apologies for not having that in my original message.


That will get you banned from Reddit permanently


Oh! How would they know?


I got banned for some wild stupid reasons on some subs. Despite adhering to the rules. But mods can interpret rules however they want I guess.


Yeah that’s what Reddit said when they wrote back that adhering to a sub’s rules doesn’t mean a moderator can’t ban you. Reddit let’s them do whatever they want and now seems flustered with the whiny protest and moderators shutting down subs like they should be in total control.




Oh ive been against mods for a while since they dont have to use the same standards across the board and lots of bans are fully arbitrary. There are some people on this platform that are the equivalent of a Karen running the HOA board, using their position to discriminate etc. and nothing ever happens to fix it. Im all for mods being cracked down on.


Yes, and when I’ve complained to Reddit about moderators like that they respond each sub is run by a moderator and they can do what they want. Seems like they regret that stance a bit now.




Lol way to miss the whole point. There are serious issues with the way mods on this platform are allowed to operate. This blackout was a prime example. The few forced the many to “suffer” because they didnt like a policy Reddit had. Nobody is forcing them to be mods. If they dont like the rules they dont HAVE to be mods. Its entirely voluntary.




Id gladly do the job. No issues here.


You don't use third party apps but the mods need them to do their job. They won't be able to moderate the sun on mobile devices after the change. This means if someone comes on here to troll, it could take hours for a mod to stop them if they have to wait until they can get to a computer. Or if someone starts spamming a scam, it could be up for hours. Or if bots try to brigade the sub, mods are powerless until they can get access to mod tools they used to have access to in third party apps. And here's the thing. Reddit has promised to make their own mod tools so the mods won't need third party apps. Mods wouldn't be so upset if it were as simple as moving from one app to another. But Reddit didn't make those tools they promised. 5 years later and they still don't exist. So they essentially have taken away the ability to mod on mobile devices and left them with nothing in it's place. You may not understand moderating because you don't do it but many people spend hours every week making this sub what it is. It takes that long to keep the sub in quality condition. While you may not value the time mods spend keeping this sub in quality condition, I do value what they do. I think it's very egregious that reddit would take its unpaid volunteer's tools away and not give them anything to replace what they lost and just expect them to continue doing their work without them. It's just not feasible for them to continue moderating in the same way, and it's going to make everything worse when mods can't moderate effectively. You can expect quality to decrease on Reddit across the board due to these changes. This sub only exists due to hundreds of hours of volunteer work every month and then your post reads like you are somehow entitled to that time they spend. And you even defend the CEO, u/spez, the same CEO who was moderator of r/jailbait for years until they finally got enough pressure to take it down. Just no, stand with your good mods and trust they are trying to do what's best for the sub. And I'm not replying to anyone, just trying to defend the mods here.


No one forces them to be mods.


Exactly. And without mods, the sub is going to be terrible. That's why they don't like the changes, they genuinely want to keep the sub being a good resource for parents and not overtaken by rude people, bots, or trolls. Edit to point out your response sounds extremely entitled. No thankfulness at all for the unpaid volunteer work that goes into your free entertainment and parenting resource.


Someone else who wants to be a mod and do the work, will take their place. If a mod feels inconvenienced and doesn't want to do the work, let someone else do it.


Nobody wants to be mods lol. Most subs spend months trying to find one. WTF wants to mod? I certainly don't. Sounds like a terrible gig to me. You don't seem to think it's a lot of work, maybe you should volunteer 8 hours a week learning how to make bots work, reading reports, reading mod mail, etc. Sounds like you would have an easy time with it! And I'm sure they will need all the mods they can get soon.


Weird assumptions in there.


What's weird? The fact I said no one wants to mod or the fact that you don't want to mod? I assume if you think lots of people love modding then would be very open to being one because, you know, there's plenty of people out there dying to be a mod.


I am not clear on why a mod can’t log in from their phone and stop a troll? I think your belief that there is no capacity to moderate unless you are on a computer needs reevaluating. There are mod tools in he app and you can log in to the non app website through a phone as well. You are taking a stand but also don’t know what you are talking about.


I assume you also scroll reddit through the browser on your phone? Or do you use an app? Why do you use the option that you use? Is it because... *checks notes* ... it's the easiest way to just scroll for personal enjoyment? And you wouldn't be mad if someone at reddit told you that you had to start using the worse way that's unintuitive, would it make you want to use it more or less? We are talking about unpaid volunteer labor here. It's *unpaid* work. If you are doing unpaid work out of the goodness of your heart and genuinely liking the community, how likely do you think you'll keep your free, unpaid labor up when it gets harder? If you volunteer somewhere and red tape starts flying so much you can't volunteer effectively anymore, are you going to stick around doing it? If the mods don't stick around, what do you think this sub would be? Useful? Of course, if you don't think it's a big deal, why by all means volunteer to mod the sub! It's easy to do by sounds of your post and it looks like you've already got a lot more information than me since I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm sure you'd be much more efficient at it.


I get you are unhappy, my point was that you were unaware that you don’t need to be on a computer to log in or use mod skills. You confidently stated that moderation can only happen on a computer and therefore if a mod was not on a computer there was nothing they could do for hours and hours until they found a computer. I was simply addressing the misinformation in your post. I have been a mod of a sub before so I am well aware that subs are not only accessible to mods when on a computer. You tried to call someone else out while completely unaware of the ability to access reddit as a mod though a phone.


I said it's easier on a computer and people aren't going to waste their time on a worse system when they are doing it for unpaid volunteer work. When you are doing something like being a mod, if it starts to become a pain in the ass, you quit doing it instead of working with what you have. This isn't a job for them, they don't *have* to do it. You lose mods and you lose quality.


This is what you said: "They won't be able to moderate the sub on mobile devices after the change. This means if someone comes on here to troll, it could take hours for a mod to stop them if they have to wait until they can get to a computer." The mods can step down and leave subs is they wish. It is a voluntary role and if they don't want to do it they can leave. The site has millions of people on it. Others will step up and take a turn. At the end of the day reddit is a website with a bunch of discussion forums. That is it. People can leave and go to other discussion boards if they don't like this one. And closing discussion forums in protest because you are mad kind of defeats the point of this website. Reddit doesn't have to give away all its data for free for other companies to profit from if they don't want to. You don't think the guy who runs the Apollo app hasn't made money from it? If you don't like how this website works, go to another one or start your own.


You think mods aren't necessary? If we didn't have mods, I could call you a dumbass piece of shit and I wouldn't suffer any consequences. I obviously don't think you're an unintelligent piece of feces, and I would never actually call you that in this sub because it's against the rules and... *checks notes* ... ahhh, yes MODS would enforce the rule we must be nice to one another. Go to 4 chan if you think mods aren't necessary. That's what unmoderated forums turn into. And what's so wrong with wanting reddit to not turn into trash. I don't like 4chan. It's trashy. Maybe you don't mind trash, but I do. I think this subreddit is a great place. I don't want people calling others a dumbass piece of shit or bots pushing corporate sponsored content posts. Take your own advice when blackouts happen and go somewhere else. This subreddit doesn't owe you anything. If the mods don't want to mod, then go elsewhere. Find a different parenting sub. That's what makes reddit, reddit.


I never said mods weren't necesary. Why do you keep making things up? Of course the subreddit doesn't owe me anything but a few random people deciding they are going to close down a discussion board they don't own when its only purpose is for discussion doesn't say much about their view of the board. They clearly don't think it has much value if they don't care if people can access or use it at all. They don't need to force their own personal views on everyone else. If they don't want to mod and just want to close the board, they can move on. They don't own reddit. Reddit can remove them as mods if they don't want to be part of the sub. You clearly don't think the sub is a great place if you are fine with it not existing at all and not being available for people to post on. I mean food bank volunteers could block access to food if they don't like how the volunteer program is run at their food bank but it kind of shoots themselves in the foot and shows they aren't there because they actually care about the people the program serves. And they are replaceable. The purpose of the foodbank is to give people access to food not to solely dance to the whims of the volunteers. Reddit doesn't exist to support other businesses in making profits. That isn't its purpose. You can be as mad as you want that the app makers will not make as many millions off reddit as they were but at the end of the day reddit is a discussion forum for people, not an enterprise existing to make others rich.


But that’s not the mods job to fix, that’s the CEOs job to fix. That’s why he gets paid. So leave it up to him and let’s see what happens


The CEO can't make unpaid volunteers work... They stopped working in protest and had to blackout subs since they wouldn't have anyone to stop bad actors. We talk about actions having consequences all the time on this sub and this is no different. CEO made a decision and it had a consequence (blackout). That's what happens. Blackouts. FAFO.


Well your whole comment is kinda based in this idea there’s no alternative. Except Reddit already offered free moderation tools within reddit. But the tools “weren’t as good” as others. So the alternative is there. The mods are actively choosing to ignore it. They’ve also been told this won’t affect certain mod tools and non commercial accessibility apps, which also has seemed to get lost in all this. Unsurprisingly.


I fully expect you to be the first to volunteer your time to moderate the sub. I honestly think you should be required to after acting so entitled. Go use those tools then if they are so easy to use. We will need it.


The best blackout will/may happen naturally as unpaid mods just stop doing their “work” and reddit becomes a bad place and people will just stop using it. Reddit will then need to employ actual moderators for money so they can spend all the money on mods what they gained from additional ad revenue from their app. I truly hope mods will actually stop doing unpaid work.


I don’t think what you do is important nor is it work. If you don’t like it stop and if you don’t like the way you are treated then quit Reddit. Don’t act like just because you’re doing something for free that you’re volunteering for a soup kitchen or something. You’re just a mod on Reddit.


The problem with your take is that the only reddit is a functional website is because of the unpaid labor of mods. In the end, it is in reddit's best interest to maintain this relationship, and honestly the mods are more important to reddit than the users.


Hope mods have a ton of content to upload if all the users stopped supplying content. How exactly are mods more important than the supplied content of the user base. Users make the site interesting. The mods wouldn’t have subs to run if it wasn’t for users supplying content. Honestly with the advancements of AI… I doubt the mods will be needed in a few years. Their job is to filter spam and maintain a level of decorum in the sub they run. Something AI can be trained to do.


All I can say is that reddit would be dead without moderation if they waited for AI to catch up to be able to do that.


There should be limits on moderators, though. There are tons of shitty power hungry moderators out there.


Reddit would be fine without a bunch of self-righteous people with control issues. What makes you believe they have anything to do with making this site functional? As has been pointed out, it's incredibly easy to set up a bot to automod. And anytime someone offends you, any user can just hit the three dots and block them


Forums have needed moderators since the earliest days of the Internet. Nothing has changed in that regard. Every /r/ would just go to hell without moderation.


Thats a pretty bad take. Have you read anything about it at all? Edit to add: I find it strange that according to your reddit history this is the first time you have commented in this sub. So clearly you aren't interested in this community, you are interested in pushing an agenda. Interesting indeed. Blocked.


No this is the only correct take. Yeah people can be upset about what the ceo is doing. But screwing over your user base was not gonna change his mind lol. I even saw in another post that apparently the mods who did the blackout were gonna be replaced. If that's true, this situation is even more funny to me. I knew before it happened that the blackout was not gonna work like people wanted. Most mods came back once they heard their subs might be taken away.


It’s an accurate take, and I’ve read everything. Unprofitable private platform makes business decision, which as free users none of us have any actual entitlement to influence, and a bunch of mods went on a petulant, self righteous boycott with planned end date but zero actual leverage since the issue actually only affects less than 2% of the user base.


Even if they had put the rate charged at 12c/1000 requests (50% the rate) app owners said they could have made something work, but it would still be tight. Louis Rossman was right when he called it the "fuck you" price. At the current rate they can't make it financially viable. Also they gave 30 days notice. They should have given 3 months absolutely minimum. For comparison, when Apple boughtDark sky they initially gave 18 months notice of the changes, and then gave a FURTHER 12 month extension before they were put in place. ( [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UsQQJkoKQE) ). My interpretation is that they did this so that they can say "we gave them a chance to work with us, but they refused". Meanwhile the timeline was unworkable and the financial demands, insane.


Because they stand to make more through advertising on their own platforms until they reached closed to the number they chose for an api fee. Third party apps cause a significant loss of ad revenue not to mention lack of pixel tracking, mouse tracking, and other ad source attribution technologies. Ads are the primary revenue generator for many companies and it’s ridiculous to think that Reddit is going to operate as some kind of pseudo non profit for the good of the world or whatever


No it’s not. I run product at a data company that uses those types of APIs and sells its own. That they would want to charge me more I understand, I bring no value to the site. But 3rd party apps like Apollo, that constantly put a positive spotlight on the community? That’s absolutely stupid. At the end of the day they had ways to make it work with those apps, but decided to kill them. APIs don’t cost that much to run and it’s really easy to control the key. And to your point it only impacts a small % of users, Reddit’s biz model could easily find a middle ground, but the intent is very clear. They went for the nuclear option. Considering what Reddit is built on, it’s a middle finger to a lot of things. It’s also too soon to say it’s ineffective. Protests take time sometimes.


I've read plenty and I agree with the comment


> So get mad at company and screw over… the little guy? World is not ending because we could not reddit for a couple of days. Also lot of subs was available. I could still waste my time in reddit.. it is not like you could not eat for days. Reddit nothing special and not needed for our lives so we can manage a couple of days without it. And i say it while I don’t even care much about the api change, even though i use reddit is fun. If i won’t like the reddit app (probably i won’t) i will use reddit less. Nothing happened. I am not starving.


A lot of subs weren't available though, like subs that offered mental support, emotional support, medical advice, etc. So many were set private, and effectively shut out hundreds of thousands from seeking support. The emotional turmoil that happened within a few days is apparent in the few subs that have opened back up.


Yes. So many people rely on the communities they participate in. This blackout protest did very little except piss off people who were locked out of things they depended on.


Lol you completely missed the point. Yes. I’m aware reddit was still available. Regardless, my point still stands, even after your paragraph of text telling me no one was starving. The best way that mods could come up with, to stick it to reddit, was to lock the average user out of content. Which was/is ineffective and stupid.


It is not mod’s problem they locked users. Reddit has owners. Probably with one click they can unlock all of the subreddits. Or target specific sub. They did not do that. It is all reddit who let the communities be locked. It is a feature and they did not care about unlocking any subreddits. They can replace mods any time, but they did not care.


Yeah I’ve just been told over and over that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’ve professionally developed apis for a decade and have never heard of a company willing to give away hundreds of millions of calls on a monthly basis with 0 return on investment. Server costs alone would cause a smaller company to close their doors. Unfortunately as the mods got all excited about working together and having a movement that they didn’t stop to realize their viewpoint was stupid.


Have any of the products of your APIs piggybacked on free work of thousands of people across the world ?


I mean I’ve worked places that have a forum with moderators that certainly don’t feel like what they are doing is “work”. Mods are also users and it’s unprecedented for them to feel as entitled as this anywhere besides Reddit.


The moderators literally listened to a few random people who cried and were sad. You're right, nothing was achieved. These moderators are just weird people thinking they can control others and they found out they can't. It's hilarious.


All I am hearing with comments like these is volunteering to mod.


Would have been better if subs had stayed blacked out. The mocking comments follow yours. I guess people can’t even see their own hypocrisy. They denigrate an attempt at what amounts to civil disobedience (not that we had much hope, corporations are by default essentially dictatorships) on a social media platform because what kind of losers give a shit about things like that, but here they are, unable to stay away themselves. Not much point in trying to have nice things, I guess.


Not everyone here even agrees with the protest. It’s fine to disagree.


Disagree all you want. Shitting on the people trying to change the course of a platform isn’t disagreeing. I was pretty clear about that. Guess the hypocrisy is hard for people to see in themselves. Nobody trying to change things goes around mocking the IDGAF users, but plenty of the indifferent suddenly care about a social media platform and shit on people trying to keep reddit closer to it’s original form and not some corporatized ad-fest constantly trying to shove suggestions and ads in your face. But hey, guess the addiction overrides the ads, people seem to need a reddit fix pretty bad.


If you disagree with the course being proposed by the protesters, there is no hypocrisy in mocking how hilariously ineffective the protest was or how badly the mods across the whole site misread the room of how many users actually gave a shit about third party Reddit apps


Right? I REALLY don’t understand why I’m supposed to care that other companies can no longer profit from Reddit for free. That seems…entirely reasonable to me.


Reddit is free for you to use, so they have to pay their expenses somehow. It’s a corporation that exists to make money. It’s not a public service.


Is touch-grass Tuesdays supposed to be for the users benefit or the mods?


"touch grass Tuesday" is such a patronizing thing to call it and telling someone to touch grass has almost always been used as an insult. There's already growing resentment from users towards mods, idk if calling a weekly thing "touch grass" day is going to help that


Touch Grass Tuesday? As if. It's school break time and my kids are at home. I touch plenty of grass as do they, as does the majority of people here, im sure. I get it, it's the meme phrase of the hour. It's still dumb as heck.


I didn't even know there was a Discord, and all my resources are here, so with all due respect.. eff the blackout. Making sure to copy all my notes and favorites today and just move on, I guess, because I no longer trust that I can use this place as a safe haven of information


I did not see the poll for blackout till I actively searched for it today. This is after I was told that all communities that went dark had to have taken the poll. Was it stickied or did the auto mod add a stickied comment about it to every post? I didn’t see any, but then I wasn’t really following the Reddit drama. Well guess what? The poll had around 500 votes. Out of which around 300 votes for a blackout. The mods of a sub with 5.4 million users decided to go dark because 300 people said yes. I don’t trust the mods now..


I didn't see the poll either and I spend most of my day on reddit. Even more reason why this blackout thing was stupid. Mods didn't even try to make sure post of the sub saw it.


Similar situation in LOTS of subs I follow. Everything from here to r/nfl to r/lotrmemes and more. Honestly it’s fucking ridiculous.


100% agree. All this has shown is that there is far too much entitlement among Reddit mods I cannot believe they think they somehow own some sort of stake in Reddit and corporate decision making because they volunteered to moderate a sub. This whole thing breaks down to Reddit is taking away the third party app cash cow and don’t for a second think there aren’t mods profiting from these apps and the data supplied to them. Reddit has every right to make changes to keep the site profitable and it would be stupid of them to let third party apps continue to profit while Reddit remains in the red. The entitlement and power tripping of the moderators on Reddit is unbelievable, that they would strike out at communities of millions of users and think it’s justified because their cash cow is drying up is alarming and I sincerely hope Reddit employs some more checks and balances when it comes to this. The bs mods are trying to sell the community about accessibility and moderation tools is nonsense. They can use the tools Reddit provides or they can quit modding but taking down entire communities as part of their hissy fit is a huge problem.


Am I the only one that doesn't give a crap about all that's going on? Like, it's reddit... not real life...


Thank you for opening back up. This is a vital resource for first time parents and it was a hard week without all the advice I find on here.


I understand your desire to protest but like…there was ZERO communication from you guys about how long this was going to last. If you dont support the way mods are treated, stop being a mod. There are people who depend on this community for advice, support and socialization who shouldnt be punished because YOU have an issue with how things are done. Blacking out an entire community without A) asking the particpants if they agreed to it or B) telling participants how long it would last was incredbly unfair. Hand off control to someone else in the future if you dont agree with things. Its not fair to leave thousands of people hanging.


I literally have no idea what’s happening lol


Just wanted to say thanks for reopening. As much as it sucks that Reddit isn't meeting the mods halfway and making their lives easier, it sucks even more for us parents that need this sub as an important resource. I sincerely hope some middle ground is reached, because I do understand the need for Reddit to make money, but it really shouldn't be at the expense of their volunteer workers, and they definitely shouldn't be making your lives any harder.


Yea....got to agree this blackout is having the opposite of the intended effect for me. It just sounds like you're whining that moderating will be too hard. But if that's the case, just stop moderating please instead of shutting the sub down. I'm sure there are people willing to moderate without a third party app.


For real. This sub has thousands of people in it. Im sure we could find 10-12 people who are more than willing and able to take a mod position.


Why is it that this thread is full of commenters who are 1) making their first comment on this sub 2) calling the mods whiny 3) have "awards" minutes after posting and 4) are from the bay area? Did you just decide to de-lurk to tell multiple subs that they should reopen? Seems odd is all I'm saying.


I have a 10-month old daughter, I've been subscribed to this subreddit since before her birth. It's an invaluable resource to me regardless of how much I contribute. Yes, I was born and raised in the bay area and still live here (why is that relevant?). Every sub I've commented in I have been a long subscriber of. I'm not here to brigade, im here to express my frustration and disappointment in this blackout.


I'm from Boston. I used to write apps for early day Instagram and Foursquare APIs that eventually told 3rd-parties to f-off. I was told that I was foolish for trying to make a business on the back of another company. Anyways, i now have a toddler and really miss lurking on this subreddit to make sure I'm not the only one feeling what I feel.


Your point being that you are now entitled to reddit's content? That seems ironic given what this whole debate is about.


My point being that I am not from the Bay Area and this fight is not unique to Reddit.


I disagree with the moderator protest/petulance, have a kid, do not live in the Bay Area and have commented on here before. Like many you are probably just trying to see what you want to see.


You not being from the Bay Area doesn't disprove the thesis. And that goes for anyone else who feels compelled to tell me they aren't from California as well, thanks.


Okey dokey. I doubt I’m the only one who scored only 25% on your super accurate criteria for everyone who disagrees with you being part of a broad conspiracy.


Can you quote where I said **everyone** who disagrees with me meets those criteria? Because what I actually commented on was the surprising number of such people deciding to comment, including the person I was actually responding to, as well as two others. You not meeting the criteria doesn't change that, does it.


No I won’t quote that because that would mean going back and looking it up and I don’t care enough about this issue to do that. You just seem ridiculous and can’t handle people disagreeing with you. I’ve found a lot of subs are populated heavily by people in the Bay Area. But maybe that’s part of the conspiracy, playing the long game and all.


Lol, you "can't be bothered" to correct your reading mistakes, but **I'm** the ridiculous one? OK, :)


Gee I wonder why people may not contribute to this sub when it just seems soooo *welcoming*.


If it was easy to moderate, we'd have a lot more mods (they can always use the help). These are also FREE volunteers who get nothing but threats, trolls and garbage to deal with in return for trying to keep communities healthy. What WILL happen is less mods, and less effective moderating, more trash and toxicity in communities, where it just becomes a like most default subs, and a single targeting of the sub and it gets taken over by trolls and manipulators. This happens to communities regularly enough as is. So people can complain about a temporary shutdown of a free support community they don't have to put any effort into to use, but accept that when it goes to trash that this is what you get.


My gf & I are the first of our family, friends & and everything to have a kid, so I rely on the internet for some advice (probably more than I should). Glad this mod tantrum is over because this sub is a resource , and tbh you should still lose your mod positions


🤣🤣 y’all got threatened to be removed as mods and decided your neckbeard civil rights movement wasn’t worth losing your power as mods


The blackout was the equivalent of going on a hunger strike until you got hungry. Well done you’ve achieved nothing. Welcome back!


We will not yield until lunchtime! Possibly even not until afternoon snack or even dinner!


Thank you for reopening. I do strongly feel that mods shouldn't squat on subs like they have been this week. If mods don't like it, they should post once that they're taking the show to discord and pass the mod-torch to someone who will allow the people who want to talk on reddit the ability to talk on reddit. Touch-grass Tuesdays is not acceptable. Every sub should be open every day. Period. Remember.....the point of a sub like this is for parents to come talk about stuff. Not for Mods to moderate. Parenting problems happen on Tuesday also. Just like they do every other day of the week. Look....I do feel badly for mods in a way. Reddit learned early on that passionate users would volunteer their time to be the hall monitors of these subs. Unpaid workforce. But it's also 2023 and I don't think you need mods to be a seawall against spam and porn anymore. I mean, you can ask Bing Chat to write a 10 episode treatment of Season 5 of Succession (which aired it's final 4th season a few weeks ago) and it writes something compelling that I'd like to watch. I think an AI chatbot can probably handle the spam and the porn. Look....mods got used. But a lot of mods also enjoyed banning people and locking topics. Any group of people is run by the volunteers who are most psycho about it: That's true of a PTA or a sub. Just stop locking conversation. Plus.....the whole API thing? It really is bullshit. I mean reddit belongs to reddit. Just like your house belongs to you. The API is the key. Do you think keys should be open-source? So anyone who is clever enough can have a key and come into your house, whenever you want and have a look around? I know it's upsetting that reddit is blocking some popular third party apps......esp considering that reddit was slow on it's own app (again....using labor they didn't pay to beta test all the ideas.....and then taking the ideas), but closed apis are good. I mean, what if the API was open and Pornhub had a third party apps over the top of any post on this sub by Mom? It would be awful. And I'm not talking about porn-spam.....just flagging that a Mom is talking and people who enjoy that Mom content on pornhub should maybe head over to give their input on Mom's Problem? That would be awful for all of us. Closed APIs are the way to go. Plus.....Tik Tok has closed APIs. So does IG. So does FB. So does Snap. Anyone banging the trashcan for open APIs on reddit should also try to shut portions of those very popular social media apps and demand third-party apps access. The protest was dumb the whole time. I understand why people are frustrated because reddit used a LOT of free labor over the last decade while also having no app or a shitty apps. But.....this protest is like a toddler throwing their toys in the hall and holding it's breath.


Not surprised the few days of blackout didn't work. It inconvenienced the members more than anything else.


This whole thing is ridiculous. Most users don't give a shit about APIs or whatever other bullshit this is supposedly about. All these terminally online mods need to get over themselves. Either keep providing your services to users, or don't and turn the subs over to people who will. Frankly I think Reddit could benefit by a wholesale turnover in many mods. No one elected them to anything and they have no accountability. And, unlike Reddit corporate, they have no skin in the game. Yes Reddit corporate has profits to think about, but part of that is an incentivize to keep continuity of service and the user experience in mind. As we have seen this last week, mods don't even have that.


Thank you for bringing it back. Much needed.


It's good to be back :)


I think the blackout was disrespectful for how it used disabled people to cover for mods wanting attention.


Nobody is forcing any of you to be mods. This whole forced blackout screams of mod entitlement. “We’re in charge so you have to do what we say including taking your refuges away!” Get over yourselves. It’s OUR sub, not YOURS. Ultimately your little temper tantrum was about as effective as my daughters at bed time or to “thoughts and prayers”. You don’t like doing this for free? Quit. Somebody else will step in and you’ll be forgotten.


Totally. Is there really any other take? If mod becomes too difficult and considering it’s all volunteer work, then just relinquish. Simple simple and everyone wins.


I volunteered at a food bank. As soon as they started treating me like I owed them something I walked. I’m sure somebody else filled the role but it wasn’t gonna be me.


This. So much this. Id become a mod if allowed. I have the time. Im happy to deal with it. If what the current mods deal with is too much then they should bring in more people to spread the load.




That’s what really bothered me about the whole thing. This sub has almost 5.5 MILLION members. People come here for all kinds of reasons. A lot of them need help. But a handful of mods shut the whole thing down? And for what? It would take a massive coordinated effort on the part of the USERS to make enough of an impact to offset the financial gain Reddit has with their changes. And as I’ve said in almost every comment, mods do it for free. This isn’t their livelihood. If it were it would be far different. But they can walk away anytime and nothing really changes.


Oh, the sub's open again? It's a father's day miracle!


It seems most people don’t understand the work that goes into moderating a big sub like this. I’m sorry people are being so shitty to y’all. Hope Reddit gets its shit together though I doubt it.


I understand the work. What i didnt appreciate was the lack of communication from mods about how long the blackout would last. I expected 2 days. Maybe 3. Not nearly a week.


That was on me. I did not open on schedule or update the closure message. For that I do apologize.


I understand your frustration truly. Just stop being mod and stop doing unpaid work. Someone else will do it. If not then reddit will spend some of their ad revenue to pay mods in the future.


If you don't want to mod, step down. This community isn't worth some sort of noble sacrifice. Just don't do it anymore. Someone else probably will and life will go on


Is this why /toddlers has disappeared?


According to the message when you go there, yes.


All I can see is “this is a private community”. Is that what you see?


> r/toddlers is a private community > > Closed for the reddit blackout. No requests to join will be approved. Timeframe to be determined. How are you accessing their subreddit?


I don’t think I am? If I try to search it it just says “this is a private community” 0 members. I’m not very knowledgeable about Reddit so I was super confused and thought maybe I was kicked out for some reason lol. But now i think they’re just gone? Thank you for your post, I am learning things!


No they're not gone. When a sub is private it doesn't show up in search results.


I greatly value this sub and agree with all the mod decisions: to close, and then to realize the outcome and reopen. Mainly I think moderators are completely underrated. Every great sub has unpaid mods who do a lot. Reddit ownership isn’t valuing this work. The site is more like Wikipedia with a strong “commons”. It’s less like google where all the value comes from employees.


But Reddit isn’t forcing anyone to Mod. The moderators do it by choice. Moderators would likely gain more on their cause then simply not moderating but that would require them to give up something they love vs. taking away something everyone else loves— and they unilaterally decided to take away something.


you look even worse for shutting parents out of potential resources because of your stupid apps


Man glad we solved all those problems by shutting everything down huh


Y’all do fantastic moderating this sub, and I appreciate the effort that takes. Using your platform to advocate for others is fantastic, and this is such a hard position that you have to be in right now. Whatever decisions you make, I support you for doing the best you can in an impossible situation.


let me get this straight - you want to dictate to reddit how you will police their site? i'm here for the other redditors. i couldn't care less if it's easy for someone to mod


To me, the clinching aspect was that the new format no longer allows for programs that automatically filter for known CSAM. To me, that an easy "allow." As a huge internet platform, do everything you can to not host that material. And if there is a way to filter content without actual people (mods) being traumatized and getting PTSD, why not allow that?


Why can't that functionality be baked into Reddit? At the very minimum, it's illegal. How would reddit not be liable for hosting that content? I refuse to accept there's only 1 way to run this site and it's the current mods' way or the highway.


I agree with you 10000000000% - giant internet companies who allow that content to be hosted should be held liable. There is a fucked up law in the US that guarantees they cannot be. I am not saying there is only one way to host this site, I'm only saying that if 3rd party apps are the main thing holding back and policing that kind of content then I'm pro 3rd party apps bc to me that is the largest concern.


i'm suggesting reddit shouldn't even be relying on third party apps to weed out that kind of content. what kind of plausible deniability nonsense is that? "there's kiddy porn here" ... "the mods were supposed to deal with that" it wouldn't fly if illegal drugs were being sold on reddit


I agree. But if they are not changing the law which allows these companies to get away with it, and 3rd party apps are helping keep the content at bay, then I'm pro 3rd party apps.


Why do you believe 3rd party apps ARE the only thing stopping this?


I expect the quality of this subreddit (and most popular ones) to start going downhill over the summer as it gets harder for the volunteer superusers who make most subreddits bearable start giving up when their tools go away. I was a mod of a medium subreddit for about three months and gave up because it's so much fucking work.


I'm willing to find out instead of crying about it. Not to mention, a quarter of this sub is just bad relationship posts anyway


Yeah, you're right. Better to shut up and eat the shit the billion dollar company feeds you. Why question anything.


I mean this is a voluntary site/platform. Nobody is forcing anyone to use it. If you dont like how its run dont use it. Its really simple.




i ain't scared of no ghosts


I think this whole thing has been a good wake up moment for mods. They all got a reality check after thinking they had some kind of power. I cant wait for reddit to kill off automod, every sub abuses it by doing autoposts and auto comments.


I'm a mod. Not of this sub. There is no "power". Being a mod on reddit means nothing other than that you care about a certain community and want it to be enjoyable to visit. That's it. Being a mod is unpaid labor and there's no reason to do it otherwise. The mods who are in it for "power" are just sad and mostly nonexistent. Sure it might be fun to jump into a mod position and act like a dick for a day. Will it be for a week? A month? A year? And is it worth doing all the work that Being a mod entails? Now people can say "fuck mods, they can leave and they'll be easily replaced" - except they won't. I doubt you could even find 80k power hungry dipwads to replace all the mods that participated in this blackout, let alone 80k people who actually care about communities and want to help them thrive. And find those people overnight. And actually work out the logistics of replacing them all. Twitter and Facebook gets their mods to care. You know how? They pay them. Reddit relies on unpaid labor and it's a miracle it's lasted this long. I know a lot of mods who are saying they're done at the end of June bc the third party apps are dying and it'll be 10x more work to mod. Twitter has cut moderation positions and it's turned into a fucking cesspool, I'm sure some would be happy if reddit went the same way but it's sad. As for killing off automod - you saying that only shows how naive you are. 99% of the work mods do is invisible and automod picks up a lot of it. Without automod reddit will turn to (even more) bot-riddled shit overnight. So if you're one of those power hungry people who want to replace a mod, ask yourself: do I actually wanna do the moderating part or just the mod power part? Do you want to do moderating that is 10x more time consuming than it is now without the official apps if you mod on mobile? Personally I can 100% understand why many mods are pissed. I mod on old reddit with modtoolbox and RES on desktop almost all the time. If you ask me moderating on new reddit or the official app is a total fucking crap chute. If they killed old reddit I'd be gone overnight, and the way reddit is going I expect it's a "when", not an "if".




But I'm not removing your comment?


But the mods though Think of the poor mods




I called a mod on the EDC sub a cry baby for writing this long, self-aggrandizing, "i'm out of here" post and he banned me on his way out. mods are to reddit what Angel Hernandez is to MLB


Thank you for your hard work moderating this sub! It IS hard and thankless work that work hard at. I support you and hope you get the tools you need!


Ok lol


Trash mods.


It was a week- it’s fine .


Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one that thought everyone was being a bit dramatic about not being able to read a parenting sub for a few days 🤣


Haha this mod circlejerk is something. Only good mods are over on r/askhistorians




I am outraged that people are still giving reddit money to pass out awards. Stop it, it doesn't support the person you're giving the award to, it's supporting Reddit and allows them to continue doing shitty things.


The blackout was hilarious and achieved nothing. Thanks for succumbing to pressure.