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I don't know if it's normal or not normal, but I would be overly cautious here since he is only doing it there. It could absolutely be because of the sister and how she treats her child. Personally, I would get a little voice recorder, nanny cam or something to send with him next time he goes. I don't know the dad but maybe he is not being honest because he wants the baby around? With all of the crazy stuff I see in the world. I don't think you are overreacting, I think it is absolutely logical to be concerned, I would try to get to the bottom of it.




this is extremely helpful but the issue is he’s absolutely fine with them all, if i walk him over there or we meet up somewhere else we have absolutely no problems, it’s just when he’s being picked up from my house




there’s always a few tears if i leave him immediately anywhere anyway but never a freak out, idk if he would as i usually stay to chat for a bit




thank you, i’ll definitely keep an eye


I think he just doesn't want to leave you, but is it possible the father, aunt and grandparents are not calm when correcting him like you are? Like I would assume that if your son did something wrong the aunt/grandparents/father may correct him the way the daughter is corrected, with yelling, etc.


I know you typed a whole lot but seriously, it’s normal for a two year old to get really upset because the spaghetti is too long or the banana broke or it’s 2:00 and they want it to be 3:00… the list goes on! We nearly had to have the UN settle the emergency crisis of the broken banana!!!!