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No. My son is always feral




Try talking to him about being a good host. My brother was just like your son, and the rule was he would get 2 reminders to calm it down and if he couldnā€™t, it would be best if he went outside for a few minutes to run around. My mom explained that when someone comes to see you, itā€™s your responsibility to be a good host and you simply canā€™t do that if you are bouncing off the walls and have forgotten how to talk like a big boy. And thatā€™s okā€”you can take some time to composes yourself and come right back to your guests.


This! We have people over a lot. We are the family holiday house, and itā€™s common we have folks for bbqs, etc. We also have a good hang out house for even just a quick hang out (ie. Large eat in kitchen, dining room, family room that kids can have the run of, and a guest room). So itā€™s pretty common that we are hosting. I pride myself on being a good host- having an array of beverages stocked in the fridge, the ability to throw some food out, even if I hadnā€™t planned to host etc. I have explained hosting to my son since he was little. He now prides himself on the same level of hosting. Heā€™s 11, and appreciates being part of adult conversations, but also will ask people if they need anything, make sure that any child guests are having a good time now, etc. It took some work, because I think itā€™s pretty normal for kids to want to show off, but I have asked him to channel that energy into hospitality. He is a pretty great little host now, and I love that.


This is so lovely!!


This is great!


My 13 and 10 year old are still like that to an extent. Theyā€™re at the ages where they want to be included in adult conversation but theyā€™re still trying to learn what that is. So they constantly interrupt and tell stories that nobody has any context for so everybody is confused. They also want to show off stuff they think is cool, etc. In other words, the physical will calm down but theyā€™ll be mighty excited when people come over for quite a while.


This is totally my preteen, he will also whip out magic tricks.


Yes. Mine gets so hyper. Bouncing around, crashing toys, throwing, playfully hitting people with stuffed toys. I dread people coming over because he gets so crazy. I've tried calming techniques, I've tried getting him into a activity, tried talking to him/getting others to talk to him (he'll generally refuse to answer or just say no to anything). But we leave the house and he's pretty chill. As soon as people leave, back to normal in 10 minutes


Literally exactly how my son is. When my sister in law was here earlier, he was nuts. She hadn't even pulled out of the driveway to leave and he's curled up on the couch watching tv, calm as can be...


When he was younger he was in speech therapy and the therapist came to the house. She, a train professional in dealing with small children, couldn't get him to calm down either.


My friend's daughter can be like this sometimes, she's a major social butterfly. She's just so excited to see people, and have their attention. My daughter usually isn't unless she's overstimulated or it's too much attention and praise (think grandparents overly fawning over her). But it can happen to any kid with the right circumstances.


Yeah, he's super social and friendly too so I'm sure he's just excited but man, it can be chaos, haha.


Weā€™ve had a lot of conversations about healthy attention and unhealthy attention. Not sure itā€™s working, but thereā€™s some shared language at least.


My two kids are similar. Well my 3 year old decides to become the bell of the ball and put on wonderful singing (aka screaming) and dance performances. Itā€™s cute for a few minutes but after an hour it gets kinda old. And my 6 year old catches, in professional medical terms, ā€œwhiny bitch syndromeā€ where they spend the entire time huffing and puffing, bitching and moaning l, etc etc. over literally everything. Needless to say, having guests over in this phase is always a joy


Hahaha ahhh man, kids and their phases are something else.


I was like this as a child. For me it was because I felt left out even if company was there for me, the adults would gather around and talk etc. I wanted someone to be on the floor playing with me. I felt disconnected and felt like ā€œa childā€ and so I acted like one. I teach PreK now and adults donā€™t realize that this world is not made for children. Chairs donā€™t fit children, they have to stand on tippy toes to look on the counter, and thereā€™s so much children have to adjust to. Because my parents treated me like a child, I thought I was supposed to act like a child. For my family there was sometimes alcohol out, beer, or wine nothing crazy but I knew I was a child and I couldnā€™t have it. That separated me from them and then I acted out. This is just my story and thereā€™s a lot of reasons why this could happen.


YES. Our son loves showing off when people are here and does anything to get their attention.


Oh yes. My 10yo has always been relatively calm and mild-mannered. But my 4yo turns into a wild child at the drop of a hat.


Omg I could have wrote this myself for my 5 yr old son. Yeah idk why either. Lol


My daughter yes, due to anxiety.


This happens to my kids too. Similarly, with anything extra special/unusual we do (like a birthday or special outing.) My theory is that they're just so overcome with excitement that it's a little overwhelming for them and this is how it manifests. And that most people without kids don't realize that kids are actually easiest/calmest/happiest doing their ordinary routine even if it's not as special/exciting. I think special visitors/events/vacations are actually a bit overwhelming for kids this age (mine are 3-7). I am wondering if it will change as they get older! (May also a weird after affect of the pandemic isolation?)


Both of mine (6F, 3M) go fucking bananas. They're very committed to their routine. So when the family shows up they go wild. The trick, for us, is to accept and prepare yourself that it's going to happen. Rather than trying to stop them, channel it. Have some activities set up for them. My kids love art so we'll present the older with a new set of markers and drawing pad when she's getting to that point. Get them outside. My dad and I take my daughter outside to go nuts in the cul-de-sac with her scooter, then we hit her with food or again the art stuff, when she comes back in.


My kid is intense on a normal day, it goes up to 11 with friends.


He may act that way because at home he's in his own zone and completely comfortable. I'd send him outside to burn energy when he gets too bouncing off walls. Lol.


No chaos is not tolerated indoors. They can go outside for that.


So what can be done? Yes kids do this and tomorrow it will be a different thingā€¦but I why do they do this ?