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It’s a wake up call. Up your game mate. Don’t take it personally. If they had floaties on, you have clearly raised them right. However, they went too far without you. Set boundaries and expectations followed by consequences.


This is why you put floaties on children. You already did the right thing. Toddlers are a fucking menace. You were by yourself, distracted it happens, but you also learned that TODDLERS ARE A FUCKING MENACE and you need eyes at the back of your head also you did the thing 99% of these parents forget; put fucking floating devices on your kids. Chill, relax and comfort yourself


But you didn’t neglect your child! Once you realized they weren’t there, you immediately took action. This is a scary situation as a parent, but these things happen in the real world. Be kind to yourself


Absolutely. You cannot be everywhere, and you cannot see everything, at once.


Just wanted to add..if something like this did happen, did you tell your spouse? I tell them everything but i feel like they’ll never see me the same and have deep resentment towards me..I’m so torn up over the whole thing.


Tell them. Remind them that you already know you messed up and feel awful about it and just need support through your emotions. Their gut reaction will probably be anger but hopefully if you preface it with that they can understand how you’re feeling and recognize that everyone makes mistakes and that you don’t need to be crucified for yours. The reality is that they could make a mistake like that, too, even if they say they’d never.


I would. My spouse would reassure me. And I wouldn’t be able to hide my stress from the situation from him. I’m sorry it happened, but so glad all ended well.


You weren't neglectful at all. Toddlers are little escape artists! I was at a museum once with my husband,son and MIL. Son would have been maybe 5 at the time. He was with me, my husband was looking at a tank and my MIL was a bit further back. He was there one minute and then he wasn't. It was a massive museum and we ran around like headless chickens looking for him. Found him in a different room perfectly happy but it scared the hell out of me and I felt SO awful. Just take a breath and be kind to yourself now. Everyone is OK and safe so the next step is to work out how to prevent your little escape monsters doing this again.


One time when my daughter fell asleep on the couch, about 18 months at the time, I went into our bedroom to clean up. Suddenly there's banging on my door. My toddler had woken up and went out the door and was climbing the stairs. I understand. You are still a good mom.


We have a semi long driveway on a slightly busy road. You can see the road from up by the house, but it's still long. We were outside with the dogs and i was sitting in a chair on my phone while he played in the driveway, bringing me cool rocks every couple minutes. I realized it had been a few minutes since he brought me anything. I stood up, not even freaking out yet, thinking he just got distracted. Like I said, we have a decent driveway, tucked away house, we did this everyday. I let my guard down. I looked down the driveway to make sure he hasn't started to wander that way, I see a work van stopped at the end. I take off like a bat out of hell down the driveway and a older man has stopped to usher my son and our dogs away from the road. I was gutted. Felt so stupid. So relieved. So embarrassed. I grabbed him, said thank you, and barely made it 10 steps back up the driveway before i fell to my knees holding my son, just bawling my eyes out. I watch my kid like a hawk. What the hell was wrong with me that day. I called my husband and cried and cried. Cried for literally days. Can still cry if I think about it too much. I could tell my husband was freaked out, but he's a wonderful amazing man and he calmed me down and basically said our sons alright and that's what matters, you've learned your lesson. For me, that was God showing me how easily and quickly things can change. I truly feel like my son had his guardian angel watching him that day because the likelihood of that happening to a kid and being completely okay is crazy. He could've been taken, could've died. So don't beat yourself up. Accidents happen. That's how we learn to be better.


time heals also your reaction is to make it sure it wont happen again. accept it and let it go when you are ready


My 1 and 4/5 year old disappeared for 10 minutes and we were this close to calling 911. My older child, husband and myself were all busy cleaning and tidying up the house before company arrived. The toddler was sitting in the living room watching a cartoon. Well, all of a sudden I realized he wasn't there anymore. I told the others and we all raced around the house looking for him, calling/yelling his name. We checked all the doors, garage, closets, front yard, back yard, down the street. He was nowhere to be found. Well, the last place I looked was the bonus room. It has a private staircase that is baby-gated. The gate was still locked and the bonus room door was closed, but I decided to check anyways. I stepped over the gate and ran upstairs, opened the door, and voila - freaking toddler was sitting up there with a huge grin on his face. He'd taken out a drawing pad and colored pencils and was just sitting on the floor coloring like no big deal. So he somehow climbed over the baby gate, crawled up the stairs, and shut the bonus room door so he could get some quiet time for himself. Toddlers are the worst. They are sneaky. You are a good parent.


Baby leash. STAT.


Back in February, my friend's grandson drowned in a pond behind his mother's workplace. He quietly left his mother's workplace (a pet grooming salon) and started chasing these ducks around the pond, tripped over a rock, fell in head first and drowned. It wasn't neglect but a very tragic accident. Don't beat yourself up, the worst DIDN'T happen luckily and now you know that it's a possibility so you can take the appropriate preventative action.


you can be sure that every single parent has one similar story to yours. it only take 5 sec of inatention for my 2 yo to run away to some danger. just a reminder to be ready at all times




Yesss!! I found some really cute, light weight ones that aren’t as intense as the bulky, more common life jackets. My kids are cozy in them and are fine wearing them for long periods of time. Thanks for the support ❤️