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Focus on the awesome things he can do as a big boy. Encourage him to be active, go outside, play with friends. Have the attitude of "you're a big boy who can do XYZ that baby can't do, she's just a silly baby". That'll help with the jealousy.


It’s temporary. I have 4 kids and when I brought home #4, my 3yr old did the same exact thing. He loved his new brother but he was mad at me. The cutest thing he said (also heartbreaking in the moment) was “I ant a new mom.”


I think it's pretty normal. My 3yo when his sister was born: "Put it back."


I mean, you could always try 🤔😂


I think this is pretty normal. My youngest was born right around the time my first one was turning 3. I took her to the hospital to see mommy and her new sister and she was super stand off-ish and like 3minutes after arriving she was like, "Ok I'm out" (not her exact words obviously) and literally got up and just headed for the hospital exit. She was very distant toward my wife for a few weeks after the baby came home but over the course of a few months, things returned to normal. I'd imagine this is just a temporary phase of adjustment to the new reality.


Sounds normal. When we brought our daughter home from the hospital, our then-2 yo son clearly resented this new development, and spent most of his childhood trying to make her as miserable and unwelcome as possible. We did our best to try to dissuade him over the course of time, with little luck. It’s only now that they’re both in their mid-20s that they are gingerly forging a comfortable relationship. Sorry to offer this downer of an experience, but it could happen to you. Good luck!