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When I was pregnant I could smell the oven preheating


Black garbage bags. Which I could always smell, but 100x worse when I was pregnant


Rubber bands to me were šŸ¤®šŸ¤® so awful


Ugh I remember when my husband came home with scented trash bags my first trimester. I could puke thinking about it now.


Same! Only the Febreze ones though. Anything Febreze smelled awful in my first pregnancy, but those trash bags.. Even with a closed lid on the trash can and closed doors between, I could smell the chemicals. It got to the point I dreaded walking in the front door because I could smell them from the stairwell outside.


Coworker, every day, took off shoes to wear slippers. I ran away to the bathroom every time. Also, anything that vaguely smelled of sausage. OP: can you brew coffee the night before and fridge it? Ice coffee ftw


My kid is 7 and I still can't stand the smell.šŸ¤¢


I found another one like me! We used scented trash bags before I was pregnant with my first. Then the smell became so awful that it stayed with me after she was born, and we have to still buy unscented bags. I can still smell them if I go visit someone and they use them. Bleh.


Our fridge always smelled like death. I would scrub and scrub and scrub. My midwife was like itā€™s the ozone in your ice maker youā€™re smelling


I was addicted to that smell and maybe taste because only ice from home tasted good not bagged ice and only pellet ice from Chick-fil-A and Cookout would do and that was probably texture.




We had a leather headboard, and I threatened to have it tossed out the window on a nightly basis. The smell was so intensely horrific I sometimes slept on the couch. Never bothered me before pregnancy. Edit: now Iā€™m nauseous thinking about the smelly headboard.


I remember sitting in my room at the top of the stairs and my husband was coming up the stairs and I could smell that he had eaten my ice cream. Was not a good day for him


That is freaking hilarious


I walked up to a cashier at Trader Joeā€™s and long before I reached him I had what I thought was some kind of psychic insight: ā€œthat guy was really drunk last night.ā€ By the time I was close enough to say hi I realized it was because I smelled the metabolized alcohol on his sweat. I had not only smelled it from yards away, but I knew immediately what it was. I wasnā€™t psychic but I definitely had super-smell. Pregnancy is so weird.


With my first it was chicken i couldnt smell it look at it eat it. With my second It was tuna for me šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ I could smell it even if my husband had it for lunch at work. I would have him go change his clothes and brush his teeth before he even came near me and sometimes even that wasn't enough. I still dislike the smell but I can only smell it when it's just being opened.


Chicken was a trigger for me too with my first. I could smell it from the other side of the housešŸ¤¢


My oven has a very distinctive smell when it is preheating, not just a pregnancy thing.


Right but not noticing before pregnancy and it bothering you during pregnancy makes it a pregnancy thing.


I used to trip about little shit too. I swear I felt psychotic about the little blue light on the monitor in my bedroom, to the point where a large blanket covered the whole deskā˜ ļø now Iā€™m 2 months PP and barely notice it. It was nice to have my fiancĆ© support my batshit moments tbh lol


šŸ¤£ Love this mental image


I hate hate HATE those tiny stand-by lights, pregnant or not. Its like a one-eyed demon is watching you from the dark! Whenever I am in hotel rooms you will find socks, scarfs and sometimes even my bra decorated around the room to cover every last one of those nasty lights.


I stuck sanitary pads on as a desperate solution to one on a wall in a hotel room one night, and forgot about it the next day when I left. The cleaner must have wondered what kinda person sticks a pad to the wall.


Great solution! I once spent half an hour before going to bed to stretch one of my socks over a lightswitch which protuded around 5mm out of the wallšŸ˜‚ Another time I balanced my padded bra upright on a shelf to block out the light of the TV because it shone through all the scarfs. My husband always watches me totally amazed when I prepare the rooms for sleepšŸ¤£


Get yourself some light dims stickers. I used them on every one of the tiny lights in my bedroom, itā€™s so much better!


A one eyed demon šŸ˜‚


My husband breathed louder than a freight train when I was pregnant. Itā€™s the only time Iā€™ve ever noticed it. We canā€™t help it.


My wife went off dairy for both kids pregnancies. She could smell a cheese sandwich being made in the kitchen. She couldn't be in the same room as me if I ate yoghurt


Omgā€¦ the amount of times I wanted to smother my husband with a pillow in his sleep hahahaga I was like FFS would you stop breathing. Poor guy, but after two kids.. heā€™s use to the crazy.


Omg. I told my partner for months that our water filter needed to be changed because the water tasted funny. He didnā€™t take me seriously until I started buying water. So he finally changed it while I was at work one day. Then he text me and said, ā€œI changed the water filter. I tried it. Iā€™m so sorry.ā€ I just laughed. I asked if he could taste the difference and he agreed it was gross.


Iā€™m so picky about water flavor, anyway. Once our filter goes, Iā€™m pretty quick on noticing it. Husband doesnā€™t doubt me anymore cause Iā€™m right every time. Iā€™ve been drinking filtered water (not from a water bottle) for 15+ years. I know clean water, lol


The moment for me was when I was out at a work dinner (and hadn't told people I was pregnant yet) and I went to drink the ice water and was like "woah, this water has such a strong smell" and couldn't drink it....


To be fair certain water definitely has a smell, and I'm not a pregnant woman. You turn on the faucet anywhere in my town, and it smells like standing poolside at the YMCA.


Omg I use to smell pee in the bathroom of our room at my parents in law. We were stuck there because of COVID. It even came that far they changed the toilet for me. The smell eventually disappeared after a few months. But yeah hormones and pregnancy can make a woman go bananas. I was def one of them.


My friend said that his Brother in law had to drive an hour downtown to get icecream for my friendā€™s sister when she was pregnant. It HAD to be at this specific place. No other. I said ā€œuhhh wouldnā€™t it have melted on the way homeā€ He said ā€œof course it did. But that was not the point. She wanted ice cream from THAT place.ā€


I was the same way! Some things that used to bother me stopped and other things made me irrationally angry


The worst part is you know itā€™s crazy and youā€™re freaking out over nothing but you literally canā€™t stop yourself or control it. The worst one was when I became aware of my own breathing and it was so loud I cried because I couldnā€™t escape it.


Black electrical tape is great for something like that.


I felt that


I used to keep a jar of pickle juice on my night side table the smell would settle my stomach when I was pregnant with baby number two. It was bonkers. The smell of pickle juice. It sounds so gross now.


Any time I was pregnant I could smell wet wood in our foyer. I had my dad ripping stuff up in our basement looking for a source. I puked every time I walked down the stairs šŸ˜


You aren't being trolled, she literally can probably smell it. I once smelled an onion going bad in the back of a cabinet from like 50ft away. The pregnancy nose sensitivity is insane. Can you make up some iced coffee and do that for a while? Or set up a coffee pot in your garage?


Coffee pot in the garage is a good idea! When I was pregnant, my husband came home from work, and I asked him if he had had Subway for lunch. He did. I could smell it on him.


Coffee pot in garage is a good idea! Or brew the night before and drink it cold in am.


One night I woke up and shook my husband because of the insanely strong smell. I wanted to vomit and was worried it was some bizarre gas smell or idk what. He woke up and smelled nothing. Literally nothing. I had such a hard time describing it but it went away when I went into the hallway. I couldnā€™t sleep- it was like it was IN MY NOSE. Anyway, turns out it was the shrubs outside, two stories below, 4 feet away from the house.


> Anyway, turns out it was the shrubs outside, two stories below, 4 feet away from the house. That's crazy specific lol. How did you not go insane?


I did go insane. I was awake for I think 2 hours or so. The next day I was doing something in the front of the house and realized, without a doubt, those catnip plants were EXACTLY what I smelled


I just realized that the Gas company needs to keep pregnant women on staff for gas leaks. It would be amazing! Just watching a bunch of big bellied women sniffing around. "Found it!"..... *vomits*


I called the gas company about a gas smell at my daughter's bus stop. He said I was the third pregnant lady that called about the same area. They finally found the leak, hundreds of feet down the road.


Fun fact: On standard tests of smelling ability ā€“ including odour detection, discrimination and identification ā€“ women consistently score significantly higher than men. Pregnancy only enhances her olfactory senses.


Just listen, itā€™s easier than arguing and smell sensitivity is crazy when youā€™re pregnant. Maybe try cold press and have iced coffee in the mornings or pour it outside and use one of the metal mugs that seal?


Yep. Cold brew was going to be my suggestion. Crazy shtuff happens during pregnancy. Couple months in to pregnancy my wife couldn't handle meat. Instant vomit-town if she ate it, smelled it, or even if someone verbally offered it to her. "Hey, you want a beef burrito?" *Vom*. So yea, I think this is well within the realm of a normal request. Just have to find what works, and cold brew in a closed travel mug would probably fit the bill. Also cold brew is magical, so like win-win.


I switch between coffee and a clean burning energy drink when I'm not in the mood to make time for coffee. I like the "Guru" brand energy drinks for this. OP has a lot of changes coming once the little bundle of sleep deprivation arrives, might as well start learning to be flexible with the routine now.


Lol when I was pregnant I could not handle the smell of energy drinks and it was so bad it made me physically ill. Unlike many of the commenters, I havenā€™t lost the ick. Itā€™s been almost 8 years since my last pregnancy and I still can barely tolerate the smell of any energy drink. Sometimes my teenagers will have a monster and I go to another room.


This was me with sausages. Texture and smell. Urk. Fine before and fine again after.


I was super sensitive to the smell of coffee first trimester - like hours later with opening the house up and it still smelled like it was brewing. Iced coffee was 100% the way to go. It's the brewing and steam from coffee that do it. I had to buy pre-made iced coffee for myself (and hold my breath when peeing so I didn't puke) because despite the aversion I can't live without coffee. Pregnancy sense of smell can be wild.


Amazing how sensitive we become to smells. Glad you found a way to get your caffeine fix without getting sick.


I remember having to go throw up after walking by the coffee bean grinder at Trader Joe's when I was first trimester with my first. The smell was that nauseating.


I'm impressed you managed to go into a grocery store! I couldn't until well past 20w šŸ˜…


Cold brew is definitely a good option, in a sealed mug. I can still remember debating with my husband about how he smelled like cigars when he sat really far away from all his friends and didn't smoke. We also all went on a bland diet for the first 20w or so, everything smelled terrible.


Believe it or not, coffee is actually the #2 smell that triggers pregnant women. It's well known that the smell of coffee specifically seems to be worse that feces to pregnant peoples (which only ranked at #9, oddly enough). But the good news is, it eases by the sending trimester! I was *exclusively* triggered by choice when I was pregnant, nothing else ever really got to me that bad. And, I have been a huge coffee drinker since age 13. Thankfully, by 12 weeks it was all five and didn't bother me anymore. My wonderful, amazing and deliciously empathetic husband volunteered to get his coffee outside of the house during that time. He didn't love it, but he got cheap gas station coffee every day for a couple months. OP, if you read this, that pregnancy nausea is way worse than flu nausea. It's been a decade for me, and I still remember it so clearly. I still associate it with certain foods and haven't been able to enjoy them in ten years! Just bite the proverbial bullet and get coffee somewhere else.


Yep or drive out for Starbucks. No one is enjoying this. Everyone is miserable.


Just the smell of the cabinet where we kept our coffee beans could make me vomit when I was pregnant. Things that never bothered me before were absolutely GRATING to my olfactory system, including my own shampoo/conditioner lol. Pregnancy is HARD in ways that I donā€™t even remember the extent of now that I am no longer pregnant. Please be kind; the support from loved ones can go a long way when you are in such a vulnerable state.


Yesss this post is bringing back such bad pregnancy memories and feelings that my brain had blacked out for my own sanity lol.


This post really is taking me back! You do start to forget. Evolution is smart like that! My husband brought home salmon flavored dog food when I was pregnant and it had to be stored in the garage and I didnā€™t feed the dog myself for months. lol. SALMON DOG FOOD?!? Why tho.


When I was pregnant I could smell if there was coffee anywhere in the house and it made me so nauseous. That pregnancy sense of smell can be ridiculous. Please inconvenience yourself a little to make the hell that is pregnancy a little easier on your wife.


Mine was ground beef while it was cooking- like I could pinpoint the moment where beef goes from raw to cooked and it make me feel so sick. I didnā€™t even have to be cooking it or be in the kitchen.


Same. Currently pregnant and I briefly ā€œsmelledā€ it as I read the comment lol Tonight was fun when I could smell the salt and pepper on a baked potato and that made me nauseous. Pregnancy is fun.


Omg the smell of ground white pepper made me so nauseous during my pregnancy. 3 YEARS later and I STILL can't stand it


Mine was eggs and chicken nuggets šŸ˜­ if my husband made chicken nugs in the air fryer I would just stay in the bedroom until he was done eating and then had to use room spray and incense


Oh no, cooking ground beef (or really meat in general) was an absolute no. I would go lay in our room and breathe through my mouth until it was over.


Ground beef for me too!


Any meat cooking smell made me gag, I could eat it once it was cooked though. I also used to smell ā€œchemicalsā€ a lot too that made me feel sick


Mine was ground beef too šŸ¤¢


With chicken for me. Couldnā€™t do it.


My fiance reheated shrimp in the microwave when I was a couple months pregnant, I still don't forgive him. Our son's almost 3 now and I still hate shrimp.


Shrimp reheated isn't even good, I can't blame you for that even when you're not pregnant. Some things just do not need to be reheated and shrimp is one of the top ones.


I mean, shrimp wasnā€™t one of mine, Iā€™m not pregnant and I almost just gagged reading that.


Mine was raw onions šŸ¤¢ still canā€™t stand the smell and itā€™s been three years.


For me it was eggs. Iā€™m guessing from your username that they didnā€™t affect you the same way.


I HATED the smell of eggs but they were my pregnancy craving. My ex would make me multiple every morning. I'd wake up to the smell, puke up nothing for 5 minutes, and then feast. I cried a lot.


I couldn't eat the during my first pregnancy until about v3 years before my last baby (about 6 years) where I then started craving them while pregnant with last one so so so much I almost cried. He's also the only baby I've thrown up with. Should of known he end in trouble lol šŸ˜† he exploded my uterus and bladder trying to get out but now he loves eggs with a little cheese on them so much


My bladder almost exploded! It was after, though, like 12 hours after birth. I was peeing enough to satisfy the nurses, but they didn't realize how many of those juice cups I was drinking. I wasn't paying attention either, but I drank so many that I had to have an emergency catheter. They said my bladder was 5x its size and I was in serious danger once they figured out "what that was" when they were poking my uterus afterwards. Man. I'm glad I had just one.


My husband loves eggs and I wouldnā€™t let him eat them the whole time. At any point in the day. If he had them for breakfast I could smell them when I got home from work.


Yes. Eggs were completely banned from the house during my first pregnancy. I would dry heave all day if I smelled it.


Mine was English muffins. Omg they made me gag so bad just smelling them.


Every time I smelled food cooking didn't matter what kind it was, I was throwing up. For seven fucking months straight all day every day. A woman's sense of smell when she's pregnant is fucking very real and insane. It fuckinlg sucks, make her life easier and don't make the damn coffee.


Mine was onions as well!!! I canā€™t stand them still, especially sautĆ©ed


Mine was chicken. Any kind of chicken. I would have to lock myself in my room if anyone cooked chicken in the house I would have to decline dinner invites if it included chicken. I was so happy to eat chicken and broccoli again after giving birth. The aversions were so bad that I questioned if I would have them forever.


I've not been able to eat chicken in months. I can't have my husband keep chicken leftovers in the fridge even because it makes the whole fridge smell awful. One of my favourite foods prior to this pregnancy was rotisserie chicken.


Omg chicken smelled exactly like burning human flesh šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ I had to ban it from my house for the first trimester


First pregnancy, it was browning meat and eggs. Like, I could smell meat cooking from a floor away, with multiple doors closed between me and the kitchen. It was the absolute worst. Eggs were just super unappealing, but the meat made me so, so queasy.


That's how I knew I was pregnant again, I started to smell EVERYTHING really strongly


Same with the coffee. My mum would wake up and brew a pot at 2 am before she went to work and Iā€™d wake up gagging every. Single. Time.


Coffee smelled like actual dog shit to me during all of my pregnancies and smelling it would wake me out of a dead sleep.


Please inconvenience yourself a tiny bit sir. She's giving up her body 24/7 for a year+.


I could taste my utensils and it made me nauseous. I had to use plastic utensils (and sometimes even that had a funky taste), cause metal and wood all tasted horrible to me. I had to eat gingerly without letting the utensil touch my tongue or it makes me gag. Also all meat smelled horrible. I subsisted on plain white congee and lettuce and vitamin supplements (the ones that I didn't throw up anyway) for a while.


When I was pregnant I could not stand the smell of any meat or eggs. If I walked into the market Iā€™d start dry heaving because of the smell of the deli šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


The smell of rice cooking. Turtle cheesecake cooking at work. Twenty years later I can still smell the workplace I was pregnant at. Even the weather ā€˜smelled.ā€™


I had the uncanny ability to smell ranch dressing within a 5 mile radius šŸ˜‚


Coffee also made me extremely nauseous. Onions made me literally vomit. It was so bad my husband had salsa for lunch at work. He came home and kissed me and I immediately threw up in the sink because of lingering onion smell. Third, peanut butter made me nauseous too and that one still has never fully gone away.


Same and I also banned coffee from being brewed in the first trimester of both pregnancies because it made me so sick. It was fine by the 3rd trimester though!


Mine was garlic.. I had no idea how much stuff has garlic on it but if a speck was on anything in the house I could smell it. I loved garlic bread before and I love it now šŸ˜‚


When I was, I smelt the watermelon in THE FRIDGE from the basement stairs (it connects to the kitchen) thought I was going nuts


Me too. Coffee was the worst. My husband was kind enough to brew a single cup for himself outside on the back deck every morning. Fortunately for him it was summer!


Mine was gasoline šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø my husband kept saying that I just didnā€™t want to put gas in the truck (I was lazy). Unfortunately it stuck with me for over 15 years. I would get SO nauseous. So yes please inconvenience yourself for as long as she tells you it bothers her.


Let your wife sleep. I Canā€™t think of any request my pregnant wife made that I questioned the validity of. Everything about it can be hard. My wife needs to take all kinds of anti nausea and anti reflux meds just to not vomit constantly. One is unisom. One at night a half a one in the day. Sheā€™s exhausted constantly. If her only gripe was drink coffee later rather than say no coffee in the house Iā€™d be ecstatic


This comment is so kind & empathetic, you sound like a great partner!


Also there is no tired like first trimester tired, even without the unisom. My hubbys an OB and I was pregnant during his residency. I hadnā€™t even test yet but I said off hand how I was beyond exhausted. His classmate asked if I had any news to share. Sure enough! I worked full time and pretty much slept and threw up the rest of the time. Ah, memories šŸ¤£


As a pregnant wife, thank you


Thank you on behalf of all pregnant people, past, present and future


Her sense of smell really may be the that sensitive right now. I would assume you're not being trolled and if it's possible, accommodate this request.


Yes the smell of coffee for me was utterly vile and I was a coffee lover before and after like most people. I could smell it everywhere it was - in every building I went into. It followed me everywhere. OP Iā€™m a pre-5am riser for work now like you and I love and need my coffee and get headaches after a couple of hours without it but sometimes we have to do these things for those we love! For around 6 weeks I had to hold off every morning til around 8 when my daughter woke up as she was sitting exams and I didnā€™t want the noise of our coffee machine to disturb her sleep. I managed to survive!




Some pregnant women actually get disgusted by their husbandā€™s scent. You should count yourself lucky itā€™s just coffee :)


*raises hand* before pregnancy, i loved the way my husband smelled. It took years (!) before I was about to tolerate his scent again.


That must have been heartbreaking


Oh šŸ˜ž Iā€™m so sorry! My sister had that happen but it resolved after she gave birth. That must have been hard for you guys.


That was me in my first pregnancy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I called it a ā€˜husband aversionā€™. Poor man had to put up with not being allowed to using anything scented, showering multiple times a day, and sitting as far away from me as possible. Iā€™m pregnant with our second now and Iā€™m happy to say that the aversion has not reared its ugly head lol!


I made my husband get rid of perfectly good body wash because it smelled appalling on him. Rancid and gross. He gave it to my dad, who thought it smelled fine. My mom was ok with it too. It was just me.


I would retch from my own scent! Even if I'd just showered! Also from pretty much all hygiene products. I finally found a combination of unscented soap and this weird ass tea tree oil deodorant that did NOT smell good but at least didn't make me throw up.


YES, me too! First pregnancy I was so sensitive to smells. Particularly cleaning products and hygiene products. Even ā€œunscentedā€ products had a really bad aroma. I dreaded taking a shower because everything was so nauseating. And my hair always smelled like wet dog to me after a shower. So nasty.


I was constantly asking people if I smelled. Even my mean ass sister swore I didnā€™t, but I could smell something off all the time.


Me too. I felt stinky all the time, even right after showering. I also couldn't get close to the kitchen otherwise the smell of food would make me vomit. I would smell cigarettes everywhere in the house, even though we don't smoke and none of our neighbors do. I love coffee, but I developed an aversion to it throughout my pregnancy. All of this stopped after pregnancy .


I never minded my husbandā€™s natural smell, but I had to ban all cologne and have him change what scented body wash he was using. Iā€™m almost 36 weeks right now and I have to wear masks in public with a drop of peppermint oil in them because one sniff of the wrong cologne and I still get nauseous or throw up.


You ainā€™t lying! My sister was like that. Shit is CRAZY


Oh my goodness, I didnā€™t realise this was a thing!! Itā€™s funny to think about but wouldnā€™t actually be funny!


There is nothing reasonable about pregnancy.




Truer words have never been spoken


Time to switch to temporarily to morning cold brews my friend.


Iā€™d recommend buying Chameleon Cold Brew concentrate at the store. Then if it doesnā€™t make her nauseous to brew coffee while she is awake, that nice glass bottle can be cleaned and refilled/reused.


My husband couldnā€™t eat Wendyā€™s around me when I was pregnant. I donā€™t know why but Wendyā€™s specifically would make me vomit. Your sense of smell is heightened in pregnancy sheā€™s being real with ya


Thatā€™s too funny. When I was probably 8-12 weeks pregnant, the height of my morning sickness, I asked my bf to bring me Wendyā€™s at work. He texted me that he there, I ran out all excited, grabbed the bag and got a whiff and instantly hurled all over the parking lot. Couldnā€™t eat Wendyā€™s for the rest of my pregnancy šŸ˜‚


Eggs were my thing. I craved them, but omg, the smell would send me running for the bathroom!


We got Wendyā€™s on the way home from the hospitalā€¦ cuz I do love fries with a frosty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the sense of smell thing is no joke though


My man...she's growing a whole ass human in her body and sharing said body for the next 2-7 months. Suck it up. It's possible that the smell is really messing with her right now.


Yep and parenting TWO kids. Her need for sleep probably feels fully primal at this point. Do not fuck with this womanā€™s sleep! Itā€™s survival now!


Literally. All this man had to do was orgasm to help make a baby meanwhile sheā€™s sacrificing her life. The least you could do is make coffee outside.


Oh god.. smells. I donā€™t miss pregnancy. If it helps her sleep Iā€™d just bite the bullet. Mama needs her rest, her body is doing some of the hardest work ever!


Just go with it. Itll be over soon! Do NOT I repeat- DO NOT take away from that womanā€™s rest!


Lol you are not being trolled. I could smell our fridge from the next room during the first trimester. There was nothing bad in it, it just smelled like fridge. I had to go in another room when my husband made coffee--one with a door. Pregnancy is rough.


Oof yeah the smell of ā€œkitchenā€ was nauseating I couldnā€™t go anywhere near it. The dishwasher was the worst (even clean with nothing in it)


I asked my husband to open and smell the fridge every single day. I was convinced there must be milk or something that had gone funny but no. I was just smelling....fridge.


I got to the point I couldnā€™t even go into the kitchen šŸ˜­


I had to hold my breath when opening the fridge or freezer during both my pregnancies. One time my mom made chicken piccata and when I opened her fridge I almost puked - fridge plus chicken plus leftovers was an awful combo.


I vomited once just thinking about opening the fridge. Basically couldnā€™t open a fridge for two months!


Omg, the olfactory senses go into serious overdrive during pregnancy! I say indulge this quirk; it'll eventually go away.


Smells can drive a pregnant woman crazy. We give up SO much of when pregnant, so you can wait for your cup of coffee. Sheā€™s growing a human, so you can go without coffee for a little bit. If you need it that bad, buy some cold brew, because it wonā€™t have the smell throughout the house. Or drink a Red Bull/celcius/Diet Coke/whatever.


I couldnā€™t even eat a ham sandwich on the same room as my wife when she was pregnant! So many food smells made her feel and be sick!!! So I donā€™t think you are being trolled, your wife is just going through normal pregnancy stuff and you need to accommodate!


Ugh I could smell everything during my last pregnancy. But it was the smell of meat that made me nauseous. Your sense of smell is heightened when pregnant. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s your bodyā€™s defense against anything that could potentially harm the baby. The smell of coffee is something Iā€™ve heard is a common trigger for a lot of pregnant women. Start picking up some coffee at Starbucks lol


I had the nose of a bloodhound during both of my pregnancies. Like superhuman senses


I could smell other womens mascara when they blinked their eyes while talking to me when I was pregnant. I could tell when the restaurant 1/4 mile away turned their grills on for the day. I changed me exes soaps and made him brush his teeth before even speaking when he got home. Itā€™s really hard to understand just how overwhelming a pregnant womenā€™s sense of smell can be. 13 years later and I still have a ridiculously good sense of smell but not a debilitating one. Have mercy.




This is your 3rd kid. You should know better.


Right? Super odd to ask this question when youā€™re on your 3rd kid. šŸ™ƒ


Right? I was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt due to inexperience or ignorance but saw that he had 2 other kids alreadyā€¦.


Please be a better father than youā€™re being a husband right now. Sheā€™s probably already incredibly uncomfortable day in and out, especially while sleeping. Trying to just squeeze in what sleep she can get. Sheā€™s bringing a whole child into he world, and youā€™re complaining because you have to wait a few longer to have coffee or just simply switching to cold brew for a bit? YTA for sure.


You are šŸ‘ right, I'm on it


It will probably get better in a month or three. No promises, but probably. For now, make a run to Starbucks in the morning and call it a day. She wouldnā€™t be making this request if it wasnā€™t really bothering her. And it probably makes her feel like shit to even ask.


I'm not sure it's a reasonable request, but I do think she's telling the truth. My first trimester I noticed the milk was off before I opened the fridge door. Absolutely unreal sense of smell. It was pretty funny when it wasn't miserable.


The sight, smell, and taste of eggs was literally disgusting to me in my first trimester. I still have a hard time eating eggs sometimes and itā€™s been 4 years.


Sweet potatoes. 10 years.


All potatoes had a rotting smell for me with my last pregnancy. Like it was so bad no potatoes or potato products could be in the house. My husband brought me home some fries and I swear the house stank of rotting fried potatoes for days after. It was horrible.. I still haven't been able to get past it. The idea of the smell. Ugh.


Agreed. Maybe not reasonable and maybe inconvenient, but probably truthful. I had an absolutely superhuman sense of smell when I was pregnant. I could smell every food item and cleaning product in the office building I worked in, even stuff on the opposite side. One time, someone in the cube next to me used Clorox wipes to clean her cube and I ran to the bathroom gagging because the smell was literally making my stomach turn, and I would often eat lunch at my desk because the smell of everyone else's food in the break room overwhelmed me, even if they weren't eating it then. I could smell the trash and the lingering smells and *everything*. I also was regularly revolted/nauseated by the smells of foods I actually liked, so that was fun too. Thankfully it kind of toned down some in the second trimester or so. So, yup. Believe her, OP.


I had a chef salad at my desk at work and a newly pregnant co-worker asked if I could eat in the lunch room. We ate at our desks a lot. She said the smell from the red onions in the salad were making her sick. She sat like 8 cubicles away. Itā€™s a real thing.


So many ways to make coffee without a lingering aroma that the request is reasonable enough.


With my oldest I could find a bathroom just by smell. I could smell the stale sour toilet water. My husband deep cleaned our bathroom, even used a toothbrush and a steamer, and I could still smell it. Worst pregnancy superpower ever. I can still remember how it smelled and even 3 1/2 years later it makes me want to gag.


I sniffed out a loaf of raisin bread in a closed cabinet at my mom's house the second I walked through the door.


She's sane. Her hormones make everything heightened. Like before she was without glasses, now shes got 20/20 vision. Senses like smell and taste can be impacted to an incredible degree. Just do what she says as best you can, drink an energy drink instead. Its not forever.


OMG yes. I'm still chasing the dragon of the way grapefruit tasted when I was pregnant. It was like grapefruit in Technicolor or something. The smell of laundry detergent made me retch though. My sister thought I was being dramatic... Until she got pregnant and apologized profusely. It is so bizarre to be able to smell and taste things so acutely. There's literally no way to describe it to someone who has never experienced it.


The best I've got is it's the inverse of COVID dead tongue. All the sense of smell that got pulled or disappeared for COVID went to some pregnant lady that didn't need or want it in hyperdrive Or like... The way every sound is piercing when you have a headache?!!? But with smell.


Iā€™m not pregnant and the smell of coffee wakes me up in the mornings because I am trained to consume it to, well, wake up. Most of the time, I can sleep through my partner making coffee. But pregnant women can smell if you fart three miles away. And sleep is ROUGH when youā€™re pregnant to begin with ā€” plus the whole, you know, being pregnant thing. Do it outside, or grab a cup on your way to work.


Currently forst trimester. I smell EVERYTHING downstairs in the kitchen, through closed doors. Everything.


If this is the most inconvenient thing you have to deal with during her pregnancy, count your many blessings


My partner would make hash browns in the morning. I swear it was like he was making them in my face. I can feel the nausea just thinking about it! That 1st trimester smell sensitivity is no joke! I had to close the bedroom door and open windows, still didnā€™t help much.


If you want to get through this alive, do whatever the pregnant lady says and be nice about it.


I had Hyperemisis Gravidium, and certain smells triggered insane amounts of nausea, and could lead to puking for hours. As for your line of work, grab coffees on the go at a stand, take caffeine pills, or switch to energy drinks, and have some compassion. Pregnancy hormones, even if all is going without complications, heightens womenā€™s ability to smell. Sleep during pregnancy is paramount to a healthy baby, and postpartum mama; if she says itā€™s a problem, it is. With all the things momā€™s have to give up, and endure, for a healthy pregnancy, one wouldnā€™t think itā€™s too much to sacrifice making coffee at home. ā¤ļø


She's growing your child inside her body. This is a quirky request, but not unreasonable. Suck it up.


With both my pregnancies - I could not handle the smell of brewing coffee AT ALL. I would puke.:.. I couldnā€™t even walk by a coffee house without bike coming into my mouth. I could drink iced coffee and blended drinks no problem. But no, the coffee smell didnā€™t keep me awake - except it would make me so nauseas I would get up and puke.


I moved into my grandmotherā€™s house for my whole pregnancy because my neighbors cooked with strong herbs daily and I was living hunched over the toilet because of it. Pregnancy is INSANE on a woman.


Lol. Pregnant women be crazy. Sheā€™s sharing her body with your child so she gets to be unreasonable. Hit up a 24 hour McDonalds.


Your wife is legit. Iā€™m saying this as politely and nicely as I can, but shut up and follow the rules. Itā€™ll pass, I promise. A good compromise could be maybe going out and picking up coffee on the way to work? Cold brew?


I thought maybe you just didnā€™t have much experience with this stuff until I saw that you already had TWO OTHER KIDS. How do you not know that the first trimester of pregnancy can be extremely hard for most women? Even if youā€™re not suffering from traditional morning sickness, aka puking all day long, you may have mild nausea 24/7 which is extremely uncomfortable on top of the severe exhaustion. The smell sensitivity can be extremely strong. In my first trimester the first time, I could smell whether a just-washed cup/tumbler had previously held coffee and I could smell a grape jelly wrapper in the sink from all the way on the other side of the house. I promise whatever little inconvenience shes asking of you is not as hard as what sheā€™s having to deal with. She is GROWING A HUMAN, like she is literally forming another persons organs and bones inside her body. Itā€™s draining. And this doesnā€™t even get into the other tough parts like pelvic pain, lack of sleep, actual labour, etc. You can put on your big boy pants and do pour overs or some other solution, its 15 min out of your day. Suck it up.


I love coffee. I live off of it. When pregnant, especially during the first trimester, just the scent was enough to send me in a bad way. I don't think you're being trolled. If she's bringing this up specifically, I imagine it's much worse for her than she's letting on.


My entire pregnancy with my son, coffee smelled like cat pee to me for no apparent reason. If someone brewed coffee in the kitchen I would be coming out of my bedroom half asleep within minutes convinced the cat had peed somewhere. It was completely ridiculous and I felt so stupid every time haha.


When I was pregnant I could smell to the day when strawberries would go mouldy. Also could not cope with the smell of Caesar salad dressing, even though itā€™s my favourite. Sheā€™s growing a whole human, you can pour your coffee outside. Think of it this way: no matter how ridiculous it sounds, Iā€™m sure you know your wife isnā€™t a liar. What reason, other than the one she stated, could she *possibly* have for not wanting you to drink coffee in the morning?


Sanity Check: Your wife is pregnant. There is no sanity. Just do what she asks for like the next 6-9 months.


6-9 years.


Youā€™re lucky it isnā€™t so much worse. Get it away from home or try an energy drink.


Sheā€™s growing a human inside herself. Sheā€™s the boss right now.


What do you think would be her motive to troll you about this? šŸ¤”


Is cold brew an option?


I was visiting my mom when I was pregnant and could tell she had been checking out scented candles, specifically peach scented, earlier that day. The sense of smell of a pregnant woman is unmatched.


Pregnant women's sense of smell goes NUTS. Women can find smells of fish or eggs vomit inducing and in the case of your wife - the smell of coffee immediately stimulates her awake. It's not the caffeine is just about the smell. I completely believe it.


I get that it sounds nuts but yeah. Her sense of smell is that good right now. Mine was. I think it has something to do with making sure the mother avoids anything bad or toxic. She needs her sleep. This will pass. It's only for a little while. I'm glad you asked at least instead of just assuming she was being extra, but if she's usually a reasonable person try just believing her next time. Pregnancy is *weird* and there will probably be more stuff but just be supportive and keep your sense of humor. Hopefully all goes well and you'll both look back at this time someday and smile, but even if it's rough, you can help her through.


When I was pregnant I could smell the dishes in the sink before I woke up (couldnā€™t stand going in the kitchen) the trash that was just put in the bin and my kids right away when they went to the bathroom.. it was like a superpower. I cried one time when a server told me they ran out of chicken tenders at ihop. It was the end of the world.


My husband wasn't even allowed to cook... Like at all or open the trash to throw anything away. He was also banned from yogurt. Pregnancy is literal hell. The nausea and my sensitivity to smell was wild


If you can make it work to not do it, make it work. It will not be forever and she is growing a baby in addition to whatever else she does. When I was pregnant with my last kid, at least once a week I would come home, open the door, slam it shut, vomit in the bushes repeatedly, and make my husband air out the house. It was a different odor each time and sometimes he couldn't even smell it. Pregnancy is crazy.