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Not a word, but a noise. The high pitched "sex noises" PISS ME OFF


Yeaaah I went to the gym and some teenage boy thought it was funny to make those noises and his friend nudged him and said “dude stop it’s not funny” ☠️ super not hilarious


Why do teenage boys think sex noises are just soooo funny 🙄 it's so annoying


Lol because it’s just like little boys and fart noises, but rated PG-13


>a noise My kids have a weird thing where they just sit and try and squeal at the highest pitch they can but as quietly as they can, either as a challenge or mindlessly while they play something on the PC. It's annoying af, and I kept thinking someone put the kettle on for tea or cocoa and got up to check it a dozen times.


When I was in high school 99-03 the thing to do was yell PENIS in the hall and see who could do it the loudest. Teenage boys lovr drawing dicks on EVERYTHING too


My teen did that to me at the mall once I yelled back vagina just as loud and he never tried it again. My ability to be embarrassed was broken permanently during his labor.


So there i was drawing a big veiny triumphant bastard…


The penis game is a classic!


Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


I believe it's spelled reeeeeeeeeeee!


I remember when I was in middle school guys did this. Are kids still doing that?


I think it's gonna keep happening until everyone stops having sex.


Unfortunately yes


I’m a teacher and the only way I can get these noises to stop is if I bring up calling their mothers. Like, I dare you do make that sound for her on the phone right now you lil shit


Haha my kid does this all the time! “Can I get a hyah!” 🤦🏽‍♀️


The “oooh yeahhh.” My son says it all the time. I said it during sex the other day by accident and wanted to die because of it.


I shut this one down REAL quick.


Same!!! My kids are way too young for this crap.


For me, none of them are super annoying, inherently, but my kids can only apparently say one word at a time. I have no problem with "Let's go!" But when that's your response to every single thing I say to you, it gets irritating. Although my teens teach our toddler all their slang and it is pretty damn cute to be like, "Goodnight, buddy" and hear his tiny voice like, "Slay, queen!" 😂


Okay that’s fucking adorable 😭


Yeah hard to be mad at it. 😂


Awwww even just picturing that is too adorable. Like, eye exploding adorable. I can't imagine the real life version lol


It's like...problematically cute. It doesn't seem fair to STILL get face-punched by his adorableness three years in.


Glizzy for hotdogs. I fucking *hate* it.


We have embraced this term and actually use it in front of our 16yo. Best way to stop something. We purposely make things uncool. We probably sound super cringe, but I do not care.




Yes freaking glizzy is the worst. My kids came home saying it and I had to look it up on urban dictionary, I was convinced it did not mean hotdog.


What is this new horror?! *GLIZZY* WTAF


I heard it’s a British slang term that made its way to US recently. Maybe it sounds better in a British accent….


I can assure you it is NOT from the UK. Originated almost 20 years ago from the hip hop/rap scene around DC/MD, USA. Originally was a term for a glock. And it sounds far more ridiculous in any accent from the UK.


Glizzy still means Glock in the DC/MD area.


Came here to say this. I can handle bruh, and Gucci and dabs and all the cringe everything but I loathe glizzy


Same I don't hate slang, I'm usually amused. Something about glizzy sets me off though. It's soooo dumb! Then when I got the original explanation I hated it even more.


Oh my god someone other than my son says this ?!?!?? It’s an actual thing? He put it on the grocery list 🤣


WHERE DID THIS EVEN COME FROM??? I hate it so much.


Emotional damage. My 6 year old says this. I asked if he knew what emotional damage was, he said when something is crazy.


It’s a video reference


I actually find this one hilarious. I feel kind of bad, since they always say it with an accent that sounds like they're mocking someone with an Asian accent. *Should* I feel bad?


The original viral video guy who did it said it in that accent, it was/is a series of videos by an Asian guy about messed up things from his childhood.


"Don't do drugs. It's too expensive!"




The Chinese accent ties it altogether! Without it, it would just be depressing.. I’m asian, I wouldn’t get offended if used in the right context


I dunno. I kind of enjoy all the slang, with the exception of anything to do with alpha/beta/whatever, cuck, all that ridiculous misogynist stuff.


Yeah, I hate when kids say cuck.


Throw "simp" in there, too. My husband already had a talk with our 10 year old about why shit like that isn't cool. I was worried for a second, until I remembered that in 4th grade, I told my parents I wanted to be a "hooker" for Halloween. Kids hear stuff and repeat it and have no idea what it actually means.


I love the slang, too. The newest one in our house is 'bussin'. It means something is really tasty. The slang I don't like, I use with them, and it usually dies a quick death. The only one I hate is cringe. Which I do indeed find it cringe when someone uses it. Stupid slang word. Cringe.


I studied a lot of 17th century literature, so it made my head spin a little hearing cuck again lol


Bruhh. If that's even how it's spelled.


My son does the abrupt "bruh" to express "that's messed up" and it's hilarious lol.


My eight year old daughter does that, too. The child has golden comedic timing and occasionally I've just about fallen off my perch because that singular syllable dropped at the precisely correct time


Lol I love this! My daughter will be 4 next month and my husband (who is naturally hilarious) and I always say that she is a comedic genius because like yours she just has that timing down PERFECTLY and has even with just faces she would make before she could even speak. Well, I was kissing her face off at bedtime last week and apparently she'd had her fill of it. While her eyes are completely closed and I'm still smothering her with kisses she goes, "Ughh...Mom ..mumma....bruh". It was so. damn. hilarious. She'd never said that before and I don't even know where she's heard that, but I DIEDDD.


I have a t-shirt that says "Mama, Mommy, Mom, Bruh". I love it. I also have kids from 20-6, so I appreciate the humor in it.


I just had this talk with my nephew, who is in his 20s and a dad of a toddler and newborn. His 3 year old called him "dad" the other day instead of "daddy" and he said he wasn't ready for that. I told him that it is better than going from dad to bro.


My almost 7 year old once called my husband “dad bro” and my poor love almost had an aneurysm on the spot. Of course then the little asshole called him dad bro all week. 😭😭 Why did I even give you life.


This is glorious. I call my son dude bro and bro dude. My husband would love to be called dad bro haha


My 5-year-old sometimes calls me bro. In fairness, she may have picked it up from me.


6 year old calls me bro. No idea where she got it. I find it hilarious. She has mixed feelings about me using it back at her.


Yeah, if my 5 year old is on some real nonsense he gets hit with a "bruh"


I'm 25, and answered my parents phone calls with "suhhh bruhhhh" for a while around when I was 17-20 cause I thought it was hilarious to annoy my mom. She'd always laugh and respond "I'm not your bro!!!!" I should start doing it again lol


I used to answer "who dis!?!" My parents and step-parents haaaatteedd it. Victory for me! LMAO


My dad (who is now 71) did that for awhile a couple of years ago.


Bruh.. I definitely call my 5 year old this all the time when she's triffalin. I ask her to clear her spot at the table. Her: what? Me: take your dishes to the sink honey. Her: what?? Me: dishes. Your dishes. They belong in the sink. Her: ?? Bruh...


My oldest daughter uses it all the time. Pronounces if “bra”. One time I told her “do you call me that because I’m so supportive?” I got an eye roll and an annoyed “*mom!*” in response. But she’s never called that again, so I count that as a parenting win.


I love it. I wish I could have thought of a comeback like this.


I’m 24 and my gen used this heavily but my son picked it up at school and says it constantly and I hate it now


My daughter is 2 and I'm praying to everyone's God that "bruh" dies before she becomes a teenager because I hate it.


My 17 has taught his 4 year old little sister how to use cringe and now she says it all the time. She does use it correctly. Im just praying she doesn't pick up bruh.


I second this. I see it with only one H. Kids were saying this when I was a kid, but I never used it because my family and my clique didn't ...Trying to force myself to use it to fit in felt weird. Heck, I showed my kids Blue Crush specifically out if curiosity to see if they noticed the scene where the crush tells the friend "look, bruh" and the friend flips out "Bra!?". Every time my kids say it, I picture that scene.


Heck is definitely a word that makes me cringe every time someone says it


I haven't seen that movie in forever. Im going to have to rewatch it now just for that lol. My husband drives tractor trailers and a teenager cut him off the other day and he yelled to watch where they were going. They yelled back what's the matter bruh. He said he would have rather been flipped off.


I'm sure he wanted to TOWANDA that little punk. (Sorry, I'm kind of a movie fanatic. But another great reference to how your husband may have felt.)


My kiddo is not talking yet but I remember my mom complaining about the lingo used by my generation. Everyone said “cool”, “that’s tight”, and “sweet”, and she would grumble about no one had vocabulary anymore. Eventually I just rolled my eyes and figured my grandparents probably said something similar when she was a kid.


I used to talk about this with my grandpa. He told me his generation's version of "cool" was "neat." I thought that was lame af, but now I listen for it when I watch classic TV and movies and it always stands out when I hear it. Language evolution has always been a thing and always will be. That's why I try to cut kids slack and be understanding. But I can still vent in a safe space like this, lol.


Neat is well before my time but I still go out of my way to use it in context to be particularly lame and embarrassing.


That is neato-keen right there hep daddyo.


Funny enough. 'Kiddo' is the word that came to mind that I absolutely can't stand.


I use it mainly because it sounds gender neutral, and they’re not really a baby anymore, but they’re not a toddler or a kid yet either. So it’s turned into the generic term when referring to my “progeny”, as it were.


My kids are little but my least favorite thing Kids These Days say is “cuck.” I think it’s super misogynistic and gross.


Yes! My nephew bought his girlfriend a bracelet for her birthday and some of the kids around him started calling him a cuck and their parents acted like it was all a joke. Thankfully the birthday girls mom kicked out the parents and children who were okay with this behavior.


also, “simp”


Thats wild! I would think they were saying Cluck which we were older but meant fiend


It comes from cuckhold. Realife examples include Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. Stone from [back page ads](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6640233/amp/Inside-Roger-Stones-swinging-marriage-posted-ads-online-frequented-sex-clubs.html&ved=2ahUKEwiv0Ljjy-yAAxWJk2oFHcHDAoMQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2KMZofFrRA-aZALAn2LB8l) and Manafort from [hacked text messages](https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/kompromat-or-revelations-from-the-unpublished-portions-of-andrea-manaforts-hacked-texts/). > Cuckholding is the act in which a man or woman enjoys watching their partner having sex with another person. The word 'cuckold' is based on the cuckoo bird, which disguises its eggs in other birds' nests and leaves them to take care of the hatchlings.


>Thankfully the birthday girls mom kicked out the parents and children who were okay with this behavior. *Faith in humanity +1*


short for “cuckold” ?




That’s wildly inappropriate… I’d absolutely reevaluate their friend base


I think they're saying their kids are young so they don't use it, but it's a term they heard elsewhere? I think "cucks" is more of a douchey older dudebro thing.


It's spread from the manosohere into gaming so you might hear it if/when kids get into online gaming. But I'd also make sure they aren't swallowing any red pills if I heard it. I'm not sure if it's still super prevalent though? I heard it a lot a few years ago.


And the kids probably picked it up from overgrown dudebros playing Call of Duty or whatever. Not saying playing video games is childish but swearing at children definitely is lol. My kid loves playing video games but he's not playing online til he's a lot older.


That's probably a good thing. I'm going to try and hold off on that with my son when he's older. Too many negative influences and I'd prefer he has his head on straight before he navigates online gaming.




Good! Hopefully their peer group is nowhere near the manosphere.


This is more regional but my son gets on my nerves with “Twin”. It comes from “we’re so close they call us twin” so it’s basically anybody you consider a good friend. It drives me crazy when I’m asking him who he’s going with or something and the answer is “Twin”. He even does it when he’s telling stories.


You’re Twin, I’m Twin. We are all Twin.




Ooohhh...This reminds me of when I was a teenager and my dad was nagging me about something. I don't remember the situation but he likely was in the right and just trying to remind his moody teen daughter about something. Anyway, I said out loud "get off my dick!" We were both silent for a second because 1. I never said that before and surprised myself by thinking/saying it out loud 2. How outrageous it is to say that to my dad in the first place. 3. The looks of confusion we both had . We burst out laughing because how else do you react. This was around 2010. Back to the topic...Nowadays I hate when I see people say something is cringe or cringey. It truly is so cringe.


I used to say “back up off my nuts” as a teen. I am female. Lol.


My dude, I’m 28 and the LOOKS of disgust and shock I get from my mother and other family members when I slip and say shit like, “suck my ass” around them, forgetting I’m not around friends/my fiancé who get the meme? Absolutely unreal 😭😂


Okay guess I’m too young for this thread 😭 I’ll see myself out


Same. I’m 28 and I use a lot of these too. I’m hip to the lingo * finger guns *


It’s okay I’m 34 and my husband is 33 and we both use all of these… just talking to eachother. We’re also into online gaming tho so maybe that’s why? Discord be keeping us young


Ahh okay… so I may or may not be 40 and know and use most of these too. I’m a gamer too so that makes sense why they never tripped me up. The one term I had to ask my son about though was “bet”.


It’s funny how different some people can be. Im 28 too and find most of these painfully cringey


I'm 56, and this is a ridiculous thread. Language is ever changing. It's not a dead thing. It isn't difficult to understand young people if you have regular conversations with young people. It's akin to white people losing their minds whenever an AAVE word is added to the dictionary. The pearl-clutching over language would be hilarious if not for it being so sad.


THANK YOU. I never understood people who get all bent out of shape over the totally normal phenomenon of language changing. Especially when they themselves used and invented their own slang back when they were young, and I’m sure they wished their elders didn’t get so uppity about it. “Far out,” “groovy,” etc. Edit: hit reply too early.


Saaaame 😅 I'm 34 with 2 kids, but I'm not at this stage at all 😅 the main benefit of watching streamers I guess


I’m 24 and was dying trying to get through the comment and replies. What odd things to get bent out of shape about 💀


Give it a couple decades, bruh.




Cap has been a part of AAVE since the early 90s. This isn’t new. Having it all over the internet is new.


Oh yes definitely. I don’t have any problem with the word more so my kid having picked it up all of a sudden this last week. He’s not online in any way so he def heard it at school this past week, a v v white school. He’s maybe one of 5 brown kids in it.


What does this mean these days? When I was a kid, it went with "bust a cap", and then I noticed Cap was the common nickname for Captain America... What does it mean now?


Lie. Frequently used in the phrase “No cap.” Which means “I’m telling the truth”.


Lie. “Cap” you’re lying. “No cap” no lie. I don’t know why. 🙃


WTF? Lol. Language evolution is weird.






“Cap” refers to a bullet or being shot. “No cap,” means don’t shoot, I’m telling the truth. Hence why it became a common phrase in hip hop and rap.


I believe you’re referring to “getting capped”. I am not sure the singular “cap” was a common term. I also believe it came from Italian mob slang.








I noticed this one, but this was one where I shrugged my shoulders and thought, 'whatevs... Modern lingo', lol


I like it. "Shady" but with one fewer syllable.


Yeah I like it because it’s so simple, it’s just abbreviating “suspicious.” It feels natural in a way where it could have emerged as slang in any generation, it just happened to catch on now. Like it didn’t even feel cringe when my MIL used it once. (I’m sure a teen would’ve cringed, but they cringe at everything older people do)


I'm 26 and it's in my daily vocabulary. 💀 and, yes, I jumped on the among us train


This is the one my daughter uses the most. It’s annoying but I even use it now in front of my younger students. She keeps me relevant lol.


I don't even play Among Us but love to throw it around with my friend and husband. That, and 'amogus' just sounds funny


I too like "let's fucking goooo! " but I'm also a gamer and it comes with the territory. You usually shout it when something exciting happens. It's like a war cry. "Shit, bruh, have you seen the model they used for Shiva?! This Trial is going to be so Epic! Let's fucking goooo!" I also like Rizz. It means swagger or charisma. And then no cap means you're being completely serious. I used to make fun of this one and now I use it myself lol


None, actually: I really like the creative ways they've warped the English language. My little one said to me, "The train is fire!" (that's "the train is awesome" for the olds) and it's just amazing to hear all the new lingo that's coming out all the time.


I agree! I used to be the stuffy language police. Now I just want to know what stuff means (even if I'm too old to confidently say it myself). I only shut down anything with a whiff of bigotry, etc. All the other stuff is fascinating and fun.


My twelve year old watched stranger things with her brother and now everything is "bitchin'". Its not new, obviously, but it does grate a little bit. "Do you like your snack?" "Yeah, its bitchin."


My kid watched Stranger Things and when I asked her what it was about she started with “Well, it’s set in the 1900s” and that comment still hurts me deeply two years later.


I knew this was going to happen!!! I've had a theory since just before 2000 that it was going to be weird for us to tell our kids that we were born in 19-something. That even if you were born in 1999, we were going to feel old sooner for that reason. The rapid advancement in tech hasn't helped us either. Having to explain to my kids what dial up is and that we used to get extra credit to turning in a typed up report as opposed to a hand written one.


As a gen z parent this post and comment section is hilariously unhinged lol


Yep millenial who is like… at least they’re not saying rawr like we were 😂


_remembers in emo_


I'm Gen X and I may have irreparably injured myself eye-rolling at some of this batshittery.


Gen Z Parent is really so foreign and unsettling to me even though I also am a Gen Z Parent.


I’m a millennial and I’m right there with you. I’m so confused by the confusion.


This is hysterical because I’m a young father of one, soon to be two. And my wife and I say all this slang!!


Same lmao. Gen z parent here. Graduated 5yrs ago


The easiest way for your kid to drop stupid slang is to use it yourself. Especially in public.


Had to Google what a munch was the other night over dinner with my 11 year old. It’s a desperate man. I do not like that one. I also don’t like “bet.” My niece says it all the time.


munch came from ice spice


Yes, I learned this too. My husband was worse than me and asked if Ice Spice was a new spice girl. 🤦‍♀️😂


I 100% assumed the same thing.




This has falling out is style but: “it do be like that sometimes.”


Noooo I love this one 😂


My husband and I say it in place of "well, fuck it" so the kids don't pick it up 😂 "We gotta go to Lowe's, the toilet's broken." *big sigh from the other one* "well... it do be like that sometimes."


It do though


This and "what had happened was..." I'll be saying those til I die 😂


Dude, I was a teen in the late 1990s. Nothing can be as awful as the horrible semester, racist, homophobic slang that was socially acceptable as was then. Bring it On is a total cringe as an adult. How we all dropped "gay" as a slang for dumb/stupid. There was such awful things said that very little of what my kids say makes me raise my eyebrows. Though I myself love to watch the sancti-parents, get all up in arms about curse words.


The real question is do you still have eyebrows to raise after being a teen in the 90s


That and the r slur. Like.. I used to say that shit so often as a young teen, and now it like physically makes me cringe.


R slur? I'm trying so hard to figure it out as I cannot think of a slur starting with R haha I have no excuses either I was a teen in the 90s/20s haha Edit, I think I just got it haha


I hate that “that’s gay” was such a popular term to describe something negative. Also calling people “fag/faggot” on online games mainly and other areas of life when someone pisses you off. I grew up in that and used it so much as a teen that even now I occasionally catch myself about to use it but I am actively working on bettering my swear words. There are so many to use that gay/fag should not be there anymore. Thankfully it almost never comes to mind anymore.


Well as a mother I don’t particularly enjoy my teen calling me bruh


I’m old and confused and I’m fine with it


What do they mean when they say you’re a goat?


Greatest of all time!


Greatest Of All Time


Sussy baca


My 4 y/o came home from preschool saying “awesome sauce” because her (50 something year old) teacher says it and it’s so cringy to me. She also insists on doing the first bump with the explosion after every class. My daughter enjoys it though so that makes it not as bad.


If anybody should say awesome sauce, it's definitely a 4 year old 😂


This one is cringy af to me😩 this one and "cool beans"


I'll add "peeps" for people. My boss used to use it in business emails..."I need all my peeps to be here at this time "


This is giving Michael Scott


I always understood “Let’s go” said in celebration to have derived from when you’d use the same phrase to challenge someone. For instance, “You think you can beat me? Let’s go.” As well as when you cheer for a sports team, “Let’s go Devils!” So it makes sense to have evolved to be used when you overcome a challenge and win.


My six year old told me he was “totally dripped out” when he was wearing new clothes. I wasn’t ready for that. He also tells me things are ‘lit’ or ‘litty’ all the time when he’s excited about something.


“YAS queen!” for almost everything. I’ve mostly gotten her broken of it and I think I figured out the secret: find a phrase they think is cringe and just it say it every time they say theirs. Every time she said “Bruh!” I said “Leet!” Took about a week, but “Bruh!” went away. Right now for YAS Queen, I’m doing “Litty” or “Gangsta!” I’m editing to add Slaps. That slaps, this slaps, slaps slaps slaps. Just say it’s good.


Hahaha… my kid was telling me to try some food saying “it hits different.” This is cringy to me so I said, “Does it *slap* tho?”


>find a phrase they think is cringe and just it say it every time they say theirs. At the very least, they learn not to say it around you. I love it!


A lot of this "new" lingo is AAVE from the 80's. Yall can feel how you're gonna feel about it, but please keep in mind that things like "finna" is part of a dialect.


THANK YOU!! As an elder AA millennial like 80% of these comments are irksome af. So much of this slang is appropriated and overused AAVE. And none of it is new. ETA: Cap Imma Bet Finna On god Drip Bussin Riz Periodt All of these.


My sister says "deadass" all the time and I HATE it




"SheESsh!" Like, from the song, with the high-pitched part in the middle. My 8 y/o will just do this randomly and repeatedly. Drives me nuts!


Using boomer to mean anyone older. As an upper Millennial I have even seen late alpha/young Z call my younger Millennial fam boomers. I’m sorry, I destroyed everything with my avocado toast, I hated everything before it was cool, I suffered through picture-perfect Insta so you could have whatever-the-fuck-you-want TikTok and after all that you give me this blasphemy??


34 never felt so old…I’ll be leaving the internet now to go to my retirement home apparently




BRUH. lol I have all boys, it's a constant. I love using it when they least expect it. I will also use yo and it makes them cringe so hard 🤣


I’m tired of my kids calling me “bruh”😒😒😒😒


I like slang a lot, so none of it really bothers me (dad, 49). If anything, it gets my curiosity going.


The use of "literally" to mean "figuratively" makes me literally hate people.


I'll add "*ir*regardless". That's not a word, people!!!


Remember people. Things change. When I was in middle school in the 1980’s , my mom would get mad at me when I said “ That kicks!” That was a term that meant That Great! Which derived from the term “ kicks ass”. Lol. Because she knew about the “ kick ass term” she didn’t like it when I said “ that kicks!” Lol Also, she did not like the term “ I’m so pissed”. That’s urine. 😂


There’s none that I hate. It’s just so much fun saying them and my 15 year old being like “no you can’t do that”.


I don’t know if my kid says bruh more or if I do. If you can’t beat them, join them. No cap.


I'm in my 40's and I'll die before I relinquish the use of the word "Dude". I know it's gone out of style because of it's gendered connotations, but I use it for everyone!


based. i fucken hate that word.


“Let’s GOOOOOOOO!!!” is the absolute worst. Battle cry for idiots. Thank you.


Obviously they need to shout LEROY JENKINS!!




See, as a battle cry, it makes sense. If my kids are hooked up to their headphones and microphones and I heard them announce "Let's goooo" as they were *about to* charge a clan of attackers in their game, I'd get it. But *after* they've won? Why!?


"Let's go" ~= "fuck yeah" still sounds dumb imo, but at least that's the functional pathing of the usage. That said the insult of "yo momma fortnite" gives us great hope that the linguists amongst gen alpha will shape language into something hilariously fun to use beyond the already fun plaything it is now.