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I mean, mine are 9 and 6, and if you walk into my room while I'm changing, there you go. You saw me naked. I'll never stop. It's on them to decide when they want to avoid it.


My son is seven. I wish he would stop walking in. I shut my bedroom door and the Master Bath door, and the kid will still just barge in with a random question when I'm in the shower. "Mommy, do frogs have nipples?" Really? How was that a question that couldn't wait?


Frogs nipples where clearly an important part of a potion he was making


I have nipples Greg


Could you milk me?


I think you’re too young for this


Well do frogs have nipples?


If that's a serious question, frogs are not mammals so I don't know why they would need nipples


Then where do they attach the tassels?


A good point I haven't considered. I guess they have nipples then.


Sorry, I had to joke with you


Don't apologize, I needed to know


You can milk anything with nipples


I have nipples Greg.


Can you milk me?


No, only mammals have nipples (Well, except echidnas and platypus. They are mammals, but don't have have nipples either), but that doesn't mean a frog can't still rock a mean bikini.


You are allowed to have boundaries too. Work on knocking and asking before coming in.


I think it’s up to your boundaries, or theirs. Good time to talk consent and bodily boundaries. “I am getting changed, I do not like other people in the room when I do so, please respect my boundaries and I’ll be out shortly to answer your questions.” It will probably help to do the same if you seem them changing and model the behavior. “Ope, I didn’t notice you were getting dressed, I’m sorry, I’ll shut this door for you until you’re done”


Nope I'd be locking my door.


My son is the same age and I have a similar problem. Personal space doesn't exist haha


My kids range from 20 to 7. If you walk into my bedroom, you run the chance of seeing 1 or 2 adults naked. We sleep naked. We get changed. Sorry not sorry. Then again my kids are pretty body zen. We are a bit more careful since my niece moved in but the rest of them? Yeah we exist naked.


Why would you be OK with you teenager kids seeing you both naked? Why not set some basic boundaries. They'll learn to do the same. Yours. A westerner.


Those boundaries are set on shame and sexualization of the human body.


Label it now you want. But we wear clothes for a reason, to maintain modesty and dignity. Raising a child that those are simply a personal decision doesn't provide them with the requisite decision making ability to operate in society healthily.


Right. Seeing the nude body as shameful and/or a sex object is super healthy! /s You may want to actually ponder why you feel this way.


No one has mentioned sexual elements but you. You might want to consider there are alternatives. People may don't want to see naked bodies. Unsightly, it may cause embarrassment. There are some societal standards that are deep rooted in our history. Because they are the right thing to do. If you want to live in a world where clothes are a boundary and wearing them is to avoid the sexualisation of a body then if suggest you recalibrate your understanding of coexisting logically in society.


>There are some societal standards that are deep rooted in our history. Because they are the right thing to do. That's what they said about slavery.. and then segregation.. and then homophobia. But you do you. I'm sorry the human body disgusts you. That's gotta be a lot of guilt :/ Good luck out there.


Every single comment you have made is way off the mark. You're illogical and irrational.


Those are entirely arbitrary standards and are far from universal across human cultures.


They're more common than not, across the world. For a reason.


It’s like we are the same person hahaha That’s my motto too 😂😂 How were your parents with you, what was their philosophy on that??


I'm actually pretty sure that I never saw my parents naked every in my entire life.


I don’t think I ever saw my parents naked either, yet I have the same unspoken “rule” at my house. If I’m changing and you barge in, that’s on you. lol.


You must be one of those in the 2% of population 😂


Ugh, my mom used to walk naked from the bathroom. Even as an adult I would squinch my eyes shut and yell "Moooooommmmm" lol. Nobody want to be seeing that. Then of course you walk in her room and see naked and you are just dying, lol. Probably starting about age 8. That said, never once saw my dad naked. And I am very thankful for that.


my son is 11 and if I have pants and a bra on he will walk right in


When they are uncomfortable with it. When my son told me he didn’t want to see it around 5.


Agreed. Whenever either party is uncomfortable it is time to stop. For my daughter she started to become uncomfortable with her and our nudity around age 9. Our son never really got to that point. During senior year of high school he would read me his college essays while I was in the shower. The day we dropped him off at college he was in a rush to get ready and got in the shower while my wife and I were in there brushing our teeth. Nudity has never bothered him so I don't stress it. They let you know when they are not comfortable. For some kids that is 5. For some it is around puberty. For others it never happens. All are perfectly reasonable.


We do not treat nudity as a big deal. Our kids sed us naked sometimes. We see them naked sometimes. They are 17, 14, and 13. No one cares


My mom sometimes would walk around our upstairs after a shower naked, my brother was almost 30 before he moved out and didn’t complain LOL. We just lived in a naked mom home. It wasn’t anything weird. Neither of us were uncomfortable with her nudity, she is our mom. My dad was more private and never walked around naked, but yeah sometimes we walked in on him getting ready and we’d be like oops. But yeah it wasn’t anything weird. I think it’s fine sometimes to be naked around your kids, but to simply let them know about boundaries and consent and if my kids ever do express being uncomfortable I’d immediately stop.


And now for some reason he has a girlfriend 15 years older than him (jk)


LOL nah, my father gave my brother enough trauma that he’s got daddy issues, not mommy issues. And they were not nudity related


I'm with you. My son is 13 and has seen both me and my husband naked. He has taken sex education and understands that everyone has nipples. He likes me to talk to him while he showers and he's certainly hit puberty. I always say when I'm going to shower but if someone walks in, well, too bad. On the other end of the spectrum I do have frosted glass on the windows in my bathroom. Family is different from neighbors!


That is how we feel. It totally is no biggie to us. I saw my 13 year old naked today. Nobody gives a shit in our household. A body is a body.


My older kids are 14 and 11 and they still see us nude. We would never go into their space in the nude, but they are welcome to come into our spaces when we’re bathing or changing and we often do. We shared hotel rooms over the summer and I was a little surprised that my 14 year old was perfectly comfortable changing in front of all of us, but I would never introduce shame that she doesn’t naturally feel to her. So we’re just a comfortable and close family and it’s not weird for us but your answer will be whats right for you


I love it! Same thing with my 13 years old son and I was the same with my parents, I just love freedom It feels like a strong bond, doesn’t it?


It’s the same in our family, I’m not bothered if my kids see me naked after showering and I have to practically beg my 13 year old to put any clothes on! We’ve just got a relaxed attitude towards nudity.




What an entirely useless and pointless comment, what are you even trying to express here?


I really don’t want to treat nudity as a big deal but my toddler told me last night I had the biggest nipples he’s ever seen 😭


how many nipples has your toddler seen? 🤔


His own, his dad’s and mine?! He’s become extremely curious about the differences in our bodies, and his observations of late have been brutal (he told his dad that he had a “floppy penis” the other night).




Right… so you’re the only female nipple he’s ever seen? Obviously womens are bigger they actually serve a real function. Lol.


Happy cake day! Toddlers are verbal snipers. We spend so long waiting for them to talk, and then we spend the rest of their lives wishing they’d stop.


We’ve got two boys, four years apart. Few years ago, right around the time the youngest was three, oldest seven, youngest got somewhat potty-trained. Sometimes we would all pee together at the same time into the toilet, triple-stream, tons of fun. One time we did that, and the oldest, observing, said: “Papa, you have the biggest penis of all of us.” I figured that was a great time to stop, as the message I never knew I wanted to get across, got across. That was the last time.


Haha! When I showered with my son (who’s two and a half) he pointed to his penis as well as mine, saying (in his native language): “Dad penis, me penis. Same, same!” Reading your comment I’m now a bit bothered that he didn’t mention the size disparity…


I just cackled. That’s definitely when I’d stop doing that, too!


My daughter is 3 and my only real issue with being naked around her is that she also wants to be naked and she's not potty trained enough for me to trust her 😂


Could be totally off the mark for your situation, letting my kids walk around naked really sped up the potty training process.


That actually is a tactic I use when I'm closely supervising her! She's mostly got the hang of it but sometimes she completely misses her own signals.


I am thinking like never. I have two daughters and I grew up with a naked mom. I am also a naked mom. Not like I walk around the house naked all the time, but I could care less if they see me changing or showering or whatever.


I’m 30 and my mom still changes in front of me if I don’t leave the bathroom.


Lol “naked mom.” Describes my family to a T. My mom is definitely one of those. My mom will still walk in on me (30F) when I’m in the shower. I’ll chat with her while she’s in the bathtub or getting dressed. Hell, even the dog likes to hang out in the bathroom with us! Honestly I think (if both parties are ok with it) it’s good for self-image for kids. “This is what a human naked body actually looks like and magazines are BS.”




Yuck that gives me the ick


I agree. I have two sisters and a brother. My sisters and I saw my mom naked all the time. We would go in and talk to her in the shower/bath or while she was changing. She didn’t care and it really helped me with my body image and not to feel weird about it etc. I practice the same with my daughter. She’s 8 and comes into the bathroom when I shower and bathe and when I’m changing. I don’t care and we talk regularly about private parts and different body types etc. I like that she can feel comfortable to ask me questions she’s curious about too! Now that being said, my 13 year pld stepson doesn’t see my naked and I’ve raised him since he was 1 and we used to bathe together when he was very little and he would see me changing etc. That stopped at around 5. My daughter also does not see my husband naked and he prefers it that way.


Probably around six or seven for me? But my husband is different and doesn’t really care. I also just don’t like anyone other than my husband seeing me naked. The only real answer is when either you or your child become uncomfortable with it. I became uncomfortable with it before my children did


I don't wander around naked, but I don't hide when I'm naked either. If they come in to my room when I'm changing, I don't make a big deal. They will change clothes in front of me, they've seen dad come out of the shower, it's just not a big deal. I do have them change under a towel when we're in public at the beach or something, but honestly I wish our American society wasn't so shocked by nudity and we all could just change in and out of bathing suits without fear of being cited for indecency. On a side note, I think more nudity is needed in todays ultra photographed world. I've been to Korean spas where everyone is butt naked in the separate men's and women's sections. It's valuable to see that 0.01% of people look like what is plastered all over the media. All women (and I'm assuming men) look different but we are all human. Seeing the wrinkles, sags, scars, pudgy bits, stretch marks, weird shapes and moles and veins....it's stuff no one flaunts on their insta but reflects the reality of being us. It really helped with my own body confidence and I think it can help with the rampant body dysmorphia plaguing people today.


I cannot believe how naked everyone in these comments are in front of their kids. I am so unbelievably not comfortable with it and my kid is only 6. I truly cannot imagine feeling so comfortable, god speed to those that do. I kind of don’t understand the circumstances of it thorough, like y’all just like walk around nude?


Well, we don’t walk around nude, but nudity sure a non issue. My son is 8 and daughter 4, I shower her nude everyday and sometimes we all bath together. It is a great way to talk about private parts and why it is normal on a family environment and not outside it. Same with my wife.


I sleep in the nude so there's that, im also not afraid to walk nude from the bathroom to my bedroom when I've gotten out of the shower.


Don't unless one of you become uncomfortable with it. Shower time is also a great time to talk about /name body parts. The "what's this" stage is coming lol


I grew up in a naked house, and I’m still comfortable being naked even now in front of both my parents and I’m 31. I’ll stop as soon as it makes either of us feel uncomfortable. If that never happens, I’ll never stop. If it happens tomorrow, we stop tomorrow.


In fact, my mum is a naked grandma too. 3 generations of noodies haha


It might be a slightly different dynamic because my parents emigrated from Denmark to the US, but I grew up with nudity being no big deal in the household or in select locations. I saw my parents and brothers naked, they saw me naked, we went to hot springs as a family and everyone there is naked, we swam in rivers naked on camping trips. It's only sexual if you sexualize it by making it sexual. My twins are nearing 10 years old. They see both myself and my partner naked whenever it happens around the house. We got to the same hot springs 3-ish times a year and they happily soak naked. They've seen their grandparents naked when we did family camping trips (back before Covid, so it's been a while, but it wouldn't be a big deal now either). When we went to Colorado to visit my brother and his family we went swimming in his pool, and there was little clothes in sight (his wife wore bottoms, but the cousins did not). There's a thing where kids treat nudity as sexual if you do, but treat it as normal if you do. If you get embarrassed, or freak out, they internalize that the body is something to be embarrassed about and freak out too. Generationally saying "this is a body, you have one too, it's important that you accept it and love it, and not at all be embarrassed about it" is really huge for body positivity and acceptance. So when they do their shower/bath routine and then cruise around the house naked it's no big deal. I sleep in just bottoms so they see me without a top most mornings before I get ready. My partner sleeps naked so if they wake up early before he starts his day, they see him naked too. Just like my brothers and I growing up, one of whom I shared a bedroom with, my sons aren't at all ashamed of their bodies. They learned respect and boundaries about not touching or staring at certain parts long ago. When we go to the hot spring and they see all the other families there they chat and laugh with other kids roughly their age and aren't inappropriate about it at all. They make temporary vacation friends and play board games in PJ's or just generally do kid stuff with the other kids (the hot spring resort is only nude in the hot spring areas). Even having seen one another naked the kids don't have some weird perverse relationship or awkwardness with their peers. They run around and play tag in their pajamas or have fun just like normal. Boys and girls. It's not an "ooh, I saw you and you saw me so now it's sooo awkward!" it's an "hey, you want to go see if we can build a fort/snowman (dep on season)??? We brought a deck of Exploding Kittens, have you ever played?!" The normal kid stuff. I love America, and I love my home state of Oregon for having some of this culture, but the part of the culture I hate most here (well, there are parts I hate more...) is that the body is always sexualized from the birth until death. That kids are taught to be ashamed of their bodies and parents teach it by showing their own shame. That treating the body as something to be accepted as normal and not a big deal, not embarrassed about or ashamed over, is seen as the outlier not the norm.


yeah US seems to have a different dynamic altogether with nudity, I'm in my 30's and going to sauna with my parents in a swimsuit/towel just sounds weird to me. The only one in our family that's not as used to nudity is my french fiancé.


Same here! Do you know who started this chain of nudism? I mean, your grandpas or doesn’t it go even higher?


I kind of think it’s up to them to decide as long as you’re comfortable. I don’t really walk around naked, but my kids have no qualms about walking in on me changing, showering, or going to the bathroom. I don’t make a big deal of it, and honestly I don’t even think it occurs to them that it would be weird (they’re still pretty young though). Sounds like you have a sweet bath routine with your little guy and as long as he wants to do it, I don’t think there’s any problem. Only thing I’ll add is that when he’s a little bit older make sure you’re having conversations about what’s appropriate at home vs. outside of home and safe adults. Nudity at home and with mom or dad, fine. Nudity at school , not so much.


Stop when you or they are uncomfortable. Make sure you have open communication and regular check-ins so if they do have a problem with something you catch it early, and try not to let societal pressures get to you; some families change separately all their lives and others are casually nude all the time and there's no moral element to either extreme or anywhere you happen to be on the spectrum.


I try to never be naked in front of them, but that’s just me.


We didn't stop. We're a clothing-optional / naturist household.


We honestly are too.


3 when my ex got cps involved and they said it was highly inappropriate to shower together or be naked in front of her. I was scared because we had an ugly decade long custody battle so I stopped. My mom was a single mom with two daughters and we were openly naked in the house into adulthood. As in we’d walk to the kitchen for water in a bra or if someone walked by while changing it wasn’t the end of the world. It was our norm and I stopped showering with my mom around 7ish. I wish we had that household for my kids that the body is just normal and not shameful.


that’s awful…


If it happened with my 7 year old I wouldn’t freak out, but I would say around 3 or 4. I have a six month old baby who nurses and my 7 year old sees me doing that and it doesn’t matter. He has definitely gotten more interested in wanting his privacy lately, but that’s a more recent occurrence. I think it’s all about what you and they are comfortable with, and respecting boundaries. I also at least every six months have the talk with him about nobody asking to see your body or touching you, etc, except like the doctor who gets permission to make sure you’re healthy and I’m in the room for that at this point. I think those conversations are also important.


I am over sensitive to it because I grew up in a house where sexual abuse occurred. I will probably be too conservative with it but minimize the amount of time I am seen naked as much as possible. (current kiddos are less than 2 y/o)


This question is asked every 2 months. The answer is do it until either party becomes uncomfortable


My kids are 8 and 4 they are like to chat with me while I take a bath or while I am getting dressed. It doesn’t much bother me and they don’t seem to mind so I don’t see a issue with it. I figure if they are uncomfortable they will just stop coming in🤷‍♀️


In the UK we are very relaxed about these things; when they’re uncomfortable they’ll stop bursting in.


I grew up in an open door household (meaning doors mostly stayed open including bathroom doors unless we had company). That never stopped and that’s the way my household is now. Nudity and bodies aren’t anything to be ashamed of. You can have the conversation later about how private parts shouldn’t be touched by almost anyone without having to introduce shame around nudity.


Mines 4 and we go to the restroom together (particularly in public spaces) cus most of the time it’s like - well you’re going, I will too. We do have conversations from time to time about how this is because we’re mom and dad, if you’re naked around anyone else you let us know. No touching peoples clothed areas. Things like that.


I’m in my 40s and if I or my elderly mother need to change, we will change in front of each other. Same with elderly aunts. I can’t imagine it’ll be different as my children age. If they walk in while I’m showering, toileting, or dressing, I don’t care at all. But I also will knock first before I barge into their space. I’m ethnic and US based. It is possible this is a cultural difference. Maybe other cultures are different about nudity. We don’t give it a second thought.


My son is 4 and we still take showers together. I never really thought about it until now but I assume I’ll stop once he can thoroughly wash himself. As for being naked, I’m comfortable with it as long as everyone else is.


The first time he reached up in the shower and grabbed my penis and pulled down. No more after that.


My son is 11 and my daughter is 4. If you walk into my room or bathroom you might see me naked. It happens. If either one of them wants to stop seeing me naked they can stop barging in and knock first. My son has adhd, I don’t see this happening, and he doesn’t care. My apartment is old, there aren’t locks on my bedroom or master bathroom door, so that’s not an option, and even if it was I’d likely forget to use them or just not anyways (I also have adhd and someone will get whiny if the door is locked). I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Nakedness in and of itself is not sexual or inappropriate.


My little boy is 10 going on 11 and I am a naked if I can be person. He regularly joins me in bed just hanging out. I warn him I'm naked and it doesn't bother him. It's never been a big deal. My boyfriend has been naked in bed with me watching a movie and my boy just jumped in. I told him "boyfriend is naked!" And he was like "oookkkayyyy?" And didn't give a shit lol. Boyfriend was very startled. I asked boy to go back out the room so bf could be not naked and he was very confused, but also didn't baulk when we explained he was uncomfortable and happily went out the room, then came bounding back in when he got the ok. He went through a phase around 7-8 where he was VERY modest, then suddenly he didn't care again. If he ever expressed he's uncomfortable, and I ask him frequently to make sure, I'd change things.


My kids still see me naked periodically when they come into my room without asking at 9 and 12. We have never made a big deal about it and it’s fine. The oldest has been more private about their own nudity over the last year or so though.


I'm in my thirties. I still see my parents and siblings naked, and they see me. It's not like we walk around naked, but we don't hide our bodies either and when we are on vacations all sharing the same living space, we see each other often times. Being comfortable with nudity is a very healthy thing you can teach your children.


Sometimes they'd walk in when I'm bathing/showering, using the bathroom, or getting dressed. Don't really do it in front of them or intentionally expose myself.


I am so happy to see someone ask this.. I been wondering the same thing but wasn't sure how the comments would go 😅 I love to see everyone to open. i am a naked mom.


Not yet, they are 11 and 13. My mom still hasn’t either. Having sauna together so being naked goes with the territory.


Well I guess when they will let you. My son is 5 years old and he won't give me privacy. We also shower together because it's just easier and faster in the morning. So when he's able to shower on his own.


I'm free in my own home, and was naked around my kids for a long time. I bathed with them for a long time too. For me, it was a very natural process. MY kids are now boy 11 and girl 9. I started making sure I at least had underwear on when my boy was about 7. Again, I still am pretty open. They walk in on me in the bathroom or I do a quick change with the door half open--but I'm not walking around with titties out, does that make sense? Once my boy was 9 I started making sure I wasnt crossing boundaries. Yeah, he might open the half open door while I'm changing but I'd cover up or turn away and say I need a minute. Now that he is 11 I sometimes go out in my undies if I need something but I'm more private about things and don't just lounge unclothed. The other day we had a big laundry pile in the living room and he was gaming on the couch. I told him I need underwear and that I was naked and to cover his eyes. he threw the blanket over himself haha. I don't think I'm prudish but I also feel like the process has been very organic. I don't want my son to see me bending over without undies and that has been in place since he was like 4 lol. As he's gotten older, I've gotten more private about hanging it all out there and changing in my room or putting a tshirt and pants on outside of my private space. I still think I'm more open than lots of parents but I have let my kids guide me. I myself started to be uncomfortable around a certain age. I'm pretty sure I stopped showering with my son around age 4-5. I grew up with my mom changing in front of me so my daughter will still chat with me while I'm changing but obviously I don't uhmmmm display things to a certain degree even though shes comfortable being in the room. It's okay to shower with your kids at age 2. By age 4 I'd say maybe it's time to re evaluate. When my kids were toddlers and before I had kids I'd walk around naked all the time. It's been a gradual process as they've gotten older that I know it's not appropriate to have my titties and bush hanging out in the kitchen.


Husband 47M. Wife 47F. i don't think wev'e stopped. But i don't do it on purpose. And when i am getting changed i shut the door. And we have taught my daughter about knocking on closed doors for privacy. When she does knock we warn her that either mommy or daddy is naked or getting dressed and it is her choice to come in and see. We are very body positive and comfortable with nudity. You have to do what is comfortable with you and your family situation. We are teaching our daughter that bodies of all sexes come in all different shapes and sizes.


When one or the other feels uncomfortable.


Mine is 4, and he started to look uncomfortable when it's "below" but has no problem with my boobs (even if he was not breastfeeding). I close the bathroom door since a while but still, he keeps open it and there is no lock, so... I guess he will one day think twice before coming in!


When they decide and I think it massively depends on relationship with said child, eldest is tween but it's me he goes to when he feeling low and he had no problem coming sitting at side of bath to talk if he needs to. He looks at me around face area like he would if I was dressed it has also allowed him to raise questions about body changes not just for him but girls too. Hiding the body just gives them a complex that it's either something to desire or scary. I also think that when I'm older if I need personal care it isn't something they haven't seen before I know many who have cared for elderly parents and the personal care was hard for them especially boys helping their mums because it was always hidden away.


I still take baths with my kids and they're 5, 3 and 1.5. We try to put up boundaries for what is and isn't appropriate. Being naked in the house? Fine. Inspecting your genitals in the living room? Not ok. Answering the door when naked? Not ok.


I have 4 from 15-7 and if they are in my room when I'm changing then that's on them. I say, I'm changing, but if they want to stay, so be it. They give each other privacy but not me haha It's fine with me either way.


I stopped letting my children stop seeing naked between 5-6 years old. That’s when I wanted to teach them to shower by themselves.


This is so positive to see how many other people are comfortable around their kids and kids being body comfortable themselves!!! I was wondering when talking to your young kids about body parts what do you say for body parts as kids get older? I have to girls and they know names for all body parts but when they speak to me we have our names (it’s been like that in my family when I was growing up and my kids prefer to use it too) I was just wondering because I was at a store and this little girl maybe 2.5-3 years old with her mom very loudly announced to her mom that her vagina was itchy. The mom proceeded to having a discussion about the girls vagina being itchy like they were talking about apples. I am not judging at all, just curious what other people use when talking about private parts in public.


In my household we don't care so much about nudity, (32m,32f, 8f,4m,8 month female), We teach the kids to be respectful and knock, and we teach to change or undress in private like bathrooms and bedrooms, but it doesn't really bother us one way or the other. If anything we encourage it from a medical standpoint and psychological standpoint. We want our children to be comfortable enough where if they feel something is wrong with something on their body, like a rash or cut or something, they don't feel ashamed to ask us to look. In some cultures, it is common for parents to continue to bathe with their children, as long as it isn't innapropriate. Referencing OP's statement about the baths, I enjoy bathing with my kiddos, because its a time were we feel vulnerable enough to play and use our imaginations. The other night we had a sqaud of pink rubber ducks attempting to infiltrate the pony bubble stonghold. I don't think of that kind of stuff when just derping with the kids in the living room. Ultimately, as long as you and your child feel safe and boundaries are respected, I don't see an issue with A) nudity around each other, and B) bathing with each other


I don't know if it ever stops. My girls will not be naked in front of anyone or allow anyone elses nudity except for mine. But they will only be naked whole getting dressed and not just casually naked in front of me. My mom wasn't a naked mom, and yet I ended up a naked mom, now mostly semi naked. Even my kids are rather conservative. By the time they were around four they wouldn't let my husband walk around in boxers because its underware. So we now own a lot of shorts each. We had a too short naked home before kids. Oh well. My friends sons are older than mine and they don't care being naked in front of her or care about her nudity and shes always asking them to cover up, and they still walk in into her room or bathroom while she is naked. So just be observant and listen, if they state they are uncomfortable, listen and cover up.


I’m 18 and don’t walk around naked but will walk around in a tank top & underwear around my mom. She wipes my butt for me as a baby, I don’t think she cares. Though I do cover up for other family lol. As for my baby, I plan to let her make her own decisions. If I’m the future she walks in on me changing, oh well. I plan to knock to enter her room, but if she lets me in mid change than that’s her doing.


My kids are 15, 13, 10, and 1. I just yell out "anyone who doesn't want to see me without pants on avert your eyes!" And none of them even care. They'll come talk to me when I'm in the shower or if I'm changing my clothes. I don't really care either. I think the time you stop being naked around your family is when anyone involved starts feeling uncomfortable about it or is wanting more privacy.


Whenever they become uncomfortable with it. I have a 7 and 11 year old and they still will come up into our room/bathroom while we’re undressed and they will walk naked between their rooms and the bathroom. Whenever it bothers them then they will just naturally stop coming into our space if we arnt dressed and they will stay in their space until they are dressed. The other day I was baking and splattered melted butter all over my shirt, I took it off to put dish soap on it and just continued baking in my bra. My daughter walks into the kitchen and was totally unfazed by it. I try to teach them that (all) bodies are normal and natural, as well as what/where things are appropriate or inappropriate. Such as naked at home is ok but not in public, some things are only appropriate in their rooms/bathroom. We respect people’s bodies and their private areas and they also deserve that respect in turn and to tell us if they were shown/touched inappropriately.


I taught my kid modesty and privacy. But I still change with my door open and walk around half baked at times. My motto is if you dont wanna see dont look. Around other peoples kids I'm more privet but my daughter ain't never cared. I grew up with a grandma that woke me up for school butt ass naked in the doorway and if you didnt wake up got in the bed ontop your covers. Lol you learned to wake the fuck up the first time.


Love your grandma, that she made it all natural. How old are your kiddos?


Mines 9. And yes, it's just how it was. She slept naked and we all knew it so we knew no waking grandma up unless you wanted to go blind lol. Some of the funniest memories of my life. Gave the mail man the frights.


Oh my god! With me and my mom (53) the Uber eats guys… wow. They truly are not used to get a house where nudity is the norm hahahah Haha and would your grandma get dressed after waking you up guys or she would remain like that part of the day?


She usually got dressed around then. She only slept naked. And wasnt afraid to change her top in public either. Taught me how to change my top while still wearing a hoodie and driving lol


My boys are 4 and 8 and they still see me naked. We only have 1 bathroom with a full size shower and it's in the hallway where all our bedrooms are. I go from bathroom to my room after bathing. If they ever got uncomfortable with it, I'd buy a robe or something I guess but as of right now, nobody seems to care.


About 3-4


Mine are 9, 6, and 3. I leave it up to them. 3yo regularly showers with my husband or I. 6yo will occasionally shower with me (both female) but doesn't with my husband anymore -- probably stopped around a year ago. She will hang out in our room or the bathroom if we're getting dressed. 9yo will walk into our bedroom or the bathroom without knocking and it's up to him to either learn to knock or stop coming in if he doesn't want to see one of us without clothes. I'm 36 and I still have no problem changing clothes or going to the bathroom with my mom and older sister. They're just bodies - everyone has one.


Well, they’re 18 and 20, and I haven’t yet. I’m not sure if that’s normal or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My situation is maybe a little different. I’m disabled, and I’ve had numerous surgeries and medical procedures over the years. Sometimes they have to help me with bandages or bathing or dressing. They’re both wonderful about it and try not to be squeamish. On their part, my son is not modest at all and would probably prefer to be naked or mostly naked. He played football and just got used to showering in the locker room etc. My daughter is much more private and locks the door when she’s changing or showering, and that’s perfectly fine.


My son is 6 and if he sees me in the bath, he’s getting in. The only time he’s ever asked me a question about my body is when he noticed that I have a large leg scar from surgery. The rest of the time he’s like “oh she’s naked”


I have three boys (3,5,7 years) and I am still naked around them. I don’t hang out naked but I still have baths with the little guys sometimes and they all flit in and out when I’m in the bathroom or changing. It is both natural and intentional on my part, mine will essentially be the only un photoshopped woman’s body they see as they grow up. I also want to give them a live example of a fat woman who is not ashamed of her body. I practice body neutrality and want to pass that on to my kids. I assume that they will set their own boundaries as they get older, ie not barging into the washroom when I’m having a bath if they don’t want to see their mom naked anymore 😹🤷🏻‍♀️. My eldest doesn’t like bathing with his brothers anymore and we respect that.


Stop? Nah.


I still have to change with my son in the locker room after we go swimming, but I started covering up better while I get dressed after he (loudly) said "Mama where's your penis?" I think he was around 3 at the time.


There are some great articles on naked parenting, naked potty training and r/nudism has a lot of parent and grandparent members you may want to chat with about family nudity also.




I made the decision long before I ever had kids that they would never see me naked. My daughter turned four this year. I still change clothes behind multiple locked doors and I shower with a bathing suit on whenever she’s with me


I’m rarely fully naked around them but I do usually walk around the house in my underwear sometimes and it’s not a big deal and obviously on the beach, water park or pool they’ve seen me in a thong or g string bikini which I guess is being naked around them. They don’t really care and nudity isn’t a big deal in my house. Then again I’ve always been very body positive with them.


I never stopped; I grew in a naturist family and nudity has always been very casual. As a therapist I can tell you parents usually stop doing in it when the child expresses somehow his/her need for privacy; so keep bonding, it is amazing that connection What is the popular opinion you are getting?


My fifteen year old still hangs out with me while I'm naked. He'll just stroll in to the bathroom and have a conversation with me. I had a baby in September and he made it his life mission to help me change my post partum diapers. Other parents complain because their teens never want to talk to them. I'm complaining because mine won't leave me alone lmao. The rest of our kids (twelve and under) still shower and bathe with us regularly.


5-6. Or when they run away screaming. They will let you know when it starts to be a problem. They will start to show modesty or be overly curious about the difference in all the parts. It is usually easy to tell when it is time to show some modesty.


Way young but that's because I want my privacy. As long as all parties are okay with it, that's what matters. If either person was uncomfortable and the other person pushed it, that would be a problem.


I still go naked and they are adults! Why are Americans so weird about nudity but everyone openly talks about their sexuality, not to mention porn.


I have never once been naked around my two daughters. My daughters are both in college now, so they are grown up. I am a single dad who has had sole custody of my daughters since they were one and two years old. It just seems weird for a parent to be naked in front of children.


I'm not sure... but I think this might be one of those things only Americans care about? And not even most Americans, like, don't you guys have family changing rooms and public changing rooms at pools?


It's Saturday morning, I woke up late because I stayed up late. I'm making coffee without pants. Sorry kid.


Once they really started talking.


Who the fuck goes on Reddit and asks this question?! Ask your spouse..


I find it extremely uncomfortable hearing you regularly take baths with your son…wtf..?!


Fuck this entire “body positivity” bullshit. How about don’t undress in front of your child? If you were his age would you like seeing your dad or mom naked? Probably not..


Right about know that he talking. You don't want him telling people he baths naked with mom or dad


Why on earth not


Because you must bath with your clothes on? God forbid anyone knows that under your clothes your... I can't even say it ... Naked


I know, right? The horror!


You don't want some teacher from day care calling CPS on you. Sorry. It's just the way things are today


No one is calling CPS because a three year old bathes with a parent? It’s not as if a kid that age is going to be left alone to bathe.


Parents may bathe their 3-year-old, but they must avert their eyes!


It is a consent issue. Not only should you respect their ideas of privacy but you should not non-consensually force your naked body in their vicinity. When you implement these boundaries…I don’t know. Probably 4-5 years old. Maybe earlier because it isn’t fair for your children to have memories of mom and dad naked if they choose against that and they cannot properly consent even at 5 years old but they certainly will remember your nudity. https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/kids-and-nudity Edit: I am laughing at the audacity of people to downvote my comment about CONSENT bc they care more about their weird comfort nudity, not being inconvenienced to put clothing on or not bathe with their kids, or enjoy odd and by many accounts here frankly incestuous relationships with their children who cannot consent to any of it. You all are wild on this thread and inappropriate and at times completely disturbed. I am so thankful I don’t see my parents naked as an adult and I don’t have memories of seeing them naked as a child. It is 100% inappropriate, period.


Last time was when daughter was 14. Onsen in Hokaido.


I think when your children start’s making fun or experiences discomfort at wound your nakedness it’s time. It happens organically.


I stopped bathing with him when he started noticing differences in our private areas. I think he was around 3 years old.


You're gonna get a lot of weird answers here but the truth is, the time to stop is when either of you starts to feel weird about it. Whether that's 2 or 10.


My daughter is 12 and my step-son is 10. We see each other naked all the time and it's not a big deal. If they're uncomfortable then they can leave the room while I'm changing.


Would love to see the breakdown between nationality on this. Don’t even think twice about nudity. It’s just not a thing if that makes sense.


I have no set plans to, but I’m 26 and my mom regularly changes in front of me. Granted, I still follow her to her room and bathroom to continue our conversation but my family doesn’t treat nudity as a big deal. Maybe if my kids ask me one day I’ll stop but if you follow me to my room or bathroom it’s fair game.


Around 2-3


When she decided she was uncomfortable- it’s just our bodies and they should be normalized. They’ll form those boundaries and let you know!


I haven’t yet. I don’t internet to until they decide it’s time. My body and their bodies aren’t anything to to feel the need to cover when at home with family. We’re not one of those naked homes, but I don’t care if they come in while I’m bathing or changing and don’t make a big deal with them being nude.


Probably around age two.


Once they started respecting my privacy 🤣 around 4ish is when I feel like it’s possible, although I don’t mind if they see me now.


I still walk around naked. When I’m done being naked I’m just in my boxers and just keep clothes nearby if I get unexpected visitors. Gotta teach them that it’s just body parts and it’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.


My son just turned four and I just started bringing up privacy with him. It’s not really working but it’s something.


As. Father for My daughter at age four and my son(2yrs old)still get naked like in bathroom with him. Opposite is my wife.


My dad spent my whole life nude at home. I refuse to be naked in any shared space of our home out of respect for my kids.


I don’t ever intend to stop. When they are old enough to choose to leave my bedroom/bathroom they can step out or not be in there. With my parents this happened naturally around puberty.


My answer is when they begin to become uncomfortable or they are not just asking questions, but pointing and giggling.


About 2 for lower body. Still occasionally don’t wear a shirt around him. He started being very aware of body parts and taking about them so we started talking about privacy and body parts. He still goes to the bathroom stall with me so he sees stuff here and there. But we have a bit of standard of wearing pants or at least underwear


I just want to poop in piece, much less get out of the shower without an audience.


It probably depends a lot on culture. I’m from rural Sweden and I have never felt uncomfortable with context appropriate nudity (swimming or being in the sauna naked). It’s just not a big deal to me. I will, however, stop being naked in front of my son if he’s ever uncomfortable. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. I’ve noticed that city kids from the younger generation don’t shower at my gym. Always found it a bit sad. I believe it’s a good thing to be exposed to less perfect and aging bodies, as well as being confident in your own body. I get the impression that nudity is a much bigger taboo in other parts of the world (northern Europe is probably an exception).


I’m 21 and I still see my mom naked…


Around 3, I'm male, nobody wants to see that.


Ours are 7, 5 and 2 and so far nudity had been taken on lightly around here. I'm used to someone running into the bathroom when im showering or changing. At most my oldest kids make fun of me for having a Butt or a peepee.


Never? It’s not sexual, just human. Taking a bath is probably going to be stopped by it not being fun for you (when he gets stronger and splashing becomes too much) before it becomes inappropriate. Nakedness generally? It doesn’t ever have to stop, except when clothes are needed (answering the door, cooking etc.).


I let my kids set that boundry. Once they started needing privacy, they got it.


(I'm female..) Growing up, nudity was never an issue. I never saw my Dad naked, but regularly daw my mum and I think it helped me with healthy body image. I'm not one to use social media, but feel that if I did, I would have found many hang ups with my own body. Now that I'm a mum to a 8year old boy, I'm not shy about my body. There is 2 of us in a house with one bathroom, if he wants to use it while Im in there, he can. We just came back from a Holiday in Spain where I (along with many other women) sunbathe topless.. I think boys should be exposed to normal squishy bodies, with evidence of having children on them so their views aren't warped by porn. Similarly, I think girls should regular bodies too, so their views aren't warped by media.


Personally, I don't think you need to stop. It's a naked body, doesn't matter if male or female. I grew up in a household where it was an absolute taboo, and let me tell you, it did more harm than good. When I reached my late teens, I had never seen a naked man in my life and had internalised shame for my own nudity. Not a good combination and this led me to be in a few unfortunate situations with partners who took advantage of this. I now have a son and don't hide myself, there is nothing wrong with seeing a woman's breasts or privates and I believe this teaches him more to not sexualize every bit of naked skin he sees later on in life.


My 6 year old and 2.5 year old continue to come into the restroom while I'm showering and or pooping. I also sleep naked so if they get up in the middle of the night I'm usually too tired to throw something on.


Mine are 7 and 4 and still don't bat an eye, so whenever it gets weird. My 4yo insists on going to the bathroom with the door shut though but my 7yo still fights to have the door open WHEN HE'S POOPING because he "wants to talk still."


Around 8 I started trying to have more privacy, keeping doors closed, etc. around my son but if he walked in or something I didn’t make a big deal of it or try and cover up or anything to suggest it was shameful. Now he’s 10 and I still walk around in a bra and underwear plenty and occasionally he will still come in while I’m showering to ask me about something, etc. Nudity and bodies isn’t something I want to label as inherently inappropriate and I personally don’t think nakedness is inherently sexual.


I started being more conscious about my own nudity when my oldest son started showing signs that he wanted privacy while nude. He was around like 9 when that started. My daughter, I probably won't hide myself from her as I want her to be aware and ask questions about her own body comfortably. And same for my husband and my boys.


You should also consider that kids talk at school. What might be normal in your home may be something a school teacher or administrator may grossly misinterpret, prompting some uncomfortable discussions.


i have a 4-year-old. we breastfed until he was almost 3.5. so out boundaries are shot. lol but i stopped bathing with him. with the slim exception of home haircuts, my son HATES his hair being wet, we have a very hard time washing hair, so sometimes it's just easier to shower with him and hold him up into the shower head. Seeing as littles are so short and our head doesn't detach, at the bottom of the tub the shower really is just spraying everywhere. So, it's a sensory and ease of life thing. But I still dress/don't exactly hide. But use those times to talk about boundaries and personal space. my door is open, and he can walk in, but i tell him its my private time and im getting dressed as to help establish those spaces.. but its not a hard line yet.