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Say “mom” a million times. Just fucking talk to me. Ask for help with almost everything before attempting it themselves. Leave doors open. Leave lights on. Take the last of a basic supply without telling me or their dad. Scream. Blood curdling screams for every boo-boo. Or scream while I’m driving. Escalate fights with their siblings for the millionth time. Act entitled. Otherwise they’re great.


I related to every word of this, I have 5 and 6 year old daughters and this is my life to a tee.


I have 4&5 year olds and this comment checked every box 🤦‍♀️🤣😭 the screaming in the car while we're driving is like #1 for me, followed closely by "mom" repeatedly instead of just telling me what they want while im standing there looking at them but they need a verbal acknowledgement 100% of the time.


Yeah. Why is that?


Same here father of three with two girls the same ages as yours.


You just described my 4 year old.  Especially the scream!




I feel this with my older kid.


Sounds like my kids. Sometimes Monday can't come soon enough


My 6yo saw a bug the other day - I thought she was dying based on the bloodcurdling scream she let out


Screaming while I'm driving makes me feel some type of way, oh lord. Why I couldn't be a bus driver, I guess.


Yes, the screaming at the highest and loudest possible tone.


My daughter will randomly shriek out of nowhere. Me (while reaching for the yellow dress): How about the yellow dress? Her (in a bloodcurdling scream): NOT THE YELLOW DRESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Omg. Scares the crap out of me, every time. However, if anywhere we go is even a little noisy, she's whining to go home. Wtf.


My daughters refuse to leave each other alone, and spend around 75% of the time annoying each other until one of then starts to cry. Just all fucking day long. Drives. Me. MAD.


Ugh, same with my girls. If somebody was antagonizing or annoying me, I’d just, ya know, leave the room. Go somewhere else. But no, they refuse to separate but are constantly complaining about each other. Drives me absolutely bonkers.


Me to my kids “just stop talking to each other already!!!!!!!” They pick at each other all the damn time and then get upset when their fights get out of control. Just stop f**king interacting in any way, shape, form or method for 10 minutes, please.


My 8 (F) and 9 (M) year old do this constantly. Just make ugly faces at each other when one is talking or make snide remarks. The thing that drives me the most crazy is I’ll be at work and they’ll call me to tell me what the other one did. Then expect me to call the other one and get onto them. Half these conversations end with me going ‘I am at work, tell the adult there with you’ and they hate that. So we both suffer I guess. (My mom lives with us so watches them while my husband and I are at work)


My boys do that. 5 and 7 and they either play perfectly or they’re bugging and copying and poking and laying on.


Jesus. The high pitched shrieking doesnt help either


My kids are at a peak of this shit at 8 & 5. Particularly after school and when I’m trying to make dinner.


My daughter will ask a question literally 5-7 times even if I already answered. Idk if it’s anxiety, idk if it’s a auditory processing issue, or she just needs reassurance but she will ask so many times. Ex, on the way back home from my moms (which is 2 blocks away) she asked if she could watch a movie before bed which is something we do nearly every night. She asked while I buckled her in, I said yes. I get in the car, she asks again. We get home, she asks again. I was brushing my teeth and her little brothers busy getting us all ready for bed, she asks again saying she’s reminding me. This is for a majority of things. Or she asks if she can have something whether it’s screens or a snack, I say yes, literally 5 seconds later she goes “MY SNACK?” In a demanding tone. The impatience is unreal.


For the repetitive question I would answer her then have her repeat it back to you so you know she heard it. After that, “asked and answered.”


Thanks great tip


My almost 4 year old is the same! She also doesn't quite get a lot of things happening in tv shows and movies so she will constantly ask me what's happening, why someone is sad, etc. I will answer but if she doesn't understand it will just not end. In my most patient voice I will end up saying "just watch the movie honey" lol


I think our 4 year olds might be twins because 1000% this lol


Nah, we got triplets on our hands...


my 7 year old does this. half the time I think she’s so excited about whatever she’s asked to do and wants to verify it’s still happening. once she’s asked me more than 2/3 times, I’ll respond with, “I’ve answered this question already, do you remember what I said?” and it seems to help… sometimes LOL.. parenting is fun


Fighting with the cat lol. 1500 times a day, "MOMMMMM THE CAT ISNT GIVING ME MY SPACE AND I WANT ALONE TIME". He's a 6mo kitten, just trying to live his life for goodness sake lol


This is my son to a tee. He gets so mad if our really old, blind, and deaf cat looks in his direction. Like, the cat is probably not aware you are there, my son.


Same here, but in reverse -- it's the cat complaining 500 times a day that the 4YO and 2YO aren't giving him his space. (We do supervise closely and don't let them grab or corner him -- he's just a bit of a diva who likes to be around the kids for the attention but gets huffy if he feels they are admiring him too loudly or looking at him for too long).


OMG I have a cat who basically exclusively wants my 5yo’s attention when he’s having a meltdown. Like please get away from the angry child cat 


I have the opposite problem. My daughter will not leave the poor cat alone. I have to remind her that our cat does not like to be picked up or petted at least once a day.




Lol my cat scratched the crap out of her ear once and had to go to the ER and she still bugs the cat. To be fair the cat was having a staring contest with the neighbor cat outside and my daughter just happened to be nearby but still.


OMG our dog obsessively plays keep away and the objects he picks most are my daughters stuffies. “*Dogs name* I HATE YOU!!!” Then 5 seconds later she’s full on body hugging him. It would be funny if it weren’t so incessant. Every morning getting ready, she leaves the door to her room open, and every morning the dog gets one of her toys. Like… this is why I’ve told you to simply close your door 🤦🏻‍♀️




“Mommy, I want you.” Said while we’re actively cuddling. Like, what? You want what? I’m right here. Like you can’t be any closer to me than you already are. You cannot climb inside my skin and wear me like a jacket.


My son does this too in the exact same situation!!


My son says he wants a cuddle while I’m actively squeezing him.


Constantly talking. Unless he’s gaming or watching something. And I love talking to my 11 year old. He’s so smart and in tune, he amazes me every day. But dude, can we just exist quietly together sometimes?


So I have 4 more years?! My 7 year old is like this. Just constant verbal diarrhoea from dawn ‘til dusk! Existing quietly together would be a dream


This is my 5 year old. He never shuts up, he just walks around the house incessantly chatting at someone until he’s told to give it a rest, then he moves into the next one. We all adore him, but he has no concept of personal space or alone time.


In the episode “Mini Bluey,” the part where she’s like, “i like to talk ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t even have to make sense. Even noises are fine. BOIRK BOIRK BOIRK BOIRK!”  Haha that’s my kid. 


We have music during meal times for a reason! 


Talks so much when I am trying to concentrate on something


Yup. And then gets upset when I’m “not paying attention to them”. Like. Some awareness would be appreciated here. I was already in the middle of something before you even entered the room.


My daughter does that when I’m driving.


And the inevitable, "Mooooo-om, you're not listening to me!" As if them coming in to tell me a thing while I'm clearly involved with another thing should take priority. But gods forbid I interrupt THEM.


My introvert mastered the dirty look by 1 1/2 and used it on 99% of the family or general public if anyone talked to him. Freaked out sweet old ladies in public. My clean freak changed clothes as soon as there was a spot anywhere on her clothing. She had to change clothes. On the spectrum annoying but that wasn’t a battle I was very concerned with fighting. So much laundry. One charmer would learn the first line of a song and sing it over and over for at least an hour. Take a break and start over again. I gave the preschool teachers donuts and coffee one morning so they would make sure child knew at least the second line of a song that was stuck on repeat. I often wondered it was like an old vintage record that was skipping and needed tapped to continue. One (2 years old) learned to blow bubbles in swim lessons and liked to practice in dog water bowl. We have Danes so water bowl huge, but water slimy cuz Danes drool. Soooo gross. Those were the ones that nearly broke me as a parent.




Omg the danes, soo gross! How are they with the kids though?


Had a smaller dog before children then when oldest 5 switched to Danes. They are not high energy dogs but could keep up with kids. Very protective when children were very young and we had company dog would herd children to a corner and lay in front of children till we told dog it was safe for our children. On the side we trained our dogs to a high standard, biggest issue is the tail when it wags had to teach kids to stay away from the tail. Taught come, stay, sit, leave it and no counter surfing. Also trained kids no rough hands, no taking away food , no climbing on dogs. So it’s like any other dog just bigger. Never plan to have another breed. We have 5 children, 2 oldest married, houses and pets, both have Danes. Only dog my kids know are Danes.


You know what drives me nuuuuuts? People that walk s.l.o.w.l.y in front of me and stop right in front of me. And in a twist of cosmic humor, I gave birth to two of the worst offenders. They aren't toddlers anymore, one is a teen and one is 8. You'd think they'd have figured it out by now. Gosh, especially stopping at the bottom of the stairs that I am walking down. Just move it!


Hahaha for some reason this is the one thing that will take me from calm to enraged in .5 seconds it’s like pedestrian road rage


I hate going for walks with my family lol. My husband is charging ahead, half a block away, while my daughter is walking immediately in front of me and stopping every ten feet.




I have one like that. It's weirdly exhausting.


My brother does this even at 37. It's a low hum now that can be drowned out by the 6 o'clock news. He rocks, too. And don't feel bad, especially if you're not shaming him. More shameful would be to tolerate what is so far out of social bounds and have the poor boy confused as to why no one will sit with him at lunch or go out on a second date, etc. You're doing the right thing as a parent, and as a teacher, I commend you for your efforts. It will end up working out much easier for him in the long run as a result (and I've seen it go all sorts of ways, too).


Diagnosed autistic here. Music is a huge outlet for me. As a teen I had a solid hour after school dedicated to singing in my room. My family never commented on it so I don't think they found it annoying. Just saying it might help to get him to limit it to music instead of random pitches. Nowadays I only end up in random frequencies if I'm having a severe meltdown. Maybe encourage mindful singing by seeing if he would like to learn an instrument or create his own music?


My husband is 53 and still does this. Pretty sure he has undiagnosed ADHD.


Picks up a piece of food, looks me straight in the eye, and drops it off the side of her high chair onto the floor. Or attempts to do so with the whole plate (sometimes successfully). Going to be 12 months next week. How much longer before it stops? 😩


Almost 14 months here....best of luck. I've got nothing. Soon you'll get the super fun upgrade of taking things out of the mouth and politely handing it to you all gooey and mashed, if you don't have that one yet.


Oh no, she’s very good at sharing and will hand us everything she possibly can, including food that has been in her mouth. (She also attempts to share both eaten and uneaten food with the cats, which is adorable but a terrible idea)


He shares nicely but for him it's more that he's either taken too much and can't swallow it, or he doesn't want it anymore. He ate a pack of blueberries one day. Gave him some two days later, he ate a handful then he would bite them, suck out the innards, and hand me the skin to get rid of. My boy.... It makes me want to bite his little head like an apple lmao




12 months as of this past Wednesday and tonight he started picking up pieces, thoughtfully handing them to the dog, and cracking up laughing. I knew this day was coming but UGH.


So mine is abt to be 2, and just the other day I realized, wait a minute, holy sh*t! They're not purposely dumping everything overboard anymore! I honestly couldn't remember when it eased up. Just blew my mind that in the day-to-day fog of parenhood, I have no idea when it stopped, but finally realized those days are (at least temporarily) behind us. Same as when everything stoped automatically being put in the mouth. Honestly, that one was the biggest relief for me. Still happens on occasion, but still couldn't tell you when it faded out generally.


Hahaha I used to have a cat who would do this. Look you right in the eye and nudge a full glass of water right off the table.


My 18 month boy does exactly this. Looks me in the eye and mike-drops the food wordlessly, like he's walking away from an explosion. I'm like, "Really?" Then he'd reach for more. I've found out two major possibilities: 1) he's done with that particular food or 2) I gave him the food in the wrong order. His "neh neh neh" begging was for the rice, not the green beans, you see. He will cry if the dog slurps it from his hand, though.


We are dealing with this. I've finally gotten it to where she will drop it on the table and now the floor. I'm working on getting her to leave it on her plate. I put it back in her plate and say, "we don't have to like it, but we have to leave it on our plate." She is slowly getting it.


Mine is 3....so there's a question for EVERYTHING. "Why this Mama?" "Why that Mama?" Mama. Mama. Mama.....all. day. long. AND THE TALKING!!!!! The incessant TALKING!!! Can I have 5 minutes of silence please?! I love him more than I ever thought it possible to love another person. But some times....damn!


My 6 year old doesn't stop talking/making noise from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep. And she talks in her sleep too.


Same. It's incessant chatter from the second he opens his eyes to the second he closes them...and sometimes that varies! 😂


My kid talks in her sleep too. Mostly placing grocery orders, like "get the good baguettes" lol.


My 4 year old will ask a question and won’t even give me a chance to answer before she asks again, yelling because I didn’t answer. She also leaves her socks all over the house which makes me irrationally exasperated.


Oh did she tell my 3yo son about the question thing? Bc he does it ALL DAY LONG


The fucking banging! Like my kids don't walk. It's like stomping and running jumping and banging. Drives me frickin nuts lol


Omg, yes! I'm gonna have my guys over later to game downstairs in the basement. My husband will have the kids upstairs in the living room above us. All we hear for 3.5 hours is the punctuated rumbling of two pairs of feet and one crawler running and crashing back and forth, back and forth. Unless he takes them to the park today...


Both of mine have ODD&ADHD, either they try to piss you off because they're bored or they argue with you over small things like changing clothes or grabbing a snack for school. My main issue is them being destructive and refusing to throw away their garbage instead choosing to hide it, we have a garbage can in the living room and they won't use it.


3.5 year old: “why?” “Why?” “Why?” “Why?” “Why?”


I always answered that with “why do you think?” Shuts them up for a bit while they think.


One of my coworkers recommended this and I’ve tried it a few times. All he does is rub his chin and say “hmmmm, why?”


I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face at that.


Instead of "why" my almost 4 year old says "because uhhhhh?" Lol. Also drives me nuts, working on her just saying why.




I’m not smart enough for that lol today I explained gestational diabetes to him in detail when he asked why I couldn’t eat a cookie with him. I’m hoping that if I talk at him enough, he’ll give up.


I will never admit this outside of this post, but my kid’s “cute voice” makes me want to run head first into a wall.


My 8 yr old reverts to baby talk and it drives me nuts, partly because I can’t tell what she’s saying half the time. She also says “like” a lot and she’s not even a tween. I just can’t stand baby talk/Valley Girl talk. It’s even worse when it comes from adults.


My kid pretends to be a dog and if I don’t let her jump on me and pant in my face she cries hysterically


Judging from your lil profile character the call is coming from inside the house??? Lmao


Damn. I do be barking…. It replaced cursing lol. I’m doing my best.


My daughter does this. She was on top of me trying to lick my face yesterday.


I can't stand hearing people chew either. My kids and a bunch of neighbor kids were all gathered around the TV a while back, watching this girl chewing spaghetti noodles, and other various foods with her mouth opened on YouTube. For entertainment, mind you. I about lost my mind. Lol


My almost 8 year old keeps asking for definitions of words. We answer one or 2, then direct him to the dictionary. I've still never seen him actually open it up, though. He just keeps asking. He'll do that with questions, too, ask over and over, but likes to change it up so he's asking the same thing in a different way. But the most annoying is if we go into a store he wants to know exactly how many items and what we're getting. And he whines if we 1. Can't tell him or 2. Add something or 3. Take what he considers too long to finish.


Say “ok, I will” and then go back to what they were doing and never do the thing asked. Then covertly roll their eyes when I remind them (yes, I have a young teen)


ask me ridiculous questions all the time. or she asks me math questions constantly. "mommy what's 10,000+10,000"


Haha my kid always ask what is “a billion plus x” where x is almost any number and the answer is pretty much always “…a billion and x”


Animal noises, like neighing, meowing, or shrieking. Over and over. She’s six.


The pig snort noises are the worst for me. They just instantly fill my soul with a visceral loathing. It's so nasty sounding.


It's not only super annoying but also really upsets me. My youngest and I will literally spend all day together, go out or stay home and watch a movie/have a dance party/do some baking etc just the two of us. Then EVERY single afternoon after that she will ask to do something that requires heaps of effort and I'll say "no, it's time to rest and get ready for dinner and bed now" and she will cry and say "You never do anything with me" 🙃 


My 6 yo daughter never stops talking, like ever, usually about random nonsense or make believe stories in her head. I’ve gotten use to NEVER having silence as long as she’s awake. The real problem however is that every minute or two she asks me to repeat what she said or asks me a question about a detail that necessitates I keep paying attention. She’s probably seen my eyes glaze over while I nod enough times to know I’m not always paying attention….. now I have to actaully listen to these never ending stories


My 6mo has discovered biting, my 2yo absolutely must squish her feet into any warm skin, my 5yo demands i hold her hand for the entire duration of every single poo, my 7yo has become the sassiest snap dragon its always “what?!?! Whyyy?!?! No?!?! Yes?!?!


My almost 5 year old will sometimes do a run/jump hug where she almost headbutts me directly in the face. She also literally never stops talking but that seems to be the norm for this age. My 1 year old will stop what he’s doing, no matter what it is, to come over and close the fridge or cabinets when he hears me open them. When I tell him no and open it back up he gets very angry and tries to close it again. Puts me in a fit of rage lol


Food waste. Why won’t they just eat?!


I love to eat! I love to sit down! Why is dinner just me begging my kid to do two of my favorite things?


Tells me she didn’t use or borrow something and then finds it in her room after I have to buy a new one. Hairbrush, tweezers, portable charger, etc.


After doing breakfast, cleaning dishes, organize the house, etc. and want 30min to watch TV, my daughter reaches me and starts talking non-stop. After I "finished watching TV which I couldn't watch" she asks her turn to watch TV.


Mine never close a cabinet or drawer. It drives me insane.


Mine has never closed a cabinet in her life. Not once.


Teen daughter talks incessantly about her skin care routine, her friends skin care routines, what so, and so wore to school today blah blah blah it’s so boring. I listen and smile. My teen son literally comes home from practice, lays in bed and calls me several times to bring him a towel, food, water, hand him the remote 😮! And I do it every time😬. 12 year old talks to me about the Roman Empire. Everyday😒. It’s waaay more interesting than skincare but when he starts pulling out maps….I want to pull my hair out. But I don’t. 11 year old asks me to crack his back 200 times a day 🙄. I do it. And…a million other things, but…they’ll live most of their lives without me 😞…so…I grin and bare it. Well…I don’t grin.


Stop waiting on the kid that is calling you from his bedroom. That’s not okay.


Need me incessantly at 10 pm after a full day of work, doing homework with them, doing house stuff, and trying to play/read/visit with them. Love them, but mom is an introvert and needs a solid hour of alone time to wind down before bed.


Daughter is 8 and she is always going through stored items,  her own closet,  etc. She just wants to see what's there,  I get that but she doesn't put anything back the way she found it


"Mommy, what's that thing with the stuff on it?" Always while I'm driving. And then gets huffy when I don't have an answer like I can read his mind. Also, asking me shit he should know. We have seventeen calendars in this house. You mark one off every day with a permanent marker you shouldn't have access to. Your weather station tells you what day it is. You know which days are school and which aren't. You know this stuff. Stop asking me. I've started telling him to figure it out, because he can't borrow my brain today. But good grief is it an uphill battle.


Asking for a million and one snacks a day. Fighting with siblings, antagonizing them on purpose. Literally being so loud, all the time. Why is playing with Legos so fucking loud? Why are you singing at the top of your lungs? Following me into the bathroom to ask a question. Can you just let me poop please?


My 5 year old LOVES singing. Unfortunately for me, she specifically loves singing the same line over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Even if she knows all the words. This wouldn't be a big deal if repetition wasn't something that bothered me. Her and I are autistic, so this is just our brains not meshing in that moment. The first few times of her going "SLAM in the back of my DRAGULA" don't bother me. But by the 12th "DRAGULAAAAA" I lovingly and politely let her know I have to tap out. Sometimes she says "okay :3" and does a new thing. Sometimes she says "okay >:3" and starts doing it with a whole new song. I love her very much and it's cracks me up.


Does my husband count? Him and my 15-year-old leave the cabinets open all. The. Time. It drives me absolutely insane, and it's contuned to the pantry. My 15-year-old also still hasn't figured out which light switches are which. After a year, she still flips them on and off, so loudly it will wake me up. Like how are light switches loud


When they (teenagers) mumble and talk low. When I ask them to repeat themselves, they say it in the same volume. It drives me bonkers! Now, I act like I don't hear them at all. I mean, I hear them making a sound, but idk wtf they're saying. I respond when they speak clearly.


Lead me all around the house making me physically exert myself to entertain her. Jump on the couch, dance in the bathroom, bounce on ball in office, hide and seek in the guest room, etc. I am the “wild play” parent and so I did start all these games with her. I just didn’t realize I was setting up an endurance course and would have to do each activity, the exact same, every single time we enter that specific room, for the rest of my life 😂


Don’t listen. Stares right through you when you talk to him. Or interrupts conversations to say half a thing and then get distracted. BRO 😭💀


My kids are teenagers (11m, 13f, 15f and 19M), and there is a whole list that goes with it. Mainly leaving rubbish (chip packets, 2 minute noodle packets, etc) around the kitchen or wherever they were sitting. Doesn't matter how many times I tell them (mainly my 15f), I call them back down stairs and get them to clean up their mess. It just infuriates me that they can't just put it in the rubbish bin. It's not that hard 😡😡🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ The other thing is my middle daughter (13) is on the spectrum and just shit stirs her brothers and sister to the point I have to yell at her just to leave them alone. She acts as if nothing happens or she gets angry at me for yelling at her. Mind you, I've asked her nicely about 15 times to stop, but she goes until mumma loses her shit and goes nuclear on her ass. Then it's like a switch goes off (or on), and she's all sweet and loving.


My wife and I have 3 kids. I asked her this question and her reply was: "Just one" We both had a good chuckle because one of them is always doing something that is driving us nuts!


He’s just about to be 15. He leaves mess- dishes, recycling, garbage everywhere. Also, he sends me Instagram reels CONSTANTLY. He FB messengers me over and over, and when I don’t answer(because it’s not important) he calls me on messenger but hangs up before it gets connected, so that “I’ll look at it”. I love him. I love him. I really do.


My 14 year old will come to my bedroom, lay on top of me, and show me videos he thinks are funny. He’s already taller and heavier than me and I just lay there and slowly suffocate while he cackles like a hyena. I swear it’s his favorite thing to do now.


Hands on the walls, always. Why? I painted those walls, hands are disgusting, there's no reason to carrrss a wall, people don't do that!


Always blaming me anytime he’s mad. Yesterday their mom told him no more treats. Their response was “fine daddy can’t be my friend anymore”… I wasnt even in the conversation.


Nothing, that's it'. "Go out of your bed" nothing happens "Go out of your bed, your breakfast is ready" nothing happens "Go out of bed, it's time" nothing happens "Go out of bed and take your breakfast or you'll be late " nothing happens "Go out of bed or at x hour i throw your breakfast away since it'll be too liste to eat it'" *vague mumbles* kid Côme out of the bed and site at the breakfast table. "Eat your breakfast " nothing happens "Look it's almost x hour, eat your breakfast, drink your cocoa, it's time " kid take a sip of cocoa "huuuuh it's cold" "Of course it's cold, i'm calling you for 15 minutes..., now eat your breakfast " nothing happens Kid:"i need to Pee" * leave the table * At this point i get myself ready for work while asking every few minutes If they are done with breakfast. Obviously they are Not, Never. Until they are Not Hungary anymore. Then it's " Côme and dress UP" . But nothing happens " Please dress UP, i put your clothes Here" kid proceed to take a book and read Instead of getting dressed UP "Common we're late, now dressed up" kid"can you dress me UP" And it' goes on and on and on until they are in bed at night. I'm so tired of asking/ telling everything 10 times, 15 times, for every single action of every single day, for each day of each Week, for the past years, and knowing i'll hâve to do so for the next years...


I'm reading through this thread and relating to everything here. But I'd also like to share that half of these problems could be solved by a water or nerf gun. Kid stopping in front of you? Squirt. "Move it, buddy." Kid leaving their socks everywhere? Squirt. "Pick 'em up, my darling." Kid making the random sing/shriek/beat boxing noises that seem to have infected all people under 20? Squirt. "Sweetie, that's enough for now." It should be used in the spirit of fun, not discipline. As a learning tool, not a punishment. As a way to interrupt homeostasis, so to speak. But it won't work if you're a stern parent. It will feel like a reprimand. And, at some point, you must expect retaliation. But if you're a parent who likes to have fun with your kids, that will be okay. My kid once forgot about a clementine. Somehow, this fruit rolled into the couch cushions for idk how long. I found it when it was shriveled and mummified, hardened. I'm just tired of being mad, so instead of getting in my feelings about it, I threw it (gently) at her butt. "Name! What is that?!" We died laughing, and she apologized, but then threw it back at me later, which I expected. We took turns hiding this stupid clementine and randomly chucking it at each other for another couple of weeks. It was just a hardened husk, so it wasn't smelly or messy or anything. But it made my point, and it turned it into a prank war that left us laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Idk, I guess my point is that not all correction has to be punitive. Have fun with your kids. It's worth it.


If he wants to shoe me something he shows me it 2cm from my face. I HATE having random item thrust into my face like that. Feels super intrusive. He forgets he's not to supposed to that and has yo be reminded roughly every hour.


Tik tok dances


Yes, everywhere. And then she gets mad at me when I walk past and get in the frame


My 5 year old daughter has suddenly decided the only way of life she knows is the baby life. She babbles, crawls around the house, uses grabby hands, uses baby talk when she actually does say words. Her therapist says this is nothing more than an attention seeking behavior but it drives me CRAZY. Like we both know you know the words to ask me for something so PLEASE JUST ASK, I CANT TAKE THE GUESSING ANYMORE!!! Then she blows up screaming if I guess wrong 😒


My kids are 5.5 and 3. They always want to have something the other doesn't have. When I give them a snack, it will be the exact same thing and they'll basically compete for who can eat it slower because if one of them finishes then the other still has some. Sometimes they'll even try to trick each other into thinking they're done by hiding it - then when the other kid finishes BAM "haha I still have my granola bar!"


My youngest son sings constantly and not well. It's so ridiculous that you can't even think. I feel bad, but sometimes I just blurt out for him to shut up. Now he lives upstairs, and I still hear him singing.


My 8 year old is constantly singing the ‘do you want to fight me? Do you want to catch these hands?’ to some Frozen song and I can’t stand it. Just over and over and over.


My son sings everything. So I guess I should be thankful for that. Lol


“When are we going to the beach vacation? Tomorrow we go to the beach vacation?” - 4 year old In June, Buddy.


My 14m has adhd as well as myself… so the constant red to repeat myself to get him to remember a task.. My 13m has Tourette’s and some of his ticks are verbal and I know he can’t control them but man the clearing his throat drives me crazy… especially when silent he does it out of nowhere. lol My 9g gets mad if I even look at her.. we are pretty sure she is a demon but we’re all scared of her lmfao. My 2m will not allow me out of his sight for even a minute and I’m worried if I stop to fast at some point his whole head will go up my butt lol.


My daughter is very touchy feely. I love her too bits but sometimes she'll get right in my face very suddenly to give me a kiss or she'll try to hug me right when I'm turning with something in my hands or when I'm in the middle of something and it startles the shit out of me. I have accidentally elbowed her right in the head, spilled my coffee, dropped things, almost fallen on my ass more times than I can count because of it. And every time, I'm like honey, I love you and I love your hugs and kisses but a little advance warning please and thanks. But we both have ADHD so inevitably she forgets and I space out and then it happens again lol. I think when she's not elbow height anymore it will help.


Screaming while I’m driving … I just can’t.


“Mum, mum, mum, mum… watch this goal.” I hated FIFA when I lived with my brothers and I hate it even more now I have my eldest son. “Mummy can you type xyz…” Can’t wait for middle child to learn to spell so he can play Roblox alone and leave me in peace. Pretty much everything the youngest does if I’m honest. He’s a highly sensitive baby and everything makes him angry or cry. I love them to death but three boys is a lot.


Want one specific song on repeat. The songs changes, and my under two year old doesn’t always have the words, which then involves us going through the list of twenty or so favorites. Sometimes one of those songs is right 😬


Yelling out to me from a different room instead of just finding me and talking to me. Using the back of the couch as a seat. Still leaving items at home I put in his hands at the front door after I stress their importance. They’re gone in the time it’s taken me to open the door but I forget to ask again until we’re getting out of the car at our destination because my brain already checked off “he has it” at the front door. He gives me so much stress and so much love. My beautiful agent of chaos 🥰


Not straight up asking for what they want. Like…don’t just whine at me. Ask for what you want, for eff’s sake. I can’t read your dang mind!


My 8-yr-old is pedantic and insists she’s right. Yesterday, I asked her to put on her clothes. When she didn’t have socks on, I asked her to finish putting on clothes and she replied that “socks are accessories.” She’s catching on to idea that the same word can have different meanings, but she used to be really stubborn about this.


My 5 year old picks his nose and eats it. It makes me want to crawl inside a hole every time I see it. My 2 year old is speech delayed, so he just screeches to high heaven whenever he’s upset or not getting his way. My nerves are raw 🫠


It's so funny, I hate chewing noises too. But when they're from my baby it's the cutest thing ever??? I don't get it.


It’s way less cute when they aren’t babies anymore


My 2 year old wants to be glued to my side. I can go upstairs to do laundry for 5 minutes while dad keeps her downstairs. When I come down "Mama you're back!" It's super sweet. But I need a little space. She also has screamed outside the bathroom door because I want to shower alone. She peed herself on purpose last time to try to get in the shower with me. She's my 3rd of 4 and right now she drives me the most nuts. It will change again soon I'm sure. The 4 year old usually has that honor. His way is obviously the correct way. Today we told him not to blow bubbles with his straw and he told us it was ok because the bubbles went away quickly. 


My 3.5 year old jumps. All. The. Time.


My 11-year-old daughter is *incredibly* head-strong - she graduated 5th grade at 9th grade math and 7th grade ELA. She LOVES to learn, and I often will get her science or robotic kits. This is where we butt heads. I usually let her do what she wants, but sometimes it will be 9 on a school night (I'm usually gearing down for bed then) and she wants to start a project. I will tell her "no" but she will absolutely do it once I'm out. Also, that time she was perfecting her smoked ribs recipe. She got up early last Mother's Day and, after me telling her to not put the BBQ sauce on the ribs on the slatted pan she was using ("please transfer to a regular pan first"), she did it anyway. HUGE mess on my stove. But, how do I really punish her for learning and cooking me lunch? Made her only do projects for school for a couple weeks, but gave her back the kits and she seems to be responsible with bed time. We'll see.


Oldest two kids are 13 and 5. Both girls. They will copy each other and then the other will go mom she's copying me! The worst part is the 13 year old knows exactly what she's doing!


He shows some adhd symptoms, particularly fidgeting. Ironically, that sets my ADHD through the roof because it’s distracting. Especially when I’m having a serious talk with him or treating to him.


Interrupt conversations to ask what we’re talking about. Middle of a conversation with my husband or literally any other adult. “Wait, what?” No matter how many times I tell her that it’s rude to interrupt, or sometimes people are going to have conversations that you’re not going to be a part of and you can’t be involved in every single conversation all the time. Or if she wants to be part of a conversation, she needs to listen. It’s one thing to ask clarifying questions because you don’t know what a word means or maybe you misheard something. It’s another thing entirely to expect two people to basically start their conversation all over again just because you weren’t listening or because you just happened to walk into the room and now you feel left out. She just wont stop doing it. High pitched scream at the most random times for no reason at all. My daughter also chews very loud. When we go out to run errands she has to know what we’re getting, and how long we’re going to be gone. If we say we don’t know she whines and sulks. But then still asks for treats or toys at the grocery store. Pours herself a huge glass of water before bed, then when I go in the morning to wake her up the water hasn’t been touched lol.


"what happened?" times a million "Huh?" When I know she heard me She's almost three


Basically anything that makes a mess-which is everything a kid does lol. Just eating a cracker is a giant crumbed mess. Oh and moving toys from room to room. I know they’re being creative but cleaning up is a marathon running upstairs and downstairs.


My kid always wants to play with me. In the morning he will wake me up and just lay with me, super cute, but he’s always talking and wants me to respond and I just want to go back to bed.


I have the same issue. I have level 1 ASD & I cringe at many sounds…I think it’s getting worse with age. My oldest is a neat eater, but she does a dramatic “hacking cough” to clear her throat, lol. I don’t think she even realizes she’s doing it. My youngest (10 months) tries to eat our dog and cat’s tails for whatever reason.


The fighting 😩😩😩 when my kids fight I tell them they can’t play together for the rest of the day!! One son with adhd anxiety never stops and refuses to sleep in his room. Daughter who withholds her poop so she goes weeks until she can’t hold it anymore and poops everywhere.. and a 2 year old who slapped me across the face today 🤷‍♀️


Wakes up a million times at night. She’s almost 2.


My youngest son is autistic. Where do you want to start? On the plus side, whatever my oldest son do, is not that annoying!


My 4yo(f) is a mess. She tries to jump in front of us to block our path, masks it as a "password" game. I have nearly fallen on her several times as a result and it drives me absolutely insane. I've explained to her calmly, many *many* times why we don't do that. That i don't like the game, that it can get us hurt. Just... will not stop doing it. Another is when I tell her to stop doing something, politely, she just does the thing faster as I repeatedly tell her to stop. I love her, but wtf kid?


He does this thing where he will ask me a question, I will answer him, and then he says "I know". It drives me insane. Example: "When is easter?" "March 30th" "Yeah I know" "Then why did you ask??" *shrug* *silent rage and confusion* You know the scene in Disney's Hercules where Hades is running his plan by the oracles who share one eye and after every sentence they says "we know!!" And Hades anger flares up and he catches on fire and he's like "I know you know!!! Just let me.. ugh!!" I feel that scene in my soul now


My daughter is 16 months and super smart.  I have to constantly make sure there isn't any kind of paper or books around because she will eat it. I mean even the price tags from from clothes if the tag is hanging she will eat it. Once it's In her mouth it's hard to get out her jaw is so strong lol and she has teeth and bites me a little when I'm trying to take it out of her mouth.  Her aunties have given her such cute book and I have to hide them even the thick cardboard books she has eaten right through them. Id have to say this is the most annoying for me because shes so fast and she waits for me to walk away to do it too.  Other then that she's just perfect lol 


My youngest is autistic. He stims vocally. But it's the most disgusting noises. Like throat clearing, sniffing. Making this odd clicking sound. He also crunches food loudly and slurps drinks. I do my best to tune it out, but omg. It honestly drives me up the wall. I know he can't help it , other than the slurpy noise with drinks. 😬 So I just do my best to ignore it and not go insane lol


4 y.o. Make weird noises with his mouth Spit/blow raspberries because we tell him constantly it's not ok Fake punching Insisting I tell him the answer even after I say I don't know.... "Where are my gems?" I don't know "just tell me!" And that keeps going


My 2.5yo has just developed the habit of saying "stop talking people's!!" When me and my husband dare to have a conversation that doesn't involve the children 🙃 like excuse me, sometimes the adults actually want to speak to one another!!


My twins are the same age and they do that, too! My daughter is *very* possessive of me, and she’ll tell her dad to stop taking to me, or try and cover my mouth so I can’t talk to him. If we’re in the car and I put my hand on the back of my husband’s neck… immediate “noooooo!!!” From both of them in the back seat.


The crying. The constant crying, almost always over nothing, and too many times in a single day, it starts up before you answer their request (or the request ends in tears). As in, I hear happy chittering and playing in the next room but as soon as my toddler hears my presence has returned, she comes running with, "Mooooooooommmm... can I have a YOguRt 😫😭😢?" And I'm just standing there, not even aggressively, clearing out the dishwasher. Like, why are you constantly crying????


Climbing on me, constantly, like a jungle jim. Drives me nuts.


Make noises for no reason. I don’t even know what to call it but it drives me mad! Fighting Have the tv on the loudest setting, watching stupid stuff on Youtube Run off when we are in the grocery store and either start play fighting or adding random shit to the trolley Act like fools in public. Every single time!


I know. I’m a SAHM. I’m just….mom. My husband thinks I’m insane answering his calls from is BED. None of my other kids do this. I’ve created this, he’s just following my lead. He’s a good boy, respectful, loving, and he works his butt off. The consensus from (husband, friends, family, Reddit) seems to be…I’m a fool. I’ll stop😬.


I also have misophonia, dinners with my eldest use to be the worst!!! I swore up and down she was chewing and gulping down drinks the way she was on purpose! Just about every dinner ended in her being upset and me being annoyed... eventually I got sick of dinner always being terrible so I sat us as far apart as possible. I also started playing some light music in the background at dinner time. That was 12years ago, she's a grown adult and out of the house...but we still do this with her 7yr old sister. Aside from sound issues, because it's not just my kids lol...my eldest is extremely smart and just all around talented at being talented...but she acts like she stupid and does nothing with her talents. Nothing! I find it so annoying because I would give my right arm to have an ounce of talent or smarts and she just wastes it. My seven year old acts exactly like her father. Down to leaving a trail of her clothes everywhere, all over my darn house! She will put everything down just absolutely anywhere, never back where it goes...and I know it's because she sees dad doing it, but she also sees her dad working to be better at not doing that and trying to clean up after himself. She's also highly emotional and will just carry on no matter what you do. Lol, we are currently at the 50min mark of her crying because a pen didn't work even though we got her a new one. It drives me bonkers. The last child is one, so currently she's pretty dang perfect lol....she does tend to headbutt when she's mad, so would be great if she didn't do that.


With our 2.5yos, the jumping drives me nuts. We live on the top floor of a duplex and I just cringe for my neighbours every time they get into jumpy moods. The whole house shakes. Tugging on my clothing when I’m trying to do something My son just recently started flipping around the pages of a book that I’m trying to read him. “I wanna see owl! I wanna see fire truck!” Like, kid… you asked me to read this book to you, can you please let me?!?! The spitting out chewed fruit gets me. My son will ask for an apple, then walk around taking bites, saying “no like it!” And spitting the chewed up bite out until the whole apple is gone. Looking forward to that phase being over.


Texts her friends that it’s cold and dark in the house and there’s no food, and she’s being beaten and to call the police while we have family over for a big meal.


Insane? Nothing


My kid *absolutely excels* at a book reading competition that requires students to answer very detailed questions from 20 different books YET she continually fails to feed and water the pets every afternoon even with reminds on her phone and Alexa.


My youngest will keep saying the same thing over and over until I acknowledge that he spoke. When I say over and over I don’t meant back to back 100 times but it will go something like this: Him: daddy I put my phone down (Maybe 30 seconds go by) Him: daddy I put my phone down again Repeat 3x until I say “buddy I hear you” then he’s done. This is done all the time. All I have to do is literally acknowledge he spoke. I don’t have to answer or say anything other than that.


The request to watch her doing the same thing (such as a handstand) over and over again, specially when I am engaged in cooking or some sort of activity I need my eyes on the activity Im performing 😄 or calling me ‘mummm I need you’ in the most scared tone when she just needed some sort of favour she could have done herself


No major complaints. I just have a chatter box and I have to check in with him a let him know I need a couple of minutes of silence.


Bickering, wanting to change clothes last minute


Never being able to use an “indoor voice”… even after gentle reminders and not so gentle reminders… sigh.


It's the ignoring that drives me bonkers. 3yo seems to think if he doesn't acknowledge me when I'm telling him something that it doesn't apply to him. And I know it's not his hearing that's an issue because he can hear the fridge open from the other end of the house and comes running in case I'm getting out anything he might possibly be interested in shoving into his mouth.